PowerHA fix information

For PowerHA 7.1.2 Service Pack 5

This Service Pack includes the following PTFs with associated APARs for PowerHA 7.1.2 and is now available for download as of November, 2014.

New APARs included in this service pack
IV44106dlpar release uses invalid ratio
IV56566mq assist incorrect path to 'dspmqver' command
IV57240resource group with site specific service address may error.
IV57333cluster verification may leave mping processes running.
IV57735cl_pvo fails to handle lack of quorum
IV59054ha clcomd still communicates to wrong node sometimes
IV59139ffdc_collection environment variable has no effect in clstart
IV59357"clmgr delete volume_group" does not remove disk fence
IV59586clver may hang with disk numbers more than 1024
IV59633io with b_option flag type rpv overlap starve for syncvg writes
IV60127cspoc log redirect still refers to /var/hacmp/clcomd at powe
IV61143rg error when adding application server dynamically
IV61423dsh perl hang in fifo
IV62159node halted when commpath changed via dare
IV62235verification error parent directory is already in export list
IV62709clrginfo truncates long node name
IV63074application monitors inactive with migration to 7.1.2
IV63103systemmirror for aix does not allow caa services management
IV64094missing prefix/netmask option in change/show db2 sa screen
IV64095mirror group fails to allow more than 6 volume groups
IV64096ha xiv verification fails if multiple cgs use same hdisks
IV64097ha rg_move does not occur when unrelated app server goes down
IV64098spelling mistake in "recommended user actions" for manual
IV64099messages to be corrected for webspheremq smart assist
IV64100xml file path name is wrong when adding mq using manual
IV64101addition of mq server using manual option fails
IV64102manual discovery of mq server sa fails to add service ip
IV64103discovery of tsm admin center v6.3.4 fails.
IV64104dlpar incorrectly tries to use cod cpu even when disabled
IV64105cl_route_change fails with multipath route
IV64106incorrect result of cl_on_node -v "vg" "cmd" due to typo
IV64107missing cle_ip to add new tcpsock linked cluster heartb
IV64108clver may core dump verifying db2 instance
IV64109clrmnode will coredump when removing more than 32 nets
IV64110change fallover policy from fudnp doesn't clean up all dnp info
IV64111clmgr replace repos fails for remote site in a linked cluster
IV64112smartassist for itds-monitor_ids script not working properly
IV64113shutdown -f may reboot instead of halt
IV64114error messages can be emitted by ver_mping.
IV64115non-english locales can cause clmgr query commands to hang
IV64116v&s fails for multiple vgs in a rg of a xiv cluster
IV64117io with b_option flag type rpv overlap starve for syncvg writes
IV64118v&s fails for multiple mg xiv configuration
IV64119spprc rg_move across sites does not run failbackpprc
IV64120typo in error message about 'online at different node' rg dep
IV64121clvaryonvg fails to activate missing/removed disks
IV64123failed fork() of an application monitor will halt node.
IV64124verification and clstart show 0519-010 libodm error message
IV64125ha start from inittab fails when portmap daemon is inactive
IV64126clstrmgr does not wait for split/merge prompt response
IV64127srdf verification error about pv defined in incorrect rg
IV64128cspoc remove a volume group failure
IV64129ibm.hacmprgrmd core dumps with one app monitor to multiple app c
IV64130cl_verify_tc_config can fail if multiple nodes and rgs
IV64131spprc vg fence and varyonvg errors in hacmp.out at clstart
IV64132ha synchronize sets tme=yes on all fibre channel adapters
IV64133clmgr failure to redirect powerha log files
IV64135clmgr query interface may show state=down for service labels
IV64136false stable-storage message during vg auto import
IV64137xiv clverify may fail for cg related errors
IV65538smcaactrl is blocking deadman mode setting in caa
IV65936improper message about xml file shown during automatic config
IV66548clmgr is missing the option to "disable firstalias"
Cumulative APARs from previous service packs included in this service pack
IV39520clmgr delete cluster fails to remove a remote node
IV42371clver generates multicast issues for a linked cluster
IV44217missing smit link "powerha systemmirror cluster security"
IV44869cannot select pci hot plug interface in powerha menu
IV44903snapshot restore no longer allowed with powerha active
IV44964ha ver_mping mping test fails for stretched cluster with routers
IV45057cspoc create filesystem shows misleading rc=1 in cspoc.log
IV45136clsnap uses /tmp even when -d destinationdirectory is set.
IV45509mping verification ignores custom mcast ip at first sync
IV45557dlpar "not found" error during cod cpu processing
IV45840nfsv4 monitor log file shows 'cllres: not found' error
IV46196clver may error processing site specific service addresses
IV46199ha clvaryonvg calls clean_up ; should be cleanup_vg
IV46297spprc cluster misleading message catalog warning in hacmp.out
IV46298clmgr unable to move resource group secondary instance
IV46552snap -e (clsnap) gathers caa data twice
IV46681dlpar cod cpu activated for hard coded 30 days
IV46872spprc vg fence and varyonvg errors in hacmp.out at clstart
IV46999powerha: restoring snapshot failure on powerha 7.1.2
IV47035async glvm cache failure while lot of parallel ios
IV47036chmp command crash system with more than 15 rpvclient disks
IV47400odm error message while changing a network
IV47407async glvm cache replication hangs
IV47493clmgr can't set null appmonitor cleanupmethod and restartmethod
IV47560powerha sa for sap: incorrect ers instance handling
IV47669cl_rmvg is not able to handle 0516-1972 varyonvg error
IV47773rg move can disable firstalias unintentionally
IV47796clchgsite command fails abnormally with libodm error
IV48012spprc passive varyonvg error in hacmp.out during dare
IV49144powerha sa for sap: incomp startsap command syntax leads to hang
IV49147powerha sa for sap: cs instance should not be restartet locally
IV49387split merge 'integet not found' error in hacmp.out
IV49914clrginfo -a fails with message: cluster ipc error
IV49942cannot restore a snapshot on a fully configured cluster
IV50022missing smit panel to increase group services log file length
IV50357clstrmgr loops forever in initadaptloop
IV50420rc.cluster does not use manual/auto argument from cmd line
IV50507cspoc.log full of 'lsvg -l' lvm errors at midnight clver
IV50601ha cl_activate_fs calls mount with no filesystem specified
IV50666after migration from 6.1 to 7.1.x, clstart may fail
IV51092dare limitation of changing a network from public to private
IV51093ha clstrmgr coredump during the final phase of rolling migration
IV51211clinfo may terminate in config with sites
IV51435cldare fails with multicast communication error.
IV51688ha hdiskpower cannot be assigned as repository disk in smit
IV51769clmgr start cluster with automatic correct errors failure
IV51821nfs crossmounts not remounted at network up event
IV51880smcaactrl doesn't use customized powerha log file location
IV52062clconfig and cldare don't use customized clevents log directory
IV52241clmgr allows 'cluster name' change on configured cluster
IV52379smit menu 'remove a repository disk' shows active rep.disk
IV52380ha after halt/takeover, clstat shows serviceip up on halted node
IV52842timeout attribute not working with clmgr stop
IV52946ha712 incorr fallover during ha start of node at site with id 1
IV53701no information on 'critical volume group' functionality
IV53742"app monitor script not exist/executable" error at verification
IV53745clmgr fails when monitor method script has arguments
IV53749change password utility fails to exit correctly
IV53750ha clpasswd does not set the admchg flag for reset passwords
IV53754ha smit cluster heartbeat settings wrong ranges and names
IV53776ha svcpprc cgs are processed for rg move when not in the rg
IV54022svc verification incorrectly fails from ping dos errors
IV54085clmgr query fs fs_name does not show rg name
IV54382ha smit cluster heartbeat settings wrong ranges in help text
IV54611powerha/svc metro mirror: hacmp.out shows svc error: cmmvc5977e
IV55041cannot change "notify_method" to empty value
IV55174express sync ios can starve in a async glvm configuration
IV55176lvm may mark asynchronous pv as missing due to io timeout
IV55238actriveaddrnode mib var incorrect for dynamically added boot ips
IV55555cluster verification hangs in 1 cpu node
IV55916clstrmgr may core on startup of first node
IV55917application monitor methods do not allow arguments / space
IV56179memory leak in clevmgrdes
IV56191change cluster.log to avoid refresh of syslogd
IV56756clmgr improves caa repository disk recovery
IV56831clmgr replace repository fails after manual chrepos
IV57331mq assist 'user "mqm,user1" does not exist' error message
IV57336powerha director plugin causes incorrect vg state change
IV57759cl_pvo fails to detect if ecm vg is online in non conc mode
IV57760cl_pvo fails to activate missing/removed disks
IV58918nfsd may not be restarted by cl_export_fs due to bad timing
IV59400ha smit cluster security screens shown but not active
IV59401powerha scripts invoking mkcluster fail to display caa err mesgs
IV59402clchgsite coredumps causing verify and sync to fail
IV59403lslpp -lor gives wrong return code
IV59404verification error parent directory is already in export list
IV59405primary node listed for move when group already online there
IV59406vg varied on at both nodes after lv label changed
IV59407verify and sync fails to run dscli command test
IV59408rg_move fails if setup is only one single-interface xd_data
IV59409dlpar "not found" error during rg acquire
IV59410dlpar syntax errors when hmc is unreachable
IV59411clrgmove -r fails with error message
IV59412sfwfailover fails when i/o going on
IV59413one monitor failure triggers all notify scripts on secondary nod
IV59414scdiskutil showed fscsi's dynamic tracking = 536887768
IV59415manual split policy is not working
IV59416fs mount failure causes unrelated rg to go in error state
IV59417clmgr fails to create a private network
IV59418clsnap may collect wrong files when log dir is not default
IV59419verification warns of service labels on xd network when none
IV59420asyncrhonous cache recovery failure due to stale pvid table
IV59421filesystem may not be unmounted by cl_deactivate_fs
IV59422cli_importvg errors when vg is not already imported
IV59423clmgr cannot add mirror groups containing raw disks
IV59424clmgr cannot be used to create a rootvg system mirror group
IV59425non-functional changes
IV59426'parameter not set' in hacmp.out during wlm processing
IV59427the clmgr backup method for cluster deletion does not work.
