=============================================================================== Readme file for: IBM(R) Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition Product/Component Release: 4.1 Update name: Fix 217270 Publication date: 8 Jun 2013 Last modified: 8 Jun 2013 Readme documentation for IBM Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition 4.1 Fix 217270 including installation-related instructions and a list of fixes. =============================================================================== ========================= CONTENTS ========================= 1. About Fix 217270 2. Supported operating systems 3. Products or components affected 4. Installation and configuration 5. List of fixes 6. Limitations 7. Copyright ========================= 1. About Fix 217270 ========================= Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition Fix 217270 is intended for users with Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition 4.1 installed. You can apply this fix on top of Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition 4.1. This fix addresses the following: - Adds additional guards to prevent users from accidentally canceling clusters. - Supports continuing cluster provisioning and moving the cluster to "Active" state, despite errors. - Provides the ability to remove problem machines from a cluster. - Prevents the purger service from deleting useful records from the database, which can cause cluster definition data to be lost. ========================= 2. Supported operating systems ========================= This fix is supported on the RHEL 6.3 (64-bit) operating system (rhel-server-6.3-x86_64). ========================= 3. Products or components affected ========================= This patch requires you to update selected binary files under the following directories on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server: /virtualization/4.1/lib/ /virtualization/conf/ /2.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/ /icm/1.0/lib/ /icm/conf/ /perf/1.2/lib/ /perf/conf/purger/ /gui/3.0/tomcat/webapps/platform/ where describes the top-level directory where Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition is installed (for example, /opt/platform). ========================= 4. Installation and configuration ========================= Applying this fix involves the following steps: 1. Stopping Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server services. 2. (Optional) Backing up existing Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server files. 3. Updating files on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. 4. Starting Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition and verifying services. Note: Expect some down time for Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition, as the update requires you to restart the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Before restarting the management server, ensure there are no running tasks in the clusters (for example, clusters that are being provisioned). 4.1 Stopping Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server services 1. Log into the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server as root. 2. Source the environment for the previous Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management installation: C shell: # source /cshrc.platform Bourne shell: # . /profile.platform 3. Shut down Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management services: # egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin # egosh service stop all # egosh ego shutdown Note: If your Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server integrates with LDAP or Windows Active Directory, log into Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition using the password of the LDAP or Active Directory user mapped to the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition administrator user Admin. 4.2 (Optional) Backing up existing Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server files 1. Log into the existing Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server as root. 2. Back up the entire Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition installation directory. For example, back up the entire Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition directory into the /backup/PCMAE directory: # /bin/cp -rf /backup/PCMAE 4.3 Updating files on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server The fix includes following four files: PCMAE41Fix217270.tar Readme_PCMAE41Fix217270.txt Myfix.info.PCMAE4_1_217270 pcmae_administer.pdf 1. Copy the PCMAE41Fix217270.tar and Myfix.info.PCMAE4_1_217270 file to the directory on your Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. 2. Log into the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server as root. 3. Note the current ownership of Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition files by navigating to the directory, and running "stat profile.platform". For example: # stat profile.platform File: `profile.platform' Size: 134 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: fd00h/64768d Inode: 400859 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 500/pcmae) Gid: ( 500/pcmae) Access: 2013-06-06 07:54:51.744613081 +0800 Modify: 2013-06-06 07:54:51.307612288 +0800 Change: 2013-06-06 07:54:51.307612288 +0800 From the above command's results, note that the owner "pcmae" has read and write permissions, and the owner group "pcmae" has only read permission. 4. Navigate to the directory, and extract PCMAE41Fix217270.tar to update files automatically: # /bin/tar -xvf PCMAE41Fix217270.tar Fix files are extracted to the appropriate locations on your system. 5. Update the /icm/conf/ICMConfig.xml file, by adding the follwing parameters into Configuration section: 6. Change the ownership of the fix directories back to their original ownership: # /bin/chown -R : 2.0/ gui/ icm/ perf/ virtualization/ 7. Navigate to the directory, and clean up the contents in the "/gui/work/Catalina/localhost/" directory: # /bin/rm -rf gui/work/Catalina/localhost/* 4.4 Starting Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition and verifying services 1. Run the following command on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server to start Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition: # egosh ego start 2. Run the following command to ensure that all of the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition services are started: # egosh service list 3. Once Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition starts, launch a Web browser and open the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition Portal using this address format: http://:8080 ========================= 5. List of fixes ========================= APAR# PE00003 This fix addresses the following issues: 212649 Description: Add additional guards to prevent users from accidentally canceling a production cluster. Components and platform: Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition ICM running on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Impacts: ICM, GUI 213246 Description: Remove problem machines from a cluster. Components and platform: Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition ICM running on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Impacts: ICM, GUI 212729 Description: One of the machines fails to provision due to hardware issues, and prevents the cluster from provisioning. Components and platform: Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition ICM running on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Impacts: ICM, GUI 215109 Description: Purger deletes useful records from the database, causing serios problem for the cluster definition. Components and platform: Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition ICM running on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Impacts: Purger 216987 Description: Unexpected error messages in the purger log if the purger service executes. Components and platform: Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition ICM running on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Impacts: Purger 211538 Description: Changing the System > General Congifuration in the Portal causes changes in the AdvancedVMOConfigMapping.xml file. Components and platform: Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition ICM running on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Impacts: ICM 211782 Description: RFA JNI core dumps, causing ICM to restart. Components and platform: Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition ICM running on the Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition management server. Impacts: ICM ========================= 6. Limitations ========================= This fix includes removing a machine from a cluster; however, the chargeback & report modules still consider the removed machine as associated with the cluster. ========================= 7. Copyright ========================= (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com(R) are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.