IBM Platform LSF 9.1.2 Fix 243588 Readme File


APAR P100673: Fix to allow for the definition of 1000-1300 resources in lsf.shared.


Readme documentation for IBM Platform LSF 9.1.2 Fix 243588 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes.

This fix addresses the following issue:

lsadmin and badmin shows a warning message when more than 1000 resources are defined in lsf.shared.

Readme file for: IBM® Platform LSF

Product/Component Release: 9.1.2

Update Name: Fix 243588

Fix ID: LSF-9.1.2-build243588

Publication date: 9 October 2014

Last modified date: 9 October 2014


1.     List of fixes

2.     Download location

3.     Products or components affected

4.     System requirements

5.     Installation and configuration

6.     List of files

7.     Copyright and trademark information


1.   List of fixes


2.   Download Location

Download Fix 243588 from the following location:

3.   Products or components affected

Affected components include:


4.   System requirements



5.   Installation and configuration


5.1          Before installation


 (LSF_TOP=Full path to the top-level installation directory of LSF.)

1)    Log on to the LSF master host as root

2)    Set your environment:

-      For csh or tcsh: % source LSF_TOP/conf/cshrc.lsf

-      For sh, ksh, or bash: $ . LSF_TOP/conf/profile.lsf


5.2          Installation steps


1)    Go to the patch install directory: cd $LSF_ENVDIR/../9.1/install/

2)    Copy the patch file to the install directory $LSF_ENVDIR/../9.1/install/

3)    Run patchinstall: ./patchinstall <patch>


5.3          After installation


1)    Log on to the LSF master host as root

2)    Run lsadmin limrestart all


5.4          Uninstallation


To roll back a patch:

1)    Log on to the LSF master host as root

2)    Run ./patchinstall -r <patch>

3)    Run lsadmin limrestart all

6.   List of files




7.   Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014

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