The IBM SmartCloud Entry SCE 3.2 Fixpack 21 - Appliance Readme

Readme file for:IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fixpack 21
Product/Component Release:
Update Name:SCE 3.2 Fixpack 21 - Appliance
Fix ID:
Publication Date:2016-08-04
Last modified date:2016-08-04

Online version of the readme file:
Important: The most current version of the readme file can always be found online.


Download location
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Known issues
Known limitations

Installation information

List of fixes
Copyright and trademark information

Download location

Download updates for IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 appliance from the following location:

Below is a list of components, platforms, and file names that apply to this Readme file.

Fix Download for Linux
Product/Component Name:Platform:Fix:
IBM SmartCloud EntryLinux 64-bit,x86_64 Linux 64-bit,x86_64
Linux 64-bit,pSeries Linux 64-bit,pSeries

Fix Download for Windows
Product/Component Name:Platform:Fix:
IBM SmartCloud EntryWindows 64-bit, x86 Windows 64-bit, x86

Prerequisites and co-requisites

If you are using IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 to manage to a Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor and have (or need) the IBM SmartCloud Entry Hyper-V Agent installed, you should download and install the current IBM SmartCloud Entry Hyper-V Agent fix pack along with this IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 appliance fix pack. Otherwise, no prerequisite or co-requisite IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 fixpacks or other fixes are required for this update.

IBM SmartCloud Entry appliance fix packs are cumulative, so you only need to install the latest version to pick up all the available fixes.

Known issues

No known issues have been identified.

Known limitations

No known limitations have been identified.

Installation information

The IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 appliance fix pack includes fixes for multiple components contained in the appliance. Installation of the IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 appliance fix pack updates all the components included in the fix pack. Components within the appliance cannot be updated individually.

The IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 appliance update is performed using the sceappmgr menu. The installation process is automated and performs all necessary service and application start/stop functions. Note that IBM SmartCloud Entry will be stopped and restarted during the update process.

For additional information, please see the IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Administrator Guide.

Before installing

Installation of the fixes is performed through use of sceappmgr. The sysadmin user is authorized to use sceappmgr and to initiate fix pack installation. No additional steps are needed in preparation for installation.


Appliance Fix Pack installation instructions

  1. Download the appliance fix pack file (sce_3.2.0.4_appl-fp21.tgz) to a directory on the appliance (/tmp).
  2. Go to 'sceappmgr' menu. Select the option for 'Support & Maintenance', then select the option for 'Install Fix Pack'. Enter the path to the fix pack file, /tmp/sce_3.2.0.4_appl-fp21.tgz, and follow the prompts.
  3. If you have not previously installed appliance fix pack 3 or later, see the additional directions below.

After installing

Special instructions for appliance fix pack 21

If you are using OpenStack on the appliance and have not previously applied appliance fix pack 3 or later, private keys, passwords and other data may have been exposed. These include, but are not limited to:

It is recommended that you generate new private keys and passwords following the directions below. Additional IBM SmartCloud Entry passwords and OpenStack keystone passwords can be changed as documented in the IBM SmartCloud Entry Administrator Guide and the community OpenStack documentation.

If you are not using OpenStack or have previously applied appliance fix pack 3 and followed these instructions, no action is required.

Use the following procedure to generate a new private key, simple token and sceagent password:
Note: These instruction require restarting the IBM SmartCloud Entry and OpenStack services.

  1. Log in to the IBM SmartCloud Entry appliance console.
  2. Run 'sceappmgr'
  3. Select the option for Manage Authentication Tokens, then option for Generate New Keystone SimpleToken.
  4. Enter 1 to confirm generating a new simpletoken.
  5. From the Manage Authentication Tokens menu, select the option for Generate New PKI Keys.
  6. Enter 1 to confirm generating new PKI keys.
  7. After generating new keys, press Enter at each prompt until you return to the main menu.
  8. Select the option to Manage Passwords, then select the sceagent user. Enter the new password.
  9. After changing the password, exit the Password Management menu and enter 'y' when asked to restart the OpenStack services.
  10. Press Enter until you return to the main menu.
  11. Log in to the IBM SmartCloud Entry web interface as the administrator.
  12. Go to the Configuration tab, select Clouds from the navigation pane and click the link for the OpenStack cloud configuration.
  13. Click the Edit button.
  14. Enter the new sceagent password in the Administrator ID password field.
  15. Next to the "Security certificate" label, click "Remove...".
  16. Click Save to save the changes.
  17. Log off the web interface.
  18. Go back to the SmartCloud Entry appliance console.
  19. In sceappmgr, select option 4, Manage SmartCloud Entry Services, then option 2, Start or Stop SmartCloud Entry Service.
  20. Select option 3 to restart SmartCloud Entry.
  21. Press Enter at each prompt until you exit 'sceappmgr'.
  22. Log in to the IBM SmartCloud Entry web interface as the administrator.
  23. Go to the Configuration tab, select Clouds from the navigation pane and click the link for OpenStack cloud configuration.
  24. Next to the Security certificate label, click "Trust...".
  25. The status should change to "Connecting...". Refresh the display until the cloud status changes to OK.

