IBM Platform Process Manager 8.0 Fix 357543 Readme
This fix allows a flow to be triggered when the flow has more than one repeatable triggering events (that is, time events and file exist event) with an "OR" combination.
Readme for IBM Platform Process Manager 8.0 Fix 357543.
A flow is not triggered when the flow has more than one repeatable triggering events (that is, time events and file exist event) with an "OR" combination.
file for: IBM® Platform Process Manager
Release: 8.0
PMR/APAR: 70350122000/P101370
Name: Fix 357543
ID: ppm-8.0-build357543
date: 28 Aug. 2015
modified date: 28 Aug. 2015
1. List of fixes
2. Download location
3. Products or components affected
4. System requirements
5. Installation and configuration
6. List of files
7. Copyright and trademark information
1. List of fixes
2. Download Location
Download Fix 357543 from the following location:
3. Products or components affected
Affected components: jfd
4. System requirements
4.1 Software requirements
HP UX 11.31 PA 64-bit
5. Installation and configuration
5.1 Installation steps
1. Log on Process Manager server as PPM admin or root, shut down jfd by running "jadmin stop".
2. Backup $JS_HOME/8.0/hppa11-64/etc/jfd.
3. Copy jfd in this update to $JS_HOME/8.0/hppa11-64/etc/.
4. Restart jfd by running "jadmin start".
5.2 Uninstallation
1. Log on Process Manager server as PPM admin or root, shut down jfd by running "jadmin stop".
2. Replace $JS_HOME/8.0/hppa11-64/etc/jfd with the backup jfd in step 5.1.
3. Restart jfd by running "jadmin start".
6. List of files
7. Copyright and trademark information
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2015
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IBM®, the IBM logo and®are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at