IBM Platform Symphony 6.1.1 Fix Pack 1 Readme File


This fix pack addresses various fixes for Platform Symphony 6.1.1. Apply it to your Platform Symphony management, compute, and client hosts.


This fix pack addresses various fixes for Platform Symphony 6.1.1. Apply it to your Platform Symphony management, compute, and client hosts.

Readme file for: IBM® Platform Symphony

Product/Component Release: 6.1.1

Update Name: Fix Pack 1 (246733)

Fix ID: sym-6.1.1-build246733-citigroup

Publication date: 14 November 2014

Last modified date: 14 November 2014



1.       List of fixes

2.       Download location

3.       Products or components affected

4.       Installation and configuration

5.       List of files

6.       Copyright and trademark information


1.  List of fixes


APAR#: P100810


2. Download location

Download this fix from the following location:

3.   Products or components affected

Product/Component Name/Platform:

IBM Platform Computing/all affected binaries/Windows 64-bit

4.  Installation and configuration

4.1        Before installation

1.  Shut down the cluster.

C:\>soamcontrol app disable all

C:\>egosh service stop all

C:\>egosh ego shutdown all

2. Back up all files under the following folders on all management and compute hosts:





























3. Back up all files under the following folders on all client hosts:



4.2        Installation steps

1. Remove the following old .jar files from management hosts that will be upgraded by this fix pack. The following is a list of old .jar files on management hosts:





























2. Decompress the and file to get all files, and then copy all files to the following directory on all management hosts and compute hosts:





























3. Decompress the file to get all files, and then copy all files to the following directory on all client hosts:



4.3        After installation

1.       Verify the installation on the management hosts.

Note: The build numbers of some binary files in the fix pack are greater than fix pack build number. This is as designed.

Use the -V command to check the version of the cluster.

If you have upgraded successfully, the "
ssm -V" and "vemkd -V" commands provide the following output:

> ssm.exe -V

IBM Platform Symphony build 243623, Sep 18 2014

Copyright International Business Machines Corp, 1992-2013.

US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.



> vemkd.exe -V

Platform EGO build 245107, Oct 15 2014

Copyright International Business Machines Corp, 1992-2013.

US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


binary type: win2003-x64




2.       Update the .NET Global Assembly Cache (GAC) on the Windows host:


Option 1: Use the gacutil tool to update the GAC if Microsoft Visual Studio is already installed on all Windows hosts:

a). Open a Visual Studio command prompt or .NET Framework SDK command prompt.

b). Run the following commands:

 gacutil -i %SOAM_HOME%\6.1.1\w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk\lib64\Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net_64.dll

   gacutil -i %SOAM_HOME%\6.1.1\w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk\lib\Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net.dll


The following is an example output:


      Microsoft (R) .NET Global Assembly Cache Utility.  Version 2.0.50727.42

   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

   Assembly successfully added to the cache


Option 2: Drag the .dll file into the C:\SystemRoot\Assembly directory:


a). Delete the corresponding old files. From a command prompt window, run:

> cd C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_64\Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net_64\

del *

> cd C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net\

del *


b). Drag the .dll file into the C:\SystemRoot\Assembly directory:


1) Open two instances of Windows Explorer. In one, navigate to the location of the .dll file. In the other, navigate to the C:\SystemRoot\Assembly directory.


2) Drag the file Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net_64.dll file from the %SOAM_HOME%\6.1.1\w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk\lib64 directory to the C:\WINDOWS\assembly directory.


3) Drag the Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net.dll file from the %SOAM_HOME%\6.1.1\w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk\lib directory to the C:\WINDOWS\assembly directory.



Option 3: Copy the new assembly into the same location as your client.


If you cannot manually install the GAC, you can copy the new assembly into the same location as your client and deploy it in your service package as another dependent library of your service.


For 64-bit applications, use the Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net_64.dll file.


For 32-bit applications, use the Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net.dll file.

3.       Clean up all working directories on all management hosts. Delete all subdirectories and files from these directories:

> del /f /s /q %SOAM_HOME%\..\gui\work\*

> del /f /s /q %SOAM_HOME%\..\soam\work\*

4.       Clean up the browser cache on all client hosts. 


5.       Start the upgraded cluster.

C:\>egosh ego start

C:\>soamcontrol app enable appName


4.4        Uninstalling

1.   Shut down the cluster.

C:\>soamcontrol app disable all

C:\>egosh service stop all

C:\>egosh ego shutdown all

2.    Remove the following new .jar files from management hosts that are introduced by this fix pack. The following is a list of .jar files on management hosts:





























3.    Restore the following folders on all management hosts and compute host with the backed-up file:





























4.   Restore the following folders on all client hosts with the backed-up file:



5.   Start the cluster.

C:\>egosh ego start

C:\>soamcontrol app enable appName

5.        List of files

6.        Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM®, the IBM logo and® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at