Apply this fix to add SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES) 12 support to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1.
Readme documentation for IBM® Platform Cluster Manager Version 4.2.1 Fix 373667, including installation-related instructions and prerequisites.
Apply this fix to add SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES) 12 support to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1.
Readme file for: IBM® Platform Cluster Manager
Product/Component release: 4.2.1
Update name: Interim Fix 373667
Fix ID: pcm-4.2.1-build373667
Publication date: 1 Dec 2015
Last modification date: 1 Dec 2015
Fix 373667 can be downloaded from IBM Fix Central at
Fix 373667 affects the following versions of Platform Cluster Manager: 4.2.1
5.1 Download Fix 373667 from IBM Fix Central.
5.2 You must disable AppArmor. To disable AppArmor, complete the following steps:
5.3 Some additional packages are required for this fix, complete the following steps to add required packages:
1. Download the xcat-dep packages (xcat-dep-201506110324.tar.bz2) from here:
2. Extract the xcat-dep package.
#tar -xjvf xcat-dep-201506110324.tar.bz2
3. Make a repo form xcat-dep by following step.
4. Install the following 3rd party packages: createrepo, perl-DBD-Pg, and perl-Net-DNS-0.80-1.
5.4 Install Platform Cluster Manager Fix on the management node.See Installing Platform Cluster Manager V4.2.1 . For additional details on administrating Platform Cluster Manger, see Administering Platform Cluster Manager V4.2.1.
Adding an OS distribution to Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1 is not supported.
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