IBM Platform Analytics Fix 236948 Readme File
Platform Analytics 9.1.2 now supports Hardware by Host Group ETL/Workbook.
Readme documentation for IBM Platform Analytics fix 236948 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes.
Platform Analytics 9.1.2 now supports Hardware by Host Group ETL/Workbook. After applying this patch, you can:
* Define a new dashboard for the host group of hardware workbook.
* Enable get all of the list of the host group.
* Enable get an global view for the hardware information of the special host group.
file for: IBM®
Platform Analytics
Product/Component Release:
Update Name: Fix 236948
Fix ID: build236948_server_all, build236948_schema
Publication date: 16th Dec 2014
Last modified date: 16th Dec 2014
1. List of fixes
2. Download location
3. Products or components affected
4. System requirements
5. Installation and configuration
6. List of files
7. Copyright and trademark information
1. List of fixes
2. Download Location
Download from the following location:
3. Products or components affected
Affected components include: IBM Platform Analytics Server, IBM Platform Analytics Schema
4. System requirements
5. Installation and configuration
Perform this task to update the Analytics database schema and the data to prepare the database host for the Platform Analytics upgrade.
5.1 Installation steps
5.1.1 Download and extract the patch.
For example,
5.1.2 IBM Platform Analytics Schema upgrade.
1. Log in to the Analytics database host.
2. Set the VERTICA_ROOT environment variable to the Vertica installation directory.
3. Navigate to the schema directory containing your database schema scripts.
4. Change the create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql manually in case the K-Safe level of your Vertica database is not 1. K-Safe level of your Vertica database is decided by the number of Vertica database nodes:
Number of Vertica database nodes <3: K-Safe = 0
3<= number of Vertica database nodes <5: K-Safe = 1
Number of Vertica database nodes >5: K-Safe = 2
Based on the above settings, check the actual K-Safe level of your vertica database.
5. Open the SQL script create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql and go to the line
\set K_SAFE 1
and change the value of K_SAFE to be the one you get in step 4.
6. Run vsql to connect to the database.
${VERTICA_ROOT}/bin/vsql -d <database_name> -p <port> -U <user_name> -w <password>
* <database_name> is the name of the database.
* <port> is the TCP port number or the local socket file extension in which the server is listening for connections. The default is port number 5433.
* <user_name> is the name of the user with which to connect to the database, instead of the default user (the database administrator).
* <password> is the password for the database user.
Alternately, you can run vsql with no options to accept the defaults and specify the administrator password at the prompt.
7. Update database schema by using the create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql script under the extracted directory build236948_schema/schema/:
From the vsql command line, run the create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql script to create a database schema.
\i <file_path>/create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql
<file_path> is the file path to the create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql file.
For example,
\i build236948_schema/schema/create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql
Notice, please ignore the warning messages "WARNING 6100: Using PARTITION expression that returns a Timestamp value" and "WARNING 5912: HASH() arguments contain irregular expressions".
5.1.3 IBM Platform Analytics Server upgrade.
1. Log into the Analytics server host with the same account used to install Analytics.
2. Apply the patch with the patch installer.
Run the following command and follow the prompts to apply the patch:
* windows: ANALYTICS\patch_tools\pinstall.bat
3. Publish workbook.
1. Open "ANALYTICS\report\reports\Hardware.twb" and "ANALYTICS\report\reports\Hardware (Daily).twb" with Tableau Desktop.
2. Click "OK" for the default data source connection and then configure the right data source and connect.
3. From the menu, go to Server > Publish Workbook.
4. Enter the Tableau Server URL and click "Connect".
5. Sign in to the Tableau Server using the user name and password.
6. Go to Project > IBM Platform Analytics 9.
7. Click "Authentication" and change authentication to "Embedded password" and click "OK" and then "Publish".
5.2 Uninstallation
5.2.1 IBM Platform Analytics Schema uninstallation.
1. Log in to the Analytics database host.
2. Set the VERTICA_ROOT environment variable to the Vertica installation directory.
3. Navigate to the schema directory containing your database schema scripts.
4. Run vsql to connect to the database.
${VERTICA_ROOT}/bin/vsql -d <database_name> -p <port> -U <user_name> -w <password>
* <database_name> is the name of the database.
* <port> is the TCP port number or the local socket file extension in which the server is listening for connections. The default is port number 5433.
* <user_name> is the name of the user with which to connect to the database, instead of the default user (the database administrator).
* <password> is the password for the database user.
Alternately, you can run vsql with no options to accept the defaults and specify the administrator password at the prompt.
5. Update database schema by using the drop_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql script under the extracted directory build236948_schema/schema/:
From the vsql command line, run the drop_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql script to drop a database schema.
\i <file_path>/drop_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql
<file_path> is the file path to the drop_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql file.
For example,
\i build236948_schema/schema/drop_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql
5.2.2 IBM Platform Analytics Server uninstallation.
1. Log into the Analytics server host with the same account used to install Analytics.
2. Run the following command and follow the prompts to uninstall the patch.
* windows: ANALYTICS/patch_tools/puninst.bat
6. List of files
|-- schema
| `-- create_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql
| `-- drop_hardware_by_hostgroup.sql
|-- conf
| `-- datatransformer
`-- hardwarebyhostgroup
|-- reports
| `-- Hardware.twb
| `-- Hardware (Daily).twb
|-- tasks
| `-- DailyReportETL
`-- DailyReportETL.tsk
| `-- HostRelatedETL(LSF)
`-- HostRelatedETL(LSF).tsk
7. Copyright and trademark information
Copyright IBM
Corporation 2014
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