IV59428cannot restore cluster snapshots.
IV59429add option to disable default service ip firstalias
IV59430ha smit sldp_collocation_and_first gives error message
IV59431clrgmove fails with -g and -n options
IV59432gmvgs (glvm) not listed for customize resource recovery
IV59433cspoc create new vg and rg shows 'putlvodm' error message
IV59434clmgr man page indicates incorrect mirror group alias
IV59435add new option sldp_collocation_with_persistent_and_first
IV59436remove rsct crypto requirement from clmgr security command
IV59437clmgr add volume_group fails to detect mkvg errors
IV59438correct ver_mping code to read better mping command output
IV59439cl_verify_svcpprc_config performance degradation
IV59440tsm client smart assist will not list proper fs for backup
IV59441cannot change "notify_method" to empty value
IV59443sa from mq will not work. fail in verification.
IV59444websphere mq rg in error state as start/stop scripts fail.
IV59445snapshot method labels are not saved in the ".info" file
IV59446if adding mq sa fails, cleanup is not done properly.
IV59447cluster verification shows "warning" on clhosts.client
IV59449error adding ipv6 pers ip to ipv4 nw with specific prefix len
IV59450multicast verification fails with nodes sharing same name
IV59451ha clrginfo -m shows online app on remote node as offline
IV59452clver can core dump when ipv6 addresses configured
IV59453some clmgr commands might give a "parameter not set" error
IV59454clcycle of clinfo.log fails
IV59455clmodnetwork core dumps on network name length
IV59456unexpected rg_move by errnotify with lvm_io_fail
IV59457clmgr might have missing information for repositories
IV59458process monitor will permit more processes than instance count
IV59459powerha 'lazy update' not working for jfs2 with 'inline' log
IV59460timestamp out of sync issue still happens even iv41182 applied
IV59461clver does not detect when svc ip is defined as alias in aix odm
IV59462clmgr cannot modify same-node/site resource group dependencies
IV59463clver does not detect netmask mismatch between aix and ha odm
IV59464incorrect build information from "clmgr query version"
IV59465"clmgr add vg" will emit an error if a notify method is given
IV59466adding a new node to an existing cluster and site may fail.
IV59467srdf emc 'options' file incorrectly modified by powerha
IV59468clstrmgr exits if hacmp.out greater than 2gb
IV59469cldare fails fqdn caa nodenames vs. short ha communicat
IV59471systemmirror will not create linked cluster
IV59480cspoc create new vg and rg shows 'putlvodm' error message
IV59482glvm ras enhancements
IV59501smcaactrl may log confusing messages in the clutils.log
IV60970clevmgrdes process may not start because of memory corruption
IV37028smcaactrl script fails to exit successfully
IV37046failure to stop clxd causes snapshot restoration error
IV37301dspmsg message syntax errors in clsnapshot script
IV37387clmgr add vg shows misleading warning on shared disk
IV38106snap -e shows 5859394 kbytes needed for not enough space cases
IV38985rc.cluster may fail on boot as cthags is not active
IV39970rg set to error state when only some disks are lost
IV40166clinfoes does not stop when clstop is issued in 7.1 sp4 and up
IV40687application i/o may hang during glvm asynchronous mirroring.
IV41182restarting cluster services can get timestamps out of sync
IV41186restoring snapshot fails when clstrmgres is st_stable
IV41377cannot acquire mulitple svcs
IV41561snapshot restore passing incorrect file name
IV42917restarting cluster services can get timestamps out of sync
IV42993ha start cluster services hangs in st_barrier
IV43158sync may need long time with dns
IV43507failure to update rg dependencies causes odm delete
IV43508sa smit screens wont show up properly
IV43509ha verify and sync causes suspended monitors to resume
IV43510stop of powerha 711 changes resource group unmanaged state.
IV43511invalid errors detected by cl_print_server_powerpc_monitor.
IV43512boot ip removed by swap_adapter event after wpar failure
IV43513swap_adapter doesn't set service ip as source ip address
IV43514clinfo.rc contains incorrect comment.
IV43515clmgr timeout can occur when invalid nodes are provided
IV43516smit cspoc extendvg fails by selecting twice disk with same pvid
IV43517clmgr query event with type=all can result in error messages
IV43518cannot add repository disk to remote site in a linked cluster
IV43519dare switches appl state from 'online monitored' to 'offline'
IV43520suppress informational message on fencing
IV43521nfsv4 application server failed by not active rpc.lockd
IV43522cannot change "notify_method" to empty value
IV43523duplicate static routes after reboot of ha node
IV43524no disks shown in mirror pool
IV43525file collections may cause a slight performance degradation
IV43526db2 smart assist discovery fails when lang=c is not set
IV43527many error messages displayed when restoring a snapshot in smit
IV43528glvm timeout value set incorrectly to 1800
IV43549clissuepage does not provide object name for all events
IV43550clstat returns state down when clinfo gets timeout on select
IV43551clfileprop tries to copy files to local node
IV43552hitachi configuration verification fails after migrating to 713
IV43929create rg failed through sap smart assist
IV44427powerha nfsv4 crossmounts failing with vmount error
IV44428no documentation for "cluster heartbeat settings" menu
IV44429clver is unable to handle wildcards in filenames of a filecoll
IV44430pure raw disks rdgs wont be online
IV44435other syslog logfiles may not rotate due to clcycle
IV44441back up repository shows up in disk pick list
IV44443clver may core dump processing dlpar configurations
IV44449"clmgr -v query logical_volume" does not work
IV44454can see directory does not exist errors on snapshot apply
IV44456cluster services won't start after offline/snapshot migr.
IV44460error messages about rsct tie breaker during migration.
IV44462collocation with persistent label does not work properly.
IV45550cli_importvg errors when vg is not already imported
IV33034ha svcpprc verify fails if local svc has two remote partners
IV33351powerha dlpar failure at power7 lpars
IV33354dlpar may acquire from cod less vp than necessary
IV33781svc cg in consistent_stopped state not starting
IV33782verification time restriction on change volumes svc feature
IV33964mping verification ignores caa cluster ip
IV34191clmgr doesn't allow to create a new fs on an existing lv
IV34544clmgr fails adding a volume group due to incorrect chvg syntax
IV34942release notes are incorrect on caa network failure detection
IV34947sites. will not give to choice to move back the rg across
IV34951disable some asserts in the production build
IV34955Internal error messages should not show up in AIX errpt
IV34958repository mg is allowing multiple disks
IV34965the rpc.lockd daemon may not be active after an rg move
IV34968clmgr lets mirror groups be deleted when in a resource group
IV34972cannot change a maxdb takeover node after configuration.
IV34975hswizard expects value of ds8k hmc for svc disks
IV34979powerha node start fails after forced down
IV34982xiv role change not processed correctly
IV34986rpc.lockd running in wpar causes rg error state
IV34990smit cannot remove multiple files from file collection
IV34993powerha configure "critical volume groups actions" will fail
IV34994no link local addresses detected on interface during clverify
IV35013a hyperswap timeout value is reported in hexadecimal by clmgr
IV35016some director mirror group wizard panels display invalid data
IV35059director cannot swap system mirror groups.
IV35061clmgr cannot be used to modify a storage agent password
IV35063director mirror group wizard does not display disks properly
IV35068auto cluster config monitoring smit error in japanese locale
IV35071concurrent vg varied on non-concurrently if disks missing
IV35072clmgr trace output can be displayed on the terminal
IV35075clmgr. refresh mirror groups, or show active paths, using
IV35082no disks shown in mirror pool
IV35087lost svc, rg does not falover to remote site
IV35094clmgr cannot be used to move resource groups between sites
IV35096director mirror group wizard requires new object creation
IV35098director mirror group wizard problems for hyperswap
IV35100cluster services do not start automatically on boot
IV35102passive node waits at least the swap-timeout to resume io.
IV35105cannot display change/show sa smit screen.
IV35108mg continues to remain in incosistent state after swap fails
IV35110clrginfo -m truncates long application server names
IV35112halevel -s may not return correct information about service pack
IV35114clpasswdremote core dumps due to memory fault
IV35115clmgr can spawn a large number of ksh93 processes
IV35119clinfo api incorrectly returns an additional cluster with id 0
IV35471error message could contain garbled application server
IV35472mkcluster cmd fails for third party disks.
IV35473ha clstrmgr coredump on all nodes after start cluster services
IV35475cspoc writing pvid on oracle asm disks causing data corruption
IV35602ha cl_queryvg error causes fast disk takeover verify error
IV36155clmgr fails to add a vg to an existing non-concurrent rg
IV36663resource acquire error during dare but rg left in online state
IV36735rg left offline at fallover after monitor and node failure
IV36736powerha cspoc mkvg operation generates sfw "no such device"
IV36737clrginfo -m flag not documented
IV36738disks missing from pick list
IV36739node or site level swap fails when rg is concurrently online
IV36740pha services failed to start after reboot
IV36741director sometimes displays incorrect volume group name
IV36749cannot manage hitachi resources via clmgr
IV36750resource group move between sites may not work as expected
IV36751clxd_list_ss is displaying garbage
IV36752correctly display owning resource group for filesystem
IV36753cluster test tool does not handle disk heart beat networks
IV36754cluster cannot be created with single adapter in diff subnet
IV36755fallback of rg from standby to primary node causes hang
IV36756active/active scenario fails to swap sometimes
IV37721cifs_fs crash in smbfs_dir_sync
IV37722cannot define hitachi mirror groups via director.
