================================================================== Maintenance for IBM Sterling Connect:Direct FTP Plus Version 1.3.0 ================================================================== This maintenance archive includes module replacements for the C:D FTP+ 1.2.0 code base. It is applicable to C:D FTP+ version 1.3.0, and contains all the new functionality and fixes as described in the C:D FTP+ 1.3.0 Release notes, as well as fixes for the issues listed below. After applying the maintenance, the banner displayed when initiating a connection to a server will report that your C:D version is 1.3.0.x, where x is the current Fix Pack. It will also display the date that the maintenance was created. For more information, please refer to the C:D FTP+ 1.3.0 Release Notes. ========================== iFixes to C:D FTP+ ========================== 001) RTC455801 / APAR IT07069 commit date: 11 Feb 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- SSLv3 contains a vulnerability that has been referred to as the Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) attack (CVE-2014-3566). SSLv3 is enabled by default in Connect:Direct FTP+ when Secure+ is enabled. Fix changes the default protocol from SSLv3 to TLS.