IBM Platform Symphony 7.1 Interim Fix 345738 Readme File


This fix enables SSM to create subdirectories under the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../soam/work/history directory with the same permissions as the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../soam/work/history directory.



Currently, SSM creates subdirectories under the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../soam/work/history directory with permission 775. With this enhancement, SSM can create subdirectories using the same permissions (read, write, and execute permissions, and sticky bit) as the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../soam/work/history directory. The user that SSM used to create the subdirectories will be the same one used for SD.

This fix applies only to the following platform:


Readme file for: IBM® Platform Symphony

Product/Component Release: 7.1

Update Name: Interim Fix 345738

Fix ID: sym-7.1-build345738-jpmc

Publication date: 8 June 2015


1.     List of fixes

2.     Download location

3.     Products or components affected

4.   Known limitations

5.     Installation and configuration

6.     List of files

7.     Copyright and trademark information 

1.   List of fixes


2.   Download location

Download interim fix 345738 from the following location:

3.   Products or components affected 

Product/Component Name, Platform:

Platform Symphony/SD SSM symmkdir, Linux 64-bit

Note: Do not run the symmkdir executable directly. It is for internal use only.

4.   Known limitations


5.  Installation and configuration

5.1         Before installation

1.  Stop the cluster. Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:

$ soamcontrol app disable all

$ egosh service stop all

$ egosh ego shutdown all

2. Back up the following files on all management hosts:



5.2        Installation steps

1. Copy the ssm, sd, and symmkdir files to the following directory on all management hosts:


2. Ensure that the owner of the symmkdir file is the same as the one for SD, and then run chmod 4xxx symmkdir to ensure that the symmkdir file can be executed by all the SSMs with the owner for SD.

Note: “xxx” is the permission that allows all the SSMs to run symmkdir. Configure it based on your environment.

3. Edit the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../eservice/esc/conf/services/sd.xml file to add the SSM_CREATE_SUB_DIRECTORY_WITH_HISTORY_PERMISSIONS environment variable with a value of “y”.

Here is an example:


    <ego:Attribute name="hostType" type="xsd:string">X86_64</ego:Attribute>



      <ego:EnvironmentVariable name="SSM_CREATE_SUB_DIRECTORY_WITH_HISTORY_PERMISSIONS">y</ego:EnvironmentVariable>




5.3          After installation

Start the cluster. Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:

$ egosh ego start all

$ soamcontrol app enable $appName

5.4      Uninstalling

1. Stop the cluster.

2. Restore the backed-up files.

3. Remove the SSM_CREATE_SUB_DIRECTORY_WITH_HISTORY_PERMISSIONS environment variable from the sd.xml file.

4. Start the cluster.

6.   List of files





7.   Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2015

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