========================================================== Maintenance for IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX 4.2.0 ========================================================== This maintenance archive includes module replacements for the C:D UNIX 4.2.0 code base. It is applicable to C:D UNIX version 4.2.0, and contains all the new functionality and fixes as described in the C:D UNIX 4.2.0 Release notes, as well as fixes for the issues listed below. This release implements IBM's standard V.R.M.F method of identifying software. V, R, M and F are Version, Release, Modification and Fix Pack respectively. In general, V.R.M imply new functionality, while F is an accumulation of fixes called a Fix Pack. The term Fix Pack will be used going forward in place of Cumulative Maintenance. Individual fixes also have a new name, Interim Fixes, or iFixes for short. iFixes are numbered sequentially from one starting with any increment to V, R, M or F. Please see IBM's website for further details regarding this methodology. After applying the maintenance, the CLI banner will report that your C:D version is 4.2.0.x, where x is the current Fix Pack. It will also display the date that the maintenance was created. For more information, please refer to the C:D UNIX 4.2.0 Release Notes. ================================================= iFixes listed below apply to C:D for UNIX ================================================= 001) RTC425410 / APAR IT01935 / CVE-2014-0963 commit date: 12 May 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vulnerability related to Record Processing in TLS 1.0 and later which can result in high CPU Utilization that requires a system reboot to resolve. 002) RTC423150 commit date: 13 May 2014 ----------------------------------------- Inappropriate CSPA204E written to statistics when Sterling Contol Center Secure Connection settings are changed. 003) RTC423881 / APAR IT01701 commit date: 23 May 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- z/OS file allocation attributes specified in a type defaults file (typekey) may not be honored. Copy step may also fail with errors similar to SVSJ032I. ----------------------------------------------------------- iFixes listed above are accumulated in C:D for UNIX ----------------------------------------------------------- ================================================= iFixes listed below apply to C:D for UNIX ================================================= 001) RTC428811 / APAR IT02517 commit date: 12 Jun 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- cdpmgr fails to start, reporting "Secure+ library installation corrupted", after upgrading from a previous CDU version without Secure+ installed. 002) RFE 401559 (ID 40797) / APAR IT03451 commit date: 01 Aug 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple clicking OK button in CD Secure+ Admin tool, without changing any value is updating the node's record file. 003) RTC432516 / APAR IT03523 commit date: 01 Aug 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- On some Linux systems, CDU 4.2.0 may fail to start, reporting an exception that indicates "libgsk8cms.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". 004) RTC102568 / APAR IT03815 commit date: 19 Aug 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- An interrupted snode process goes into WAIT/WS state until pnode resumes the process. If pnode never resumes the process, the snode process will remain in the TCQ in WAIT/WS indefinitely. Fix adds a new parameter to the tcq record of the initparm.cfg, ckpt.max.age. This parameter specifies the number of days that an snode process will remain in WAIT/WS state waiting for the pnode to resume the process before it is automatically deleted. The default value is 8. 005) RTC433169 / APAR IT04106 commit date: 04 Sep 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- If a connection attempt to a remote node failed for some reason, the session start statistics record (SSTR) would log a completion code (CC) of 0, improperly indicating that the session attempt succeeded. 006) RTC436256 / APAR IT04446 commit date: 17 Sep 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- Added millisecond time resolution to some of the existing time stamps saved in statistics logs, such as "Stat log record time" (STAR), "Start time of event" (STRT) and "Stop time of the event" (STPT). The CLI will only display the added resolution for select statistics with detail=yes. API clients can choose whether or not to display the added resolution. 007) RTC448795 / APAR IT05619 commit date: 18 Nov 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- The SSLv3 protocol contains a number of weaknesses including POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption, CVE-2014-3566). IBM Sterling Connect:Direct (CD) for UNIX is therefore also vulnerable when the SSLv3 protocol is used. When CD for UNIX is operating as the SSL server (snode in CD terms) and is configured for TLS connections, and a CD operating as the SSL client (pnode in CD terms) attempts an SSLv3 connection, it's possible that CD for UNIX will allow the connection to be made and negotiated to SSLv3. Fix prevents the possible negotiation to SSLv3 when TLS is configured. NOTICE: SSLv3 is an obsolete and insecure protocol. IBM recommends to use the TLS protocol instead. To fully disable SSLv3 and use TLS instead, ensure that all secure connections are configured to 'Enable TLS Protocol' and 'Disable Override'. ----------------------------------------------------------- iFixes listed above are accumulated in C:D for UNIX ----------------------------------------------------------- ================================================= iFixes listed below apply to C:D for UNIX ================================================= 001) RTC442224 / APAR IT04683 commit date: 19 Dec 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- In some circumstances, CDU will mistake a new incoming process for a restarted process, generating an XSMG251I message and process failure. 002) RTC442941 / APAR IT05409 commit date: 19 Dec 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- In some circumstances, CDU will inappropriately synchronize a new incoming run task process with a previously interrupted run task process, and immediately return the status of the interrupted process with an XSMG417I message instead of running the new task. 003) RTC443927 / APAR IT04686 commit date: 19 Dec 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- When C:D is doing work, temporary files are created in the {C:D UNIX installation directory}/work/{C:D UNIX node name} directory. After certain error scenarios, some of these temporary files are not removed. 004) RTC451495 / APAR IT06191 commit date: 05 Jan 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- CVE-2014-8730, a Transport Layer Security (TLS) padding vulnerability via a POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) like attack, affects Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX. 005) RTC453918 / APAR IT06994 commit date: 21 Jan 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- FASP transfers use port 33001 on the snode side, no matter which fasp record listen ports are configured in the snode initparm.cfg file. 006) RTC454367 / APAR IT06869 commit date: 05 Feb 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- A client which has submitted a maxdelay process that lasts longer than one minute may get an error return code with message XCMM044I returned after exactly one minute. 007) RTC418516 / APAR IT02062 commit date: 06 Feb 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- The first several characters of the file name specification are cut off when received by 64 bit File Open Exits on Linux or Solaris x86 platforms. WARNING: All File Open Exits, including 32 bit versions, must be recompiled after applying this fix. 008) RTC456414 commit date: 13 Feb 2015 ----------------------------------------- Added a PMR Stamper and Data Collector utility, which automates gathering diagnostic information about Connect:Direct for UNIX and optionally sends it to IBM Support. Execute "{C:D UNIX installation directory}/etc/CD_Data_Collector --help" to see usage details. 009) RTC452436 / APAR IT07136 commit date: 17 Feb 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- Automated upgrade to C:D UNIX 4.2.0 from versions previous to 4.2.0 fails with error message CDAI015E. 010) RTC392436 / APAR IT03077 commit date: 17 Feb 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- An upgrade command performed by the automated installation script (cdinstall_a) will fail if pre-existing configuration files don't pass the configuration check, or if the sample.cd process fails to complete successfully, even when the configuration errors or sample.cd operation failure is considered tolerable. Fix adds a variable to cdinstall_a called cdai_verifyUpgrade. This variable allows users to choose whether to verify an upgrade or not. Valid values are "y" (the default) and "n". 011) RTC457220 / APAR IT07339 commit date: 24 Feb 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- A wildcard copy with the source specification on AIX may occasionally fail to find any files matching the wildcard pattern when matching files in fact exist. 012) RTC456767 / APAR IT07359 commit date: 25 Feb 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- CDU 4.2.0 automated installation script (cdinstall_a) doesn't process the cdai_localCertFile parameter or other certificates located in the deployment directory. 