Overview and Recommended levels

PowerHA 7.2.2 Service Pack 1 is now available for download as of June, 2018.

NOTE: PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2.2 SP 1 testing has been done on the following AIX levels and are recommended:

  • AIX 7.2 TL01 SP4
  • AIX 7.2 TL00 SP6
  • AIX 7.2 TL02 SP3
  • AIX 7.2 TL03 SP0
  • AIX 7.1 TL04 SP6
  • AIX 7.1 TL05 SP3
  • AIX 7.1 TL03 SP9*

*Versions in gray are not recommended.

NOTE: PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2.2 SP 1 is not supported with AIX 6.1 release.


The Service Pack contains all the known fixes since 7.2.2 Gold release. See the complete list of APARs included in the later section.

PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2.2 Service Pack 1 contains Enhanced features of Log Analyzer which includes following functionality:

  • Enhancement to the existing analysis mechanism
  • Refinement to the report generated by Log analyzer
  • Progress indicator
  • Analysis of more errors/events
  • Automatic turn on/off tracing in PowerHA First failure data capture

PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2.2 Service Pack 1 provides several new enhancements in the GUI, including:

  • The ability to delete some items from the cluster configruation.
  • Improved view of cluster resources.
  • For more details, please refer to the IBM PowerHA SystemMirror knowledge center.

NOTE: When the GUI server restarts after its update is complete, the GUI agents on all connected clusters might need to be restarted to restore their communication connection with the server. An agent can be restarted using "stopsrc -s phauiagent; sleep 11; startsrc -s phauiagent", or as an alternative, rediscover each cluster.

AIX and PowerHA: Latest Fix Information

There could be some new fixes for the Service Pack (since the release time). To review any important fixes that could be applicable to this Service Pack, please visit the following web page:


This page lists critical defects information that may be applicable for your AIX and PowerHA levels.

APAR List in the Service Pack

New security APARs

Security updates are initially released as interim fixes to expedite availability. The updates are later repackaged in the same format as generally available PowerHA SystemMirror updates.

New APARs with Abstract included in this service pack

IJ03221 duplicate entries of sharedvg for maxdb application
IJ03222 unexpected messages in split merge configuration
IJ03224 ha:clxd_ds8k_failover_gm missing -tgtse option for mkflash cmd
IJ03226 nfs tie breaker may show opendir() errno 127
IJ03227 division of help message for ds8k_gm and xiv_rm
IJ03228 unable to replace active repository disk with a new one
IJ03241 powerha hangs on attempt to unmount '/'
IJ03242 remove concurrent_access option support from "clmgr add vg"
IJ03257 log files having write permissions for groups and others
IJ03258 manual discovery for websphere mq failed.
IJ03259 better message for "add node" when no nodes are available
IJ03260 dsp_msg error while trying to modify physical volume
IJ03261 cl_mkuser command with force flag is hanging
IJ03262 manual discovery for sap ers instance failed
IJ03263 incorrect search of a english string from command output.
IJ03264 remove dead code of path variable initialization.
IJ03265 ha clmgr cannot do online/offline rg secondary
IJ03266 error message is not proper when listing only active vgs
IJ03267 clstrmgr loses state of persistent ip during dyn reconfig
IJ03268 clmgr allows to add tie-breaker disk as repo disk
IJ03269 clmgr command failed to delete hitachi mg
IJ03270 warning message in c-spoc pick list
IJ03271 ha: cl_mirrorset may fail to retrieve lv partition data
IJ03272 glvm incorrect management of sas disks
IJ03355 multiple defunc processes of clevmgrd daemon
IJ03356 powerha fails to start nfs rg if nfsd is inoperative.
IJ03357 new caa capabilities is not handled after aix upgrade
IJ03358 incorrect force flag set variable spoc_force in cl_mkgroup
IJ03420 new gui code update and generated the tar along respective il files - sp
IJ03443 heartbeat type is set as "m" for linked cluster
IJ03444 fixing the help message for emcsrdf utilities
IJ03445 incorrect display message for absence of app controllers
IJ03567 missing cpu amount in rohalog during yank
IJ03748 comm error during verify and sync on aix 72
IJ03751 resource group in error state leaves some resources active
IJ03752 sap sa: connector.log file may not be updated for all as users
IJ03756 clrgmove has errors in command line parsing
IJ03824 failover rehearsals output display source code file name.
IJ03825 migration fails if phauiagent exists in inittab
IJ03826 powerha gui code updating
IJ03830 loadwparname returns error string for unknown wpar
IJ03835 enhanced disk failure analysis mechanism in log analyzer
IJ04014 powerha: updating source code id string
IJ04062 cl_rsh does not find correct node is caa stopped
IJ04083 ha: exportfs error due to sub-paths in exports file
IJ04101 /var/hacmp/log filling up with ps_ef and errpt files
IJ04195 powerha gui fixes related to service ip,logs,zones and jfs.
IJ04301 epcod roha cpu resources not released during rgmove operation
IJ04303 remove cluster does not empty sap s.assist odm class
IJ04330 glvm cluster unable to activate shared gmvg
IJ04437 ha:rg is set to online state even if ha failed to acquire the vg
IJ04440 ha tiebreaker winning node hangs in long loop, loses disks
IJ04444 file collection is working only for 2 node cluster
IJ04446 sap connector commands show old resource group name
IJ04450 restrict system directories for file collection
IJ04491 powerha gui fixes related to rg, installer and file system.
IJ04525 lpm tunables not initialized correctly during cluster creation.
IJ04528 unable to create concurrent vg for a non concurrent rg
IJ04634 powerha gui major fixes related to deletion of resource group with accessibility.
IJ04686 powerha gui fixes related to service ip and accessibility.
IJ04707 ha cldare fails with "could not resolve node name checking" msg
IJ04708 ha warning bad string for aix runtime expert paramater values
IJ04880 cllog displays incorrect log information
IJ04883 the powerha gui does not get notified of storage changes
IJ04914 powerha gui fixes related to dashboard and accessibility.
IJ04976 verify sync throwing error during cluster creation
IJ04979 gui fixes related to html, rg, admin and cluster tree.
IJ04983 c-spoc mirror vg function does not move from two mirror copies to three.
IJ05054 rg set to online even if filesystems fail to mount
IJ05056 powerha gui fixes related to success message and service ip.
IJ05058 pep left in uncomplaint state with resource allocation order 1
IJ05088 powerha: smui server fails to refresh with short hostname
IJ05174 clstrmgr coredump due to memory leak in adapter map
IJ05288 powerha gui fix related to resources(vg & fs) display on gui
IJ05335 cannot add third node due to file collection sync fail.
IJ05373 powerha gui fixes related to fs, general tab and error message.
IJ05437 clmgr online cluster -h do not shows manage=delayed option
IJ05447 gui fixes related to fs tab and deletion of multiple controller
IJ05474 start cluster services doesn't start caa
IJ05546 gui fixes related to id string, vg and rg related issue.
IJ05549 c-spoc does not indicate that pvid assigned to disk
IJ05627 gui fixes related to jfs, rg and terminal content copy.
IJ05629 ha: malformed clverify output on user's security parameters.
IJ05630 network_fdt is set to zero after 721 snapshot conversion
IJ05847 db2 scripts may show version:not found err msg
IJ05879 gui fixes for vg/fs deletion, gathering data issue fix
IJ05880 powerha script for aix live kernel update (lku) not registered for aix version greater than 7.2.2
IJ05978 cllssr not giving proper error
IJ06001 gui fixes related to vg, fs, timeline and ui agent.
IJ06017 manual entry of pvid is allowed in smit for replacing repository
IJ06027 powerha gui update
IJ06056 in smit, "heartbeat mechanism' field is not available
IJ06263 lpm script no longer registered after a powerha upgrade
IJ06293 gui fixes related security, service ip, tabs and application.
IJ06294 application monitor is not active after clstart
IJ06295 hacmp.out may show ‘status: not found' error during lpm
IJ06417 clmgr sync cluster fix=yes does not autocorrect problems
IJ06688 nfs twin not correctly selected if multiple adapter failures
IJ06781 gui fixes related to translation, activity log and migration.
IJ06782 clmgr resource group help is not correct
IJ06783 sa:failed to detect when ers and scs are online on the same node
IJ06993 repository disks listed for volume group creation in gui
IJ07217 correction of prolog information in powerha source files
IJ07218 fixing the issue in ezupdate help message
IJ07256 The GUI server database is not getting updated

