PCIe3 2-Port 16Gb FC Adapter
PCIe3 4-Port 16Gb FC Adapter
PCIe3 2-Port 32Gb FC Adapter
DATE: October 27, 2023
Table of Contents
1.0 Microcode and Document
Revision History:
5.0 Cautions and
Important Notes
6.0 Determine the Current
Microcode Level
7.0 Downloading the RPM
Format File to the Target Server
7.1 Downloading AIX RPM
7.2 Downloading Linux RPM
8.0 Discovery Tool Microcode
CD-ROM creation and download instructions
9.0 Verifying microcode
before download and notes
9.1 Verifying microcode
before download for AIX
9.2 Verifying microcode
before download for Linux
10.0 Microcode Download
Procedure for AIX:
10.1 Setting up for Microcode
10.2 Downloading Microcode to
the Adapter
10.3 Verify and Re-configure
11.0 Microcode Download
Procedure for Linux using Emulex hbacmd utility
11.1 Download One Command
Microcode Level |
Changes |
00014000020062400006 |
Impact: FUNC Severity: ATT * Direct attach
support for DS8K * Added support for
new operating system releases. |
The Firmware Levels Below Are No Longer Supported By IBM Once They Have Been Removed From The Microcode Download Website. It is best practices to update to the latest FW level not only for IBM support of these products, but for optimal performance and to ensure that all of the required HW/FW fixes are installed. Please Update To The Latest Level At Your Earliest Convenience |
00014000000057400007 |
Impact: Usability Severity: ATT * Fix double delete
under heavy load * Added support for
new operating system releases. * Added support for
new fibre channel adapters |
00012000040025700030 |
Impact: Usability Severity: ATT * Fix open-dev leaving extra item on stack resulting in failed
boot * Fix fcp-targets did not return target ports for IBMi direct attach resulting in failed boot |
00012000040025700027 |
Impact: Usability Severity: ATT * Add NVMf support in openBoot for CCIN 578F * Fix fcode stack
imbalance |
00012000040025700015 |
Impact: Usability Severity: ATT *Fixed Memory Address Not Aligned issue caused by flogi retry loop. Initial partition boot may fail with one of the following reference codes: BA210001, BA218001, BA210003, or BA218003. *This level of firmware supports the Firmware Secure Boot feature of Power systems |
Impact: Usability Severity: ATT Fixes for the following: *FFS READ/WRITE mutex fix to address POST watchdog & Adapter initialization POST Failure *Provide interlock between FLOGI and link up ACQE, error fix. *Release FFS read lock during non-critical sections of garbage collection *This level of firmware supports the Firmware Secure Boot feature of Power systems |
00011000040041500005 |
Impact: Usability Severity: ATT Fixes for the following: *Scanning adapter in SMS when direct attached to V7000 takes over 2 minutes *Flogi failure seen on the initiator port and change in WWPN after changing ports on Brocade switch *Firmware 32-bit address crossing *Update SGLE HWLOG option to include QR *Periodic EEH errors New Features: *This level of firmware supports the Firmware Secure Boot feature of Power systems *Improved lock performance |
00011000020021100010 |
This is the level of microcode that initially shipped
with the adapter when it became generally available. |
Document Revision History |
Description |
11/27/2023 |
Release 14.2 firmware. Update readme for 14.2.624.6
firmware release |
12/7/2022 |
Release 14.x firmware. Updated readme for 14.0.574.7 firmware
release |
1/21/2021 |
Updated readme file for firmware
release. Consolidated readme files into one for multiple adapters that share
firmware image |
11/17/2020 |
Updated readme file for firmware release |
2/10/2020 |
Updated readme file for firmware release |
1/15/2020 |
Updated readme file for firmware release |
11/13/2018 |
Created initial readme file for first microcode |
This Readme file is intended to give directions on how to update the microcode found on the following adapters:
PCIe3 2-Port 16G FC Adapter (CCIN: 579D with FC: EN2A and EN2B)
· df1000e31410a006
PCIe3 4-Port 16G FC Adapter (CCIN: 578E with FC: EN1C and EN1D, EL5W and EL5X)
· df1000e314101406
PCIe3 2-Port 32G FC Adapter (CCIN: 578F with FC: EN1A and EN1B, EL5U and EL5V)
· df1000e314101506
Approximately 20 minutes.
IBM Power
· Concurrent Download
The microcode installation supports concurrent download while the adapter and attached storage devices are available for use. HOWEVER, during the microcode installation, the adapter ASIC is reset. It is highly recommended that installation be scheduled during a maintenance window or during non-peak production periods.
