====================================================================== ====================================================================== Licensed materials - Property of IBM 5655-FIN 5655-Y11 5724-D96 5725-F79 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2012 All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== README for IBM(R) Financial Transaction Manager for Multiplatforms V2.0.0.2 This file contains information needed to complete the installation of Financial Transaction Manager V2.0.0.2 You can find additional information on the Financial Transaction Manager website, which is located at: www.ibm.com/software/industry/financial-transaction-manager/ All PTF readme files for Financial Transaction Manager are available on the following website: www.ibm.com/software/industry/financial-transaction-manager/support/ This page also contains other useful information: - News flashes - Preventive service planning - Technotes - Downloads ====================================================================== Contents ====================================================================== - New and updated functionality - APARs fixed - System Requirements - Changed System Requirements - Notes for Existing FTM customers - Installation - Customization - Documentation - Trademarks ====================================================================== New and updated functionality ====================================================================== 1. Extensions to ISF-V3 to support more payments related messages. 2. Usage Report Tool updated to support Oracle FTM databases 3. Tablespace LOB Logging enabled by default in DB2 FTM databases for Z/OS 4. Oracle datatypes changed from CHAR to VARCHAR2 5. Performance enhancements * Standards Processing Node * Oracle tables have been changed to enable in-row LOB storage * RaiseEvent API changed to mitigate performance degradation as number of events increases. ====================================================================== APARs fixed ====================================================================== The changes in this distribution include a fix for the following APAR - PM76544 - Performance degradation in FTM 2 Sample Application (core event raising API) ====================================================================== System Requirements ====================================================================== For details on all the Financial Transaction Manager system requirements, refer to the following website: www.ibm.com/software/industry/financial-transaction-manager/requirements/ ====================================================================== Changed System Requirements ======================================================================  Use of FTM with Oracle requires the use of Websphere Message Broker 7, Fix Pack 5 (Websphere Message Broker When installing FTM in a Z/OS environment using DB2 the APAR PM 73471 (and any pre- and co- requisites of this APAR) must be installed. ====================================================================== Notes for Existing FTM Customers ====================================================================== Database Migration DB2 (ZOS) 1) Changes have been made to the Config Upsert Stored Procedures. Migration Action: Re-run FTMUSRTS member. 2) The LOB Logging default has been changed from NOT LOGGED to LOGGED. If your database was created with the default setting of NOT LOGGED and you wish to change the setting to LOGGED you can ALTER the LOB tablespaces. Migration Action: Alter the LOB tablespaces (recommended but not mandatory) LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++01 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++02 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++03 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++04 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++05 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++06 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++07 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++08 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++09 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++10 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++11 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++12 LOB++FXHTBLSPCDIST++13 The ++FXHTBLSPCDIST++ placeholder will be replaced by the value specified in the @@2MACRO FTM member. Example command: ALTER TABLESPACE LOGGED; 3) Changes have been made to the Triggers. Migration Action: An existing database can be updated by dropping the T_* triggers and then recreating them by re-running FTMDDL08. 4) Changes have been made to the @@2REXX member to fix an SQL -301 issue when executing FTM database config scripts that contain OBJ_VALUE data. Migration Action: Replace the existing @@2REXX member. DB2 (LUW) 1) UPSERT_VALUE stored procedures were modified to change the IN parameter KEY from 40 to 110 characters. Data column size is not changed. Migration Action: Re-run 15-ConfigSPs.sql Oracle (LUW) 1) A number of columns have been changed from CHAR to VARCHAR2 - please contact FTM support for migration instructions. 2) A number of tables have been changed to store LOBs inline (using ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW). This has a performance benefit but does not result in any functional change. Customers who have a need to migrate a database with production data should contact FTM support ====================================================================== Installation ====================================================================== For details on how to install Financial Transaction Manager, refer to "Financial Transaction Manager: Installing". ====================================================================== Customization ====================================================================== For details on how to customize Financial Transaction Manager, refer to "Financial Transaction Manager: Installing". ====================================================================== Documentation ====================================================================== Each Financial Transaction Manager manual is provided as an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) file or as part of an Information Center. To read or print the PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 (or higher). You can access Financial Transaction Manager documentation published on the following website: www.ibm.com/software/industry/financial-transaction-manager/library/ ====================================================================== Trademarks ====================================================================== IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information": http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.