IMPORTANT WARNING: Please note that the release notes below are divided into two sections. The first section describes fixes specific to Gentran:Server for Windows product, whereas the second describes fixes associated with the Common Component Translator shared with other Gentran products. To ensure you understand all the changes affecting your product version for a given patch number, you need to review both sections. ========================================================================= PATCH RELEASE NOTES IBM® Sterling Gentran:Server® for Microsoft Windows 5.3 Patch 11 ========================================================================= ************************************************************************** PATCH 1 ************************************************************************** QC DEFECT: 1420 DATE: 5/23/11 MODULE: Mercury.exe, MClient.exe, Mercui30.dll, MBoxArc.exe, MailboxArchive.dll, XAGENT30.DLL, Mbfile30.dll, MBMAPI30.dll, fpi.dll, GentranAdapter.dll, SAPAdapter.dll, SAPServer.exe, Gencom97.exe, GenComUI.dll, ComStart.exe, InsCnvrt.exe, PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The install program has an issue with Windows XP 32-bit client joining to a Windows 2008 64-bit server. The reason for this error is because the client is unable to access the server's registry. On a 64-bit GSW server, the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce" registry key does not exist. 64-bit Windows automatically redirected it to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sterling Commerce" instead. This is not an issue for a Win2003, Vista, or Win7 client. Those newer operating systems automatically handled the remote registry redirections. This only happens on a XP client. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the core registry class to use the KEY_WOW64_32KEY flag in registry calls. This allows the XP client to access the 32-bit registry section on the 64-bit server. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1285 DATE: 6/3/2011 MODULE: XPAgnt30.dll, Xprocess.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 5 lines of MIME header are not stripped on Inbound HTTP file from Commerce:Center . FIX DESCRIPTION: Added functionality to XProcess to allow for the stipping off of MIME Headers from inbound files through the mailbox. Option "14" was added and needs to be supplied with the data start tag (i.e. "14 ISA"). XProcess will then strip everything from the file that preceeds the "ISA" tag. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1630 DATE: 6/3/11 MODULE: sapint.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: SAP Extension does not put the correct version in the SAPStat table. -Extract creates a 0-byte file if SAP Version =7xx (700,701). The -Translate will add the statuses to the table and -Update will update the statuses. But when -Extract runs the Version needs to be changed to a 6xx (600,601) version to be able to create information in the Status iDoc. Otherwise the rows are removed from the table and the iDoc will not have the information added. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added logic to include idoc version 7xx so that it matches what 6xx does during the extract process. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1439 DATE: 6/6/2011 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Edifact UNB/UNH Control Numbers do not allow Alpha characters in Partner Editor FIX DESCRIPTION: Added functionality to allow Edifact standards to use Alpha-numeric characters in the "Last Used Control Number" Field for outbound interchanges. It will also verify that the last value of the entry is a number and not an alphabetic character. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1613 DATE: 6/8/11 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Cannot use Extended ASCII characters in Partner Editor for any separator in the Outbound ISA Envelope. This restriction is not notated in X12 standards. FIX DESCRIPTION: Extended ASCII characters (hex codes 80 thru FF) are now allowed. So any ASCII character with hex code 00 thru FF is now valid for Element Separator, Sub-Element Separator, Segment Terminator, and Repetition Separator. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1602 DATE: 6/8/11 MODULE: RpcSrv.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When automatic file concatenation is enabled, the system is concatenating files of different file extensions during Mailbox Import. This was causing issues because they might use different system import maps to process data. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added logic to only concatenate files with the same file extension. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1288 DATE: 6/8/2011 MODULE: SAPINT.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: One SAP status file contains idoc status records for two different systems. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to the DoExtractProcess that writes the .dat file to verify that the date/time stamp is not already being used for another file. If it is, we'll sleep for a second and get a new date/time stamp to use. The should fix the problem of multiple extracts running in the same second writing to the same file. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1142 DATE: 6/15/11 MODULE: Unattend.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Duplicate interchanges sent by GDW_Send and GSW_Send_Receive after failed communication sessions. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added check for a corresponding mailbox message with an Unread status. If found, the interchange in question was previous sent and will not be sent again. As a result, the interchange status will be changed from "Ready to Send" to "Queued" and audit message 1-3-1605 will be written. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1636 DATE: 6/28/2011 MODULE: XPAgnt30.dll, Xprocess.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: New XPAgent function to strip Mime headers did not work with mixed case strings FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to make the string comparison fuction ignore case when comparing string values _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1394 DATE: 6/28/2011 MODULE: TxAckGen.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: IK5 segments for 999 Acknowlgements was not outputting an error code "5" when an error was reported on the inbound data. FIX DESCRIPTION: Hard coded the 999's to input an error code "5" in the IK5 segment for all errors reported when processing an inbound doc. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1645 DATE: 08/12/11 MODULE: EDIMGR.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Interchange window displays wrong data for specific partner when viewing data at the group level. FIX DESCRIPTION: Discovered that the pop-up menu state for the tree view of the interchange browser was not refreshing as you moved through the tree. This would result in the previous menu state for the interchange level being maintained for the group level which was allowing the user to select the view option which should be grayed out. I have updated this so that each time the pop-up menu is called, it refreshes and gets the correct menu state _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1643 DATE: 08/12/2011 MODULE: Aleserver.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: ALESERVER is not reconnecting on the check connection interval when the connection is lost. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to ensure the connection handle gets closed if the connection is lost allowing Aleserver to reconnect when set to automatically. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: QC 1646 DATE: 08/15/2011 MODULE: ProcCntl.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: User is able to make changes to a session without suspending event in ProcCntl. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added controls to the Sessions tab of procctrl to prevent the user from making changes to sessions tied to active events. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1635 DATE: 8/19/11 MODULE: Edimgr.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: On 64-bit Windows 2008 R2, edimgr.exe hangs when opening Interchange Browser. FIX DESCRIPTION: Displaying the sort arrow in the list view column headers was causing the hang. Added code to not display the sort arrow on a 64-bit OS (users can still click on the column headers to sort though). _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1647 DATE: 8/19/11 MODULE: GentranAdministrator.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: GentranAdministrator.exe does not report correct OS version when OS is 64-bit. FIX DESCRIPTION: Consolidated Database version into a multi-line output, as well as OS version can handle any version. Also, changed date time formats and ordered several lists to make analysis easier. 1) Removed conditional logic that ignored Windows version data that was > 5. 2) Reformatted date/time strings to: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS... this makes it easier to sort files. 3) Put ORDER BY clauses in several SQL statements to get an order that makes for easier analysis. 4) Added version of GenAdmin to report. 5) Reformatted the filename to include a datetime stamp on default, client, and case. Filename format: GenAdminSvr_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt GenAdminClient_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt GenAdmin__yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1654 DATE: 9/13/11 MODULE: Edimgr.exe, Config.exe, Commpost.exe, rpcsrv.exe, Partnred.exe, Proccntl.exe, Gensec.dll, Unattend.exe, ArchiveManager.exe, ArchiveEngine.exe, GICheck.exe, GentranEx.dll, GNTSTART.exe, AckServer.exe, GNTXEng.exe, TxAckGen.dll, TxAckRec.dll, tx32.exe, TXTrace.exe, TXUtility.exe, Mercury.exe, MClient.exe, Mercui30.dll, MBoxArc.exe, MailboxArchive.dll, XAGENT30.DLL, Mbfile30.dll, MBMAPI30.dll, fpi.dll, GentranAdapter.dll, SAPAdapter.dll, SAPServer.exe, Gencom97.exe, GenComUI.dll, ComStart.exe, InsCnvrt.exe, [RosettaNet] PIPprofiler.exe, PIPViewer.exe, PIPMonitorService.exe, RN20Agent.dll, SCPartnerContactInfo.exe, SCRException.dll, SCRN4PIPServer.dll, [HTTP/Email Gateways] SCDeliveryQuery.dll, SCEMailGateway.dll, SCHttpGateway.dll, SCMailData.dll, [HTTP Message Forwarder] SCMsgForwarderConfig.dll, SCHttpMessageForwarder.dll [SAP] sapint.exe, aleserver.exe, SAPConfg.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: After applying 5.2 Patch 17 on a Windows 2000 Server, Mailbox service starts then stops. Running Mercury.exe -C from command prompt reports the following error "Unable to open registry key". FIX DESCRIPTION: A new 64-bit registry flag that was added is not recognized on Windows 2000. Added code to check for Windows 2000. If detected, the 64-bit registry flag will not be used. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1660 DATE: 10/21/11 MODULE: GenCom97.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Firewall login in FTP Mailbox fails while executing on a very fast server on Win2008 R2 (x64). FIX DESCRIPTION: Added sleep command (for 0.1 seconds) to the end of send and receive functions. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1661 DATE: 11/10/11 MODULE: Unattend.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: GDW_Send and GDW_Send_Receive is checking for "Ready to Send" and Queued messages without checking at creation time leading to duplicate interchanges being sent. FIX DESCRIPTION: During check for "Ready to Send" and Queued, added a restriction to only look at interchanges older than 5 minutes. Also checked that this is not in the send queue already. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1669 DATE: 11/17/11 MODULE: ArchiveEngine.exe, ArchiveAuditMsgs.xml PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: ExternalData Archive aborts due to file access exception... Errors: 7-1-102, 7-1-49, 7-1-54, 7-1-57. Need to add more logging to the exception handling. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added extra logging to exception code. Audit message 7-1-57 modified to include more exception details. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1674 DATE: 11/23/2011 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Unable to process data with < in the ISA data when XML Splitter is in Splitter table FIX DESCRIPTION: Updated fix for defect 1160. If commpost encounters a < in the data, it checks to see if it is working with XML data. Previous fix had to be modified to make checking for a valid XML end tag more complete so if commpost was not looking at valid XML data it would exit out of XML processing. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1631 DATE: 12/1/11 MODULE: RpcSrv.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In 5.2, if automatic file concatenation is turned on, some interchanges are lost and others are duplicated when processing multiple files from multiple partners at the same time. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed file concatenation logic that was supposed to remove matching files from the queue. _______________________________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1657 DATE: 12/5/2011 MODULE: STXBRK.MAP (& .TPL) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When a tradacoms document contained multiple interchanges, and one of the interchanges was missing a valid "END" segment, the translator would enter an infinite loop and hang. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the STXBRK.MAP to be able to catch interchanges that contain more than 1 STX segment and flag the interchange as non-compliant with compliance errors written to the audit log. The updated rule received from mapping does not allow both combined interchanges to in up in the ?InBox, only the first interchange it was processing when it encountered the 2nd STX segment. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: TO USE THIS FIX, YOU MUST MANUALLY REGISTER THE TPL FILE LOCATED IN THE "Support" FOLDER OF THE PATCH INSTALL IMAGE. THE PATCH SETUP WILL NOT INSTALL IT. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ************************************************************************** PATCH 2 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 70525 QC DEFECT: 1671 DATE: 01/06/2012 MODULE: ArchiveManager.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Archive Manager fails to display tracking information for documents containing multiple TX reports FIX DESCRIPTION: Archive Manager was incorrectly building the display to allow for the displaying of multple TX entries for a given document entry. This has been modified and now builds correctly displaying all TX report entries. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 70529 QC DEFECT: 1670 DATE: 1/11/12 MODULE: ArchiveManager.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: ExtDataXref_tb Data does not restore with Restored interchanges. The information is in the Archive Viewer under the EDI Archive. However when restored a couple of oddly formatted rows are added to the database table. FIX DESCRIPTION: The code responsible for restoring the ExtDataXreb_tb entries was not correctly setting all the table entry variables correctly for entries that do not contain TXReport info. This has been fixed and all rows now restore correctly. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 70526 QC DEFECT: 1677 DATE: 1/18/12 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When creating a new inbound relationship in Partner Editor, if the last relationship selected has 'Export to Mailbox' settings, they will also appear in the new relationship. These setting cannot be removed if the new relationship is not using an export template. FIX DESCRIPTION: The 'Export to Mailbox' settings were not getting re-initialized when the 'New' button was pressed. This has now been fixed. _______________________________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************************* PATCH 3 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 318239 APAR: IC81995 DATE: 3/12/12 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Data fails with Invalid Data when the following characters appear in the data ÊÀ¼ FIX DESCRIPTION: The logical OR statement added to Commpost in patch 19 for XML Validation could return a false positive causing non-XML data to get processed as XML. This statement has been broken into two preventing the false postive. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 324908 APAR: IC82799 DATE: 4/20/12 MODULE: GenComPC.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: On a 5.3 clustered system (Win2008 R2), when starting the mailbox service, the Communications gateway (GenComPC.dll) fails to load with audit log error 6-2-50010: "RpcBindingFromStringBinding failed at line 507: The network address is invalid." FIX DESCRIPTION: On Win2008 R2, the cluster name is not valid as the host name parameter of the RpcBindingFromStringBinding Windows API call. Modified code to use a blank host name instead on a clustered system. The API call will assume the local host in that scenario. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 317856 APAR: IC81928 DATE: 5/11/12 MODULE: tx32.exe (gntxbase.lib), edimgr.exe, unattend.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: TA1 and 997 acknowledgements cannot be sent together in one outbound interchange. They are sent in separate interchanges. While the standards allow this and some users prefer it that way, others have a requirement where they have to be combined together. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed code from Edimgr.exe and Unattend.exe that forced TA1 and 997s to be sent separately. Added coded to the translator to allow switching between document build maps that had different group types. To send them together, the TA1 and 997 partner relationships must be configured to use the same interchange definition entry. After they're sent, they will appear together in the document list in the Interchange Browser. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 320362 APAR: IC83775 DATE: 5/25/12 MODULE: ArchiveManager.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When displaying Tracking Information in Archive Manager, document level of Outbound Tracking information does not always display, and instead displays "No Tracking Info". FIX DESCRIPTION: Enhanced the Archive Manager to build and display Tracking Information records from ExtDataXref records when the ExtData record is not found in the .arv file. The only relevant fields the ExtDataXref record contains include ExtDataKey and TimeStamp. The other fields in the Tracking Information record will contain the text "No Tracking Info". _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 315615 APAR: IC83908 DATE: 6/5/2012 MODULE: MBFile30.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Warning message reports wrong mailbox during start up of services. 2-4-1019: 1019: Unable to begin collection for mailbox FIX DESCRIPTION: Added new informational audit message to DB for file collection mailboxes. This new message will notify users that the system file collection mechanism will not be used for collection mailboxes starting at mailbox #63. Instead, the collection interval set within the file system properties will be used. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 331595 APAR: DATE: 6/7/12 MODULE: SCEmailGateway.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When an Email Gateway mailbox is configured to receive inbound messages from a POP3 server, the audit log is getting flooded with 16-3-9 info audits ("POP3 collection thread e-mail collection ended for mailbox POP3 Inbound. 0 e-mail messages collected and delivered") that are written to the audit log every 30 seconds. This still happens even if the mailbox settings logging level is set to "Errors only" or "Errors and Warnings only". FIX DESCRIPTION: Corrected the audit call that classified it as an error audit instead of an informational audit. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 325856 APAR: IC83907 DATE: 6/29/12 MODULE: Patch install (setup.exe) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When patching cluster with 5.2 patch 17 or later, patch install gets popup error message: "Data source name not found and no default driver specified" FIX DESCRIPTION: Updated patch install to handle DNS lookup on a cluster. Also adjusted fix for Vantive SR#1366717 that checks the registry for ClusterName. _______________________________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************************* PATCH 4 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 340892 APAR: DATE: 7/30/12 MODULE: Config.