Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony 7.1.2 Interim Fix 478190

Readme File for: IBM Spectrum Symphony

Product Release: 7.1.2

Update Name: Interim Fix 478190

Fix ID: sym-7.1.2-build478190-citizens

Publication Date: December 29, 2017

When IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.1.2 is installed on Apache Ambari for use with IBM Open Platform Hadoop distributions, the Resource Manager and Node Manager cannot be started after the Hadoop 2.7.2-20 patch is applied. This issue occurs because Hadoop 2.7.2-20 is not a supported version for IBM Spectrum Symphony. This interim fix enhances IBM Spectrum Symphony to support patch-level upgrade for Hadoop 2.7.2.


1. List of fixes

2. Download location

3. Product and components affected

4. Installation and configuration

5. Uninstallation

6. List of files

7. Copyright and trademark information

1.     List of fixes

APAR: P102476

2.     Download location

Download interim fix 478190 from the following location:

3.     Product and components affected

Component name, Platform, Fix ID:

YARN, Linux x86_64, sym-7.1.2-build478190-citizens

4.     Installation and configuration

Follow the instructions in this section to download and install this interim fix in your cluster.

System requirements

Linux x86_64


a.      Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and disable your applications:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin     

> soamcontrol app disable all

b.      Upgrade Hadoop 2.7.2-20 patch

·        From the Ambari dashboard, stop all services

·        Start the IBM Spectrum Symphony service stack from the Ambari dashboard.

·        Select the IBM Spectrum Symphony Services page. In the Service Actions list, click Unintegration.

·        Upgrade the 2.7.2-20 patch

·        Start the IBM Spectrum Symphony service stack from the Ambari dashboard.

·        Select the IBM Spectrum Symphony Services page. In the Service Actions list, click Integration.

c.      Log on to each host in the cluster and back up the following file, which will be replaced by this interim fix:


d.      On each host, copy the sym- package and install the interim fix:

> tar zxfo sym- -C $EGO_TOP

e.      Start the Resource Manager and Node Manager components from the Ambari GUI.

f.       Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and enable your applications:

> soamcontrol app enable <appName>

5.     Uninstallation

If required, follow the instructions in this section to uninstall this interim fix in your cluster.

a.      Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator, disable your applications:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

> soamcontrol app disable all

b.      Stop the Resource Manager and Node Manager from the Ambari GUI.

c.      Log on to each host in the cluster and restore the following file from your backup:


d.      Start the Resource Manager and Node Manager from the Ambari GUI.

e.      Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and enable your applications:

> soamcontrol app enable <appName>

6.     List of files


7.     Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2017

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IBM®, the IBM logo, and® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at