Readme documentation for the IBM® Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition for version 4.1 Fix 248662, including installation-related instructions and prerequisites.
IBM Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition 4.1 Fix 248662 is a solution that enables support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.6 operating system on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server.
Readme file for: IBM Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition
Product/Component release: 4.1
Update name: Fix 248662
Solution or fix ID: 248662
Publication date: 23 December 2014
Last modification date: 23 December 2014
Fix 248662 updates the following script file on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server:
describes the top-level directory where Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition is installed (for example, /opt/platform).
This fix is intended for users with Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition 4.1 installed. You can apply this update on top of Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition 4.1.
Notes: You can expect some downtime, as this fix requires you to restart the key service on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server.
Applying this solution involves the following steps:
C shell:
# source PCMAE_TOP/cshrc.platform
Bourne shell:
# . PCMAE_TOP/profile.platform
# /bin/tar -zxvf pcmae_4.1_248662_fix.tar.gz
# cd pcmae_4.1_248662_fix
# mv PCMAE_TOP/virtualization/conf/resourceAdapter/ufm/scripts/pcmaepostinstallib PCMAE_TOP/virtualization/conf/resourceAdapter/ufm/scripts/pcmaepostinstallib.old
# cp ./pcmaepostinstallib PCMAE_TOP/virtualization/conf/resourceAdapter/ufm/scripts/
# mv PCMAE_TOP/virtualization/conf/resourceAdapter/ufm/scripts/pcmaepostconfigib PCMAE_TOP/virtualization/conf/resourceAdapter/ufm/scripts/pcmaepostconfigib.old
# cp ./pcmaepostconfigib PCMAE_TOP/virtualization/conf/resourceAdapter/ufm/scripts/
C shell:
# source PCMAE_TOP/cshrc.platform
Bourne shell:
# . PCMAE_TOP/profile.platform
# egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
# egosh service stop ICM
# chdef -t osimage -o rhels6.6-x86_64-install-kvmhypv usercomment="RHEL 6.6 64-bit KVM hypervisor host"
# chdef -t osimage -o rhels6.6-x86_64-install-PMTools usercomment="RHEL 6.6 64-bit stateful host"
# chdef -t osimage -o rhels6.6-x86_64-netboot-PMTools usercomment="RHEL 6.6 64-bit stateless host"
# egosh service list
When the ICM service is in "DEFINED" state, run the following command:
# egosh service start ICM
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