IBM SmartCloud Entry should now be connected to the OpenStack cloud properly and you can log out of the IBM SmartCloud Entry web interface and the appliance console.


IBM SmartCloud Entry appliance fix packs cannot be uninstalled.

List of fixes

Update log (25/07/2016):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 21 includes:
- JRE update for PSIRT: "IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition Quarterly CPU - Apr 2016 - Includes Oracle Apr 2016 CPU + 3 IBM CVEs CVE-2016-3443 CVE-2016-0687 CVE-2016-0686 CVE-2016-3427 CVE-2016-3449 CVE-2016-3425 CVE-2016-3422 CVE-2016-0695 CVE-2016-3426 CVE-2016-0636 CVE-2016-0363 CVE-2016-0376 CVE-2016-0264"
- OpenStack Havana ifixes for PSIRT: "opensource openstack vuln." (CVE-2015-8749 CVE-2015-7548 CVE-2015-8466 CVE-2015-5295 CVE-2015-5306 CVE-2015-1850 CVE-2015-8749 CVE-2015-7548 CVE-2015-8466 CVE-2015-5295 CVE-2015-5306 CVE-2015-1850)
- MCP OpenSSL update for PSIRT: "OpenSource OpenSSL Vuln." (CVE-2016-0701 CVE-2015-3197 CVE-2016-0705 CVE-2016-0798 CVE-2016-0797 CVE-2016-0799 CVE-2016-0702 CVE-2016-0703 CVE-2016-0704 CVE-2016-2842 CVE-2016-2108 CVE-2016-2107 CVE-2016-2105 CVE-2016-2106 CVE-2016-2109 CVE-2016-2176)

Update log (31/05/2016):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 20 includes:
- Operating system fixes for:

Update log (10/03/2016):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 19 includes:
- Update SmartCloud Entry 3.2 JRE:

- OpenStack Havana ifixes for:
- Operating system fixes for:

Update log (29/01/2016):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 18 includes:
- Update SmartCloud Entry 3.2 JRE:

- MCP bugs:

Update log (12/11/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 17 includes:
- OpenStack Havana ifixes for:

Update log (10/13/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 16 includes:
- OpenStack Havana ifixes for:

Update log (9/21/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 15 includes:
- Operating system fixes for:

Update log (8/11/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 14 includes:
- Update SmartCloud Entry 3.2 JRE - IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition Quarterly CPU - July 2015 -

- Operating system fixes for:

Update log (6/29/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 13 includes:
- Operating system fix for:

- Update SmartCloud Entry 3.2 JRE - IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition Quarterly CPU - April 2015 -
- OpenStack Havana ifixes for:

Update log (4/17/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 12 includes:
- Operating system fix for:

- rtc-198430 - "RC4 Bar Mitzvah Attack for SSL/TLS" (CVE-2015-2808)

Update log (1/29/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 11 includes:
- Operating system fixes:

Update log (1/22/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 10 includes:
- Operating system fixes:

- OpenStack Havana ifixes:

Update log (1/13/2015):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 9 includes:
- OpenStack Havana ifixes:

Update log (12/05/2014):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 8 includes:
IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 fix pack 4, IF001
CVE-2014-3566 (POODLE). The IaaS Gateway client is updated to use a TLS connection.

Update log (10/15/2014):
SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 7 includes:

SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 6 includes operating system fixes for the following security advisories:
CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, CVE-2014-7187 (bash Shellshock), CVE-2014-5119, CVE-2014-3505 - 3511, CVE-2014-3467 - 3469, CVE-2014-2653, CVE-2014-2532, CVE-2014-1740, CVE-2014-1545, CVE-2014-1544, CVE-2014-1490 - 1492, and CVE-2014-0475

SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 4 includes fixes for the following security advisories related to the OpenSSL package:
CVE-2014-0224, CVE-2014-0221, CVE-2014-0195, CVE-2014-3470, CVE-2010-5298, and CVE-2014-0198 No additional action is required for these fixes.

SmartCloud Entry 3.2 Appliance Fix pack 3 includes fixes for CVE-2014-0160 (Heartbleed Bug,

This IBM SmartCloud Entry 3.2 appliance fix pack 21 contains the following component updates:

Copyright and trademark information

This fix is subject to the terms of the license agreement which accompanied, or was contained in, the Program for which you are obtaining the fix. You are not authorized to install or use the fix except as part of a Program for which you have a valid Proof of Entitlement.


By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any related patents or copyrights.

The applicable license agreement may have been provided to you in printed form and/or may be viewed at

Copyright © IBM Corporation 2013, 2016