PowerHA fix information

For PowerHA 6.1 Service Pack 1

The PowerHA 6.1.0 Service Pack 1 can be downloaded using APAR IZ66783. This Service Pack includes the following PTFs with associated APARs for PowerHA 6.1.0 and is now available for download as of December, 2009.

New APARs included in this service pack
IZ60744reserved for future use
IZ62577cl_errnotify core dumps in getdpoadapters
IZ62579this is to address enhancement to clcomd timer by tom
IZ62622hacmp vgs using mndhb may not varyoff on rg_move
IZ62623lang=ja_jp clrgmove incorrectly processes parent-child rgs
IZ62624snapshot restore reports ok even with verification errors
IZ62625cspoc does not handle correctly the 'mount group' field
IZ62626adding an 'ip address offset for heartbeating' to an ip
IZ62627dlpar support should handle list of ip addresses
IZ62628cl_nfs4smctl have return code issues
IZ62629reserved for future use
IZ62630potential security issue.
IZ62635unexport of nfsv4 filesystem fails during rg move
IZ62636event script error when using wpar enbled resource group
IZ62642cannot move app server with dlpar resources
IZ62673support for svc 51
IZ62675provide randomized back off and retry of ssh operation for svc
IZ62676snapshots should be disabled during cluster migrations.
IZ62787clver debugging in automatic cluster verify generates huge log
IZ63775default route deleted by ha
IZ64117change to ecm targets incorrect
IZ64118make logical volume creation option more obvious
IZ65007clinfo api: cl_getsitemap shows incorrect node ids
IZ65010svc 5.1 - svcpprc cmd cllssvc -n svcname command fail
IZ65020reserved for future use
IZ65021"cldisp" utility is not working for diskheartbeat networ
IZ65023add communication interfaces using discovery lists wrong
IZ65171unable to unmirror a vg through cspoc.
IZ65172assign pvids to free disks
IZ65177hacmp passwd utility: restoring the aix passwd binary may fail
IZ66267clcomd core at ha61 sp1 spin c
IZ66389svc5.1 - iscsi disk lscfg output contains no serial #
IZ66390svc5.1 - hdisk# in volume vg has no svc vdisk defined
IZ66391svc5.1 - svc verify err from use of -h flag in svc cmds
IZ66392cl_verify_svcpprc_config problems in ha61 sp1 spin c
IZ66393svc5.1 - svc secondary ips not verified
IZ66588cl_verify_svcpprc_config error in ha61 sp1 spin d
IZ66636svc5.1 - verify hangs when master svc is unreachable
IZ66637svc5.1 - verify fails
Filesets with associated APARs
PTF#FilesetAssociated APARs
U830515cluster.adt.es.client.include6.1.0.1 IZ65023
U830505cluster.es.client.clcomd6.1.0.1 IZ62579 IZ62626 IZ66267
U830508cluster.es.client.lib6.1.0.1 IZ62626 IZ65021
U830516cluster.es.client.rte6.1.0.1 IZ65007 IZ65020
U830514cluster.es.cspoc.cmds6.1.0.1 IZ64117 IZ65172 IZ65177
U830509cluster.es.cspoc.rte6.1.0.1 IZ62625 IZ64117 IZ64118 IZ65172
U830512cluster.es.server.diag6.1.0.1 IZ62577 IZ62630
U830511cluster.es.server.events6.1.0.1 IZ60744 IZ62622 IZ62627 IZ62628 IZ62629 IZ62635 IZ62636 IZ62642 IZ63775
U830513cluster.es.server.rte6.1.0.1 IZ62625 IZ62630 IZ62787 IZ64117 IZ65171
U830510cluster.es.server.utils6.1.0.1 IZ62623 IZ62624 IZ62627 IZ62676 IZ62787 IZ64117 IZ65023
U830506cluster.es.svcpprc.cmds6.1.0.1 IZ62673 IZ65010 IZ66391
U830507cluster.es.svcpprc.rte6.1.0.1 IZ62673 IZ62675 IZ66389 IZ66390 IZ66391 IZ66392 IZ66393 IZ66588 IZ66636 IZ66637
U830518cluster.msg.en_US.es.server6.1.0.1 IZ65171 IZ65172
U830517cluster.msg.en_US.svcpprc6.1.0.1 IZ65010