· AIX Diag and Standalone Diag CD
For FW 11.4.415.05 or higher, AIX APAR IJ08893 is required before running AIX Diagnostics.
Please also use the latest AIX Standalone Diagnostics CD found here https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6474531
Important Notice: EEH error entries in AIX system errlog are expected when updating adapter FW.
Before you install the microcode, it is important to determine the microcode level of the Adapter installed in the target system. Use the following instructions to read the ROM level stored in the adapter's VPD.
1) List the Fiber Channel adapters in the system by typing:
# lscfg -l fcs\*
Note: All of the Fiber Channel and Ethernet adapter ports that are installed will be displayed. They will be listed as fcsX and entX, where X is 0, 1, etc.
2) To check the current microcode level for the adapter or controller enter the following command
# lsmcode -cd fcsX <Where “X” is the instance of the adapter>
The command will produce output similar to:
The current microcode level for fcsX is 00014000000057400007.
If the ROM Level is less than 00014000020062400006, you should update
the microcode.
The following steps are for Linux Red Hat or SuSE
systems which support the /sys filesystem. These steps assume you are logged in
with root permissions and one or more Fibre Channel Adapters are installed.
1) Display the model description for each installed Fibre Channel
adapter. Expect two instances of PCIe3 x-Port xxGb
Fibre Channel Adapters to be displayed: one for each
port on the dual or quad port adapters. Type the following commands to display
a list showing the host{n}: description for each installed adapter.
# cd /sys/class/scsi_host; find -L host* -maxdepth 1 -name "modeldesc"
-printf %h: -exec cat {} \;
The output will be similar to that shown here. The host{n} values will be used
in the next step. If the list is empty, either there are no adapters installed
or there was an error in typing the command. If the list contains other
adapters but no IBM Fibre Channel adapters are listed, none are installed, and
this firmware update should not be applied.
host1:IBM xxxP/Nxxx PCIe3 x-Port xxGb Fibre Channel Adapter
host2:IBM xxxP/Nxxx PCIe3 x-Port xxGb Fibre Channel Adapter
2) Display the firmware version for
each adapter. Type the following command, replacing host{n} with the value
reported for each adapter listed in Step 1.
# cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host{n}/fwrev
The microcode version listed may vary but
output will be similar to that shown here, four numbers separated with “.”,
14.0.574.7, sli-4:6:e
Repeat this command for each host{n}. If one or more adapters lists a microcode
version that is not 14.2.624.6, then the microcode update should be applied.
3) Display Linux Operating System version. Type the following command to
display the Operating System version. Make a note of Operating System version,
it will be needed later.
For Red Hat systems, type the following command.
# cat /etc/redhat-release
Output will be like:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.2
For SuSE systems, type the following command:
# cat /etc/SuSE-release
Output will be like:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (ppc64)
Use this method to download to an AIX system:
NOTE: The instructions that follow are specific AIX commands. AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must be entered exactly as shown, including filenames.
1) Make two directories on your AIX system to receive the RPM format
Enter: "mkdir /tmp/microcode”
and then create this directory
Enter: "mkdir /tmp/microcode/RPM"
2) Transfer the RPM format file to the /tmp/microcode/RPM directory (using "Save as ..."). Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM".
You'll see the filename for the RPM file.
-ihv --ignoreos df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006.aix.rpm"
3) For AIX: The microcode files will be added to /etc/microcode/.
- "/etc/microcode" is a symbolic link
to "/usr/lib/microcode".
- If permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory or
file then the user will be prompted for a new location.
Follow these steps to install the Linux RPM package on a Linux system. Note that the Linux commands are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown, including file names.
1) Transfer the Linux rpm file, df1000e31410xxxx. 00014000020062400006.grp.linux.rpm, to a temporary directory on the target server such as /tmp.
2) Unpack the rpm file by typing:
# rpm -ihv --ignoreos /tmp/df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006.grp.linux.rpm
3) The microcode package extracts the firmware file to the /lib/firmware directory. If a message is displayed saying the "package <package_name> is already installed", you will need to uninstall the rpm package. On the command line type:
# rpm -e <package_name>
where <package_name> is the name of the package that was returned in the message. Return to Step 2 and attempt to unpack the file again.
4) Verify the microcode image in Section 10.2
To obtain information how to burn a CD-ROM and run the Discovery Tool for an AIX or Linux System please go to: http://www14.software.ibm.com/support/customercare/mds/
1) After running the Discovery Tool successfully, the "/tmp/microcode/RPM" directory was created, and your rpm files are copied from the CD-ROM.
2) Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM".
3) Unpack the file by executing the instructions below:
Enter the commands:
rpm -ihv --ignoreos df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006.aix.rpm
4) A microcode file will be copied to "/etc/microcode".
File Name: df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006
- "/etc/microcode" is a symbolic link
to "/usr/lib/microcode".
- If permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory or
file then the user will be prompted for a new location.
Please verify the file size and checksum of the raw microcode files matches what is listed below.
For AIX:
Please verify the file size and checksum
# ls -l df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006
Expected file size: 3440560
# sum df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006
Expected checksum: 22513 3360
Please verify the file location, size and checksum of the raw microcode files matches what is listed below for Linux:
Please verify file size and checksum
# ls -l /lib/firmware/df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006.grp
Expected file size: 3440560
# sum /lib/firmware/df1000e31410xxxx.00014000020062400006.grp
Expected checksum: 22513 3360
Microcode download must be performed separately for each Adapter under each Logical Partitions (LPAR's).
1) Stop all applications that use this interface/adapter
2) You only need to pick one of the fcs#s per adapter for microcode update. Diag will update microcode for all ports.
1) At the command line type “diag”
2) Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu.
3) Select "Microcode Tasks” then select “Download Microcode" from the menu.
4) Select all of the Fibre Channel Adapters that need to be updated from the list of devices
by using the arrow keys to highlight the entry and pressing "Enter" to mark it. The devices will be displayed as fcs#, where # is the number of the device. Press "F7" when you are done marking all the adapters you want to flash.
5) If a source selection menu is displayed, Select “/etc/microcode”.
6) A dialogue box will be displayed on screen. It will state the current microcode level and list the available levels.
7) Select the 00014000020062400006 level and press "Enter" to flash the adapter.
8) The following message will appear on the screen when download is completed: "Installation of the microcode has completed successfully on the following instances of the adapter:… The current microcode level …… Please run diagnostics on these resources to ensure that the adapter is functioning properly."
9) If you selected more than one adapter to update, then steps 6-9 will repeat until all adapters are updated.
10) Exit diagnostics.
1) Verify the code level is 00014000020062400006 by typing "lsmcode -cd fcs#" for each Fiber Channel adapter updated. <Where # is the instance of the adapter>
2) Re-configure/Verify the adapter’s information through the “smit” menus if necessary.
Microcode download must be performed separately for each Adapter under each Logical Partitions (LPAR's).
Microcode updates on Fibre Channel adapters installed in a Linux system require the use of the Emulex hbacmd utility. The hbacmd utility is included in the Emulex One Command CLI Applications Kit downloads web page located at
· Group: Storage Adapters, Controllers, and ICs
· Family: Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters
· Product: All
· Asset type: All
· Keyword: PowerPC
· Select “Management Software and Tools”
For purpose of updating the microcode, One Command Manager (CLI) will be used. Select the Application Kit {version} (CLI) link.
When prompted, save the Application Kit a directory of your choice on the target server.
Complete the requested user registration information, then select Download Driver button.
When prompted, save the elxcmcore-xxxx-xxxx-x.x.x.x-x.tgz file to a temporary directory, /tmp or you may save to directory of your choice.
Change directory to the directory where you have saved the elxcmcore-xxxx-xxxx-x.x.x.x-x.tar archive.
Unpack the tgz
archive, by typing:
# tar -xvf elxcmcore-xxxx-xxxx-x.x.x.x-x.tar
Change directory to elxocmcore-xxxx-xxxx-x.x.x.x-x
and install the utility, by typing:
# ./install.sh
Answer questions as prompted using descriptive information provided as a guide.
Display the utility version to verify the hbacmd command is functional by typing:
# /opt/emulex/ocmanager/bin/hbacmd version
Utility component version information should be displayed
Ensure that all I/O activity to storage devices controlled by the adapter is stopped prior to proceeding with firmware update as the adapter will be reset after firmware update.
List installed Emulex adapters by typing: /opt/emulex/ocmanager/bin/hbacmd listhbas
Output from this command will be similar to the following but specific to
your device type. This information will be repeated one section for each
discovered adapter. Adapters can be identified by looking for e300 in Flags
value. For each adapter, make a note of the Port WWN: value. The Port WWN
values will be required as an argument for commands in next steps.
