Readme for IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2 Interim Fix 437255

Readme file for: IBM® Spectrum Conductor with Spark
Product/Component Release:
Update Name: Interim fix 437255
Fix ID:
Publication date:
Jan 20, 2017

Spark 1.6.1 package supporting GPU adaptive scheduling and shared RDDs for batch applications in IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.0

About this interim fix

This interim fix provides a Spark 1.6.1 package that supports the following functions in IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark V2.2.0:

·      Adaptive scheduling when your cluster includes CPU and GPU resources. With this interim fix, you can enable adaptive scheduling for applications that use Spark version 1.6.1, allowing tasks to run first on a portion of GPU resources in the cluster. When GPU resources are no longer available in the cluster, the remaining tasks run on CPU resources. For more information, see

·       Shared RDDs for batch applications. With this interim fix, you can use Spark version 1.6.1 to submit shared batch applications that can be shared among multiple users. With shared batch applications, multiple users can submit Spark jobs to an application and use the same Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). For more information, see


Installation and configuration

System requirements

Linux 64-bit platform


Before you begin, IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark V2.2.0 must be installed on a supported operating system. For details, see

1.     Log on to each management host in the cluster and back up the following files that will be replaced by this interim fix:

> $EGO_CONFDIR/../../conductorspark/conf/packages/Spark1.6.1-Conductor2.2.0/Spark1.6.1.tgz

> $EGO_CONFDIR/../../conductorspark/conf/packages/Spark1.6.1-Conductor2.2.0/platform-conductor-conf.yaml

> $EGO_CONFDIR/../../conductorspark/conf/packages/Spark1.6.1-Conductor2.2.0/platform-conductor.yaml

> $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/instance/instanceViewApplications.html

> $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/instance/js/instanceView.controller.js

> $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/appsandnotebooks/js/sharedApplications.controller.js

> $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/appsandnotebooks/i18n/locale-en.json

> $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/appsandnotebooks/js/submitApplication.controller.js

2.     On each management host, decompress the spark1.6.1-conductor2.2.0-build437255.tgz package as cluster admin:

>  mkdir -p /tmp/fix437255

> tar zxf Spark1.6.1-Conductor2.2.0-build437255.tgz -C /tmp/fix437255

> cp /tmp/fix437255/instanceViewApplications.html $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/instance

> cp /tmp/fix437255/instanceView.controller.js $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/instance/js

> cp /tmp/fix437255/sharedApplications.controller.js $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/appsandnotebooks/js

> cp /tmp/fix437255/locale-en.json $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/appsandnotebooks/i18n

> cp /tmp/fix437255/submitApplication.controller.js $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/conductor/2.2.0/conductorgui/spark/appsandnotebooks/js

3.     Launch a browser and clear the browser cache; then, log in to the cluster management console as admin.

4.     Add the Spark 1.6.1 package to your cluster.

a.     Click Workload > Spark > Version Management.

b.     Click Add.

c.     Click Browse and select the /tmp/fix437255/Spark1.6.1-Conductor2.2.0.tgz package.

d.     Click Add.

5.     Create a new Spark instance group that will use the new Spark 1.6.1 package. For details, see

6.     If required, upgrade your existing Spark instance groups to use the new Spark 1.6.1 package. For details, see

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