IBM Intelligent Operations for Water 1.5 | Software Interim Fix | APAR PO00035
About this readme file
This readme provides information about this interim fix.
This fix contains sample content source codes for customer reference.
Included in this interim fix
The following reported program defects are fixed in this update:
- PO00035: IBM Intelligent Operations for Water 1.5 cumulative APAR
- You must have root access to update the IBM Intelligent Operations for Water 1.5 servers.
- Create a directory named maintenance in directory /waterbuild.
- Unpack the file to directory /waterbuild/maintenance. The .zip file contains these files:
- PO00035/PO00035-readme.html
- PO00035/
- PO00035/water_wih_csvmsg_simulator.jar
- PO00035/NCI_WIH_Update_DB.ipl
- PO00035/maximo_db_update.sql
- PO00035/water_wih_portal_ear.ear
- PO00035/water_wih_common_resources_utils.jar
- PO00035/water_wih_common_utils.jar
- PO00035/Intelligent_Water.PO00035.fxtag
- Navigate to the directory /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035.
- Unpack the file to directory /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/solution.
- Copy the directory /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/solution/db_samples to /opt/IBM/iss/iow/db_samples on the database server.
- Copy the directory /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/solution/impact_samples to /opt/IBM/iss/iow/impact_samples on the event server.
- Copy the directory /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/solution/tsrm_db_samples to /opt/IBM/iss/iow/tsrm_db_samples on the event server.
- Copy the directory /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/solution/modelmanager_samples to /opt/IBM/iss/iow/modelmanager_samples on the management server.
- [*] Move and rename the directory /opt/IBM/iss/ioc/monitor/wih to /opt/IBM/iss/iow/monitor on the application server.
- Log on to the application server and stop the simulator process.
- Copy the file /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/water_wih_csvmsg_simulator.jar to the directory /opt/IBM/iss/iow/apps/simulator on the application server.
- Start the simulator: nohup /opt/IBM/iss/iow/apps/simulator/ > simulator.log &
- Copy the file /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/NCI_WIH_Update_DB.ipl to directory /opt/IBM/netcool/impact/policy on the event server.
- [*] Copy the file /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/maximo_db_update.sql to directory /tmp on the database server. Run the following commands:
- su - db2inst6
- db2 connect to Maximo
- db2 -tvf /tmp/maximo_db_update.sql
- db2 commit work
- db2 terminate
- Copy the file /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/water_wih_common_resources_utils.jar to the directory /opt/IBM/iss/iow/lib on the application server.
- Copy the file /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/water_wih_common_utils.jar to the directory /opt/IBM/iss/iow/lib on the application server.
- Log on to the WAS console of the application server using waswebadmin user. For example,
- Go to Applications -> Application Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications.
- Select water_wih_portal_ear, and click Update.
- Select Replace the entire application, and upload /waterbuild/maintenance/PO00035/water_wih_portal_ear.ear. Follow the wizard and accept the default setting to deploy this application.
- Go to Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers.
- Select WebSphere_Portal and click Restart.
- Copy the file Intelligent_Water.PO00035.fxtag to the directory /opt/IBM/iss/iow/properties/version on the application server.
[*] Note: these steps are not needed if the sample data is not installed.
- Not applicable
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