Manageable HBA List
Port WWN : 10:00:00:10:9b:17:08:5f
Node WWN : 20:00:00:10:9b:17:08:5f
Fabric Name : 10:00:c4:f5:7c:cd:ef:a0
Flags : 8000e300
Host Name : system.ibm.com
: Emulex Corporation
: 1H6CR0Y049
Port Number : 0
Mode : Initiator
PCI Bus Number : 1
PCI Function : 0
Port Type : FC+NVMe
Model : xxxP/Nxxx
List hba attributes for each adapter listed in the above step, Type:
# /opt/emulex/ocmanager/bin/hbacmd hbaattributes {wwpn}, where {wwpn} is one of the port WWPN values.
The output will look similar to the following and will list current versions of FW Version, SLI2 FW, SLI3 FW as well as Boot Code, all of which will be updated by microcode update. Save current operational firmware values for comparison post update.
# /opt/emulex/ocmanager/bin/hbacmd hbaattributes 10:00:00:10:9b:17:08:cb
HBA Attributes for 10:00:00:10:9b:17:08:cb
Host Name : system.ibm.com
Manufacturer : Emulex Corporation
Serial Number : 1H6CR0Y049
Model : xxxP/Nxxx
Model Desc : IBM xxxP/Nxxx PCIe3 x-Port xxGb Fibre Channel Adapter
Node WWN : 20 00 00 10 9b 17 08 5f
Node Symname :
HW Version : 0000000c 00000001 00000000
FW Version :
Vendor Spec ID : 10DF
Number of Ports : 1
Driver Name : lpfc
Driver Version :; HBAAPI(I) v2.3.d, 07-12-10
Device ID : E300
HBA Type : xxxP/Nxxx
Operational FW :
IEEE Address : 00 10 9b 17 08 5f
Boot Code : Enabled
Boot Version :
Board Temperature : Normal
Function Type : FC
Sub Device ID : xxxPCI-IDxxx
PCI Bus Number : 96
PCI Func Number : 0
Sub Vendor ID : 1014
IPL Filename : H62LP1
PCI Bus Number : 1
PCI Func Number : 0
Sub Vendor ID : 1014
IPL Filename : H62LP1
Service Processor FW Name :
ULP FW Name :
FC Universal BIOS Version :
FC x86 BIOS Version :
FC EFI BIOS Version :
FC FCODE Version :
Flash Firmware Version :
Update microcode on one port per adapter. This step assumes that microcode
image .rpm package has been installed on system as described in section 8.2.
Warning: Do not interrupt or power off the system while microcode update(s) are
in progress.
Start microcode update on one adapter port, type: /opt/emulex/ocmanager/bin/hbacmd download {wwpn}
Where {wwpn} is one of the port WWN values of adapter.
Completion of download will be indicated by “Download Complete.” message.
System must be rebooted for firmware to be loaded. Reboot system
After system reboot, check firmware version as described in Section 7.2 or using: /opt/emulex/ocmanager/bin/hbacmd hbaattributes {wwpn} as above for each port and verify the following output.
Host Name : system.ibm.com
Manufacturer : Emulex Corporation
Serial Number : 1H6CR0Y049
Model : xxxP/Nxxx
Model Desc : IBM xxxP/Nxxx PCIe3 x-Port xxGb Fibre Channel Adapter
Node WWN : 20 00 00 10 9b 17 08 5f
Node Symname :
HW Version : 0000000c 00000001 00000000
FW Version : 14.2.624.6
Vendor Spec ID : 10DF
Number of Ports : 1
Driver Name : lpfc
Driver Version :; HBAAPI(I) v2.3.d, 07-12-10
Device ID : E300
HBA Type : xxxP/Nxxx
Operational FW : 14.2.624.6
IEEE Address : 00 10 9b 17 08 5f
Boot Code : Enabled
Boot Version : 14.2.624.6
Board Temperature : Normal
Function Type : FC
Sub Device ID : xxxPCI-IDxxx
PCI Bus Number : 1
PCI Func Number : 0
Sub Vendor ID : 1014
IPL Filename : H62LP1
Service Processor FW Name : 14.2.624.6
ULP FW Name : 14.2.624.6
FC Universal BIOS Version : 14.2.624.6
FC x86 BIOS Version : 14.2.624.6
FC EFI BIOS Version : 14.2.624.6
FC FCODE Version : 14.2.624.6
Flash Firmware Version : 14.2.624.6
If, firmware version is not the version you are expecting, carefully retrace steps for omissions and examine console output for errors. Contact IBM support if you need further assistance.