Non-Volatile Memory PCIe4 x8 1.6TB SSD NVMe Adapter (CCIN 594A)

Non-Volatile Memory PCIe4 x8 3.2TB SSD NVMe Adapter (CCIN 594B)

Non-Volatile Memory PCIe4 x8 6.4TB SSD NVMe Adapter (CCIN 594C)

AIX & Linux Feature Codes: EC7A, EC7B, EC7C, EC7D, EC7E, EC7F

Microcode Update


 DATE:  November 17, 2023


Table of Contents

1.0 Microcode Change History

2.0 General Information
2.1 Installation Time
2.2 Machines Affected
2.3 Operating System Requirements

3.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level for AIX & Linux

4.0 Downloading and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package
4.1 Downloading the RPM Format File to the Target Server

5.0 Verifying microcode before download and notes

5.1 Microcode Download Procedure-NVMe Adapters for AIX

5.2 Microcode Download Procedure-NVMe Adapters for Linux

6.0 Microcode Readme Change History


1.0 Microcode Change History:


53503439 (SP49)

Impact:    SVC

Severity:  ATT

Fix timing Issue between Host Command Request and updating temperature in device

53503437 (SP47)

Impact:    New

Severity:  New

GA Level


2.0 General information

This subject microcode is to be used on:
PCIe4 1.6TB NVMe Flash Adapter (CCIN 594A), FC (Low Profile/High Profile): EC7A / EC7B
PCIe4 3.2TB NVMe Flash Adapter (CCIN 594B), FC (Low Profile/High Profile): EC7C / EC7D
PCIe4 6.4TB NVMe Flash Adapter (CCIN 594C), FC (Low Profile/High Profile): EC7E / EC7F

2.1 Installation Time:
Approximately 30 minutes
2.2 Machine's Affected:

9009-22A, 9009-22L, 9009-41A, 9009-42A, 9223-22H, 9223-42H, 9009-22G, 9009-41G, 9009-42G, 9040-MR9, 9080-M9S
See also: Universal Sales Manual or other relevant documents for current listings of supported systems for these adapters


2.3 Operating System Requirements:

If you are installing a new feature, ensure that you have the software that

is required to support the new feature and that you determine whether any

prerequisites must be met for this feature.  Consult the IBM sales manual

for your system model to determine the AIX, VIOS, or Linux release level

requisites to support the feature in the system.  To check for the

feature prerequisites, see the IBM Prerequisite website



3.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level for AIX & Linux:

These steps assume you are logged in with root permissions and a PCIe4 NVMe Flash Adapter, Feature Code EC7A, EC7B, EC7C, EC7D, EC7E, or EC7F is installed.


Prerequisites for AIX:

There is no additional prerequisite software needed beyond the supported level of AIX.


Prerequisites for Linux:

Use the ibm-power-repo to configure the repositories and then use yum to download the nvme-cli package.


1. Download the IBM Linux on Power Tools Repository configuration RPM file available at:


2. Copy the file to the target system and install the RPM

# rpm -ivh ibm-power-repo-latest.noarch.rpm


3. To add the Tools Repository to the package management configuration, run the following command as root user (or with root privilege) and accept the Licensing agreement.

# /opt/ibm/lop/configure


Instructions for installing nvme-cli tool using Red Hat Enterprise Linux


To list the currently enabled repositories, enter:

# yum repolist enabled


Install the nvme-cli package, enter:

# yum install nvme-cli


Checking NVME device firmware for AIX:

To list NVMe devices on your system and view firmware level,


1) Type:  ls /dev | grep nvme




2)  List details of the nvme device(s) by:


     Type:  lscfg -vl nvme#


# lscfg -vl nvme0

  nvme1            U78D4.ND1.2852224-P1-C2  PCIe4 x8 NVMe Flash Adapter


      PCIe4 1.6TB NVMe Flash Adapter x8       :

        Part Number.................02DE959

        EC Level....................P46698

        FRU Number..................02DE956

        Product Specific.(AN).......02DE958

        Feature Code/Marketing ID...EC7B

        Customer Card ID Number.....594A

        Serial Number...............AFYDJ025

        Product Specific.(Z0).......10140682

        Product Specific.(Z1).......3.0

        Product Specific.(Z2).......1600

        Product Specific.(Z3).......8.76

        Product Specific.(Z4).......1

        Product Specific.(Z5).......00

        Product Specific.(Z6).......A180010D

        Product Specific.(Z7).......0YA

        Product Specific.(Z8).......3023

        Product Specific.(Z9).......08

        Product Specific.(ZA).......0008

        Product Specific.(ZB).......0040

        Product Specific.(ZC).......00

        Manufacture ID..............S4WANE0N300071

        ROM Level.(alterable).......REV.SP47

        Product Specific.(RV).......s

        Hardware Location Code......U78D4.ND1.2852224-P1-C2


The firmware level is listed in the field:  ROM Level (alterable).


If the Firmware Version is less than REV.SP49 then you should update the microcode.



Checking NVMe device firmware on Linux:

After nvme-cli is installed on the system, check the current microcode level for the adapter enter the following command:

# nvme list


Note: "nvme list" command uses libudev-devel, if it doesn't work, may need to install “libudev-devel"


If the FW Rev is different from “REV.SP49” install this update.

1) Type "nvme list"
2) The column “FW Rev” will list the firmware version.  For example:

Node             SN                  Model                                    Namespace        Usage                    Format             FW Rev 

---------------- ---------------     --------------------------------------   ------------     ----------------------   ----------------   ----------------

/dev/nvme1n1     S4WANE0N300071      PCIe4 1.6TB NVMe Flash Adapter x8         1                       1.60  TB /   1.60  TB     4 KiB +  0 B     Rev.SP47


If the Firmware Version is less than REV.SP49 then you should update the microcode.

4.0 Downloading and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package

NOTE:  For RHEL, the image will be the RPM format file.

1. Download feature code EC7A, EC7B, EC7C, EC7D, EC7E, or EC7F package from FixCentral, and transfer the file, to a temporary directory on the target server such as /tmp.


2. Install the package



rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force pci.144dA824.SP47-53503437-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm



rpm –ivh pci.144dA824.SP47-53503437-1.Linux.noarch.rpm


3. The microcode package extracts the firmware file to the following directory:

·        Linux:  /lib/firmware

·        AIX:    /etc/microcode


4. Verify the microcode image in Section 5.0

5.0 Verifying microcode before download and notes

NOTE: Microcode download must be performed separately for each Adapter bus under distinct Logical Partitions (LPAR's).
              Please save current and older versions of the microcode update files in case you need to restore your system.

NOTE: Microcode Download CAN be performed concurrently.

Installation Time:  Approximately 30 min System Time.

Please verify the file size and checksum of the raw microcode files matches the below.
Filesize:  6093824
Checksum:  29420


For AIX:

   " ls -l /etc/microcode/A180010D.53503437" to verify Filesize.
   "sum /etc/microcode/A180010D.53503437" to verify Checksum
For Linux:

   "ls -l /lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437" to verify Filesize.
   "sum /lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437" to verify Checksum.

For systems that have LPAR installed, the microcode file must be placed on all partitions that have a NVMe device in order to update the code.  Follow this procedure for each partition:

For AIX:

    A)  Log into the target partition.
    B)  Type: "cd /etc/microcode"
    C)  SFTP to the partition that has the media bay assigned. (ie.  "sftp")
    D)  Type: "cd /etc/microcode"
    E)  Type: "get A180010D.53503437"
    F)  Type: "quit"

For Linux:
    A)  Log into the target partition.
    B)  Type: "cd /lib/firmware"
    C)  SFTP to the partition that has the media bay assigned. (ie.  "sftp")
    D)  Type: "cd /lib/firmware"
    E)  Type: "get pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437"
    F)  Type: "quit"

5.1 Microcode Download Procedure-NVMe Adapters for AIX


1) Stop all applications.
2) Type "ls /dev | grep nvme" and press "Enter".  This will list all of the NVMe adapters in your partition

3) To display details for the nvme device (including current firmware level),

     type “lscfg -vl nvme#”.


     For example, for device nvme0, type “lscfg -vl nvme0”


4) For each NVMe adapter to be updated, issue the following commands:

     a)  Type “diag

     b)  Select “Task Selection”

     c)  Select “Microcode Tasks”

     d)  Select “Download Microcode”

     e)  Select the NVMe device to have microcode updated on.

            For example, select:  nvme0  and press F7

     f)  Select “/etc/microcode” as location of updated firmware image.  Press ENTER

     g) For level to install, select “53503437”.


         The system will take several minutes to update the firmware.


         Once completed, the screen will display the following message:



INSTALL MICROCODE                                                                                             

nvme0    PCIe4 x8 NVMe Flash Adapter


Installation of the microcode has completed successfully

on the following instances of the adapter:



The current microcode level is 53503437.


Please run diagnostics on these resources to

ensure that the adapter is functioning properly.



Use Enter to continue.



5.2 Microcode Download Procedure-NVMe Adapters for Linux


1) Stop all applications.
2) Type "nvme list" and press "Enter".  This will list all of the NVMe adapters in your partition.  In the Node column, the NVMe adapters will be listed as /dev/nvme#n1 where # is the number of the device.
3) For each NVMe adapter to be update, issue the following commands:

a)     Type “nvme fw-log /dev/nvme<#>” and press “Enter”, where <#> is the number of the device. 


For example, for device /dev/nvme0n1, type “nvme fw-log /dev/nvme0” and press “Enter”.  This will list the firmware level currently loaded on the adapter as well as the number of slots in the adapter.  These 3 slots are listed as frs1, frs2, and frs3.


b)     Download & activate firmware to the adapter by typing:


nvme fw-download /dev/nvme# --fw=/lib/firmware/pci.1014064a.REV.SP47.4d413234” and press “Enter”, where # is the number of the device.




                            i.           nvme fw-download /dev/nvme# --fw=/lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437 and press “Enter”, where # is the number of the device.


For example, for device /dev/nvme0, type “nvme fw-download /dev/nvme0 –fw=/lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437” and press “Enter”.


                          ii.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme# -a 0 –s 1” where # is the number of the device

                        iii.           nvme fw-download /dev/nvme# --fw=/lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437   (Repeat of step i)

                         iv.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme# -a 0 –s 2” where # is the number of the device

                           v.           nvme fw-download /dev/nvme# --fw=/lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437   (Repeat of step i)

                         vi.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme# -a 0 –s 3” where # is the number of the device

                       vii.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme# -a 3 –s 3” where # is the number of the device

                     viii.           nvme reset /dev/nvme#” where # is the number of the device


For example, to download & activate the firmware on NVMe device /dev/nvme0, type:


                            i.           nvme fw-download /dev/nvme0 --fw=/lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437

                          ii.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme0 -a 0 –s 1

                        iii.           nvme fw-download /dev/nvme0 --fw=/lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437

                         iv.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme0 -a 0 –s 2

                           v.           nvme fw-download /dev/nvme0 --fw=/lib/firmware/pci.144dA824.SP47.53503437

                         vi.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme0 -a 0 –s 3

                       vii.           nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme0 -a 3 –s 3

                     viii.           nvme reset /dev/nvme0


6.0 Microcode Readme Change History


Fix timing Issue between Host Command Request and updating temperature in device - 53503439 (SP49)


GA microcode level 53503437 (SP47)