Readme file for: IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics
Product/Component Release: 9.1.4 for IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics Data
Update name: build419880_node_all
Publication date: 9 Sep 2016
Last modified: 9 Sep 2016
This solution resolves an issue with IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics node
patch_tool. IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics node patch_tool does not work in
version 9.1.4 and fails when running pinstall.sh and puninst.sh.
1. Abbreviations
2. About
3. Supported operating systems
4. Products or components affected
5. Installation and Configuration
6. Copyright
1. Abbreviations
DB: database
PERF: Short name for IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics Data Collector
2. About
This is the IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics Data Collector.
3. Supported operating systems
4. Products or components affected
IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics Data Collector
5. Installation and Configuration
In this document, ANALYTICS_TOP describes the top-level IBM Spectrum LSF
Analytics Data Collector installation directory.
For example, this directory may refer to the following:
* Linux /opt/IBM/PlatformAnalytics
5.0 Download patch from Fix Central.
* For IBM Spectrum LSF Analytics Data Collector:
5.1 Installation steps
5.1.1 Apply the patch for IBM Spectrum LSF
Analytics Data Collector for each node.
1. Log into the IBM Spectrum LSF
Analytics Data Collector host with the same account used to install the
2. Extract the package
3. Backup the files in
patch_tools directory.
a ) Enter
into ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/bin with following command:
cd ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/bin
Rename start_services_node.sh and stop_services_node.sh with following
mv start_services_node.sh start_services_node.sh.bak
mv stop_services_node.sh stop_services_node.sh.bak
4. Create patch backup info for this
patch with following commands
a) mkdir
b) cp
-rf build419880_node_all/patch_install/fixlist.db
c) cp
-rf build419880_node_all/patch_install/filelist.db
5. Create patch info for
this patch
Edit the
ANALYTICS_TOP/.patch/PatchHistory.db. If the file is blank, append following
content to this file:
If the
file is not blank, append the following content to the last line of this
6. Copy the files in patch
to patch_tools directory.
cp -rf
build419880_node_all/patch_tools/bin/* ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/bin
5.2 Uninstall steps
5.2.1 Uninstall the patch for IBM Spectrum LSF
Analytics Data Collector for each node.
1. Log into the IBM Spectrum LSF
Analytics Data Collector host with the same account used to uninstall the
2. Remove patch
backup info for this patch with following commands
rm -rf ANALYTICS_TOP/.patch_backup/build419880
3. Edit the
ANALYTICS_TOP/.patch/PatchHistory.db to remove the patch info.
remove the line 419880;20160802055336;;20160812055336;no from
4. Remove the patch
related files with following commands:
rm -rf ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/bin/start_services_node.sh
rm -rf ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/bin/stop_services_node.sh
5. Recover the
orignal files.
mv ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/bin/start_services_node.sh.bak
mv ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/bin/stop_services_node.sh.bak
6. Copyright
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM®, the IBM logo and ibm.com® are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other
companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the
Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml