IBM Platform Symphony 7.1.1 Interim Fix Readme File


Some structs in EGO 3.1 header files have changed in EGO 3.3. Platform Symphony 7.1.1 uses EGO 3.3.



The structs in EGO 3.3 header files contain new members. This document outlines how to use the new header files from EGO 3.3 and replace the ones from EGO 3.1.

This interim fix applies only to the following platform:
Linux x86-64

Note: For long term compatibility, RESTful APIs will be provided for better integration with Platform Symphony.  

Readme file for: IBM® Platform Symphony

Product/Component release: 7.1.1

Update name: Interim Fix 376901

Fix ID: sym-7.1.1-build376901-jpmc

Last modified date: 9 December 2015

Publication date: 9 December 2015



1.     List of fixes

2.     Download location

3.     Using the sample code

4.     Using the new header files

5.     Copyright and trademark information 

1.   List of fixes

APAR: P101506

2.   Download location

Download interim fix 376901 from the following location:

3.   Using the sample code

All the header files for EGO 3.3 APIs are in the egoapi3.3.tar package. All sample code is in cmd/egoconsole.c, and illustrate how to get roles for a user, and the service list.

To run the sample, complete the following steps:

1. Decompress the egoapi3.3.tar package.

2. Switch to the cmd directory.

3. Open Makefile for editing and updating the EGO_TOP value to the directory where you installed your Platform Symphony cluster.

4. Save your changes to Makefile.

5. Create the binary egocmd by running make.

6. Source the environment of the Platform Symphony cluster, and then run the egocmd command to test the sample.

  4.   Using the new header files

Rebuild your codes with header files in this package to work with Platform Symphony 7.1.1

The newly added members in the structs are only for the return values of the APIs. Use the Symphony API to release the return values to avoid memory leak.

For example, release the return value from API esc_sec_queryservice with API esc_clear_serviceInfoReply as follows:


esc_service_info_reply_t    reply;

esc_sec_queryservice(serviceName, &reply, &sec);



  5.   Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2015

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IBM®, the IBM logo and® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at