PowerHA fix information

For PowerHA 7.1.3 Service Pack 6

Overview and Recommended levels

PowerHA 7.1.3 Service Pack 6 is now available for download as of October, 2016.

NOTE: PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1.3 SP 6 testing has been done on the following AIX levels and are recommended:

  • AIX 7.2.1 SP1
  • AIX 7.1.4 SP3
  • AIX 7.1.3 SP8
  • AIX 6.1.9 SP8

AIX and PowerHA Fix Bundles

There could be some new fixes for the Service Pack (since the release time). To review any important fixes that could be applicable to this Service Pack, please visit the following web page:


This page lists critical Fix bundles (collection of epkgs for AIX and PowerHA) that may be applicable for various AIX and PowerHA levels. APARs included in the Fix bundle are listed in the description file that is part of the Fix bundle tar file epkgs. You can view it without opening the ipkg by running "emgr -d -v3 -e <epkg name>". Note that these Fix Bundles were tested together and hence it is highly recommended that they be applied together as a bundle.

New APARs included in this service pack
IV62571or two dg in rg, rg is taking care of only 1st dg
IV77161ha: correct tracking and additional retries for oracle status
IV81529(sap ers)rgs may bounce on a node between online and error state
IV81862ha configure ldap server fails if persistent communication_path
IV83443ha: clver may core dump when verifying db2 instances
IV83500allow user to choose sync/async release of dlpar resources
IV83600powerha: cl_showfs2 can print misleading errors for local vg's
IV83760ha cldare error for node_timeout tunable after aix 71tl4 upgrade
IV84108c-spoc file system display slow and with errors
IV84528dlpar memory release intolerably slows fallover
IV84641clmgr may incorrectly report that repdisk change/recreate failed
IV85209ha: clmgr online cluster error messages are insufficient.
IV85379ha: cllsfs might coredump if stale lvs in odm
IV85607cspoc confused by duplicate file system mount points
IV86171ha: clsnap automounts /home autofs
IV86504ha halevel -s shows sp only partially installed
IV86748clpassword not handling root operations correctly
IV86812clver treats vg major nbr mismatch as error also with no nfs exp
IV86863adding efs using clmgr fails if user gives mode=shared_fs
IV86864updation in help message for clmgr add/modify group
IV86865invalid attribute in help message for clmgr add/modify network
IV86866clmgr modify tape -h showing incorrect help message
IV86867creation of file system using clmgr with options=all is failing
IV86868resource group(s) can be in error state when cluster is stable
IV86869check and display most recent caa capabilities
IV86870roha: event summary in hacmp.out may be incomplete
IV86871hacmp.out may show a chpv error when a mirrored disk is failed
IV86888powerha: clrginfo truncates long node name
IV87282typo error "note_timeout" instead of "node_timeout"
IV87283clmgr cannot specify a notify method for a volume group
IV87284gmvg verification check fails
IV87285mount failure reported on filesystems with '11' or '1' in name
IV87287add/mdodify volume_group with migrate_failed_disks fails
IV87288incorrect attribute name listed in help message
IV87578to align hyperswap with csm
IV87579incorrect error when resource group moved to non-existent node
IV87580check and display most recent caa capabilities
IV88767powerha service pack will not install due to syslog dependence
Cumulative APARs from previous service packs included in this service pack
IV62704ha clrginfo -m gives wrong application state on the offline node
IV67706ha replace repository disk method fails at the ver/sync step
IV68537ha clstrmgr coredump due to memory leak in smuxp_encode
IV70695clmgr add user failure when info field has special characters
IV719961800-051 there are no items of this type
IV72369failure to add an sap instance
IV72988db2 smart assist: 'parameter not set' messages in hacmp.out
IV73377rg move can disable firstalias for remaining service ip
IV73559split / merge error messages in hacmp.out at clstart
IV74077ha shutdown -r causes takeover stop instead of graceful stop
IV74167ha fails to start from inittab on first node which is booted
IV74299ha failover timestamp chk perf slow for vgs with many disks
IV74536cl_nn2hn utility may return wrong caa nodename (hostname)
IV74812powerha attempts to bring volume group online on wrong node
IV74863temporary files may not be deleted
IV74890clmgr allows incorrect split/merge combinations
IV75594powerha may miss the manual merge notification from caa/rsct.
IV75609nodenames sorted in incorrect order
IV75711update powerha filesets using alt_disk install method failed
IV75898clrginfo -m shows app state offline when nodes can't communicate
IV76039ha "clmgr online rg all node=nodea" does not honor dependencies
IV76106rg online at both nodes after a resource fails to be acquired
IV76147oracle smart assist may generate errors for oracle_home.
IV76309smit f1 help on 'action plan' is wrong for stretched clusters
IV76311swap_adapter doesn't set firstalias when swap on same adapter
IV76358ibm.configrm subsys may be inoperative after reboot
IV76639clmgr manage snapshot restore may fail
IV76803clmgr fails to set split/merge notify method
IV76826powerha invalid export filesystem name brings down cluster
IV76897file system hang using glvm, async cache fills up.
IV76972ha "clmgr online rg all node=nodea" not honoring dependencies
IV77028the split_merge_prompt event is not logged in hacmp.out
IV77109ha lsfs failure in cl_deactivate_fs no error in summary
IV77162clmgr should reject manage=unmanage and stop_caa=yes
IV77352caa dyn hostname change operation may break powerha migration
IV77374incorrect file collection handling of /etc/security/passwd
IV77508powerha allows caa to halt node
IV77560nfsv4 application monitor failure when changing the export list
IV77748correctly handle spprc state source unknown source suspended
IV78064under rare circumstances clstrmgr might send sigint to pid -1
IV78088smart assists may fail to detect network for service label
IV78089ha 7.1 clver still sets nonlocsrcroute to 1 for inactive node
IV78142'reset cluster tunables' smit menu fails with powerha active
IV78310disk fence height set incorrectly on dare operation
IV78495powerha cldare may fail to change multicast to unicast
IV78771sa for sap: appl scripts hang in case of nfs outage
IV79099syncvg ios while cache is full can cause io timeouts.
IV79104cache recovery can fail if cache size is greater than 2gb
IV79152warning not printed if "clmgr offline" does not complete in time
IV79425system trace for async glvm cache replication
IV79426rpvclient node can crash when close to out of memory
IV79497smcaactrl is blocking node time
IV79533varyon with half disks missing fails
IV79741smit heartbeat settings f1 help text wrong in linked clusters
IV79799cl_dare_compare script fails to detect configuration change
IV79812claddappmon creates app monitor name with hyphens
IV79915clver may update the wrong snmp configuration file.
IV79967ha smart assist configure sap global fs gets smit internal error
IV80053smcaactrl may not allow the replace repository operation
IV80254powerha needs to support both names of caa fdt tunable
IV80653glvm verification collects data multiple times
IV80654clrginfo parse error in autoclstrcfgmonitor.out file
IV80673error while removing smart assist application (smit)
IV80681ha clsnap hangs if lvm lock is held
IV80682ha clstart delay due to clver taking lvm lock on other node
IV80748autoclverify doesn't work after ha upgrade to 713 sp4
IV80764error creating storage agent with "@" character in user name
IV80901disks cannot be removed from a volume group via clmgr.
IV80923smit cspoc extend vg shows sort error if no free disk
IV80935smit cspoc extend/reduce vg shows rm error on non shared vg
IV81058unnecessary processing of raw logical volumes slows rg failover
IV81119rg released after local netw down followed by global netw down
IV81323clsnapshot fails with error: insufficient space for
IV81568clrgmove allows management in one cmd of rgs in anticoll dep
IV81930ha cl_sm_recover does not complete logging before reboot
IV81933pha713 cl_exportdefinition not supported & needs to be removed.
IV82155c-spoc sends commands to unreachable nodes
IV82534clverify does not prevent double mount
IV82536cl_sync_vgs synchronizes vg's when not needed sometimes
IV82643rshexec:cannot connect to node during sync/verify.
IV82906unplanned keeps at 60
IV82952no error if integer value is passed in dnp script path
IV82953cannot configure manual policy with maximum notifications as
IV82954cspoc failure switching between glvm sync - async mode
IV82955remove /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts from clsnap
IV82956clmgr manage application_controller with all option failed.
IV82957verification check for mismatch of major number not working
IV82958monitor names prepended with string hamon_ after migration
IV82959removing all nodes can leave the caa cluster unremoved.
IV82960modify resource_group does nothing on cluster with no sites.
IV82961persistent ip is not highly available when interface is down.
IV82962clmgr replace repository collects response from a new line
IV82964unable to delete a node from site
IV82965clmgr gives cluster type as stretched with no cluster defined
IV82966incorrect handling of nested and invalid mount points
IV82967live update may hang in blackout.
IV82968clmgr cannot add more than one raw disk to a mirror group
IV82969system crashes during kernel extension unload.
IV82970clmgr commands emit "not found" errors
IV82971dynamic node priority policy info missing from rg
IV82972verification failed for iscsi connected svcs while adding cg \
IV82973incorrect warning emitted from "clmgr replace repository"
IV82974verify_mping will fail on ipv6 linked clusters.
IV82975message refers to unsupported '-o' flag for varyonvg
IV82981clrgmove is giving wrong usage
IV82987nfs profile not getting created on any of the cluster
IV82989a partial node addition can occur if a new node is offline
IV82990errors.n of ascs rg using sap smart assist fails with ip
IV82991large amounts of trace output in smit panel
IV82992synchronization when not all nodes are reachable
IV82993clutils.logge snapshot restore" causes cod errors in
IV82994powerha fails to create a service ip.
IV82995ipv4 service ip on ipv6 network fails
IV82997cltopinfo -m provides no output
IV82998moving rgs using smit gives clrgmove usage error
IV82999live update failed while mirroring the original root vg.
IV83000cannot perform rg-move on rgs with service ip labels.
IV83001support for sap livecache v7.9
IV83003using hyperswap, crash in ld_purge_modules
IV83004cldump may fail with an rshexec error message
IV83005failure after changing the tie breaker disk
IV83006c-spoc correctly handle offline or inaccessible nodes
IV83007clsnap (snap -e) shows arithmetic syntax error
IV83008improved the internal setting of path in clmgr
IV83009correctly.fy physical_volume operation does not work
IV83010log collection with clmgr command fails with syntax error
IV83011clifconfig may try to assign a global ip to wpar
IV83012cannot specify a resource group when adding a user via clmgr.
IV83013remove repository disk fails only after migration
IV83014incorrect handling of volume groups with reserves on migration
IV83015cl_get_path errors in hacmp.out
IV83328removing application fails when cluster is in not_configured
IV83329title missing in smit fastpaths.
IV83330reduce communication_path changes
IV83331not all elements appear in path
IV83339fail to add hyperswap enabled rawdisk to rg
IV83599clmixver handle=0 prevents clcomd communication
IV83638dlpar resources not released on fallover/rg_move
IV84042cl_rcp does not handle valid input
IV84166clmgr query rg reports an invalid state when the rg is offline
IV84167nfs monitor to tolerate concurrent exportfs
IV84320clfileprop error when hacmpfcmodtime entry does not exist
IV85166"clmgr sync cluster" fails improperly
IV61408powerha: cl_nodecmd incorrectly modifies the invoked command
IV67023sap assist ers monitor problem after ascs service ip change
IV67827cluster verification error on managed system name
IV68450smart assist documentation update
IV69025c-spoc support for single-node volume groups
IV69225unneeded calls to cl_disk_available disrupt xd disks
IV69708hacmp.out shows clxd_list_mg_smit not found message
IV70549clmgr can modify node's debug_level with a wrong value
IV70729post-event script exit 0 prevents event error
IV70994cannot get vg list in rg
IV71090add node fails if host command does not list fqdn first
IV71149inter-dependent resource groups may cause cluster move failure
IV71239an fs1 fs just created cannot be deleted
IV71274cdsh hangs when called from node_down_complete
IV71297clrgmove may fail for rgs with different nodecollocation ids
IV71337ha clevmgrd stops rootvg disk monitor or coredumps after 30 min
IV71640smit menu omits fudnp option in site configuration
IV72019ha oracle sa db stop_server script fails
IV72151clrgmove of 2 or more rgs can cause a cluster manager looping
IV72569sap maxdb start/stop scripts report errors for xuser
IV72670maxdb assist: log file maxdbsa.log may not be created
IV72749clstrmgr cored dump during rolling migration upgrade.
IV73233clverify issues misleading application monitor message
IV73414ha clmigcleanup sets acd hacmpcluster handle = 0, causes crash
IV73634cluster services start appears to be hung
IV74041nfs mounts are not done at clstart with 'manual with nfs'
IV74109svcpprc can fail to read a consistency group status correctly
IV74188powerpc printserver monitor may produce erroneous error
IV74307improve tracking of smcaactrl actions
IV74308clrgmove -u -g rg1,rg2 fails ; same with -d ; single rg works
IV74309clsnap enhancements
IV74310preserve ffdc data
IV74320add ps4 trace to powerha application monitor scripts
IV74353dsi system crash at unloadkernelextension+000074.
