IBM Spectrum LSF 10.1 Sample CLI Code Package Readme File
Readme file for: IBM Spectrum LSF Sample CLI Code Package
Product/Component Release: 10.1
Publication date: 17 October 2016
Last modified: 17 October 2016
The LSF sample command code package (lsf10.1_sample_cli_code.tar.Z) contains
source code for the following LSF commands, ESUBs, and plugins:
LSF commands:
lsclusters lsgrun
lshosts lsload lsmon lsrcp
lseligible lsid
lsplace lsrun lsinfo ch
bapp bbot
bclusters bchkpnt bhosts
bhpart bjobs
bkill bmod
bmgroup bmig
bparams bpeek
bpost bqueues bread
bresume brun
bstop bstatus bsub
busers bugroup brsvadd brsvdel
bjgroup blimits
bsla bgadd bgdel
blstat blusers blhosts brsvmod
Master esub
LSF scheduler plugin examples :
* plugins/fcfs: First come first served plugin
* plugins/external_plugins: external plugin example
1. Abbreviations
2. About
3. Supported operating systems
4. Products or components affected
5. Installation and Configuration
6. Copyright
1. Abbreviations
2. About the IBM Spectrum LSF Sample CLI Code Package
IBM Spectrum LSF Sample CLI Code Package
3. Supported operating systems
All systems supported by LSF
For detailed system requirements for IBM Spectrum LSF see:!/wiki/New%20IBM%20Platform%20LSF%20Wiki/page/LSF%20system%20requirements
4. Products or components affected
5. Installation and Configuration
1. Prepare LSF libraries:
* If the library you need is in the lsf10.1_sample_cli_code.tar.Z, just use it.
If the library you need is not in the package, follow the instructions below to install the library:
* If LSF is already installed, create a symbolic link to your Platform
dependant library directory under lsf10.1_sample_cli_code.
For example:
% cd lsf10.1_sample_cli_code
% ln -s $LSF_TOP/10.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64 linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64
* If LSF is not installed, download platform dependant libraries from the
IBM Spectrum FTP site. They are located in the same directory as
Extract the library tar file. Ensure you extract it to the same directory as
the sample CLI code directory created by extracting lsf10.1_sample_cli_code.tar.Z
For example:
% zcat lsf10.1_linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64.lib.tar.Z | tar xvf -
% zcat lsf10.1_sample_cli_code.tar.Z | tar xvf-
2. Create a Make.def file.
In the lsf10.1_sample_cli_code directory, create a symbolic link to the
appropriate Make.def.<OS> file in lsf10.1_sample_cli_code/config/.
For example:
In the lsf10.1_sample_cli_code directory, use the command
% ln -s config/Make.def.linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64 Make.def
3. Support JSDL.
Some binaries (for example, bsub, brestart and bmod) support the JSDL feature.
However, it is disabled by default because it requires libxml2, which is third
party software. To download libxml2, visit the following link:
NOTE: Version 2.6.20 or later is required.
4. Define the libxml2 library path in Make.def.
In the lsf10.1_sample_cli_code/ directory, edit the file Make.def:
Define libxml2 library path. For example:
LIBXML2_LIBPATH=(Your xml libray path)/lib
LIBXML2_BINPATH=(Your xml libray path)/bin
LIBXML2_INCLUDE=(Your xml libray path)/include
5. Build all binaries:
% make
You can also build individual commands:
% make bqueues
6. Copyright
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016
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