Thank you for your interest in PowerHA SystemMirror for Linux Release 7.2.2 SP 1.
You must check the following link for the detailed steps regarding PowerHA installation and configuration:
Given below are the basic steps to follow for installing PowerHA Linux.
Extracting PowerHA Release
Extract the PowerHA SystemMirror PowerHA_7.2.2_Linux64.tar.gz file by entering the command:
tar -xvf <tar file>
cd PHA7221Linux64
Before you install PowerHA SystemMirror in your Linux environments, you must ensure that all prerequisites are met.
SLES Prerequisites:
- KSH93 (ksh-93vu-18.1.ppc64li) and PERL packages are required on SLES systems.
Note: You must use the ksh93vu version suggested by SUSE.
Download the KSH93 package from the SUSE website.
The downloaded files contain an SRC package for ksh-93vu-18.1.src.rpm that needs to be compiled to get ksh-93vu-18.1.ppc64le.rpm. To know more about RPM packages, check the SUSE technical notes (Section 6.2.5 Installing and Compiling Source Packages) at the SUSE Documentation website.
RHEL Prerequisites:
- KSH93 (ksh-20120801), PERL, Bzip2, nfs-utils, bind-utils, sg3_utils, lvm2, lsscsi and perl-Pod-Parser are required on RHEL systems.
Also, make sure that either the network firewall is disabled or the following ports are enabled on all nodes:
NAME | PORT # | |
RSCT RMC (TCP) | 657 | |
RSCT RMC (UDP) | 657 | |
RSCT HATS (UDP) | 12347 | |
RSCT HAGS (UDP) | 12348 | |
CLCOMD (TCP) | 16191 | |
Events (TCP) | 12143 | |
Events (UDP) | 12143 |
Prerequisites validation
You can check the status of the prerequisites using the installPHA script:
./installPHA --onlyprereqcheck
Once you have verified that the prerequisites are available you can then install PowerHA SystemMirror for Linux with:
You will be prompted to read and accept the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement at the time.
Should you ever need to uninstall PowerHA SystemMirror for Linux, you can use:
Installation and Uninstallation traces
The Installation and uninstallation process is traced in the following logs: