IBM Platform Symphony Interim Fix 236813 Readme File
When the RESOURCE_METRICS table has too many records to query (that is, 70,000,000), the "Cluster Slot Utilization - EGO" and "Host Resource Usage" reports are unavailable for a long time.
¡¤ When the RESOURCE_METRICS table has too many records to query (that is, 70,000,000), and the user logs in to PMC, goes to [Quick Links] -> [Reports] and click the "Cluster Slot Utilization - EGO" or "Host Resource Usage" report, the reports are unavailable for a long time.
This fix addresses the following issues:
¡¤ When the RESOURCE_METRICS table has too many records to query (that is, 70,000,000), the "Cluster Slot Utilization - EGO" and "Host Resource Usage" reports are unavailable for a long time.
This fix patch applies only to the following platform:
¡¤ Windows 64-bit
Readme file for: IBM® Platform Symphony
Product/Component Release:
Update Name: Fix 236813
Fix ID: sym-
Publication date: 30 June 2014
Last modified date: 30 June 2014
1. List of fixes
2. Download location
3. Products or components affected
4. System requirements
5. Installation and configuration
6. List of files
7. Copyright and trademark information
1. List of fixes
2 reports are not displayed in PMC Reports.
2. Download Location
Download Fix 236813 from the following location:
3. Products or components affected
Product/Component Name:
Platform Symphony/plc
4. System requirements
SQL Server 2005
5. Installation and configuration
5.1 Prerequisites
1. Build #229536 installed.
5.2 Before installation
1. Stop the running service.
Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:
> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
> egosh service stop plc purger
5.3 Installation steps
1. Update the database schema in the SQL Server.
> Run the script "update_ego_RESOURCE_METRICS_236813.sql" to update the database schema.
> SQL server command: osql -U user_name -P password -d db_name -i update_script
¡¤ user_name is the user name on the database server.
¡¤ password is the password for this user name on the database server.
¡¤ db_name is the reporting database name.
¡¤ update_script is the name of the update script.
¡¤ For information about how to update an SQL Server database, refer to the chapter "Update a SQL Server database" in the Symphony Knowledge Center.
¡¤ If there are a large number of records in the RESOURCE_METRICS table, the update takes a long time.
5.4 After installation
1. Start the services.
Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:
> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
> egosh service start plc purger
5.5 Uninstallation
1. Stop the running service.
Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:
> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
> egosh service stop plc purger
2. Rollback the database schema in the SQL Server.
> Run the script "rollback_ego_RESOURCE_METRICS_236813.sql" to roll back the database schema.
> SQL server command: osql -U user_name -P password -d db_name -i rollback_script
¡¤ user_name is the user name on the database server.
¡¤ password is the password for this user name on the database server.
¡¤ db_name is the reporting database name.
¡¤ rollback_script is the name of the rollback script.
¡¤ For information about how to update an SQL Server database, refer to the chapter "Update a SQL Server database" in the Symphony Knowledge Center.
¡¤ If there are a large number of records in the RESOURCE_METRICS table, the rollback takes a long time.
3. Start the services.
> egosh service start plc purger
6. List of files
¡¤ update_ego_RESOURCE_METRICS_236813.sql
¡¤ rollback_ego_RESOURCE_METRICS_236813.sql
7. Copyright and trademark information
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014
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