IV74354typo in initialize function at dlog
IV74355clver crashes if invoked during a migration
IV74356smit suspend of app monitor lists multiple rgs
IV74357xml snapshots might not capture all cluster configuration data
IV74358errorring a snapshot on active cluster causes an odmdelete
IV74359clmgr -v modify cluster can run very slowly
IV74360service. ___memmove64+000024 during start of clevmgrdes
IV74361cannot create a cluster due to packer error
IV74362"clmgr delete repository" does not accept the "node" input
IV74363"clmgr delete repository all" does not work
IV74364cl_pvid_assignment does not disable cli_assign_pvids
IV74365hb vua alias not supported in v7
IV74366verification error after adding nfsv4 stable storage path
IV74367problem of unload in phake hyperswap kernel extension.
IV74368verify and sync fails for xiv mirror group.
IV74369dsi system crash at unloadkernelextension+000074
IV74370correct modified tuneable name
IV74371clmgr allows sites to be defined with no member nodes
IV74372collectedl report creation fails if any data cannot be
IV74373extra retry and reporting before selective fallover
IV74510extraneous network events with xd networks and sites
IV74516unable to select multiple takeover nodes in tds sa smit panel.
IV74517ha smit auto cluster config monitor does not remove old timer
IV74518incomplete help message from clmgr add cluster
IV74806dspmsg display wrong message in cspoc menu - cl_modpasswdutil
IV75198cspoc temporary files 'clgetpvid' are not deleted
IV75208"pkm_kern_proc" process cpu usage high
IV75339allow new caa tunables to be set via clctrl in a powerha env.
IV75414clrgmove man page doesn't explain how to move across sites
IV75416syntax error while selecting raw disks for user mirror group
IV75417warning messages are shown during server.rte fileset update
IV75496cluster verification fails incorrectly
IV75497removal of last gmvg (also lastvg) from rg fails.
IV75498cannot manipulate caa cluster state via clctrl
IV75530application is removed when cluster services are active
IV77353change/show the resources.. for smart assists may fail.
IV77424mq user/group id related errors in verify/sync
IV77425xd_rs232 networks not removed but nim is
IV77444a potential security issue exists
IV77445avoid giving invalid path warnings
IV77446sap lc wizard creation failed with syntax error
IV78269a potential security issue exists
IV78357can't set network failure detection with powerha installed
IV78358core dump in cl_get_path
IV63284filecollection using a dir may propagate files abnormally
IV63384smit error in change/show application controller menu
IV63952sap assist: ers configuration shows validatenodelists error
IV64493ha dlpar may release required memory if rg swapping is fast
IV64754powerha: incorrect java call for java6 in srdf support
IV64874spprc rg_move fails when mirroring is suspended
IV65140unable to rmdev shared disk after stopping powerha
IV65146sap assist: application server rg created without service ip
IV65595long takeover time when some nodes in a cluster are down
IV65620the clevmgrdevents log file has 666 permissions
IV65741fencing interferes with volume group import
IV65792"vg doesn't exist" error when using nfs assistant
IV65860unable to select more than 200 disks in user mg screen
IV65861ha xiv verification fails if multiple cgs use same hdisks
IV65863mq assist: incorrect path to 'dspmqver' command
IV65864charr modify network command will crash if network name> 64
IV65868powerha: application monitors inactive with migration to 7.1.2
IV65870srdf: verification shows powermt not found message
IV65871improper message about xml file shown during automatic config
IV65872cleanup of resources in mq sa addition failure is improper.
IV65874error in test tool with interface label longer than 16 chars
IV65875clstrmgr coredump if alternate logfile directory not mounted
IV65877powerha process_resources may fail due to reuse of a work file
IV65879clmgr reports incorrect application monitor method
IV65913messages when removing a site
IV65914invalid message found during configuration of dns sa
IV65916discovery of lotus domino server version 9 fails.
IV65917verification 'out of memory' error with large nfs exports file
IV65918clverify to check for caa_cfg entry in /etc/services
IV65919discovery of tsm admin fails if multiple installations exists.
IV65921powerha: restore_routes may leave routes on loopback
IV66147concurrent rg support for svc pprc
IV66554clver core dump when starting ha service
IV66713powerha: ver_mping.log result clarification
IV66771clmgr html report may not show rg name for some fs and lv
IV66772clmgr html report may leave empty the fs and site rel fields
IV67136clmgr fails to move multiple resource groups
IV67178clmgr html report can have missing/incorrect info
IV67179sap assist: api connector leads to unexpected failures
IV67331rg released after local netw down followed by global netw down
IV67484ha failed to start due to missing preprequisite requirements.
IV67831db2 assist: harmless 'parameter not set' in hacmp.out
IV67941dare invokes unnecessary chcluster commands
IV68697powerha vios fcp attached svcs does not verify
IV68747clmgr add cluster fails with heartbeat_frequency or grace_period
IV69010clmgr fails to move multiple resource groups across sites
IV69021smcaactrl blocks mod_node event for hostname change
IV69094cannot remove multiple nodes from the cluster concurrently
IV69224clmgr add user failure when info field has spaces
IV69236clmgr add group has registry option incorrectly mandatory
IV69247the cluster setup panel that includes sites might not work.
IV69248smit menu for repos disk needs to check for uuid instead pvid
IV69253mq assist: various failures caused by incorrect path
IV69254timestamp update slow with huge numbers of luns
IV69350verification error about pv defined in incorrect rg
IV69431cl_pvid_assignment does not prevent automatic pvid assignment
IV69442clevmgrdes creates /etc/cluster/ahafs file w/ suid&sgid bits
IV69580preserve error information from oracle smart assist
IV69581repository up event not logged in hacmp.out
IV69582hitachi truecopy verification error on installed cci sw
IV69583ha websphere import smart assist config script bad error msg
IV69584dlpar cod cpu not released after acquire has failed
IV69585smit displaying incorrect cluster and heartbeat type
IV69586lazy update does not update local lvm odm info.
