IBM Platform Application Center 9.1.2 Fix 232739 Readme
This fix resolves issues with PAC user authentication issue when user's passcode changes every 60 seconds, downloading .link file issue from job detail and PAC installation issue.
Readme documentation for IBM Platform Application Center 9.1.2 Fix 232739 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes.
This fix addresses the following issue:
file for: IBM® Platform Application Center
Name: Fix 232739
ID: pac9.1.2_standard_linux-x64.tar.Z
date: 14
April 2014
modified date: 4 May 2014
APAR#: P100388
Download Fix 232739 from the following location:
Affected components include: PAC and PPM integration, Installation, WS and Job.
4.1 Software requirements
5.1 Before installation
Stop all IBM Platform Application Center services:
If EGO is not enabled:
perfadmin stop all
pmcadmin stop
If EGO is enabled:
a. Log on to EGO.
egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
b. Stop IBM Platform Application Center services.
egosh service stop mysql WEBGUI jobdt plc purger
c. Check that services have stopped.
egosh service list
5.2 Installation steps
following steps assume IBM Platform Application Center is installed in
Replace with your actual installation directory.
Determine the location of your
existing IBM Application Center installation.
-q --queryformat "%{INSTPREFIXES}\n" pcc-appcenter
As root, log on to your IBM Platform Application
Center 9.1.2 host. Backup the exiting installation directory, for
-rfp /opt/pac /opt/pac.bak
3. Backup
database if you use local MySQL.
Export local IBM Platform Application
Center mysql database use command:
-u pacuser -p pac --add-drop-table > /root/pacdata.sql
4. Download the fix file: pac9.1.2_standard_linux-x64.tar.Z.
5. Extract pac9.1.2_standard_linux-x64.tar.Z.
6. As root, log on to your IBM Platform Application Center 9.1.2 host.
Set your IBM Platform Application Center
For csh or tcsh:
% source /opt/pac/cshrc.platform
For sh, ksh, or bash:
$ . /opt/pac/profile.platform
Install the fix.
rpm -Uvh --prefix ${PAC_TOP} pcc-appcenter-9.1.2-232739.x86_64.rpm
Replace ${PAC_TOP} with your actual installation directory.
5.3 After installation
1. Start IBM Platform Application Center services
If EGO is not enabled:
perfadmin start all
pmcadmin start
If EGO is enabled:
a. Log on to EGO.
egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
b. Start IBM Platform Application Center services.
egosh service start mysql WEBGUI jobdt plc purger
c. Check that services have stopped.
egosh service list
2. Clear your browser cache before
logging into IBM Platform Application Center.
This is required on every browser that
will access IBM Platform Application Center.
Otherwise, IBM Platform Application
Center will not work properly.
6.1 Before uninstallation
Stop all IBM Platform Application Center services:
If EGO is not enabled:
perfadmin stop all
pmcadmin stop
If EGO is enabled:
a. Log on to EGO.
egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
b. Stop IBM Platform Application Center services.
egosh service stop mysql WEBGUI jobdt plc purger
c. Check that services have stopped.
egosh service list
6.2 Roll back the fix
following steps assume IBM Platform Application Center is installed in
Replace with your actual installation directory.
Determine the location of your
existing IBM Application Center installation.
-q queryformat %{INSTPREFIXES}\n pcc-appcenter
2. Download the RPM package for a version previous to the Fix, for example, pcc-appcenter-9.1.2-123456.x86_64.rpm.
3. Set your IBM Platform Application
For csh or tcsh:
% source /opt/pac/cshrc.platform
For sh, ksh, or bash:
$ . /opt/pac/profile.platform
Install the
IBM Platform Application Center RPM package, for Example:
#rpm -Uvh
--prefix ${PAC_TOP} --oldpackage --noscripts
Replace ${PAC_TOP} with your actual installation directory.
5. If administrator has done some customization on code, copy back the changed code from backup directory.
6. Start IBM Platform Application Center services
If EGO is not enabled:
perfadmin start all
pmcadmin start
If EGO is enabled:
a. Log on to EGO.
egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
b. Start IBM Platform Application Center services.
egosh service start mysql WEBGUI jobdt plc purger
c. Check that services have stopped.
egosh service list
7. Clear your browser cache before
logging into IBM Platform Application Center.
This is required on every browser that
will access IBM Platform Application Center.
Otherwise, IBM Platform Application
Center will not work properly.
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