This fix enables the applet to upload and download files in a browser with proxy settings or in a SiteMinder authentication environment.
Readme file for IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center Fix 463514 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes.
This fix resolves the following issues:
- Applet cannot upload and download files in a browser with proxy settings.
- Applet cannot upload and download files in a SiteMinder authentication environment.
Readme file for: IBM® Spectrum LSF Application Center
Product/Component Release:
Update Name: Fix 463514
Fix ID: pac9.1.4.2-build463514
Publication date: 31 Aug 2017
Last modified date: 31 Aug 2017
APAR#: P102321
Download from the following location:
- Jobs
- Job Submission
- Submission Template
- Job Data
The following steps assume IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center is installed in /opt/pac.
Replace with your actual installation directory.
Stop all IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center services:
perfadmin stop allThe following steps assume IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center is installed in /opt/pac.
Replace with your actual installation directory.
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