Apply this fix to add Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for HPC Compute Node 7.1 x86-64 support to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1.
Readme documentation for IBM® Platform Cluster Manager Version 4.2.1 Fix 393052, including installation-related instructions and prerequisites.
Apply this fix to add Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for HPC Compute Node 7.1 x86-64 support to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1. By applying Fix 393052, RHEL for HPC Compute Node 7.1 can be added to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1 as a supported operating system. After applying the fix, add the RHEL for HPC Compute Node 7.1 operating system as an OS distribution and use the image profile to provision compute nodes.
Readme file for:
IBM® Platform Cluster Manager
Product/Component release: 4.2.1
Update name: Fix 393052
Fix ID: pcm-4.2.1-build393052
Publication date: 11 Mar 2016
Last modification date: 11Mar 2016
Adding RHEL for HPC Compute Node 7.1 x86-64 support for Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1.
Fix 393052 can be downloaded from IBM Fix Central at
Fix 393052 affects the following versions of Platform Cluster Manager:
Cluster Manager 4.2.1 must be installed on management node.
Applying this fix involves the following steps:
5.1 Download the "pcm-4.2.1-build393052" fix
package from IBM Fix Central.
5.2 Upload the fix tar file to the Platform Cluster Manager management
5.3 On the Platform Cluster Manager management node,
extract the fix tar file.
# mkdir
-p /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052
# tar -zxvf
pcm_4.2.1_393052_fix.tar.gz -C /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052
5.4 Install the fix.
Create a backup of the files affected by this fix.
# mkdir
-p /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/backup
# cp /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT/data/ /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/backup/
# pg_dump -U xcatadm -t kitrepo xcatdb > /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/backup/kitrepo_backup.sql
Then, run the following commands to replace these files and update kitrepo table.
# cp /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/
# cp /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/rh/compute.rhels7.tmpl
# cp
/opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/imageprofile-rhelhpc7-x86_64-hpc.tmpl /opt/pcm/etc/template/imageprofile
# cp /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/imageprofile-rhelhpc7-x86_64.tmpl
# cp /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/rhelhpc7.x86_64.stateful.pkglist
# cp /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/rhelhpc7.x86_64.stateless.pkglist
# psql -U xcatadm -d xcatdb -c "update kitrepo
set compat_osbasenames = 'centos,rhelhpc'
where kitreponame = 'kit-pcm-4.2.1-rhels-7-x86_64'
5.5 If high availability is enabled, run the following command on the standby management node. Otherwise, omit this step.
# cp /opt/pcm/pcm_4.2.1_build393052/
# cp /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/rh/compute.rhels7.tmpl
5.6 Add the RHEL for HPC Compute Node 7.1 operating system to Platform Cluster Manager as an OS distribution, see Adding an OS distribution. Next, use the image profile created for this OS distribution to provision nodes, see Adding compute nodes.
Fix 393052 would not support VNC console feature, because RHEL for HPC Compute Node 7.1 does not provide tigervnc-server package.
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