IV69589failure to create two as instances with same sid
IV69590cl_verify_svcpprc_config spawns endless copies
IV69591cannot change cleanup and restart method fields to empty value
IV69592improve snap -e data collection
IV69593mount/umount fails with message: mount point not found
IV69594make clstgmgr logfiles more readable
IV69595split and merge configuration settings may not be applied
IV69596clmgr delimited cluster output omits the type attributes
IV69597clmgr html report generation shows "process killed" msg
IV69598c-spoc error messages before cluster creation
IV69599cli_mklv long execution time with many pvs
IV69600error happens when customizing resource recovery via smit
IV69605clmgr fails to add persistent label with alias names
IV69669log directory is changed to /var/hacmp/log for clavan.log
IV69864rootvg monitoring may fill up aix kern.debug log file
IV69865powerha archive of application monitor related log files.
IV69866smit menu for repos disk needs to check for uuid instead pvid
IV69867cl_pvo may not varyon all vgs
IV70110c-spoc does not recognize some oracle disks
IV70429syslog multiple rotation definition on a single log file
IV70687nodes cannot be renamed until the cluster is fully formed.
IV70688clmgr add group registry=lda test is created with files
IV70689unnecessary chcluster commands run during dare
IV70690clver crashes if invoked during a migration
IV70717ha clstrmgr coredumps if more than 32 active labels on a node
IV70758incorrect execution of genxd methods in enterprise edition
IV70759progname appears in message during verify and sync
IV70825cldare removes non-ha interfaces from the ifrestrcit file
IV71228supress sed error message if tracking file not found
IV57450sap assist sw requirements are too vague
IV58746sap assist: misleading messages during ers discovery/config
IV59303misleading ers replication in sapsa.log
IV59587change fallover policy from fudnp doesn't clean up all dnp info
IV59774smartassist for itds-monitor_ids script not working properly
IV60098typo errors in smit screens of sap sa
IV60100powerha will restart as when scs failsover.
IV60685process application monitor can't detect process termination
IV60724spprc: rg_move across sites does not run failbackpprc
IV60799powerha: cannot add a network interface
IV61305cl_pvo may not varyon all vgs
IV61306cannot add ers instance via smit or clmgr using sap sa
IV61578cspoc remove a volume group failure
IV61619verification and clstart show 0519-010 libodm error message
IV61700ibm.hacmprgrmd core dumps with one app monitor to multiple app c
IV61927clvaryonvg fails to activate missing/removed disks
IV61972powerha: cl_verify_tc_config can fail if multiple nodes and rgs
IV62107clevmgrdes process may not start because of memory corruption
IV62142ha synchronize sets tme=yes on all fibre channel adapters
IV62143sap assist: ers definition may fail if scs res.group is online
IV62237clstrmgr does not wait for split/merge prompt response
IV62454clmgr failure to redirect powerha log files
IV62570cluster service failed to start due to dg_prevg_online
IV62725discovery of sap instances fails in case of multiple sids
IV62726wrong discovery values of gfs instance for second sid
IV62783clmgr query interface may show state=down for service labels
IV62785dsh perl hang in fifo
IV62927support new caa tunable "no_if_traffic_monitor"
IV63059xml snapshots are not working properly
IV63298clmgr hangs while viewing volume groups
IV63540missing prefix/netmask option in change/show db2 sa screen
IV63541ha: dlpar release uses invalid ratio
IV63542ha rg_move does not occur when unrelated app server goes down
IV63543messages to be corrected for webspheremq smart assist
IV63544xml file path name is wrong when adding mq using manual
IV63545addition of mq server using manual option fails
IV63546readme for 713 sp1
IV63547improper invoke of smit panels for nfs smart assist
IV63548dlpar incorrectly tries to use cod cpu even when disabled
IV63549cl_route_change fails with multipath route
IV63550clmgr query fs fs_name does not show rg name
IV63551incorrect result of cl_on_node -v "vg" "cmd" due to typo
IV63552powerha: missing cle_ip to add new tcpsock linked cluster heartb
IV63554resource group with site specific service address may error.
IV63555mq assist 'user "mqm,user1" does not exist' error message
IV63556cluster verification may leave mping processes running.
IV63557clver may core dump verifying db2 instance
IV63559ha clcomd still communicates to wrong node sometimes
IV63560ffdc_collection environment variable has no effect in clstart
IV63561clrmnode will coredump when removing more than 32 nets
IV63562cannot change repository mode with powerha present.
IV63563"clmgr delete volume_group" does not remove disk fence
IV63564clver may hang with disk numbers more than 1024
IV63565error messages can be emitted by ver_mping.
IV63566hyperswap + lvm config wont bring rdgs up
IV63567cspoc log redirect still refers to /var/hacmp/clcomd at powe
IV63568swap fails with sfw op_in_progress error
IV63569v&s fails for multiple mg xiv configuration
IV63570typo in error message about 'online at different node' rg dep
IV63571rg error when adding application server dynamically
IV63572failed fork() of an application monitor will halt node.
IV63573the cl_nn2hn utility does not always return a value
IV63574srdf verification error about pv defined in incorrect rg
IV63575node halted when commpath changed via dare
IV63576cannot add multiple nodes to existing linked cluster.
IV63577verification error: parent directory is already in export list
IV63588site down events not run if dependencies configured
IV63589manual discovery of mq server sa fails to add service ip
IV63590automation tool for sap prerquisites check
IV63605enhancement to drop support for sap ha api v2.0
IV63626repository disk information not displayed in setup cluster
IV63658cli_mkvg fails if a major number is specified
IV63734clmgr is missing the option to "disable firstalias"
IV64668clstrmgr may core dump when remote node joins
IV64973vg fence and varyonvg errors in hacmp.out at clstart
IV65061glvm commnds are hanging lsmp gmvgstat
IV65064updating xml snapshot backing code
IV65065null notification method generates spurious clver warning
IV65256clmgr may not display nfsv4 exported directories
IV65382cannot change a resource group with nfs assistant
IV65536smcaactrl is blocking deadman mode setting in caa
IV65859cspoc interfaces smit menu does not handle ipv6
IV65862improper error messages in monitor log file.
IV65865no additional smit screen when changing filesystem in cspoc
IV65866clrginfo truncates long node name
IV65869false stable-storage message during vg auto import
IV65873mq smart assist can fail in manual config on service ip address
IV65876clmgr query repository might fail in a linked cluster
IV65878provide a way to disable automatic pvid assignment
IV65912add support instructions under problem determination
IV65915ha cl_community_name returns public for my-private-community
IV65920io with b_option flag type rpv overlap starve for syncvg writes
IV65922fix issues with sap sa ers discovery.
IV65923false exit of start script for ers instance.