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: System Imports list allows for use of *.* for the File Path Configuration. If this is not the last entry found in the list, it will over-ride all those that follow resulting in translation failures FIX DESCRIPTION: Added a new "Yes / No" pop-up dialog and warning about the use of *.* in the System Imports list. This dialog will only appear to the user if a *.* entry is found anywhere other than the last entry. Selecting YES allows the user to save and leave the system imports tab. Selecting NO cancels the save and prevents them from leaving the imports tab. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 70010 APAR: IC87459 DATE: 9/17/2012 MODULE: GICheck.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Customers that implement database login security cannot use the command line/batch functionality of the GICheck utility. FIX DESCRIPTION: When GICheck.exe is invoked from the command line the ODBC DSN name, user id, and password are now loaded from the registry. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 351228 APAR: IC87515 DATE: 10/26/2012 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When Commpost attempts to process bad data it attempts to retry processing that data 5 times. This can cause Commpost to continue attempting to process the bad data for an inordinate amount of time and consume large amounts of memory. FIX DESCRIPTION: Have the default remain at 5 however have an override set in the registry so the customer can set it to a number they would like to have. This registry setting is named CommPostMaxRetryCount and is a DWORD entry and defaults to 5. It is stored under the following registry key: 32-bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce\GENTRAN\Server\\Systems\ 64-bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sterling Commerce\GENTRAN\Server\\Systems\ When Commpost runs it attempts to read this value in and use it as the Max retry count, if it does not find it, it creates the value and sets it to 5. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: RTC 343543 APAR: IC87657 DATE: 10/30/12 MODULE: gntstart.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Some commands are unable to execute in 64-bit OS through GNTStart and Unattend from command line FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to fix the physical GSW login portion for when the silent signon fails. This was not previously working so even when the user was prompted to login on Win7 or Server 2008, the DSN information was not being set correctly and genstart could not access it. Also added code to allow for gntstart to exit correctly if it can not access the DB. This was causing gntstart to crash. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 354271 APAR: IC87651 DATE: 10/30/12 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In the Partner Editor's Outbound Interchange dialog, when you uncheck the "Use the default Mailbox and E-mail Address" checkbox, the "Set Max Number of Documents per Interchange" checkbox unchecks also. FIX DESCRIPTION: An UpdateData command to retrieve the current values of the dialog controls was missing in the if-else clause. Moved it to the start of the function. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 353247 APAR: IC87818 DATE: 10/31/12 MODULE: tx32.exe (GNTXBASE.lib) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Outbound document has duplicate Document Name checking turned on but no warning message is received in the audit log. FIX DESCRIPTION: Updated duplicate document checking on outbound documents to write to the same error message to the Audit Log that we'd get when recieving duplicate inbound docs. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 352952 APAR: IC87997 DATE: 11/7/2012 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In Commpost, When data comes in with unprintable terminators it causes Commpost to hang. FIX DESCRIPTION: In Commpost, when a UNB segment is detected and the segment terminator defined in the Splitter table is not found in the data, we now flag the interchange as bad, write an Audit message and continue processing the file. New audit message 1-6-1682: "Splitter - no matching segment terminator found in splitter table for %1 interchange". _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 328135 APAR: DATE: 11/7/12 MODULE: Patch Install PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Don't need "If you use positional maps that utilize the Loop Start/Loop End functionality..." popup warning in the 5.3 patch install anymore since the hotfix is now in the 5.3 base product. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed Positional Loop popup warning from 5.3 patch install. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 348251 APAR: IC88106 DATE: 11/9/2012 MODULE: GNTXBase.lib PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Pad character outputs as space instead of "0" for empty numeric fields in Export maps FIX DESCRIPTION: Added check condition in export translation to look for new "PadFillEmptyNum" DWORD value in registry. If it does not exist, we create it and set it to "0". If it exists and is "0", we pad empty numeric map segments using the default setting which is spaces. Otherwise, if it's set to "1", we pad with the pad character the customer has specified. This registry key cannot be changed through the UI and must be manually changed in the registry. This key is located in: 32 bit OS: HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Sterling Commerce \ Gentran \ Server \ 64 bit OS: HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Sterling Commerce \ Gentran \ Server \ ******************************************************************************* PATCH 5 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 360899 APAR: IC89935 DATE: 12/21/12 MODULE: ANServer.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 5.3.1 Audit service crashes during service startup sequence. It was fine after a fresh install, but it suddenly started crashing after several days of processing. FIX DESCRIPTION: Symptom only occurred whenever DataAuditLog_tb database table had invalid 10-digit event IDs. Fixed ANServer so that it could accomodate valid 10-digit event IDs. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 362804 APAR: IC89518 DATE: 1/14/2013 MODULE: BRK997 Map PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: ERROR - 0121 Too Many Elements when processing inbound 997 005010 for the AK1 segment. FIX DESCRIPTION: Brk997 map was missing the AK103 element which is an option element that was added in standard version 004041. This was added to the which can be found in the support folder of the patch install under: Maps > Special > Source > The tpl file can be found in the support folder under: Maps > Special > Compiled > brk997_AK103.tpl. Support also changed the min field value on the output side of the map for fields 10 & 12 from 1 to 0. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THESE SYSTEM MAPS WILL NOT BE INSTALLED BY THE PATCH INSTALL. YOU MUST GO THE SUPPORT FOLDER AND REGISTER THE TPL FILES MANUALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please Note: brk997_AK103.tpl and were removed from the corresponding Special subfolders due to later RTC defect 372073. The AK103 functionality can be found in the most recent brk997.tpl and _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 363982 APAR: IC89748 DATE: 1/22/2013 MODULE: Aleserver PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: During ALEServer We are reporting: Check_TID: Update the TID-Management failed, instead of a Check_TID: Lock the TID-Management failed, when the aleserver.lck retry attempts exceed 60. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed error reporting for Check_TID to report TID_ERROR_LOCK instead of TID_ERROR_UPDATE when the AleServer can not attain a lock on the TID file. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 362017 APAR: DATE: 1/31/13 MODULE: tx32.exe (gntxbase.lib) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The Export to Mailbox process is generating 10-digit event IDs in DataAuditLog_tb which was causing the 5.3.1 Audit service to crash on startup. FIX DESCRIPTION: Passed in event ID to Mailbox API calls. Without it, the event ID in the Mailbox interface was uninitialized resulting in the 10-digit values. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 364201 APAR: DATE: 02/01/2013 MODULE: PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: BLD997.MAP does not have the AK103 element (0480) to populate the GS08 version FIX DESCRIPTION: BLD997 map was missing the AK103 element which is an option element that was added in standard version 004041. This was added to the which can be found in the support folder of the patch install under: Maps > Special > Source > The tpl file can be found in the support folder under: Maps > Special > Compiled > BLD997_AK103.tpl. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THESE SYSTEM MAPS WILL NOT BE INSTALLED BY THE PATCH INSTALL. YOU MUST GO THE SUPPORT FOLDER AND REGISTER THE TPL FILES MANUALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 368383 APAR: IC90579 DATE: 2/28/13 MODULE: Commpost.exe, AuditMsgFile.xml PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 5.3.1 commpost crashing when EDI splitter entries had NULL values in the RepeatingElementDelimPosn database column. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added check to EDI splitter to validate the RepeatingElementDelimPosn value retrieved from the database. If the variable is less than 0 or greater than 200, it gets reset to 0 and a new warning audit is written to the Audit Log (1-6-1683: "Splitter - the RepeatingElementDelimPosn value for the [start tag] splitter entry is invalid. The Splitter value Rep Elem has been temporarily set to 0 (not used) for this transaction. Please update the Splitter configuration to prevent further warnings.") _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 357241 APAR: IC88643 DATE: 3/14/13 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When an inbound file with multiple interchanges comes in with unprintable terminators (0x0D as segment terminator) for some interchanges, commpost is unable to split the interchanges properly and it causes translator to hang. FIX DESCRIPTION: Issue was due to a previous fix for Vantive SR#1343740 that did not anticipate 0x0D would be used in the data as segment terminators. Rolled back that fix. ******************************************************************************* PATCH 6 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 371636 APAR: IC91433 DATE: 4/10/13 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When processing a custom file layout that contains a single line item, will get a 'No valid interchanges Processed' error but it works fine if there are two or more lines. This problem only occurs with the Variable Position formats. FIX DESCRIPTION: The customer's variable position splitter entry had a 'max length of start segment' value that was greater than the total size of the data file (minus the CR/LFs). That splitter value was not a typo since it matches what's indicated in their maps. Added code to check for the end of the file when it reads in the max length amount of data. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 369668 APAR: IC91537 DATE: 4/16/2013 MODULE: aleserver.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: SAP IDoc Control Record could be partially overwritten with aleserver trace file "Established connection" message, when running aleserver with the "-interval" command line argument, or with the "Set timer for checking the connection" in the SAP configuration configuration UI. The probability of the symptom frequency increased as the duration between connection checks decreased. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed buffer overwrite potential between threads, when communication thread reestablishes connection with SAP while transaction thread receives an IDoc. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 373109 APAR: IC91946 DATE: 4/29/13 MODULE:,,, GNTXEng.exe (gntxbrk.lib) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: (1) Bad ISA data processes for 2 hours and creates 120,000+ 0 byte .doc files. (2) Side issue: 3-1-1740 audit message is not displaying the partner name at the interchange level: "Translator: 1 compliance errors detected for interchange 000050409 from ". FIX DESCRIPTION: (1) The _2 ISA break maps didn’t account for bad data between envelopes. Modified the break maps by adding a record to catch bad data. (2) Audit message was written before partner lookup was done. Moved partner lookup before the audit call. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 373127 APAR: IC91778 DATE: 4/29/13 MODULE: sapint PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The program sapint.exe with -POSTPROC argument did not populate either of the EDI_DC* record fields SNDPOR or RCVPOR. FIX DESCRIPTION: Populate the fields SNDPOR and RCVPOR in the EDI_DC* header record from the sapconfig_tb when executing sapint with the -POSTPROC argument. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 374003 APAR: IC92537 DATE: 5/17/2013 MODULE: TxAckGen.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Inbound file processing with acknowledgment generation causes error in txackgen.dll and crashes Gentran. FIX DESCRIPTION: TxAckGen.dll would fail if the ack type was NULL in the ack generation process. As part of a previous fix for AK5 / IK5 error reporting in 999s & 997s, we check our ack type for specific error reporting. If our ack type is NULL, this check fails. Added code to skip this check if our ack type is null since it's only needed for 997s & 999s. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 372073 APAR: DATE: 5/19/2013 MODULE: 997 Build / Break maps PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: All Brk997.maps & Brk997.tpls need to be updated with AK103 element just like (RTC#364201). FIX DESCRIPTION: Updated all BRK & BLD 997's with AK103 element. New build maps and tpls labled _AK103 will be found in the support folder of the patch install under: Maps > Special > Source: BLD997PARTIAL&REJECTCODES_AK103.MAP, Bld997t_AK103.MAP, Bld997_UE_AK103.MAP Maps > Special > Compiled: BLD997PARTIAL&REJECTCODES_AK103.TPL, Bld997t_AK103.TPL, Bld997_UE_AK103.TPL The BRK maps & tpls have all been modified to include this as a conditional element and won't affect translation of data if the element is not present. Because of this, there are no special BRK maps or tpls labeled as _AK103. (The and .tpl from RTC#362804 have been removed.) These new break maps and tpls will be found in the support folder of the patch install under: Maps > Install > Source:,, Maps > Install > Compiled: Brk997u.tpl, brk997.tpl, brk997t.tpl Maps > Special > Source:,,, Maps > Special > Compiled: Brk997_2.tpl, Brk997_3.tpl, Brk997u_2.tpl, Brk997u_3.tpl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THESE SYSTEM MAPS WILL NOT BE INSTALLED BY THE PATCH INSTALL. YOU MUST GO THE SUPPORT FOLDER AND REGISTER THE TPL FILES MANUALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******************************************************************************* PATCH 7 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 384560 APAR: IC94340 DATE: 7/23/13 MODULE: GenCom97.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Duplicate File errors during OFTP/CAPI comms SEND sessions due to identical timestamp in OFTP Virtual FileName when sending more than one file within the same second. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to sleep for one second before getting the current datetime stamp. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 390679 APAR: IC94815 DATE: 8/12/13 MODULE: 999 Build P&R map PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: BLD999.MAP does not create acknowledgements with P (Partial accepted) status FIX DESCRIPTION: Added new BLD999_DETAILEDPARTIAL&REJECTCODES map and tpl to GSW. These files can be found at: Maps > Special > Source: BLD999_DETAILEDPARTIAL&REJECTCODES.MAP Maps > Special > Compiled: BLD999_DETAILEDPARTIAL&REJECTCODES.TPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THESE SYSTEM MAPS WILL NOT BE INSTALLED BY THE PATCH INSTALL. YOU MUST GO THE SUPPORT FOLDER AND REGISTER THE TPL FILES MANUALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 391572 APAR: IC94911 DATE: 8/13/13 MODULE: Special maps - Break 2 and 3 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Translation can hang if using Group and Set pass through maps and the Interchange defines the same character as the segment terminator and repeating element separator. FIX DESCRIPTION: Updated pass through maps to fail translation, rather than passing the invalid interchange to through to the GS and ST break maps. These files can be found at: Maps > Special > Source: _gsbrk2.MAP, _gsbrk3.MAP, _stbrk3.MAP Maps > Special > Compiled: _gsbrk2.TPL, _gsbrk3.TPL, _stbrk3.TPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THESE SYSTEM MAPS WILL NOT BE INSTALLED BY THE PATCH INSTALL. YOU MUST GO THE SUPPORT FOLDER AND REGISTER THE TPL FILES MANUALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 391048 APAR: IC95687 DATE: 8/19/2013 MODULE: Partner.exe / BRK999_DETAILED.MAP & .TPL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Need inbound 999 process for X12 FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified partner editor to allow 999 inbound and outbound relationships to be built for partners using X-12 standard. Also added and .TPL to specials folder. They are located at: Maps > Special > Source: BRK999_DETAILED.MAP Maps > Special > Compiled: BRK999_DETAILED.TPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THESE SYSTEM MAPS WILL NOT BE INSTALLED BY THE PATCH INSTALL. YOU MUST GO THE SUPPORT FOLDER AND REGISTER THE TPL FILES MANUALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 393765 APAR: DATE: 8/23/13 MODULE: RpcSrv.exe, AuditMsgFile.xml PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Need -R switch (disable inbound and outbound recovery when starting the Executive service from the command line) ported back to versions 5.2 and 5.3. This functionality was originally added to as part of a larger recovery enhancement. FIX DESCRIPTION: Ported the code for -R switch and associated audit messages. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 393763 APAR: IC92999 DATE: 8/23/2013 MODULE: MClient.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The default Mailbox message attachment viewer is hardcoded to be c:\Windows\Notepad.exe. Notepad.exe does not exist in this location on Windows 2008 OS. FIX DESCRIPTION: The absolute path was removed the default Mailbox message attachment viewer. Notepad.exe is now called directly, relying on the Windows Path to locate the Notepad.exe in the Windows Path. This will be in either C:\Windows, C:\Windows\System32, or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 ______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 394552 APAR: DATE: 8/27/13 MODULE: Patch install PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Customer could not install any patch since the setup was aborting without indicating why. Need to add debug popups at every step during installation to help track down where the setup runs into a problem. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added debug popups to the patch install. The popups only appear if a "debug.txt" file exists in the root of the install image. ______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 398210 APAR: IC96722 DATE: 10/8/13 MODULE: SCCertMgr.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: RosettaNet Security Profile Manager is creating certificates with a 2010 expiration date ("Valid from 9/24/2013 to 9/24/2010"). FIX DESCRIPTION: The "To" year was hard-coded to be 2010. Fixed it to be 3 years from the current date. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 396017 APAR: IC96331 DATE: 10/11/13 MODULE: GenCom97.exe, GenComUI.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The TAPI version is initialized to 2.0 which is too high for some comm devices and generated an INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION error in the comm system log. FIX DESCRIPTION: Needed to add code to negotiate the API version to use with the comm device. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 400377 APAR: DATE: 10/14/13 MODULE: Commpost.exe, AuditMsgFile.xml PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Commpost is reporting critical errors using the 1-6-50400 info audits. These should be reported as errors. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added new error audit message 1-6-4000 for Commpost to use in those error scenarios. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 397871 APAR: IC97320 DATE: 10/30/2013 MODULE: GentranAdministrator.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The report line that should report the verision of the GentranAdministrator.exe binary reports the patch version. The binary version should be reported instead. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed GentranAdministrator.exe to extract the program's version information. This had been changed when the previous function failed to retrieve the correct information on a Windows 7 or 2008 OS. ******************************************************************************* PATCH 8 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 408709 APAR: IC98934 DATE: 1/17/14 MODULE: patch install PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The patch install should not execute SQL scripts that are no longer needed since the database changes are already in the base product. The patch install could fail if the database tables that are being updated unnecessarily have a gigantic amount of data. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed execution of SQL scripts from the patch install. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 407612 APAR: IC98648 DATE: 1/9/2014 MODULE: Special Maps - BLD999_DETAILEDPARTIAL&REJECTCODES PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 999 Partial and Reject map does not use the R in the IK5 segment FIX DESCRIPTION: Found two extended rules in the BLD997P&R that did not exist in the BLD999_DetailedP&R. One was on the Transaction Group which defines a integer variable. The other was at the Segment level>Segment_Record>01 Segment_Position which would change the Ack_Code in at the Transaction level if there were any error present. Copying both of these rules over to the BLD999_DetailedP&R map resolved the problem. These Updated files can be found at: Maps > Special > Source: BLD999_DETAILEDPARTIAL&REJECTCODES.MAP Maps > Special > Compiled: BLD999_DETAILEDPARTIAL&REJECTCODES.TPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THESE SYSTEM MAPS WILL NOT BE INSTALLED BY THE PATCH INSTALL. YOU MUST GO THE SUPPORT FOLDER AND REGISTER THE TPL FILES MANUALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 393711, 417116 APAR: IC99224 DATE: 2/6/14 MODULE: ArchiveEngine.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Archive on Gentran clusters not releasing System Archive Mutex FIX DESCRIPTION: We've added additional logging around the Attachment Archiving process when we attempt to close a stream when we've encountered an exception. Also added more exception handling in the parent function in case additional exceptions are thrown. If that happens, a 7-1-53 error audit will be written detailing what threw the exception. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 412657 APAR: DATE: 2/20/14 MODULE: MClient.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: If a mailbox message has a status of SEND_FAILED or DELIVERY_FAILED, the mailbox UI will display a blank entry instead of "Send Failed" or "Delivery Failed" under the Status column in the list view. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to display the corresponding text for SEND_FAILED and DELIVERY_FAILED message statuses _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 417562 APAR: IT00358 DATE: 3/25/2014 MODULE: TX32.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 3-1-203 'PK_Lookup_tb'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Lookup_tb'. FIX DESCRIPTION: This is a mapping issue and the customer will need to fix their map. As a fix for this we are providing a more informative error message that will precede the ODBC error in this case that will tell the customer that they are either trying to create a primary key in the lookup_tb that already exists. Or that they are trying to perform an update on one of the primary key fields in the table. As part of the update error we will display the key value as it is and the new value they are trying to insert as part of the update. The two new error messages are displayed below Insert Into Lookup Table: "Primary Key already exists in Lookup_tb, exiting insert: PartnerKey = %s, TableName = %s, Item = %s", LookUp.m_PartnerKEY, LookUp.m_TableName, LookUp.m_Item Update Lookup Table: "Cannot perform an update on the Primary key fields in Lookup_tb. PartnerKey = %s, update value = %s, TableName = %s, update value = %s, Item = %s, update value = %s", PrtnrKEY, LookUp.m_PartnerKEY, TableName, LookUp.m_TableName, Code, LookUp.m_Item _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 394322, 405323, 409371 APAR: IC98948 DATE: 1/23/14 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Occasional ODBC Cursor Library errors reported in Windows Event Application log. Additionally, the Partner Editor would display ODBC errors if multiple edits were performed to a Trading Partner after removal of ODBC Cursor Library. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removal of use of the ODBC Cursor Library in all ODBC Connections. Post removal, refreshed Trading Partner list after saving or deleting Trading Partners and/or Trading Partner components. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 417779 APAR: IT01052 DATE: 4/9/2014 MODULE: ANServer.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: ANServer.exe could attempt to write duplicate entries to the ProcAuditLog_tb or DataAuditLog_tb tables, if the AuditEntryKey registry entry was set to a value that exists in the ProcAuditLog_tb or DataAuditLog_tb tables. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added new registry entry UseMaxAuditEntryKEY to force ANServer to use the max value of AuditEntryKey from ProcAuditLog_tb and DataAuditLog_tb, update the registry, and use this value as the next AuditEntryKey value during startup. The new entry should be created as a 32-bit DWORD, and set to a non zero value (e.g. 1) to enable, and registry entry should be created under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/.../Gentran/AuditNotification/5.3.1/Server. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 418953 APAR: IT01523 DATE: 05/02/14 MODULE: GenCom97.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: FtpRcvFile command returns 0 when a file or directory does not exist. The documentation states that FtpRcvFile, when set with SetRcvNoData command, should return 1 if a file is not found. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed GenCom97 to return 1 when FtpRcvFile received an FTP 550 response from FTP Sender. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 418944 APAR: IT01512 DATE: 05/02/14 MODULE: GenCom97.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: GenCom97 failing to receive files from FTP Sender that transmits multiple FTP codes, 226 and 227, in the same FTP Response. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed GenCom97 to correctly parse the IP and Data Port from the FTP Sender's 227 Response code buffer, regardless of the presence other codes in the FTP Response. ******************************************************************************* PATCH 9 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 438898 APAR: IT02143 DATE: 8/25/2014 MODULE: GenCom97.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: FTP Session failed to authenticate when FTP Server sent a 220 response but did not respond to transmitted User crendentials. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed FTP processing in the Communication Service to properly handle large pre-authentication banners, and fully receive message prior to sending User credentials. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 431113 APAR: IT02768 DATE: 6/25/2014 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Partner Editor could crash on a 64 bit OS when using Trading Partner Help and searching for a string in the Help Search tab. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed threading model in Help initialization to limit number of threads allowed by Help to one thread. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 438901 APAR: IT04794 DATE: 10/7/14 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Partner Editor Table duplicate errors do not include sufficient information to identify duplicate field. Error messages are inconsistent and format and content is dependent on database and ODBC driver versions. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added tests for duplicates entries and report duplicate fields in new error messages. Added duplicates checks for each case: Cross Reference: My Value Cross Reference: My Partner Lookup: Lookup Value _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 438914 APAR: DATE: 10/15/14 MODULE: all modules except for mapper and components PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: While debugging, saw that the default type member variable for Gentran recordsets was overriding parameters passed into the Open function calls. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed recordsets for all modules to use "dynaset" instead of "snapshot". This is needed to sync with the ODBC cursor library changes. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 445693 APAR: IT05270 DATE: 10/30/14 MODULE: Commpost PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Commpost could incorrectly pass BIN segment binary data to the translator, rather than creating a file with the binary data and replacing the binary data with the new file name, prior to translation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed Commpost to correctly process binary data in valid binary segments regardless of presence of data that matches binary segment ID strings found in EDI data before or after binary segments. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 447771 APAR: IT05976 DATE: 11/20/14 MODULE: ArchiveEngine.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Archive sessions could fail during External Data and EDI Archive with the error, Unable to obtain Mutex. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added additional exception handling and recover around all file closures, stream activity, and Mutex closures within all archive classes. Added additional logging to report failures that could lead to termination of Exclutive Services thread before releasing Mutex. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 434124 APAR: IT04483 DATE: 12/11/14 MODULE: sapint.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: sapint.log does not have enough information to tell why sapint.exe is not working FIX DESCRIPTION: Added debug logging to sapint.exe which is enabled with the following new registry setting: reg key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce\GENTRAN\Server\5.3.1\SAP reg value name: DebugLog reg value: Y or N (off by default) _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 453839 APAR: IT07072 DATE: 2/3/2015 MODULE: Translator PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Division Lookup could fail to to return a value during translation for the n-th document in an input file during the import processs. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the translator to force a new query to repopulate the Lookup buffer for the next Lookup when a query returns an empty set. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 455655 APAR: IT07196 DATE: 2/17/2015 MODULE: GenCom97.exe GenComPC.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The error "6-1-50003 RpcServerUseProtseqEp (Local) failed at line 300: The endpoint is a duplicate" can be written to the Audit Log for both GenCom97.exe and GenComPC.exe when both are running without other errors. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added additional logging for Duplicate Endpint RpcServerUseProtseqEp failures. The GenCom97 error is written to the audit log when GenCom97.exe is started from the command line when the Communication Service is started or if GenCom97.exe is already running from the command line. Similarly, the GenComPC error will be written when Mercury.exe is started from the command line, when it is already running as the Mailbox Service or from the command line. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 460799 APAR: IT08042 DATE: 3/30/15 MODULE: RpcSrv.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Process Control errors 1-3-1550 and 1-3-1594 report not finding valid session files. For example, 1-3-1594 "Process Control - C:\GENSRVNT\Unattend\.SES" 1-3-1550 "Program Ending: Session File C:\GENSRVNT\Unattend\.SES not found". FIX DESCRIPTION: Report the actual SQL failure and abort, rather than passing an empty Session file name to Process control. For example, 1-2-1508 "Error accessing SCHEDULE_TB Query for [Event] failed to find match. [Event] value, SVR6A001 00000 0407115 120151" 1-2-6005 "Server: Failed to Create process UNATTEND.exe with , error 0" _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 461375 APAR: IT10435 DATE: 5/22/15 MODULE: sapint.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Need to add more debug tracing in sapint.log when executing sapint -extract command to help troubleshoot when problems arise. FIX DESCRIPTION: Extended the debug logging framework that was added to sapint.exe in RTC#434124 to include -extract, -update, and -startrfc commands. As before, the following registry setting needs to be enabled to see the debug messages in sapint.log: reg key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce\GENTRAN\Server\5.3.1\SAP reg value name: DebugLog reg value: Y or N (off by default) _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 427479 APAR: IT02295 DATE: 6/23/15 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When processing multiple Edifiact interchanges in an unblocked file, interchanges could be incorrectly flagged with error, "Splitter - no matching segment terminator found in splitter table for UNB/UNZ interchange". FIX DESCRIPTION: Verify that the buffer contains a full UNB segment or the end of file is reached, prior to evaluating validity of variable length interchange wrappers. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 469842 APAR: DATE: 6/30/15 MODULE: Mbfile30.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Need to add more error info to the collection mailbox error audit 2-4-1024 when windows notification event fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added GetLastError info string to the end of the 2-4-1024 audit message. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 470217 APAR: IT09889 DATE: 7/2/15 MODULE: patch install PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Patch install fails with a "setup encountered an error" message. Using debug popups, the last status message that was displayed before the error was "Importing mapper reg file into registry..." FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed legacy code that imported an updated mapper registry file. It's currently not needed for the 5.3 and 5.3.1 patch installs. ******************************************************************************* PATCH 10 ******************************************************************************* RTC DEFECT: 477192 APAR: IT12011 DATE: 10/1/15 MODULE: Mercury.exe, MailboxEvent.xml PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Need ability to see that the Mailbox purge routine has been started in the Audit Log, not just as a Mercury console message. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added new audit message 2-1-1092 "Starting mailbox purge" at the beginning of the purge function. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 480882 APAR: IT12244 DATE: 11/20/15 MODULE: SCEmailTransport.dll PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When Email Gateway mailbox tries to send a message using customer's new SMTP server, they get a 16-3-5 error ("... Unable to initialize SMTP session using HELO command. Check your SMTP server settings.") New SMTP server has a multiple 220 line response to open session request. FIX DESCRIPTION: (1) Added more 16-6-1 audits (shown when detailed logging selected in mbx settings) during the open SMTP session and SMTP HELO commands. (2) Modified open session command to handle multiple 220 lines returned by the SMTP server in their welcome banner response. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 481647 APAR: IT13051 DATE: 12/18/15 MODULE: MBMAPI30.DLL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: After sending a MAPI message, the GSW system received a MAPI Confirmation of Delivery (COD) message as a reply and an error audit was generated (2-5-1052: "The MAPI attach method (5) of attachment 4102449 (message 2682289) is not supported"). COD's are not supported in GSW but customer doesn't want to get a false-positive error notification for this audit message every time they send a MAPI message. FIX DESCRIPTION: Create a new info audit message for this scenario. 2-5-1056: "MAPI message contains Confirmation of Delivery (COD) in attachment %1 (message %2) but is not supported." _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 423505 APAR: IT02393 DATE: 6/3/14 MODULE:, PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When translating inbound 997 or 999 documents containing AK103 or AK203 elements, will get "Too Many Elements" error in translator report. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added AK103 and AK203 elements to the and AK203 element to _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 481614 APAR: IT12899 DATE: 12/7/15 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The Partner Editor could report an ODBC error when editing an existing record in a Partner Cross Reference Table. If the Edit was to change the Partner Value, and the Partner Value had not been used before, the Cross Reference record could not be saved. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the query order of the Cross Reference table, to query the Partner Value first, then query for the My Value second. Doing this in reverse caused the "Operation failed, no current record" error, when the new Partner Value did not exist in the DB. An additional fix now checks if the Partner Value exists in the Cross Reference Table before attempting to Update the Record. In this way, the warning, "Partner Value already used, {partner value}" is issued, instead of an ODBC exception. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 491727 APAR: IT13941 DATE: 2/23/16 MODULE: GNTXEng.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Unable to perform INSERT into DivisionLookup or PartnerLookup tables in map extended rules. Audit log error 3-1-201: "Database Error: Primary Key already exists in Lookup_tb, exiting insert: PartnerKey = SYSTEMUSR, TableName = 614894, Item = 33333". This happens with Oracle or MSSQL. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix for RTC#417562 added a check for duplicate entries. It would write a new audit message that tried to explain why it couldn't insert a new entry if there was a duplicate entry. However, it wound up preventing any inserts from working (even if there was no duplicate). Also, that new audit message was written in the opposite scenario that was intended (if there was a duplicate entry, no audit is written. If there is no duplicate entry, the audit is written). Fixed code to (1) use a new recordset for the duplicate check and (2) write that audit message in the appropriate scenario. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 492905 APAR: IT10847 DATE: 3/2/16 MODULE: MClient.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: On a Windows 2012 OS, MClient could report an application error and terminate at startup. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed the storage of the MClient Root Node Handler to static, in order to correctly find and build the Mailbox Tree View under the 2012 MFC Runtime threading in Windows 2012. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 509041 APAR: IT16368 DATE: 7/28/16 MODULE: GenCom97.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: GenCom97 service crashes during FtpRcvFile when trying to access a file or directory that does not exist and SetRcvNoData is not set/used. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix for RTC#418953 in patch 4 used a string search command without ensuring that the parameter passed into it was not NULL (which happens when SetRcvNoData is not set). Added code to make sure that the RTC#418953 fix is only executed if SetRcvNoData is set. ************************************************************************** PATCH 11 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 523662 APAR: IT18713 DATE: 1/6/17 MODULE: ANServer.