Readme for IBM® Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.1 Interim Fix 487185
Readme file for: IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark
Product/Component Release: 2.2.1
Update Name: Interim Fix 487185
Fix ID: cws-2.2.1-build487185
Publication date: Jun 8, 2018
This interim fix resolves the issue of Deep Learning Impact training job deadlock for an IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark v2.2.1 Spark instance group that uses Spark versions 1.6.1, 2.1.1, and 2.2.0.
1. Download location
2. Products or components affected
3. Installation and configuration
4. List of files
5. Copyright and trademark information
1. Download location
Download Fix 487185 from the following location:
2. Products or components affected
· IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark v2.2.1
· Spark version 1.6.1, 2.1.1, 2.2.0
· Linux 64-bit
· cws-2.2.1-build487185
3. Installation and configuration
System requirements
· Linux 64-bit
Before installation
1. IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark v2.2.1 must be installed on a supported operating system. For details, see
2. Log on as the cluster
administrator and stop the ascd service:
egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
egosh service stop ascd
3. For
recovery purposes, log on to each management host in the cluster and back up
the following file to another directory:
1. Log on to
each management host in your cluster as the cluster administrator and decompress the cws- package to the directory
where you installed IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark.
mkdir -p /tmp/fix487185
> tar
zoxf cws- -C /tmp/fix487185
tar zoxf /tmp/fix487185/lifecycle.tgz -C $EGO_TOP
2. Delete all
subdirectories and files in the ascd/workarea directory:
rm –rf $EGO_TOP/ascd/workarea/*
NOTE: If you
changed the default configuration for the WLP_OUTPUT_DIR environment
variable and APPEND_HOSTNAME_TO_WLP_OUTPUT_DIR is set to true in the $EGO_CONFDIR/wlp.conf file, you must clean up the $WLP_OUTPUT_DIR/ascd_hostname/ascd/workarea/ directory.
3. Start the ascd service:
> egosh
user logon -u Admin -x Admin
egosh service start ascd
4. On the client machine where you have a browser, decompress the cws- package. For example, on Linux:
> mkdir -p /tmp/fix487185
> tar zoxf cws- -C /tmp/fix487185
5. Launch a browser and clear the browser cache; then log in to the cluster management console as Admin.
6. Remove the Spark package if it exists. For example, for Spark 1.6.1:
a. Click Workload > Spark > Version Management.
b. Check 1.6.1.
c. Click Remove.
7. Add the new Spark package to your cluster. For example, for Spark 1.6.1:
a. Click Workload > Spark > Version Management.
b. Click Add.
c. Click Browse and select the /tmp/fix487185/Spark1.6.1-Conductor2.2.1.tgz package.
8. Click Add.
After installation
1. Create a new Spark instance group that uses the new Spark package, for example, Spark 1.6.1. For details, see
2. If required, upgrade your existing Spark instance groups to use the new Spark package, for example, Spark 1.6.1. For details, see
For existing Spark instance groups, updating does not involve deleting and re-creating Spark instance groups. This patch takes effect for both newly created and updated Spark instance groups.
4. List of files
· asc-common-2.2.1.jar
· asc-core-2.2.1.jar
5. Copyright and trademark information
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2018
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM®, the IBM logo, and® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at