IV65924creating a linked cluster might fail with a repository error.
IV66072rpvstat dumps core
IV66073readme update for cl_pvid_assignment environment variable
IV66080varyonvg might hang in glvm env during multiple vg operations.
IV66306cannot add multiple nodes without verify and sync
IV66388verification of device groups fails with java exception
IV53751clinfo may terminate in config with sites
IV54588clmgr improves caa repository disk recovery
IV55094rg left in releasing after shutdown during stop cluster services
IV55095ha smit cluster security screens shown but not active
IV55096verification error parent directory is already in export list
IV55097change password utility fails to exit correctly
IV55098site field is missing in change serviceip smit panel
IV55099clverify warning about super strict mirroring
IV55101clrgmove -r fails with error message
IV55102cl_set_vg_fence_height errors in smit change/show volume group
IV55103disk can be local, so we should not discover vg
IV55104asyncrhonous cache recovery failure due to stale pvid table
IV55105nfs crossmounts not remounted at network up event
IV55106dlpar cod cpu activated for hard coded 30 days
IV55107site type smit input has f4 list when it should not
IV55108spprc cspoc.log full of 'lsvg -l' lvm errors at midnight clver
IV55109vg is not parsed properly
IV55110smit menu "add a network" missing field for public/private
IV55111correct ver_mping code to read better mping command output
IV55112cl_verify_svcpprc_config performance degradation
IV55113tsm client smart assist will not list proper fs for backup
IV55114cspoc create new vg and rg shows 'putlvodm' error message
IV55115clver core dump when applying snapshot
IV55116cldare fails with multicast communication error.
IV55117cannot change "notify_method" to empty value
IV55118add f1 help to group services log length menu option
IV55120some data can be missing from verbose clmgr queries
IV55121websphere mq rg in error state as start/stop scripts fail.
IV55122clmgr add snapshot "save_logs=true" fails
IV55123clmgr start cluster with automatic correct errors failure
IV55124snapshot method labels are not saved in the ".info" file
IV55125codeving only 1 node using "clmgr delete cluster" gives bad
IV55126if adding mq sa fails, cleanup is not done properly.
IV55128swap wont happen automatically for system mgs
IV55129f4 picklist for add a node may not list all available choices
IV55130clconfig and cldare don't use customized clevents log directory
IV55131ers monitor scheduling prevents startscript to be called
IV55132networks defined as private may still be heartbeat
IV55133clmgr allows 'cluster name' change on configured cluster
IV55134smit menu 'remove a repository disk' shows active rep.disk
IV55135svc verification incorrectly fails from ping dos errors
IV55136rg move can disable firstalias unintentionally
IV55138sap smart assist fails in smitty after discovery.
IV55139cluster verification shows "warning" on clhosts.client
IV55140sap admin functions will not be reflected in powerha
IV55141error adding ipv6 pers ip to ipv4 nw with specific prefix len
IV55142"clmgr view report cluster type=html" can emit errors
IV55143timeout attribute not working with clmgr stop
IV55144multicast verification fails with nodes sharing same name
IV55145ha712 incorr fallover during ha start of node at site with id 1
IV55146tivoli monitoring agent builder throws errrors with hacmp.my
IV55147recovery action should be checked in suspended state
IV55148ha clrginfo -m shows online app on remote node as offline
IV55149clver can core dump when ipv6 addresses configured
IV55150express sync ios can starve in a async glvm configuration
IV55151setgr add repository might fail if external type variable is
IV55152some clmgr commands might give a "parameter not set" error
IV55153lvm may mark asynchronous pv as missing due to io timeout
IV55154clmodnetwork core dumps on network name length
IV55155unexpected rg_move by errnotify with lvm_io_fail
IV55156no information on 'critical volume group' functionality
IV55157clmgr fails when monitor method script has arguments
IV55158ha svcpprc cgs are processed for rg move when not in the rg
IV55159after migration from 6.1 to 7.1.x, clstart may fail
IV55160clmgr might have missing information for repositories
IV55161clmgr does not display resource group secondary nodes
IV55162systemmirror for aix does not allow caa services management
IV55163ha smit cluster heartbeat settings wrong ranges in help text
IV55164the clmgr node and host queries do not indicate the local host
IV55165lvm + hyperswap unable to bring rdg online
IV55166actriveaddrnode mib var incorrect for dynamically added boot ips
IV55167clmgr may not display node priority policy values correctly
IV55168cannot change "notify_method" to empty value
IV55185"app monitor script not exist/executable" error at verification
IV55241cluster verification hangs in 1 cpu node
IV55564dlpar "not found" error during cod cpu processing
IV55937clstart may not work and node crash at assert
IV55938could not able to add existing ldap server to powerha
IV55939glvm ras enhancements
IV55940process monitor will permit more processes than instance count
IV55941powerha 'lazy update' not working for jfs2 with 'inline' log
IV55942memory leak in clevmgrdes
IV55943application monitor methods do not allow arguments / space
IV55944cannot use clmgr to set hyperswap recovery attribute.
IV55945swap fails for mgs
IV55953lslpp -lor gives wrong return code
IV55955timestamp out of sync issue still happens even iv41182 applied
IV56377change cluster.log to avoid refresh of syslogd
IV56576srdf emc 'options' file incorrectly modified by powerha
IV56798powerha may sometimes assign a wrong hostname to a nodename
IV57309clcycle of clinfo.log fails
IV57310systemmirror will not create linked cluster
IV57311clmgr replace repository fails after manual chrepos
IV57312a resource group containing a volume group might not fallover
IV57334extra warning reported for site-specific service ip label.
IV57395sap assist 'cleanipc' failure due to incorrect libpath
IV57728powerha sa for sap may fail to configure (a)scs instance
IV57742cldare fails fqdn caa nodenames vs. short ha communicat
IV57901cl_pvo fails to detect if ecm vg is online in non conc mode
IV57902cl_pvo fails to activate missing/removed disks
IV57903cl_pvo fails to handle lack of quorum
IV58550sap assist the start of the scs instance may fail randomly
IV58982physical partition size in megabytes limited to 1024 in cspoc
IV58983rework custom configuration path for cluster creation
IV58984configure split merge policies does not recognize cluster type
IV58985smit internal error for cm_configure_split_merge_lnk with ja_jp
IV58986powerha/svc metro mirror hacmp.out shows svc error: cmmvc5977e
IV58987clver does not detect when svc ip is defined as alias in aix odm
IV58989nfsd may not be restarted by cl_export_fs due to bad timing
IV58990clmgr cannot modify same-node/site resource group dependencies
IV58991clver does not detect netmask mismatch between aix and ha odm
IV58992incorrect build information from "clmgr query version"
IV58993adding a new node to an existing cluster and site may fail.
IV58994messages about address family when adding persistent labels
IV58996invalid character in expression when taking cluster snapshot
IV58997clstrmgr may core on startup of first node
IV58998clstrmgr exits if hacmp.out greater than 2gb
IV58999clmgr cluster reports may not display a company logo properly
IV59000discovery of nfs fails in case of multiple sids
IV59001rdgs move to halt, when primary storage is down
IV59002setting split merge poicies fails with parsing error
IV59005wrong values added for nfs_ip and nfs_mount for sap instance
IV59018smcaactrl emits error typeste: not found
IV59020spprc vg fence and varyonvg errors in hacmp.out at clstart
IV59519shutdown -f may reboot instead of halt
IV60097spelling mistake in "recommended user actions" for manual
IV60101misleading primary node for ers instance
IV60102discovery of tsm admin center v6.3.4 fails.
IV60103xiv clverify may fail for cg related errors
IV60104clmgr modify cluster nodes=... does not work
IV60105"clmgr add vg" will emit an error if a notify method is given
IV60106swap may fail
IV60107clrgmove may fail
IV60108lsrpvserver -a take loads of time to display result
IV60110start of second ers instance fails in case of resource sharing
IV60111rg move to err state due to syntax error
IV60112syncvg parallel with async io can cause io timeout
IV60113bring rg online fails for active active env
IV60114verify and sync failed with syntax error
IV60115initial cluster setup smit panel throws errors
IV60116single node swap default value is disable
IV60117clcycle uses hard coded path for cluster.log
IV60119clmgr replace repos fails for remote site in a linked cluster
IV60120non-english locales can cause clmgr query commands to hang
IV60451v&s fails for multiple vgs in a rg of a xiv cluster
IV60453io with b_option flag type rpv overlap starve for syncvg writes
Filesets with associated APARs
PTF#FilesetAssociated APARs
U864225cluster.adt.es.client.include7.1.3.1 IV60104
U869272cluster.es.assist.common7.1.3.5 IV80673 IV83328
U868514cluster.es.assist.common7.1.3.4 IV68450 IV75530
U868755cluster.es.assist.common7.1.3.3 IV67831
U865775cluster.es.assist.common7.1.3.2 IV57450 IV62726 IV63544
U864199cluster.es.assist.common7.1.3.1 IV55138
U869270cluster.es.assist.db27.1.3.3 IV72988
U868517cluster.es.assist.db27.1.3.2 IV77353 IV77444
U865774cluster.es.assist.db27.1.3.1 IV63540
U865784cluster.es.assist.dns7.1.3.1 IV65914
U868493cluster.es.assist.domino7.1.3.2 IV74320 IV77444
U865783cluster.es.assist.domino7.1.3.1 IV65916
U868508cluster.es.assist.filenet7.1.3.1 IV74320 IV77444
U869282cluster.es.assist.maxdb7.1.3.2 IV83001
U868512cluster.es.assist.maxdb7.1.3.1 IV72569 IV74320 IV77444 IV77446
cluster.es.assist.oracle_7.1.3.4cluster.es.assist.oracle7.1.3.4 IV77161
U869387cluster.es.assist.oracle7.1.3.3 IV76147
U868510cluster.es.assist.oracle7.1.3.2 IV72019 IV74320 IV77444
U868754cluster.es.assist.oracle7.1.3.1 IV69580
U868494cluster.es.assist.printServer7.1.3.1 IV74188 IV74320
U869374cluster.es.assist.sap7.1.3.5 IV72369 IV78771 IV79967 IV82990 IV83330
U868509cluster.es.assist.sap7.1.3.4 IV67023 IV74320 IV77444 IV78269
U868751cluster.es.assist.sap7.1.3.3 IV63952 IV65146 IV67179 IV69589
U865770cluster.es.assist.sap7.1.3.2 IV58746 IV59303 IV60098 IV60100 IV61306 IV62143 IV62725 IV62726 IV63590 IV63605 IV65862 IV65922 IV65923
U864197cluster.es.assist.sap7.1.3.1 IV55103 IV55109 IV55140 IV57395 IV57728 IV58550 IV59000 IV59005 IV60101 IV60110
U868507cluster.es.assist.tds7.1.3.2 IV74516 IV77444
U864270cluster.es.assist.tds7.1.3.1 IV59774
U868496cluster.es.assist.tsmadmin7.1.3.3 IV74320
U868740cluster.es.assist.tsmadmin7.1.3.2 IV65919
U864227cluster.es.assist.tsmadmin7.1.3.1 IV60102
U868490cluster.es.assist.tsmclient7.1.3.2 IV74320
U864181cluster.es.assist.tsmclient7.1.3.1 IV55113
U868505cluster.es.assist.tsmserver7.1.3.1 IV74320 IV77444
U868491cluster.es.assist.websphere7.1.3.2 IV74320 IV77444
U865780cluster.es.assist.websphere7.1.3.1 IV69583
U868492cluster.es.assist.wmq7.1.3.4 IV74320 IV77424 IV77444
U865782cluster.es.assist.wmq7.1.3.3 IV65863 IV65871 IV65872 IV69253
U864229cluster.es.assist.wmq7.1.3.2 IV63543 IV63544 IV63545 IV63555 IV63589
U864182cluster.es.assist.wmq7.1.3.1 IV55121 IV55126
U869290cluster.es.client.clcomd7.1.3.3 IV74536 IV83330 IV84042
U864233cluster.es.client.clcomd7.1.3.2 IV63573
U864186cluster.es.client.clcomd7.1.3.1 IV55146 IV56798
cluster.es.client.lib_7.1.3.6cluster.es.client.lib7.1.3.6 IV84641 IV85209 IV86863 IV86864 IV86865 IV86866 IV86867 IV87287 IV87288 IV87579
U869298cluster.es.client.lib7.1.3.5 IV70695 IV74890 IV76039 IV76972 IV77162 IV78088 IV79152 IV79497 IV79967 IV80901 IV82956 IV82959 IV82960 IV82962 IV82973 IV82989 IV82994 IV83009 IV83012 IV83013 IV84166 IV85166
U868500cluster.es.client.lib7.1.3.4 IV70549 IV71090 IV71239 IV74359 IV74362 IV74363 IV74371 IV74372 IV74518