IV37723clmgr is missing some resource distribution options
IV37724clpasswd leaves 'lastupdate = 0' in /etc/security/passwd
IV37725hitachi truecopy verification warning on running clstrmgr
IV37726composite group definition from smit panel fails
IV37728cannot modify mirror groups using clmgr or director.
IV37729clxd_xiv_verify fails when more than one vg in resource group
IV37730ha clstrmgr must enable tcp_nodelay for smux socket
IV37731clmgr error messages are displayed incorrectly with tracing on
IV37732repos disk moving to hyperswap disk not reflected in hacmp
IV37733cleanup/removal of "sync_stale_parts" input from clmgr
IV37735clmgr does not properly handle clusters with no shared vgs
IV37736"clmgr add file_system" requires units even when lv is provided
IV37737hitachi truecopy verification shows various errors
IV37738clmgr inputs do not match outputs for logical_volume
IV37739emc mirror groups are not working properly in clmgr.
IV37740clmgr query command omits hitachi-specific mirror group outputs
IV37741system mg- swap function is failing at smit panel
IV37745cannot configure emc mirror groups using director
IV37746rootvg is missing from director hyperswap mirror group panel
IV37747the "clmgr query disk" command does not list disks
IV37931migration leaves rhosts in the configuration_files.
IV37932acquiring dlpar resources fails to create the correct online rgs
IV37933must specify site policy to change secondary nodes.
IV38520clstrmgr may core dump after restart from unmanaged
IV38521disk validation in clmgr misses duplicate pvids
IV38522cllssite with grep do not return node name
IV38523cspoc cli_mkvg does not import on remote node the new vg
IV38524readme updates for systemmirror 712 sp2
IV38525concurrent rg swap could fail
IV38526clmgr displays "applications" twice for each resource group
IV38539v&s fails in clxd_refresh error
IV27586powerha 7.1.2 support for enterprise edition and hyperswap
IV30114legacy vgs are reported as original by clmgr.
IV30117path recreation may fail sometimes
IV30327misleading c-spoc error when jfs log is specified
IV30328hot standby solution needs to be ipv6 aware
IV30329powerha discovery fails to discover tty devices
IV30330clmgr allows incompatible vg specification for resource groups
IV30331director is not notified of volume group creation/changes.
IV30332cannot create xiv mirror groups via director.
IV30333cannot manage svc with clmgr or director.
IV30334cllsclstr may core dump sometimes
IV30335cannot configure user defined resources when sites configured
IV30336cluster deletion from smit/clmgr does not update director.
IV30337mirror group type input disappears when hyperswap is disabled.
IV30338cannot specify hyperswap disks in director wizard.
IV30339corrupted resource group field from "clmgr query file_system"
IV30340refresh mg for repos mg fails
IV30341glvm replication waits for 30 mins before trying next avail.
IV30342cannot swap mirror groups from director.
IV30343format clxd_list_mg_director output to use common header
IV30344corrective action associated with wpar cloning fails
IV30345custom event auto-cleanup fails if multiple events are assigned
IV30346ha_int:oracle sa is not able to connect to database
IV30347v&s fails in refresh mg if new vg added to mg
IV30348cspoc 'synchronize lvm mirrors' fails with 2 pvs missing/removed
IV30349concurrent volume group left in passive mode
IV30350claddsite usage message when removing a site
IV30351core dump in frpintf when changing resource group attributes
IV30352node crash, when cluster topology is chnaged
IV30353may not be able to delete same_site dependency with clmgr.
IV30354manual discovery of ihs using xml file may fail
IV30355should not give warning, when hypswap recovery is manual
IV30434list mg core dump for 500 or more disks
IV30435volume group management occassionally fails
IV30482powerha: cli_mklv may fail with more than nine arguments.
IV30483clver (v&s) fails with libodm and no memory error
IV30507discovery not run on newly added nodes.
IV30509snap -e doesn't collect the clmkcaa.log file
IV30510clcomd cannot communicate sometimes
IV30511sys mg swap fails
IV30512japanese customers must use english in director.
IV30513can't generate cl_event_summaries.txt file
IV30514readme update
IV30515adding repos mg may not report config error for sites added
IV30516some component ids incorrect for systemmirror 712
IV30517director cannot be used to manage svc resources.
IV30518the director mirror group wizard can fail for xiv.
