IBM Platform Cluster Manager Version 4.2.1 Fix 373667 Readme File


Apply this fix to add SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES) 12 support to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1. 


Readme documentation for IBM® Platform Cluster Manager Version 4.2.1 Fix 373667, including installation-related instructions and prerequisites.

Apply this fix to add SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES) 12 support to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1. 

Readme file for: IBM® Platform Cluster Manager
Product/Component release: 4.2.1
Update name: Interim Fix 373667
Fix ID: pcm-4.2.1-build373667
Publication date: 1 Dec 2015
Last modification date: 1 Dec 2015


  1. List of fixes
  2. Download location
  3. Products or components affected
  4. System requirements
  5. Installation and configuration
  6. List of files
  7. Limitation
  8. Copyright and trademark information

1. List of fixes

SLES 12  support for Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1 for both the management node and compute nodes.

2. Download location

Fix 373667 can be downloaded from IBM Fix Central at

3. Products or components affected

Fix 373667 affects the following versions of Platform Cluster Manager: 4.2.1

4. System requirements

SLES 12 must be installed on management node.

5. Installation and configuration

5.1 Download Fix 373667 from IBM Fix Central.

5.2 You must disable AppArmor. To disable AppArmor, complete the following steps:

5.3 Some additional packages are required for this fix, complete the following steps to add required packages:

      1. Download the xcat-dep packages (xcat-dep-201506110324.tar.bz2) from here: 

      2. Extract the xcat-dep package.  

          #tar -xjvf xcat-dep-201506110324.tar.bz2

      3. Make a repo form xcat-dep by following step.

      4. Install the following 3rd party packages: createrepo, perl-DBD-Pg, and perl-Net-DNS-0.80-1.

5.4 Install Platform Cluster Manager Fix on the management node.See Installing Platform Cluster Manager V4.2.1 . For additional details on administrating Platform Cluster Manger, see Administering Platform Cluster Manager V4.2.1.

6. List of files


7. Limitation

Adding an OS distribution to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1 is not supported.

8. Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2015
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