IBM Platform Symphony 5.2 Interim Fix for #234521 Readme File
Authentication fails in the MapReduce version 5.2 GUI when the LDAP security plug-in is enabled.
1. When the LDAP security plug-in is enabled,
the user can log on to PMC and view Symphony workload, but the user cannot view MapReduce
workload. Authentication error is reported in the security plug-in log at
server side.
2. The workaround for the issue is to add the env parameter ˇ°EGO_SEC_PLUGIN_FOR_SOAM=sec_ego_ext_ldapˇ±
in the file $EGO_CONFDIR/ego.conf and then restart
the cluster.
This fix addresses the following issue:
Authentication fails in the MapReduce version 5.2 GUI when the LDAP security plug-in is enabled. Authentication should be successful if the user is already logged on to the PMC.
Readme file for: IBM® Platform Symphony
Product/Component Release: 5.2
Update Name: Interim Fix 234521
Fix ID: sym-5.2-build234521
Publication date: 23 May 2014
Last modified date: 23 May 2014
1. List of fixes
2. Download location
3. Products or components affected
4. Installation and configuration
5. List of files
6. Copyright and trademark information
1. List of fixes
2. Download Location
Download Fix 234521 from the following location:
3. Products or components affected
Product/Component Name, Platform, Fix ID:
Platform Symphony/PMC, Linux 64-bit, sym-5.2-build234521
4. Installation and configuration
4.1 Before installation
1. Stop the service WEBGUI.
Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:
> egosh service stop WEBGUI
4.2 Installation steps
1. Remove the env
parameter ˇ°EGO_SEC_PLUGIN_FOR_SOAM=sec_ego_ext_ldapˇ± from
ego.conf if it is set.
2. Log
on to master and each management host and back up the following binary file
that will be replaced by this patch:
> $EGO_TOP/gui/ego/
3. Patch
to the master and each management host.
4.3 After installation
1. Start the service WEBGUI.
Log on to the master and each management host as the cluster administrator and run:
C:\> egosh service start WEBGUI
4.4 Uninstallation
1. Stop the service WEBGUI.
Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:
C:\> egosh
service stop WEBGUI
Restore the corresponding
files in the patch.
3. Start the service WEBGUI.
Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator and run:
C:\> egosh service start WEBGUI
5. List of files
6. Copyright and trademark information
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014
IBM®, the IBM logo and® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at