7.2.2 SP1 Filesets with associated APARs

Associated APARs
cluster.es.assist.db2_7.2.2.1.bff IJ05847
cluster.es.assist.maxdb_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03221
cluster.es.assist.sap_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03262 IJ03263 IJ03752 IJ06783
cluster.es.assist.wmq_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03258
cluster.es.client.clcomd_7.2.2.1.bff IJ04062
cluster.es.client.lib_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03227 IJ03242 IJ03260 IJ03265 IJ03268 IJ03269 IJ04014 IJ04525 IJ04528 IJ05088 IJ05437 IJ06993
cluster.es.client.rte_7.2.2.1.bff IJ04014 IJ05174 IJ05880
cluster.es.client.utils_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03270
cluster.es.cspoc.cmds_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03228 IJ03261 IJ03358 IJ04983
cluster.es.cspoc.rte_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03261 IJ03266 IJ05549
cluster.es.genxd.cmds_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03224 IJ03269
cluster.es.server.diag_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03748 IJ04708 IJ05629 IJ07217
cluster.es.server.events_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03241 IJ03242 IJ03265 IJ03271 IJ03272 IJ03356 IJ03567 IJ03830 IJ04014 IJ04083 IJ04101 IJ04301 IJ04437 IJ05054 IJ05058 IJ05088 IJ06295 IJ06688 IJ06782 IJ07217 IJ07287
cluster.es.server.rte_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03222 IJ03226 IJ03257 IJ03259 IJ03267 IJ03355 IJ03445 IJ03751 IJ03835 IJ04014 IJ04440 IJ05174 IJ05474 IJ05630 IJ05880 IJ06017 IJ06056 IJ06263 IJ06294 IJ07217 IJ07287
cluster.es.server.utils_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03261 IJ03266 IJ03357 IJ03443 IJ03752 IJ03756 IJ03824 IJ03830 IJ04014 IJ04303 IJ04330 IJ04444 IJ04446 IJ04450 IJ04707 IJ04880 IJ04883 IJ04976 IJ05088 IJ05335 IJ06417 IJ06993 IJ07217 IJ07218
cluster.es.smui.agent_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03420 IJ03825 IJ03826 IJ04014 IJ04195 IJ04491 IJ04634 IJ04979 IJ05288 IJ05373 IJ05447 IJ05546 IJ05627 IJ05879 IJ06001 IJ06027 IJ06293 IJ06781
cluster.es.smui.server_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03420 IJ03826 IJ04014 IJ04195 IJ04491 IJ04634 IJ04686 IJ04914 IJ04979 IJ05056 IJ05288 IJ05373 IJ05447 IJ05546 IJ05627 IJ05879 IJ06001 IJ06027 IJ06293 IJ06781 IJ07256
cluster.es.sr.cmds_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03444 IJ05978
cluster.es.sr.rte_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03444
cluster.es.svcpprc.rte_7.2.2.1.bff IJ03264
cluster.msg.en_US.es.server_7.2.2.1.bff IJ06056 IJ07217