This readme file provides information about how to install interim fix PO02326 for IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.5.
IBM Intelligent Video Analytics supports the inclusion of GIS maps within the Operator UI. Interim fix PO02326 contains an update for IBM Intelligent Video Analytics version 1.5 that is required if you want to enable the GIS map feature of the Operator Client.
Note: This is an optional feature of version 1.5 that requires you to purchase the appropriate subscription from a supported mapping provider.
If the GIS map feature is enabled, the following functionality is available in the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics Operator Client user interface:
* Cameras are plotted on the map only if the latitude and longitude coordinates are correctly configured in the Smart Vision Suite (SVS) system.
If interim fix PO02326 is installed, IBM Intelligent Video Analytics can be configured to use maps from the following GIS map service providers:
You must have administrative or 'root' access to update the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.5 Smart Surveillance Engine servers.
You must also download the OpenLayers API before you install interim fix PO02326. The OpenLayer API should be downloaded using the following link:
Find the "Enhanced Maps for IBM Smarter Cities Products" section on the page and click the Download Options link to download the API. When prompted, accept the necessary agreements.
The OpenLayers API is required to access Google, Esri, or OpenStreetMap GIS map servers within the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics Operator Client user interface.
For specific instructions for installing the OpenLayers API to work with the Intelligent Video Analytics V1.5 product, see the EnhancedMaps_readme.html file that is provided with the Enhanced Maps for IBM Smarter Cities Products media.
Complete all of the required instructions to correctly update your IBM Intelligent Video Analytics solution with the required OpenLayers API.
Interim fix PO02326 requires you to update the Middleware for Large Scale Surveillance (MILS) components of IBM Intelligent Video Analytics. The fix package contains the following files:
"/opt/IBM/SVS/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl stop"
Note that:
<script type="text/javascript"src="/milsng/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"src="/milsng/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
<script src="{API_KEY*}&sensor=false"></script>
Note: * The online instruction for obtaining the API Key that is required can be found here.
Within the uiprofile.json file, locate the "mapEnabled": false, line. Replace that line with one of the following configurations depending on the GIS map service provider that you are using:
"mapEnabled": true,
"mapCenterLatitude": 40.7142,
"mapZoomLevel": {"maximum": 20,"minimum":
1,"default": 10},
"mapType": [{"label":
"roadmap","value": "roadmap"},{"label": "satellite","value":
"satellite"},{"label": "terrain","value": "basic"}],
"mapSubType": "osm",
"mapParameters": {
"icons":{ "active": { "icon": "/milsng/images/marker.png" },
"inactive": { "icon": "/milsng/images/marker-green.png"} },
"additionalLayers": { "roadmap":
",priroad,secroad,rail,ferry,tunnel,bridge", "satellite":
",ground_01,ground_02,depthcontour,coastline_01,coastline_02" } },
"mapEnabled": true,
"mapCenterLatitude": 40.7142,
"mapCenterLongitude": -74.0064,
"mapZoomLevel": {"maximum": 20,"minimum": 1,"default": 10},
"mapType": [{"label": "roadmap","value": "roadmap"},{"label": "satellite","value": "satellite"},{"label": "terrain","value": "basic"}],
"mapAPI": "omap",
"mapSubType": "esri",
"mapParameters": {"icons":{"active": {"icon": "/milsng/images/marker.png"},"inactive": {"icon": "/milsng/images/marker-green.png"}},
"roadURL": "${z}/${y}/${x}",
"terrainURL": "${z}/${y}/${x}0",
"satelliteURL": "${z}/${y}/${x}",},
"mapEnabled": true,
"mapCenterLatitude": 40.7142,
"mapCenterLongitude": -74.0064,
"mapZoomLevel": {"maximum": 20,"minimum": 1,"default": 10},
"mapType": [{"label": "roadmap","value": "roadmap"},{"label": "satellite","value": "satellite"},{"label": "terrain","value": "basic"}],
"mapAPI": "omap",
"mapSubType": "google",
"mapParameters": {"icons":{"active": {"icon": "/milsng/images/marker.png"},"inactive": {"icon": "/milsng/images/marker-green.png"}}},
"/opt/IBM/SVS/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start"
To test the mapping functions, close and re-open your browser, ensuring that the cache is cleared. When you log on, the Map tab displays in the Channel Selector pane underneath the Tree listing of the camera views, which are otherwise referred to as channels. When you open the Map tab, the GIS map of the configured service provider displays.
Uninstallation is not supported for this interim fix. Ensure that you back up your environment before installing this fix.
To access the product documentation and other key information resources, see the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics publication library at:
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