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When doing a file collection with a mailbox name longer than 42 characters, it creates audit log entries with an event name longer than the max database column size (50 chars). While the Audit service truncates the event name string to 50 chars before doing a SQL insert, it still writes a warning message to the Event Log about the truncation. Since multiple audit log entries are written for a single file collection, these truncation warnings fill up the Event Log making it difficult to find real errors. Also, if any notifications are generated during the file collection, the Audit service does not truncate the event name string in that case and SQL truncation errors are written to the Event Log. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed the audit log writes to not write a truncation warning message to the Event Log and added a max string length check and truncation code to the notify log writes. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 527992 APAR: IT19266 DATE: 2/17/17 MODULE: Partnred.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Can't save an existing Cross Reference entry in Partner Editor after editing the Description or Reference Data fields. Will get "ERROR: Duplicate Item" popup. The CrossRef Entry dialog will also close and lose all the changes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix for RTC#481614 wound up being too restrictive when editing an existing entry. Added code to only display the duplicate error if the user changed the Partner Value to another existing value. Also, if a duplicate error does popup, the Entry dialog will now stay open to allow the user to change the Partner Value to another value and try saving again. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 533358 APAR: IT20100 DATE: 4/5/17 MODULE: tx32.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Trying to import flat file to TRADACOMS INVOIC will get the following audit errors: 3-1-1731 Translator:######: TRANSACTION SET: INVOIC, RELEASE: 0, TEST MODE: P 3-1-1730 Translator: Primary key: PARTNER: ABCDEF, DIRECTION: Out, AGENCY: A, VERSION: ANA001, 3-1-1729 Translator: Relationship not found Audit shows "RELEASE: 0" but the partner outbound relationship is set to Release 9 per TRADACOMS standards. FIX DESCRIPTION: When translator was searching for the partner relationship in the database, it always passed in 0 for the Release value. While this was fine for other standards that don't have a Release value (or use Release 0), it's an issue for any standards like TRADACOMS that have non-zero Release values. Added code to try the database query again with the actual Release value if the initial query fails to find a match. Also, modified audit 3-1-1731 to report the actual Release value. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 535345 APAR: DATE: 4/13/17 MODULE: sapint.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Need more debug logging with the sapint.exe -extract option to see what values are used when creating the Response/Status IDOC. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added more debug logging to the WriteStatus function that's used by sapint -extract. As before, the following registry setting needs to be enabled to see the debug messages in sapint.log: reg key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce\GENTRAN\Server\5.3.1\SAP reg value name: DebugLog reg value: Y or N (off by default) _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 542883 APAR: IT21192 DATE: 6/27/17 MODULE: sapint.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: (1) When SAPINT.EXE -Translate is not writing to SAPStatus_tb, sapint.log has a debug info message that is too cryptic with variable names: "[DoPostProcess] Not writing SAP statuses. Send_Tran_Stat = 0. Send_Failed_Stat_Only = 0" Need to alter that log message to indicate why this message is happening in more user-friendly terms. (2) When compliance status is not ok, debug logging incorrectly states "Not writing SAP Statuses..." but SAP statuses are written in error cases too. FIX DESCRIPTION: (1) Altered log message to use the checkbox names in SAPConfig instead of variable names: "[DoPostProcess] Not writing SAP statuses due to SAPConfig settings: 'Transaction Status' is unchecked and 'Send Failed Statuses Only' is checked" (2) For compliance-not-ok case and partner-or-map-not-found case, adjusted logic to write appropriate debug log message when SAP statuses are or are not written. (3) Appended filename being processed to existing debug log message: "DoPreProcess: filename = C:\gensrvnt\imports\SAP_R3_40_810_3050_I.txt" _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 543021 APAR: DATE: 7/7/17 MODULE: sapint.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: For sapint.exe -update, sapint.log does not indicate when SAPStatus_tb entries are skipped due to the SAPConfig options under the General tab like it does for sapint.exe -translate. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added more debug log messages to sapint -update to indicate whether it was "Writing SAP statuses" or "Not writing SAP statuses due to SAPConfig settings...". _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 518334 APAR: IT22953 DATE: 10/25/17 MODULE: Commpost.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Inbound 275 containing multiple BIN segments will only export first iteration of LX group containing the BIN segment. FIX DESCRIPTION: The BIN 01 field contains the length of the binary data in the BIN 02 field. For example: BIN*734340*SUkqAPw0AQAtolEL8mydFnMlK50UIyAkJJF...... When the inbound interchange goes through the splitter, the binary data is saved into a file in the IntIn folder and replaced with the file's UNC filepath in the BIN 02 field: BIN*734340*\\myPC\GENSRVNT\IntIn\#2017\01\20\09\IN0935560894444.BIN~ If there's a second BIN segment in the interchange, the splitter will create another file for that binary data: BIN*329396*\\myPC\GENSRVNT\IntIn\#2017\01\20\09\IN0935560894444_2.BIN~ When the translator starts the export process, it reads the BIN 01 field and thinks the BIN 02 data (UNC filepath) is 734340 bytes long (when it's actually just 56 bytes now). As a result, the translator continues to read everything afterwards as part of the BIN 02 data which includes the 2nd LX group and its BIN segment. This behavior was not an issue when there is only one BIN segment and it's the last item in the document. Modified the splitter code to replace the length of the binary data in the BIN 01 field with the length of the UNC filepath instead. _______________________________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: APAR: DATE: MODULE: PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: FIX DESCRIPTION: _______________________________________________________________________________ ===================>> End Patch Release Notes GSW 5.3 <<===================== PATCH RELEASE NOTES Common Component Translator ************************************************************************** PATCH 1 ************************************************************************** QC DEFECT: 1527 DATE: 6/13/2011 MODULE: TXEngine PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: ODBC POS to DB maps to MySQL databases fail to write to MySQL because of the pressence of double quotes around the table name and column names. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added a process to TXEngine to check what kind of DB the ODBC map is writing to, and if it is a MySQL Database, remove any double quotes from the SQL Statements writing data to the database _____________________________________________________________ VANTIVE SR: 1365267 DATE: 6/6/2007 MODULE: tx32.exe (txengine.lib) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: References to previous and future elements/fields using indexes in extended rules at the field/element level are not returning correct results. The current value of the element is returned regardless of the indexing used. The output is correct for rules in the 'On End' of a group, or for groups that are only one nesting deep, IE, accessed using a single index such as [1]. FIX DESCRIPTION: Check the results of the iteration comparison. If the comparison failed because the end of the index was reached, pull the data value from the translator registry store (temporary storage). If the comparison fails because the index values do not match, the value is pulled from translator main storage (permanent storage). ************************************************************************** PATCH 2 ************************************************************************** QC DEFECT: 1668 DATE: 12/14/2011 MODULE: TXEngine.lib PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Date validation in the translator was not throwing an error when encountering an invalid date. If the first value in the date field was a digit, but the second was a character, the translator would flag the date as being valid. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the date validation so that when a character value is found anywhere within a date field, the translator will flag as an invalid date and the file will be sent to the ?inbox as non-compliant. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 148167 DATE: 1/25/12 MODULE: TXEngine.lib PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Repeating elements in EDI Maps were causing inbound data to process as non-compliant and report "Too Many Elements" in the TX report if the repeating element was the last field in the data segment even though the data was valid and the number of data elements were equal to or less than the repeat count. The TX report was also reporting this error against the wrong segment in the data. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the data extraction routine for repeating elements in the translator to only error with "Too Many Elements" if the number of data elements extracted from the segment exceeds the total number of expected fields in the Map. An element number will no longer be associated with this error in the TX report and we will now only report this against the segment. The "Data" field of the TX report will now contain the rest of the data segment starting with the first data element that exceeded the expected number of elements. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 311667 DATE: 2/1/12 MODULE: TXEngine.lib PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Logic was missing from repeating composites that prevented the translator from accounting for all remaining composite itterations if the repeating composite was the last element in the segment. Because of this, the Translator would not error correctly if the elements preceding the repeating composit had more data than what the map was expecting. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added that same logic from repeating elements to repeating composites to account for all remaining composite itterations if the composite was the last element in the segment. This will ensure that we have an accurate count of all the fields extacted and error correctly if we have too many. ************************************************************************** PATCH 3 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 315611 APAR: IC82168 DATE: 3/21/12 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When creating a link in the map editor, if whitespace is clicked on the output side rather than a field, it crashes/closes the map editor. FIX DESCRIPTION: Ported SI fix for QC 255708 to GSW to resolve this issue _____________________________________________________________ QC DEFECT: 1668 DATE: 6/21/12 MODULE: TXEngine.lib PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Fix for QC 1668 causes translator errors with formatted single digit dates containing /, -, or : separators as reported in RTC 336545 FIX DESCRIPTION: Backed out previous fix for 1668 as a result of RTC 336545 ************************************************************************** PATCH 4 ************************************************************************** There were no new Core Translator fixes in this patch. ************************************************************************** PATCH 5 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 355497 APAR: IC88735 DATE: 11/29/2012 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Compilation error reported for valid trim command in extended rule mapping. rule #xxx = right(left($VAR,y),z); Reported error: Error 8003, Line 1 : ActiveX properties could not be used because the length is unknown. FIX DESCRIPTION: Resolved internal allocation of temporary string in compiler to hold the result of the first expression. The length is derived from the length of the previous command. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 363084 APAR: IC90804 DATE: 03/12/13 MODULE: txengine.lib PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 999 & 997 Segment count off when _isabrk2 _gsbrk2 _stbrk2 maps are used on incoming document FIX DESCRIPTION: Added a check at the document level of the translator to see if the customer is using maps that include passing through the enveloping data with the document data. If so, we need to ignore the enveloping data as this is not part of the document and is not needed for error reporting in the 997's and 999's. ************************************************************************** PATCH 6 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 371770 APAR: IC91493 DATE: 4/11/2013 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Map Release Version getting set to negative number in DB if no association is entered in map Details dialog FIX DESCRIPTION: Set EDI Associations Release Versions in Details window to a default value of zero. Changed the Edi Associations Release field to a numeric only field and added validation checking to ensure that the integer value is between 0 & 32767. Added two new warning messages for the validation check of the Edi Associations Release value to inform the user of which value is out of range. ************************************************************************** PATCH 7 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 388554 APAR: IC94814 DATE: 8/9/2013 MODULE: MAPPER.EXE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Extended rule does not overwrite the linked value, when the source field is empty FIX DESCRIPTION: Ported forward fix for GSW 5.0 SR1343625. We had to change the way the string expression is parsed. A temporary storage area in memory was created to store the result of the expression while it is evaluated first and then once it is evaluated that new tempary storage value contains the result we are looking for. ************************************************************************** PATCH 8 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 407895 APAR: DATE: 1/14/2014 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Mapper allowed Extended Rule CERROR with constant or variable as second argument, but this OpCode feature was not available in the translator. FIX DESCRIPTION: Report compilation error: 2011, No Field Specified, when CERROR Extended Rule does not include a Field number or name. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 410622 APAR: IC99186 DATE: 2/5/2014 MODULE: Tx32.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Translation error during build process of XML Interchange. Large number of node related errors caused out of memory during translation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fix translator to limit generated node errors to 1000 per transaction. Previously, no limit to node errors allowed excessive node errors to cause OOM errors during translation. ************************************************************************** PATCH 9 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 429789 APAR: IT02642 DATE: 6/17/14 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: After loading a map, Mapper crashes after trying to save the map, create a DDF, or delete any field/group structures. FIX DESCRIPTION: The customer map had an inactive field that was corrupt. Activating that field or viewing the properties of that field (Conditions tab) causes Mapper to crash too. Added the following popup warning in case a corrupt element is found during the open/save operation: "The field appears to be corrupt. Element is NULL. Please delete this field and recreate it." The operation will still complete with the corrupt field in the map. Manually deletion of the corrupt field is required to fix the map. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 435867 APAR: IT03894 DATE: 8/25/2014 MODULE: tx32.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Repeating element separator characters in data were not prefixed with Release Characters during outbound EDI translation. The Repeating element separator characters would either be left un-released or trimmed from the output. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed release character insertion before repeating element separators found in output segments data. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 444051 APAR: DATE: 10/6/14 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The fix for QC#1004 successfully reports a map-level compiler error when two equal signs (or other operators) are used with reals in an extended rule (e.g, x=y=2). However, the .tpl file still gets generated. This should not happen with any map error. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to return an error to the parent functions when that type of compiler error is encountered and delete the pending .tpl file. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 460950 APAR: IT08598 DATE: 4/28/15 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When referencing a field in an extended rule (such as "#temp = #field;"), it causes the #temp to now exist. So even if the #field did not contain data, and therefore #temp does not contain data, it will still trigger links. There was a fix done on 5.0 which did not get ported to 5.2 until patch 25, which caused this behavior to change, and the links to trigger now. This change happened in RTC#388554 in 5.2 patch 25, 5.3 patch 7 and 5.3.1 patch 3. However, this customer sees it as a defect and wants it to not trigger like before. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added code to automatically create a new registry setting when the mapper starts up that will enable or disable the RTC#388554 fix. The fix is enabled by default. Users can manually edit this registry setting and it will be rechecked each time a map compile starts. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sterling Commerce\GENTRAN\Common Components\Integration\8.1 reg value name: ReferencedFieldsTriggerLinks reg type: REG_DWORD reg value: 1 or 0 (1 by default) _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 470809 APAR: DATE: 7-15-15 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Map Editor can only open a limited number of maps, and not all the same number. Seems dependent on length of name. FIX DESCRIPTION: Increased buffer size for the file list we were using in our CDialog object for Open File ************************************************************************** PATCH 10 ************************************************************************** RTC DEFECT: 471091 APAR: IT10830 DATE: 8/21/15 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: If an extended rule count() function is in an index (e.g., $Group1[count($Group2[*]) + 1] ), it does not increment properly when compiled with a 5.3.1 mapper. FIX DESCRIPTION: The index generated in the count() function was not cleaned up. Cleared the index array at the end of the function. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: 480457 APAR: IT12226 DATE: 11/13/15 MODULE: Mapper.exe PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Mapper "Print to file" feature does not output extended rule lines if they are too long. It outputs a blank line instead if the line exceeds 200 characters. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed issue by (1) increasing the maximum characters on a line to 1000 chars and (2) removing the trailing whitespace from each line. It used to pad each line to 200 chars. ************************************************************************** PATCH 11 ************************************************************************** There were no new Core Translator fixes in this patch. _____________________________________________________________ RTC DEFECT: APAR: DATE: MODULE: PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: FIX DESCRIPTION: _____________________________________________________________