
1.0 Overview



The IBM Flex System?CN4058 8-port 10Gb Converged Adapter is an 8-port 10Gb converged network adapter (CNA) for Power Systems compute nodes that supports 10 Gb Ethernet and FCoE. With hardware protocol offloads for TCP/IP and FCoE standard, the CN4058 8-port 10Gb Converged Adapter provides maximum bandwidth with minimum use of CPU resources. This is key in IBM Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) environments because it enables more VMs per server, providing greater cost saving to optimize return on investment. With eight ports, it takes full advantage of capabilities of all Ethernet switches in the IBM Flex System portfolio.



2.0 Firmware Summary





     Filename:  I11583.grp / df1060e214105204.00001000010005800003


     Boot Code:

     - FC Universal Boot Ver. 8.03a6

     - FCoE Universal Boot Ver. 8.00a14

     - ELX Network Universal Boot Ver.

     - IBM Network FCode Ver. 160


Problems fixed, features added or other updates since


1. Fixed an issue for Cisco FCoE requirement for Enode Mcast FCF Solicitation after FIP LOGO.

2. Fixed an issue for CN4058/EC24 Logging in and out of fabric unexpectedly.



3.0 Operating System Compatibility



VIOS or later required to assign the adapter to a VIOS partition

AIX Version 6.1 with the 6100-08 Technology Level Service Pack 3

AIX Version 7.1 with the 7100-02 Technology Level Service Pack 3

IBM i 6.1 supported as VIOS client

IBM i 7.1 supported as VIOS client

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 2 with additional driver updates provided by SUSE



4.0 Download Instructions




4.1 Using the AIX Command-Line Method



1. Login as root user.

2. From the command line key in:

2a. diag -d fcsX -T download

2b. where fcsX is the port you on which you want to install the microcode. You may also use "entX".

3. Self-explanatory menus will step you through the microcode installation.

4. Repeat this command for all of the adapters/ports.

4a. NOTE: For the CN4058 adapter, a port from each ASIC (HW Location codes P1-CXX-L1 / L2 denoting the ASIC) must be updated individually to update the entire adapter.



4.2 Using AIX Diagnostics GUI Method



Prior to using these steps, make sure that the firmware file "df1060e214105204.00001000010003400010" is copied to /etc/microcode on the target system.


1. Login as root user.

2. From the command line key in:  diag

3. Select:  Task Selection (Diagnostics, Advanced Diagnostics, Service Aids, etc.)

4. Select:  Microcode Tasks

5. Select:  Download Latest Available Microcode

6. Select:  file system

6a. /etc/microcode

7. Select at least one port from each ASIC (HW Location codes P1-CXX-L1 / L2 denoting the ASIC).

7a. You can find out which ent/fcs ports are which ASIC by running "lscfg -vl fcs*" or "lscfg -vl ent*".

7b. In the output of 'lscfg -vl fcs*', look at the hardware location codes for each fcs (or ent) and associate P1-CXX-L1 ports with ASIC 1 and P1-CXX-L2 ports with ASIC 2.

8. Press enter when prompted to download the microcode.



4.3 AIX RPM Package



Use this method to install the AIX RPM package on an AIX system. Note that the commands are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown, including file names. Installing the RPM places the binary file df1060e214105204.00001000010003400010 in the /etc/microcode directory.


1. If the /etc/microcode directory does not exist, make a directory to receive the RPM format file. On the command line type:

mkdir /etc/microcode


2. Transfer the RPM format file, df1060e214105204.00001000010003400010.aix.rpm to any temporary directory on the target system.


3. Unpack the file. On the command line type:

rpm -ihv --ignoreos df1060e214105204.00001000010003400010.aix.rpm


4. If the microcode package unpacks successfully, the microcode file will be added to the /etc/microcode directory.

If a message is received saying the "package <package_name> is already installed", you will need to uninstall the rpm package. On the command line type:

rpm -e <package_name>

where <package_name> is the name of the package that was returned in the message. Return to step 3 and attempt to unpack the file again.



4.4 Linux



Please refer to the documentation provided by your distribution for firmware installation instructions. For more information, contact IBM service.




5.0 Links & Additional Information



IBM Flex System CN4058 8-port 10Gb Converged Adapter Product Guide



For troubleshooting or more information, please contact IBM service.