=============================================================================== Abstract: This solution adds support for the task's first starting time attribute to the soamdb feature. The task's first starting time will be added to the task history files. Readme file for: IBM Platform Analytics Product/Component Release: 9.1.1 Update name: solution 238876 Publication date: 11 July 2014 Last modified: 11 July 2014 This solution adds support for the task's first starting time attribute to the soamdb feature. With this feature, Platform Symphony can get the new attribute from the task history files and generate statistics. Platform Analytics reports the task's first starting time using the PERF dataloader. =============================================================================== ========================= CONTENTS ========================= 1. Abbreviations 2. About perf loader enhancement to add task's first starting time 3. Supported operating systems 4. Products or components affected 5. Installation and Configuration 6. Copyright ========================= 1. Abbreviations ========================= ========================= 2. About "Task's First Start Time" perf data loader ========================= Solutions #238876 ========================= 3. Supported operating systems ========================= Linux x86_64 (Platform Analytics Node) Windows 2003/2008 x86_64 (Platform Analytics Server) ========================= 4. Products or components affected ========================= Symphony 6.1.1 with sym-6.1.1-build23801-ms patch. Platform Analytics Solution 238354 patch. ========================= 5. Installation and Configuration ========================= * In this document, ANALYTICS_TOP describes the top-level IBM Platform Analytics Server and Node installation directory.For example, this directory may refer to the following: * Linux: $ANALYTICS_TOP /opt/Platfrom Analytics/ * Windows: $ANALYTICS_TOP C:\IBM\Platform Analytics\ 5.1 Installation steps 5.1.1 Download the Symphony and Platform Analytics patch from Fix Central http://www.ibm.com/eserver/support/fixes/ * Symphony 6.1.1 Patch: symphony_build238010_linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64.tar.gz * Platform Analytics 9.1.1 Solution 238354 Patch: build238354_server_all.zip , build238354_schema.zip * Platform Analytics Patch: build239154_node_patch.zip, build239154_server_patch.zip 5.1.2 Patch installation step. * "Task's First Start Time" patch base on Solution 238354 patch. 1. Install Symphony 6.1.1 "Task's First Start Time" patch symphony_build238010_linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64.tar.gz following sym_RFC4725_README_ms.pdf. 2. Install Platform Analytics "Task's First Start Time" perf data loader patch build239154_node_patch.zip and build239154_server_patch.zip following Readme.txt. 5.1.3 IBM Platform Analytics Schema upgrade. 1. Log in to the Analytics database host. 2. Navigate to the schema directory containing your database schema scripts. 3. Run vsql to connect to the database. /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -d -p -U -w where: * is the name of the database. * is the TCP port number or the local socket file extension in which the server is listening for connections. The default is port number 5433. * is the name of the user with which to connect to the database, instead of the default user (the database administrator). * is the password for the database user. Alternately, you can run vsql with no options to accept the defaults and specify the administrator password at the prompt. 4. Update database schema by using the create_schema.sql script under the extracted directory build239154_node_patch/schema/: From the vsql command line, run the create_schema.sql script to create a database schema. \i /alter_task_attributes_table.sql where: is the file path to the create_schema.sql file. For example, \i build239154_node_patch/schema/alter_task_attributes_table.sql 5.1.4 IBM Platform Analytics For Symphony Node Patch Installation. 1. Log into the Analytics for Symphony node host with the same account used to install Analytics. 2. Apply the patch with the patch installer. Run the following command and follow the prompts to apply the patch: * Linux: $ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/pinstall.sh 3. Enable "Task's First Start Time" feature. 1. Source Platform Analytics environment variables 2. Restart alc service. 3. Check the TASK_ATTRIBUTES table and check first_start_time column value validation. 5.1.5 IBM Platform Analytics For Symphony Server Patch Installation. 1. Log into the Analytics node host with the same account used to install Analytics. 2. Apply the patch with the patch installer. Run the following command and follow the prompts to apply the patch: * Windows: $ANALYTICS_TOP\patch_tools\pinstall.bat 5.2 Uninstallation 5.2.1 IBM Platform Analytics For Symphony Node patch uninstallation. 1. Log into the Analytics node host with the same account used to install Analytics. 2. Run the following command and follow the prompts to uninstall the patch. * Linux: $ANALYTICS_TOP/patch_tools/puninst.sh 5.2.2 IBM Platform Analytics For Symphony Server patch uninstallation. 1. Log into the Analytics node host with the same account used to install Analytics. 2. Run the following command and follow the prompts to uninstall the patch. * Windows: $ANALYTICS_TOP\patch_tools\puninst.bat ========================= 6. Copyright ========================= © Copyright IBM Corporation 2014 U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM® the IBM logo and ibm.com® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.