IBM Platform LSF 9.1.3 Fix 347393 Readme File


P101205. Fix to introduce a retry mechanism to the LSF integration for Rational ClearCase if there is a failure in the ClearCase daemon wrapper.


Readme documentation for IBM Platform LSF 9.1.3 Fix 347393 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes.

This fix addresses the following issues:

a) In the LSF ClearCase daemon wrapper, the cleartool setview command creates a process that is set to a specified ClearCase view for sbatchd daemons. If the setview command fails, the sbatchd daemons cannot start and the job will fail or exit. This fix adds a retry mechanism to resolve failures with the cleartool setview command. To control the retry mechanism, set the following parameters in lsf.conf:
LSF_CLEARCASE_WRAPPER_RETRY: The maximum number of times that daemon wrapper will retry in case of failure.
LSF_CLEARCASE_WRAPPER_RETRY_INTERVAL: The time interval, in seconds, between retries.
After changing the values for these parameters, run "badmin mbdrestart" and "badmin hrestart all" to apply your changes.

b) To help debug ClearCase issues, the daemon wrapper captures and logs the ClearCase stdout and stderr streams when the daemon wrapper debug feature is enabled.

c) To reduce the load on the ClearCase server process, you can now configure the daemon wrapper to skip running the checkView function (that is, "cleartool lsview") during a job's post-execution phase by setting the environment variable NOCHECKVIEW_POSTEXEC.

Readme file for: IBM® Platform LSF

Product/Component Release: 9.1.3

Update Name: Fix 347393

Fix ID: LSF-9.1.3-build347393

Publication date: 28 May 2015

Last modified date: 28 May 2015


1.     List of fixes

2.     Download location

3.     Products or components affected

4.     System requirements

5.     Installation and configuration

6.     List of files

7.     Product notifications

8.     Copyright and trademark information


1.   List of fixes


2.   Download Location

Download Fix 347393 from the following location:

3.   Products or components affected

Affected components include: LSF/daemons.wrap, LSF/mbatchd, LSF/sbatchd


4.   System requirements



5.   Installation and configuration


5.1          Before installation


 (LSF_TOP=Full path to the top-level installation directory of LSF.)

1)    Log on to the LSF master host as root

2)    Set your environment:

-      For csh or tcsh: % source LSF_TOP/conf/cshrc.lsf

-      For sh, ksh, or bash: $ . LSF_TOP/conf/profile.lsf


5.2          Installation steps


1)    Go to the patch install directory: cd $LSF_ENVDIR/../9.1/install/

2)    Copy the patch file to the install directory $LSF_ENVDIR/../9.1/install/

3)    Run patchinstall: ./patchinstall <patch>


5.3          After installation


1)    To enable the retry mechanism (assuming that CLEARCASE_ROOT and LSF_DAEMON_WRAP are defined correctly), define the following parameters in lsf.conf:


To disable this feature, remove these parameters from lsf.conf.

To apply the setting change:

Log on to the LSF master host as root

Run badmin mbdrestart

Run badmin hrestart all

2)    To enable the daemon wrapper to skip running checkView (that is, "cleartool lsview") in the job's post-execution phase, set the environment variable NOCHECKVIEW_POSTEXEC environment variable as follows:
- csh or tcsh: setenv NOCHECKVIEW_POSTEXEC 1
- sh, ksh, or bash: export NOCHECKVIEW_POSTEXEC=1

To disable this feature, remove the environment variable as follows:
- csh or tcsh: unsetenv NOCHECKVIEW_POSTEXEC
- sh, ksh, or bash: unset NOCHECKVIEW_POSTEXEC

3)    To log the ClearCase stdout/stderr streams, enable the daemon wrapper debug mode by setting the DAEMON_WRAP_DEBUG environment variable as follows:
- csh or tcsh: setenv DAEMON_WRAP_DEBUG 1
- sh, ksh, or bash: export DAEMON_WRAP_DEBUG=1

To disable this feature, remove the environment variable as follows:
- csh or tcsh: unsetenv DAEMON_WRAP_DEBUG
- sh, ksh, or bash: unset DAEMON_WRAP_DEBUG


5.4          Uninstallation


To roll back a patch:

1)    Log on to the LSF master host as root

2)    Run ./patchinstall -r <patch>

3)    Run badmin mbdrestart

4)    Run badmin hrestart all

6.   List of files




7.   Product notifications

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8.   Copyright and trademark information

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