This fix resolves the following issues: 1. The job submission form displays the last selected input file but does not save it. 2. The startup priority for the perf process in is incorrectly set to S40 instead of S95. 3. When profile.platform is sourced many times, the resulting $PATH is too long. 4. Whenever MBD is busy, automatic job data purging does not work properly for jobs submitted with Platform Application Center.
Readme documentation for IBM Platform Application Center 9.1.3 Fix 345589 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes.
This fix resolves the following issues:
- The job submission form displays the last selected input file but does not save it. As a result, another job cannot be submitted without clicking the Browse button to reselect the input file.
- The startup priority for the perf process in is incorrectly set to S40 instead of S95.
- When profile.platform is sourced many times, the resulting $PATH is too long.
- Whenever MBD is busy, automatic job data purging does not work properly for jobs submitted with Platform Application Center.
APAR#: P101129 P101144 P101146 P101156
Download Fix 345589 from the following location:
- Job submission forms
- Page Customization SDK
- Perf process startup order
- Platform Application Center environment variables
- Platform Application Center automatic job data purging
Check and record the version and build number of your existing Platform Application Center version.
pmcadmin -VStop all IBM Platform Application Center services:
perfadmin stop allThe following steps assume IBM Platform Application Center is installed in ${PAC_TOP}.
Replace with your actual installation directory.
Go through this step only if you have customized profile.platform or cshrc.platform.
Your previous files are cshrc.platform.old and profile.platform.old.
Copy your customizations from these files into profile.platform or cshrc.platform.
Stop all IBM Platform Application Center services:
perfadmin stop allThe following steps assume IBM Platform Application Center is installed in ${PAC_TOP}.
Replace with your actual installation directory.
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