IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations 1.5.1 | Software Interim Fix | APAR PO02800

About this readme file

This readme provides information about the patch available in this interim fix.

Included in this interim fix

This APAR PO02800 for IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations 1.5.1 fixes issues with/enhances the following functionality:

Known Issues



Prerequisites for Linux® operating systems


Installation procedure for Linux operating systems

  1. Create a directory named PO02800 in directory /opt/IBM/iss/icpo/maintenance on the Application server.
  2. Unpack the file to directory /opt/IBM/iss/icpo/maintenance/PO02800.
  3. The .zip file contains these files:
  4. On the Application server, copy file /opt/IBM/iss/icpo/maintenance/PO02800/ICPO- to folder /opt/IBM/iss/icpo/properties/version.
  5. Stop the ear files pointed at the step 3.
  6. Update the asset_coop_portal_ear application:
  7. Update the asset_coop_rest_ear application:
  8. Update the asset_permitting_portal_ear application:
  9. Update the asset_permitting_rest_ear application:
  10. Synchronize all nodes
  11. Start the ear files pointed at the step 3
  12. Clear the cache of any end-user browsers that use the ICPO application.


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