U868742cluster.es.client.lib7.1.3.3 IV66772 IV67136 IV67178 IV68747 IV69010 IV69224 IV69236 IV69585 IV69597 IV69605 IV70110 IV70687 IV70688 IV70690 IV70717
U864234cluster.es.client.lib7.1.3.2 IV62454 IV62783 IV62927 IV63059 IV63550 IV63561 IV63575 IV63626 IV63734 IV65873 IV65876
U864187cluster.es.client.lib7.1.3.1 IV54588 IV55110 IV55120 IV55122 IV55123 IV55124 IV55125 IV55130 IV55133 IV55141 IV55142 IV55143 IV55151 IV55152 IV55154 IV55157 IV55160 IV55161 IV55162 IV55164 IV55167 IV55943 IV55944 IV57310 IV57311 IV57312 IV58993 IV58994 IV58999 IV60104 IV60105 IV60119
U869307cluster.es.client.rte7.1.3.3 IV74167 IV77374
U864238cluster.es.client.rte7.1.3.2 IV63546
U864192cluster.es.client.rte7.1.3.1 IV53751 IV55159
U869294cluster.es.client.utils7.1.3.3 IV77374 IV83331
U868499cluster.es.client.utils7.1.3.2 IV74373 IV77444 IV77445 IV78358
U865779cluster.es.client.utils7.1.3.1 IV65915
cluster.es.cspoc.cmds_7.1.3.6cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.3.6 IV83600 IV84108 IV85607 IV86748 IV86869
U869300cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.3.5 IV77374 IV79533 IV80923 IV80935 IV82155 IV82534 IV83006 IV83014
U868501cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.3.4 IV69025 IV74364 IV74806 IV77444
U868743cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.3.3 IV65595 IV65741 IV66771 IV69248 IV69598 IV69599
U864235cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.3.2 IV61578 IV63551 IV63563 IV63658 IV64973 IV65878
U864188cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.3.1 IV55097 IV55102 IV55162
cluster.es.cspoc.rte_7.1.3.6cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.3.6 IV81862 IV83600 IV84108
U869309cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.3.5 IV74863 IV77374 IV80923 IV82155 IV82975 IV83006
U868504cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.3.4 IV61408 IV69025 IV71274 IV73634 IV74364 IV77444
U868749cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.3.3 IV65595 IV65741 IV69248 IV69254 IV69431 IV69598 IV69866 IV70110
U864268cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.3.2 IV62785 IV63298 IV65878
U864195cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.3.1 IV55114 IV55938 IV58996
cluster.es.genxd.cmds_7.1.3.6cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.3.6 IV87578
U869302cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.3.5 IV77374 IV80764 IV82906 IV82967 IV82968 IV82969 IV83003 IV83339
U868502cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.3.4 IV74353 IV74367 IV74368 IV74369 IV75416
U868744cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.3.3 IV65860 IV65861
U864236cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.3.2 IV63564 IV63568 IV63569
U864189cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.3.1 IV55128 IV55937 IV55945 IV59001 IV60103 IV60106 IV60113 IV60116 IV60451
U869288cluster.es.genxd.rte7.1.3.3 IV77374 IV82999
U868498cluster.es.genxd.rte7.1.3.2 IV74354
U864223cluster.es.genxd.rte7.1.3.1 IV55937 IV60097
U869280cluster.es.nfs.rte7.1.3.3 IV77560 IV84167
U868757cluster.es.nfs.rte7.1.3.2 IV65792
U865777cluster.es.nfs.rte7.1.3.1 IV63547 IV65382
U869392cluster.es.pprc.cmds7.1.3.1 IV77374
U865773cluster.es.pprc.rte7.1.3.1 IV60724
cluster.es.server.diag_7.1.3.6cluster.es.server.diag7.1.3.6 IV83443 IV85379 IV86812
U869274cluster.es.server.diag7.1.3.5 IV75609 IV76826 IV77374 IV78089 IV79915 IV80654 IV80682 IV82534 IV82957 IV82974 IV83339 IV84443
U868511cluster.es.server.diag7.1.3.4 IV67827 IV70994 IV73233 IV74355 IV74361 IV74366 IV75496
U868756cluster.es.server.diag7.1.3.3 IV65917 IV65918 IV66554 IV66713 IV67484 IV69594 IV70717 IV70759
U865776cluster.es.server.diag7.1.3.2 IV61619 IV63556 IV63557 IV63564 IV63565 IV63577 IV65065
U864220cluster.es.server.diag7.1.3.1 IV55096 IV55099 IV55111 IV55115 IV55116 IV55130 IV55139 IV55144 IV55149 IV55168 IV55185 IV55241 IV57334 IV58987 IV58991
cluster.es.server.events_7.1.3.6cluster.es.server.events7.1.3.6 IV81529 IV83500 IV84528 IV86868 IV86871 IV87283 IV87285
U869303cluster.es.server.events7.1.3.5 IV73377 IV74299 IV74812 IV74863 IV76311 IV76803 IV77109 IV77374 IV78310 IV79533 IV82536 IV82961 IV82966 IV82991 IV82993 IV82995 IV83000 IV83011 IV83014 IV83015 IV83339 IV83638
U868503cluster.es.server.events7.1.3.4 IV69025 IV69225 IV69708 IV70729 IV71149 IV74041 IV74356 IV74362 IV74373 IV74518
U868746cluster.es.server.events7.1.3.3 IV64493 IV65140 IV65595 IV65877 IV65921 IV69254 IV69581 IV69584 IV69593 IV69596 IV69867 IV70758
U864237cluster.es.server.events7.1.3.2 IV61305 IV62570 IV62927 IV63541 IV63548 IV63549 IV63559 IV63564 IV63566 IV63571 IV63588 IV64973 IV65256 IV66080
U864190cluster.es.server.events7.1.3.1 IV55105 IV55106 IV55110 IV55114 IV55120 IV55122 IV55136 IV55155 IV55162 IV55164 IV55165 IV55167 IV55564 IV55953 IV55955 IV57901 IV57902 IV57903 IV58989 IV58990 IV59020 IV60104 IV60107 IV60120