013) RTC431679 / APAR IT03078 commit date: 27 Feb 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- The automated installation script, cdinstall_a, doesn't provide an option to deploy a custom keystore file or a custom label for the deployed keycert file. Fix adds two new optional variables, cdai_keystoreFile and cdai_localCertLabel, that allow users to deploy a custom keystore file and specify the keycert label to be used in basic Secure+ configurations. If cdai_keystoreFile is specified, then the automated installation will use this file as the keystore file. If it is not specified, then the automated installation procedure will use the default keystore file that is created during the installation. In either case, the keystore file will be customized by adding the certificate portion of the deployed keycert file and any other deployed certificates to it. If cdai_localCertLabel is specified, the specification will be used to label the keycert for use in basic Secure+ configurations. If it is not specified, a default label will be used. 014) RTC423131 / APAR IT02518 commit date: 06 Mar 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- An XPAE003I message is generated for a select statistics command issued with a destfile or srcfile parameter value enclosed in double quotes, which are required if the value contains spaces, equal signs or other reserved characters. 015) RTC433224 / APAR IT03227 commit date: 06 Mar 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- The fsync.after.receive initparm option, used to make sure files written and closed by C:D on an NFS destination are immediately ready for processing, doesn't detect when the NFS resource is out of space. Note, the fix for this issue changes the fsync.after.receive default value to "Y". 016) RTC457537 / APAR IT07855 commit date: 20 Mar 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- When a very old version of Global Security Kit Version 8 (GSKit 8) is installed globally on a system, C:D UNIX 4.2.0 installations may fail, producing a Java core dump and reporting that "The Initialize Secure+ operation failed." If upgrading from a previous version of C:D UNIX, the Java core dump will be followed by a message reporting that "The ReKey Parmfile Secure+ operation failed." 017) RTC460297 / APAR IT07894 commit date: 23 Mar 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- Connect:Direct for UNIX Secure+ Option uses IBM Java Runtime, which is vulnerable to the following issues: CVE-2014-3065: IBM Java SDK contains a vulnerability in which the default configuration for the shared classes feature potentially allows arbitrary code to be injected into the shared classes cache, which may subsequently be executed by other local users. CVE-2014-6468: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Hotspot component has complete confidentiality impact, complete integrity impact, and complete availability impact. 018) RTC460318 / APAR IT07931 commit date: 24 Mar 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- Connect:Direct for UNIX Secure+ Option uses GSKit, which is vulnerable to the following issues: CVE-2015-0138: A vulnerability in various IBM SSL/TLS implementations could allow a remote attacker to downgrade the security of certain SSL/TLS connections. An IBM SSL/TLS client implementation could accept the use of an RSA temporary key in a non-export RSA key exchange ciphersuite. This could allow a remote attacker using man-in-the-middle techniques to facilitate brute-force decryption of TLS/SSL traffic between vulnerable clients and servers. This vulnerability is also known as the FREAK attack. CVE-2015-0159: An unspecified error in GSKit usage of OpenSSL crypto function related to the production of incorrect results on some platforms by Bignum squaring (BN_sqr) has an unknown attack vector and impact in some ECC operations. 019) RTC454740 / APAR IT08220 commit date: 10 Apr 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- In the copy termination statistics record, process name, process number and snode name fields are duplicated. 020) RTC462260 / APAR IT08276 commit date: 13 Apr 2015 -------------------------------------------------------- CBC ciphers are vulnerable to CVE-2011-3389 (BEAST Attack). Previous recommendation to mitigate CVE-2011-3389 was to not use CBC ciphers. RC4 ciphers are vulnerable to CVE-2015-2808 (Bar Mitzvah Attack). Current recommendation to mitigate CVE-2015-2808 is to discontinue use of RC4 ciphers. However, the remaining available ciphers are generally CBC ciphers. Accordingly, code is fixed to mitigate CVE-2011-3389. Note: Connect:Direct for UNIX by default disables the RC4 stream cipher. If you enabled the RC4 stream cipher you are exposed to the RC4 "Bar Mitzvah" Attack for SSL/TLS. IBM recommends that you review your entire environment to identify other areas where you have enabled the RC4 stream cipher and take appropriate mitigation and remediation actions.