IBM Platform Symphony 6.1.1 Interim Fix #242830 Readme File


The SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR database table is missing the APP_NAME column.


After upgrading the Platform Symphony cluster from 5.1 to 6.1.1 and applying interim fix 223455, the SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR table is missing the APP_NAME column. Without this column, the data loader is not configured correctly, and the symsessionloaderhour data loader cannot load data successfully.

After applying this fix, the APP_NAME column is added to the SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR table. Data can be loaded successfully to the SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR table.

This fix applies to all supported platforms.

Readme file for:
IBM® Platform Symphony

Product/Component Release: 6.1.1

Update Name: Interim Fix 242830

Fix ID: sym-6.1.1-build242830

Publication date: 26th September 2014

Last modified date: 26th September 2014



1.     List of fixes

2.     Download location

3.     Products or components affected

4.     Installation and configuration

5.     List of files

6.     Copyright and trademark information

1.   List of fixes

APAR# P100691: SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR table is missing the APP_NAME column.

2.    Download location

Download Interim Fix 242830 from the following location:

3.   Products or components affected

Product/Component Name

Platform Symphony/PERF

4.   Installation and configuration

4.1         Before installation

Shut down the plc, purger, WEBGUI services:

Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:

$source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform

$egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

$egosh service stop plc purger WEBGUI

4.2        Installation steps

1.     Copy the sym6.1.1_build242830.tar.gz package to each management host and decompress the file:

$cp sym6.1.1_build223455.tar.gz $EGO_TOP/

$tar -zxvf sym6.1.1_build223455.tar.gz

2.     Alter the SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR table:

For Oracle databases:

a.     Copy $EGO_TOP/perf/soam/6.1.1/DBschema/Oracle/Patch/ the directory where you have installed your Oracle database.

b.    Run the following script to alter the SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR table:


For Microsoft SQL Server databases:

a.     Log on to the SQL Server database server, and copy $EGO_TOP/perf/soam/6.1.1/DBschema/SqlServer/Patch/upgrade_sym_data_5_1_to_6_1_1_fix_242142.sql to your SQL Server database directory.

b.    Run the following script to alter the SESSION_ATTRIBUTES_HOUR table:

C:\> osql -U username -P password -d dbname -i c:\upgrade_sym_data_5_1_to_6_1_1_fix_242142.sql

3.     Remove the symsessionloaderhour data loader configuration from the $PERF_CONFDIR/plc/plc_pmr.xml to $PERF_CONFDIR/plc/plc_soam.xml file. Here is an example of the <DataLoader> section within the plc_soam.xml file:

<DataLoader Name="symsessionloaderhour" Interval="54" Enable="true" LoadXML="dataloader/symsessionloaderhour.xml" />

4.3          After installation

Start the plc, purger, and WEBGUI services:

Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and restart the plc, purger, WEBGUI services:

$ source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform

$ egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

$ egosh service start plc purger WEBGUI

5.   List of files





6.   Copyright and trademark information


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