IV30747powerha 7.1 may set manage resource groups to manually.
IV30748few of verification checks wont work properly
IV30749use xuser for maxdb smart assist.
IV30751invalid split/merge options accepted
IV30752a ksh93 internal error can be displayed by clmgr query repos
IV30753the event descriptions are not displayed in japanese.
IV30754clmgr can create incompatible fallback conditions
IV30755v&s will fail to refresh mg
IV30855director lists an invalid storage system in a selection list
IV30856cannot use director to create svc mirror groups
IV30857clmgr cannot be used to manage svc
IV30858verify and sync fails when nodename differ from hostname
IV30860director mirror group wizard doesn't work with hyperswap
IV31191systemmirror does not support global ipv6 configured using ndp
IV31192cannot create a hyperswap mirror group from director
IV31193cspoc list fs displays sed errors, cannot handle fs corruption
IV31194clmgr accepts invalid tuning parameter value of 0 (zero)
IV31195no available space data is provided for non-local disks.
IV31196invalid verification error for raw disks
IV31197child rgs should not bounce on restart after clstop unmanaged
IV31198syncing via clmgr will not update adapters from new nodes.
IV31199director cannot manage clusters containing svc mirror groups.
IV31376correctly manage volume group state vis a vie fence height
Filesets with associated APARs
PTF#FilesetAssociated APARs
U867468cluster.adt.es.client.include7.1.2.1 IV64120
U867474cluster.es.assist.common7.1.2.3 IV64100
U858874cluster.es.assist.common7.1.2.2 IV43508
U855441cluster.es.assist.common7.1.2.1 IV35105
U867473cluster.es.assist.db27.1.2.2 IV64094
U855476cluster.es.assist.db27.1.2.1 IV43526
U855422cluster.es.assist.ihs7.1.2.1 IV30354
U855443cluster.es.assist.maxdb7.1.2.2 IV34972 IV34975
U855424cluster.es.assist.maxdb7.1.2.1 IV30328 IV30749
U855438cluster.es.assist.oraappsrv7.1.2.1 IV30858
U855421cluster.es.assist.oracle7.1.2.1 IV30346 IV30858
U855463cluster.es.assist.printServer7.1.2.1 IV43511
U858879cluster.es.assist.sap7.1.2.2 IV47560 IV49144 IV49147
U858873cluster.es.assist.sap7.1.2.1 IV43929
U867462cluster.es.assist.tds7.1.2.1 IV64112
U867460cluster.es.assist.tsmadmin7.1.2.1 IV64103
U858876cluster.es.assist.tsmclient7.1.2.1 IV59440
U867470cluster.es.assist.wmq7.1.2.2 IV56566 IV64099 IV64100 IV64101 IV64102 IV65936
U858888cluster.es.assist.wmq7.1.2.1 IV57331 IV59443 IV59444 IV59446
U855462cluster.es.cfs.rte7.1.2.1 IV43158
U867478cluster.es.client.clcomd7.1.2.1 IV63103
U867479cluster.es.client.lib7.1.2.5 IV62159 IV63103 IV64109 IV64111 IV64133 IV64135 IV66548
U858896cluster.es.client.lib7.1.2.4 IV39520 IV47400 IV47493 IV51688 IV51769 IV52062 IV52241 IV52842 IV53745 IV53754 IV54085 IV55917 IV56756 IV56831 IV57336 IV59417 IV59424 IV59427 IV59436 IV59437 IV59445 IV59449 IV59453 IV59457 IV59465 IV59466 IV59471
U858869cluster.es.client.lib7.1.2.3 IV37387 IV43515 IV43517 IV43518 IV44449
U855449cluster.es.client.lib7.1.2.2 IV34191 IV34544 IV34968 IV35013 IV35059 IV35061 IV35072 IV35075 IV35094 IV35115 IV36155 IV36741 IV36749 IV36754 IV37723 IV37728 IV37733 IV37735 IV37736 IV37738 IV37739 IV37740 IV37747 IV37933 IV38521
U855428cluster.es.client.lib7.1.2.1 IV30114 IV30330 IV30333 IV30336 IV30339 IV30342 IV30345 IV30353 IV30507 IV30517 IV30749 IV30752 IV30754 IV30857 IV31192 IV31194 IV31195 IV31199
U858887cluster.es.client.rte7.1.2.4 IV50420 IV50666 IV51211
U855473cluster.es.client.rte7.1.2.3 IV38985 IV43158 IV43514 IV43550 IV44456
U855451cluster.es.client.rte7.1.2.2 IV35100 IV35119
U855430cluster.es.client.rte7.1.2.1 IV30344 IV30514
U855480cluster.es.client.utils7.1.2.2 IV40166 IV43158
