IBM Platform Symphony 7.1 Interim Fix #371401 Readme File
This interim fix resolves issues for IBM BigInsights V4.1, specifically BigSheets, Text Analytics, Big SQL and Big R.
Running BigSheets and Text Analytics functions with Platform Symphony MapReduce (PSMR) may fail with ¡°java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError¡±.
Running Big R functions on Symphony MapReduce may fail with "Error in configuring object".
Big SQL service check fails on Symphony-enabled cluster.
If there is no workload within 8 hours on Symphony-enabled cluster, the MapReduce client Token expires and jobs cannot be submitted.
When the C++ framework is enabled, the Lz4 compression for Map output will lead the Reduce task to fail.
Applying this fix resolves the above issues.
This fix applies to all supported platforms.
Readme file for: IBM® Platform Symphony
Product/Component Release: 7.1 Fix Pack 1
Update Name: Interim Fix 371401
Fix ID: sym-7.1-build371401-bi
Publication date: October 28, 2015
Last modified date: October 28, 2015
1. List of fixes
2. Download location
3. Products or components affected
4. Installation and configuration
5. List of files
6. Copyright and trademark information
1. List of fixes
APAR# P101455 (X):
BigSheets Chart creation fails on Symphony-enabled cluster due to java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.
Text Analytics fails on Symphony-enabled cluster due to java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.
Big R function fails with "Error in configuring object" on Symphony-enabled cluster.
Big SQL service check fails on Symphony-enabled cluster.
If there is no workload within 8 hours on Symphony-enabled cluster, the MapReduce client Token expires and jobs cannot be submitted.
APAR# P101384 (P):
BigSheets Chart creation fails on Symphony-enabled cluster due to java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.
Text Analytics fails on Symphony-enabled cluster due to java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.
Big R function fails with "Error in configuring object" on Symphony-enabled cluster.
Big SQL service check fails on Symphony-enabled cluster.
If there is no workload within 8 hours on Symphony-enabled cluster, the MapReduce client Token expires and jobs cannot be submitted.
When the C++ framework is enabled, the Lz4 compression for Map output will lead the Reduce task to fail.
2. Download location
Download Interim Fix 371401 from the following location:
3. Products or components affected
Product/Component Name
Platform Symphony/PSMR
4. Installation and configuration
4.1 Prerequisites
¡¤ Symphony is installed and integrated.
¡¤ Symphony Master and Symphony Compute hosts are active.
4.2 Before installation
1. Stop all services except Symphony from the Ambari GUI.
4.3 Installation steps
Note: Original files will be backed up automatically. The backup file name will be file name+".FIX.BAK" under the same directory as the original file.
1. Log on to Symphony as Admin from any node in the Symphony cluster:
>egosh user logon -u <username> -x <password>
2. Add the package to Symphony:
For Linux-x86_64:
>soamdeploy add patchbi -p <Patch_path>/sym-7.1-build371401_lnx.tar.gz -c /
For Linux-ppc64le:
>soamdeploy add patchbi -p <Patch_path>/sym-7.1-build371401_ppc.tar.gz -c /
3. Deploy the package to all Symphony nodes at once:
>soamdeploy push patchbi -c /
4.4 After installation
1. After deploying the package, perform the Symphony integration from the Ambari GUI.
2. Restart Symphony from the Ambari GUI.
3. Assign Symphony role to users:
>egosh user assignrole -r CONSUMER_USER -p /MapReduceConsumer/MapReduce71 -u %any
>egosh user assignrole -r CONSUMER_ADMIN -p /MapReduceConsumer/MapReduce71 -u @hadoop
>egosh user assignrole -r CONSUMER_ADMIN -p /MapReduceConsumer/MapReduce71 -u @bigsheets
4. Start all services from the Ambari GUI.
4.5 Uninstalling
1. Stop MapReduce2 service from the Ambari GUI.
2. Undo the interim fix:
>soamdeploy push patchbi -c / -U
The original files are restored automatically.
3. Perform the Symphony integration from the Ambari GUI.
4. Restart Symphony from the Ambari GUI.
5. Start MapReduce2 service from the Ambari GUI.
6. Restart BigSheets Master, Big Sql Head, Text Analytics Master, and Big R Connector from the Ambari GUI.
5. List of files
(X and P):
(P only):
6. Copyright and trademark information
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2015
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