cluster.es.server.rte_7.1.3.6cluster.es.server.rte7.1.3.6 IV86868 IV86869 IV86870 IV86888 IV87580
U869286cluster.es.server.rte7.1.3.5 IV62704 IV67706 IV68537 IV73559 IV74077 IV75594 IV75711 IV75898 IV76106 IV76309 IV77028 IV77374 IV78064 IV79741 IV81119 IV81930 IV82953 IV82954 IV82958 IV82987 IV82992 IV83005 IV83013 IV83329 IV83339 IV84165 IV84443
U868497cluster.es.server.rte7.1.3.4 IV70729 IV71149 IV71297 IV71337 IV71640 IV72151 IV72670 IV72749 IV74356 IV74360 IV74365 IV74510 IV75208 IV75417
U868741cluster.es.server.rte7.1.3.3 IV65146 IV65620 IV65868 IV65875 IV65913 IV67331 IV69247 IV69248 IV69442 IV69581 IV69591 IV69594 IV69600 IV69669 IV69864 IV69865 IV70429 IV70717
U864232cluster.es.server.rte7.1.3.2 IV60685 IV61700 IV62107 IV62237 IV63542 IV63544 IV63546 IV63554 IV63564 IV63571 IV63572 IV63588 IV63626 IV64668 IV65859 IV65865 IV65866 IV65912 IV66073 IV66306
U864185cluster.es.server.rte7.1.3.1 IV55094 IV55095 IV55098 IV55102 IV55107 IV55110 IV55117 IV55118 IV55129 IV55134 IV55145 IV55148 IV55156 IV55163 IV55166 IV55940 IV55942 IV55943 IV56377 IV58982 IV58983 IV58984 IV58985 IV58997 IV58998 IV59002 IV60115
U868745cluster.es.server.testtool7.1.3.1 IV65874
cluster.es.server.utils_7.1.3.6cluster.es.server.utils7.1.3.6 IV83760 IV84108 IV85379 IV86171 IV86869 IV86871 IV87282 IV87579
U868571cluster.es.server.utils7.1.3.5 IV67706 IV76358 IV76639 IV76826 IV77352 IV77374 IV77508 IV78142 IV78310 IV78495 IV79497 IV79533 IV79799 IV79812 IV80053 IV80254 IV80681 IV80748 IV81058 IV81323 IV81568 IV81933 IV82155 IV82643 IV82952 IV82955 IV82964 IV82965 IV82970 IV82971 IV82981 IV82993 IV82997 IV82998 IV83004 IV83006 IV83007 IV83008 IV83010 IV83014 IV83330 IV83339 IV83599 IV84320
U868495cluster.es.server.utils7.1.3.4 IV70729 IV71149 IV73414 IV74307 IV74308 IV74309 IV74310 IV74320 IV74357 IV74358 IV74370 IV74517 IV75198 IV75339 IV75417 IV75498 IV77425 IV78357
U865785cluster.es.server.utils7.1.3.3 IV63284 IV63384 IV65595 IV65864 IV65879 IV67941 IV69021 IV69094 IV69585 IV69586 IV69591 IV69592 IV69593 IV69594 IV69595 IV69598 IV69865 IV70429 IV70689 IV70717 IV70825 IV71228
U864230cluster.es.server.utils7.1.3.2 IV59587 IV60799 IV61927 IV62142 IV62927 IV63059 IV63552 IV63560 IV63562 IV63564 IV63567 IV63570 IV63571 IV63576 IV63588 IV65064 IV65536 IV65869 IV65924
U864183cluster.es.server.utils7.1.3.1 IV55098 IV55101 IV55108 IV55124 IV55130 IV55131 IV55132 IV55161 IV55162 IV55941 IV55953 IV56377 IV57309 IV57310 IV57742 IV58992 IV58999 IV59018 IV59519 IV60104 IV60107 IV60117 IV60120
U869284cluster.es.spprc.cmds7.1.3.1 IV77374
U868570cluster.es.spprc.rte7.1.3.2 IV77748
U865781cluster.es.spprc.rte7.1.3.1 IV64874
U864224cluster.es.sr.cmds7.1.3.1 IV56576
cluster.es.sr.rte_7.1.3.4cluster.es.sr.rte7.1.3.4 IV62571
U868748cluster.es.sr.rte7.1.3.3 IV64754 IV65870 IV69350
U864239cluster.es.sr.rte7.1.3.2 IV62570 IV63574 IV66388
U864193cluster.es.sr.rte7.1.3.1 IV55147 IV56576 IV60111 IV60114
U869305cluster.es.svcpprc.rte7.1.3.4 IV82972
U868515cluster.es.svcpprc.rte7.1.3.3 IV74109
U868747cluster.es.svcpprc.rte7.1.3.2 IV66147 IV68697 IV69590
U864191cluster.es.svcpprc.rte7.1.3.1 IV55112 IV55135 IV55158 IV58986
U868753cluster.es.tc.rte7.1.3.2 IV69582
U865772cluster.es.tc.rte7.1.3.1 IV61972
U869249cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.3.4 IV82981
U868513cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.3.3 IV75414
U864231cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.3.2 IV62927 IV63734
U864184cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.3.1 IV55110 IV55122 IV55162
U868752cluster.msg.en_US.assist7.1.3.3 IV65914 IV69583
U865771cluster.msg.en_US.assist7.1.3.2 IV60098 IV62143 IV63555
U864198cluster.msg.en_US.assist7.1.3.1 IV55109 IV60101
U869345cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.3.4 IV75898 IV76039 IV79812
U868506cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.3.3 IV73233 IV73414 IV74806
U868750cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.3.2 IV66713 IV67136 IV67484 IV69591
U864196cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.3.1 IV55124 IV55133 IV55160 IV55161 IV55162 IV56377 IV57310 IV57311 IV58987 IV58991 IV58994 IV60104
U864226cluster.msg.en_US.sr7.1.3.1 IV56576
U868758cluster.msg.en_US.svcpprc7.1.3.2 IV68697
U864194cluster.msg.en_US.svcpprc7.1.3.1 IV55112 IV55135
cluster.xd.glvm_7.1.3.5cluster.xd.glvm7.1.3.5 IV87284
U869327cluster.xd.glvm7.1.3.4 IV77374 IV80653 IV83339
U868516cluster.xd.glvm7.1.3.3 IV75497
U864269cluster.xd.glvm7.1.3.2 IV63564 IV65061
U864228cluster.xd.glvm7.1.3.1 IV60107
U869278glvm.rpv.client7.1.3.3 IV76897 IV79099 IV79104 IV79425 IV79426
U865778glvm.rpv.client7.1.3.2 IV65920 IV66072
U864221glvm.rpv.client7.1.3.1 IV55104 IV55150 IV55153 IV55939 IV60112 IV60453
U869276glvm.rpv.server7.1.3.2 IV71996 IV79425
U864222glvm.rpv.server7.1.3.1 IV55939 IV60108