U855436cluster.es.client.utils7.1.2.1 IV30435
U867464cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.2.5 IV59357 IV64106 IV64128 IV64131
U858877cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.2.4 IV45057 IV47669 IV53749 IV53750 IV59422 IV59433
U855466cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.2.3 IV42917 IV43158 IV43516 IV43524 IV44441 IV45550
U855453cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.2.2 IV35082 IV36736 IV36739 IV36741 IV36752 IV38523
U855432cluster.es.cspoc.cmds7.1.2.1 IV30327 IV30340 IV30342 IV30348 IV30435 IV30482 IV30511 IV30858 IV31376
U867471cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.2.5 IV61423
U858889cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.2.4 IV59480
U855474cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.2.3 IV42917 IV43524 IV44441 IV45550
U855452cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.2.2 IV35114 IV35115 IV35475 IV36736 IV36738 IV37724 IV37735
U855433cluster.es.cspoc.rte7.1.2.1 IV30435 IV30858 IV31193 IV31376
U858900cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.2.5 IV59586 IV64095 IV64096 IV64116 IV64118 IV64137
U858875cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.2.4 IV59407 IV59412
U855461cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.2.3 IV43158
U855442cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.2.2 IV34951 IV34955 IV34958 IV34982 IV35016 IV35061 IV35063 IV35096 IV35098 IV35102 IV35108 IV36740 IV36749 IV36751 IV36756 IV37722 IV37728 IV37729 IV37732 IV37739 IV37741 IV37745 IV37746 IV38539
U855423cluster.es.genxd.cmds7.1.2.1 IV30117 IV30332 IV30333 IV30337 IV30338 IV30343 IV30347 IV30352 IV30434 IV30515 IV30517 IV30518 IV30855 IV30856 IV30858 IV30860 IV31192
U867467cluster.es.genxd.rte7.1.2.4 IV64095 IV64098
U855468cluster.es.genxd.rte7.1.2.3 IV43158
U855455cluster.es.genxd.rte7.1.2.2 IV36756 IV37732 IV38525 IV38539
U855435cluster.es.genxd.rte7.1.2.1 IV27586 IV30347 IV30755
U858882cluster.es.nfs.rte7.1.2.2 IV45840
U855469cluster.es.nfs.rte7.1.2.1 IV43521
U855471cluster.es.pprc.cmds7.1.2.1 IV43158
U867463cluster.es.pprc.rte7.1.2.1 IV64119
U867475cluster.es.server.diag7.1.2.5 IV57333 IV59586 IV62235 IV64108 IV64114 IV64124
U858892cluster.es.server.diag7.1.2.4 IV42371 IV44964 IV45509 IV46196 IV51435 IV52062 IV53742 IV55041 IV55555 IV59404 IV59438 IV59447 IV59450 IV59452 IV59461 IV59463
U855477cluster.es.server.diag7.1.2.3 IV43158 IV43527 IV44429 IV44443
U855444cluster.es.server.diag7.1.2.2 IV33964 IV34994 IV36663
U855425cluster.es.server.diag7.1.2.1 IV30329 IV30355 IV30483 IV30747 IV30748 IV31196
U867469cluster.es.server.events7.1.2.5 IV44106 IV57735 IV59054 IV59586 IV61143 IV63103 IV64104 IV64105 IV64115 IV64131
U858886cluster.es.server.events7.1.2.4 IV45557 IV46298 IV46681 IV46872 IV47773 IV48012 IV50601 IV51821 IV52380 IV57759 IV57760 IV58918 IV59403 IV59406 IV59409 IV59410 IV59413 IV59414 IV59416 IV59421 IV59423 IV59426 IV59435 IV59456 IV59460 IV59462 IV59480
U855472cluster.es.server.events7.1.2.3 IV39970 IV41182 IV41377 IV42917 IV43158 IV43512 IV43513 IV43520 IV43524 IV43525 IV44427 IV44430 IV44462
U855450cluster.es.server.events7.1.2.2 IV33351 IV33354 IV34191 IV34965 IV34986 IV35059 IV35071 IV35075 IV35087 IV35473 IV36155 IV36736 IV36741 IV36749 IV36755 IV37723 IV37728 IV37733 IV37738 IV37740 IV37932 IV38526
U855429cluster.es.server.events7.1.2.1 IV30330 IV30333 IV30349 IV30435 IV30510 IV30754 IV30857 IV31199 IV31376
U867477cluster.es.server.rte7.1.2.5 IV57240 IV59586 IV61143 IV62709 IV63074 IV64097 IV64123 IV64125 IV64126 IV64129
U858894cluster.es.server.rte7.1.2.4 IV44217 IV44903 IV46298 IV49387 IV49914 IV50022 IV50357 IV51093 IV52379 IV52380 IV52946 IV53701 IV54382 IV55238 IV55916 IV55917 IV56179 IV56191 IV59400 IV59408 IV59413 IV59415 IV59425 IV59429 IV59430 IV59435 IV59441 IV59451 IV59458 IV59468 IV60970
U855479cluster.es.server.rte7.1.2.3 IV42993 IV43158 IV43509 IV43510 IV43519 IV43522 IV43523 IV43525 IV43550 IV44428 IV44460
U855446cluster.es.server.rte7.1.2.2 IV34544 IV34942 IV34947 IV34990 IV34993 IV35068 IV35082 IV35110 IV35473 IV36663 IV36735 IV36737 IV36756 IV37730 IV37931 IV38520 IV38524
U855427cluster.es.server.rte7.1.2.1 IV30335 IV30350 IV30751 IV31191 IV31197 IV31376
U855456cluster.es.server.testtool7.1.2.1 IV36753
U867476cluster.es.server.utils7.1.2.5 IV59139 IV59586 IV60127 IV61143 IV62159 IV63103 IV64107 IV64110 IV64113 IV64115 IV64120 IV64121 IV64132 IV64136 IV65538
U858893cluster.es.server.utils7.1.2.4 IV39520 IV44869 IV45136 IV46199 IV46552 IV46999 IV47796 IV49942 IV50507 IV50666 IV51092 IV51880 IV52062 IV52380 IV56191 IV59401 IV59402 IV59403 IV59405 IV59411 IV59413 IV59418 IV59428 IV59429 IV59431 IV59432 IV59445 IV59454 IV59455 IV59459 IV59464 IV59469 IV59471 IV59501
U855478cluster.es.server.utils7.1.2.3 IV37028 IV37046 IV37301 IV38106 IV41186 IV41561 IV42917 IV43158 IV43507 IV43525 IV43549 IV43551 IV44435 IV44454
U855445cluster.es.server.utils7.1.2.2 IV34979 IV35072 IV35075 IV35112 IV35115 IV35471 IV35472 IV35473 IV35602 IV36663 IV36750 IV37721 IV37731 IV37747 IV38522
U855426cluster.es.server.utils7.1.2.1 IV30117 IV30331 IV30334 IV30351 IV30435 IV30507 IV30509 IV30512 IV30513 IV30753 IV31198 IV31376
U855465cluster.es.spprc.cmds7.1.2.1 IV43158
U858885cluster.es.spprc.rte7.1.2.1 IV46297
U858895cluster.es.sr.cmds7.1.2.2 IV59467
U855457cluster.es.sr.cmds7.1.2.1 IV37726
U867480cluster.es.sr.rte7.1.2.3 IV64127
U858897cluster.es.sr.rte7.1.2.2 IV59467
U855458cluster.es.sr.rte7.1.2.1 IV37726
U858883cluster.es.svcpprc.rte7.1.2.3 IV53776 IV54022 IV54611 IV59439
U855470cluster.es.svcpprc.rte7.1.2.2 IV41377
U855447cluster.es.svcpprc.rte7.1.2.1 IV33034 IV33781 IV33782 IV35087
U867461cluster.es.tc.rte7.1.2.3 IV64130
U855464cluster.es.tc.rte7.1.2.2 IV43552
U855459cluster.es.tc.rte7.1.2.1 IV37725 IV37737
U867466cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.2.4 IV63103 IV66548
U858880cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.2.3 IV49914 IV59434
U855439cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.2.2 IV34191 IV35059 IV35075 IV36155 IV36737 IV36749 IV37723 IV37728 IV37733 IV37736 IV37739
U855434cluster.man.en_US.es.data7.1.2.1 IV30330 IV30333 IV30342 IV30754 IV30857
U858891cluster.msg.en_US.assist7.1.2.3 IV57331
U855440cluster.msg.en_US.assist7.1.2.2 IV34972
U855437cluster.msg.en_US.assist7.1.2.1 IV30749
U867465cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.2.4 IV62159
U858878cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.2.3 IV39520 IV42371 IV50022 IV52241 IV59461 IV59463
U855467cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.2.2 IV37301 IV43512 IV44428
U855454cluster.msg.en_US.es.server7.1.2.1 IV33782 IV35082 IV35087 IV36736
U858898cluster.msg.en_US.sr7.1.2.1 IV59467
U858884cluster.msg.en_US.svcpprc7.1.2.2 IV54022 IV59439
U855448cluster.msg.en_US.svcpprc7.1.2.1 IV33782
U855460cluster.msg.en_US.tc7.1.2.1 IV37725
U867472cluster.xd.glvm7.1.2.4 IV59586
U858890cluster.xd.glvm7.1.2.3 IV59419
U855475cluster.xd.glvm7.1.2.2 IV43158 IV43528
U855431cluster.xd.glvm7.1.2.1 IV30341
U867481glvm.rpv.client7.1.2.3 IV59633 IV64117
U858899glvm.rpv.client7.1.2.2 IV47035 IV47036 IV47407 IV55174 IV55176 IV59420 IV59482
U858870glvm.rpv.client7.1.2.1 IV40687
U858881glvm.rpv.server7.1.2.1 IV59482