README: DAT320 160/320 GB SAS Tape Drive Microcode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents *README: DAT320 160/320 GB SAS Tape Drive Microcode <#Header_1>* # Feature Code: 5661 <#Header_2> # Date: May 10, 2011 <#Header_3> # Version: VS12 <#Header_4> # General information <#Header_5> # Operating System levels supported: <#Header_7> # Installation Time: <#Header_8> # Can microcode be installed Concurrently? <#Header_9> # Is system reboot needed to activate the microcode <#Header_10> # Microcode Download information: <#Header_11> # Additional Cautions <#Header_12> # Machines Affected: <#Header_13> # Microcode History Feature Code 5661 <#Header_14> # Display Microcode Level <#Header_15> # Putting the microcode on the system <#Header_16> # From the IBM WEB site via the user downloading the files. <#Header_17> # From a CD-ROM. <#Header_18> # Packaged Microcode Files <#Header_19> # AIX bin file <#Header_20> # RPM file <#Header_21> # Verifying the Microcode <#Header_22> # Updating the microcode in the drive <#Header_23> # Copy Dsdata and Microcode to appropriate directory <#Header_24> # To use AIX Diagnostics <#Header_26> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ README: DAT320 160/320 GB SAS Tape Drive Microcode <#ToC_1> Feature Code: 5661 <#ToC_2> Date: May 10, 2011 <#ToC_3> Version: VS12 <#ToC_4> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ General information <#ToC_5> ******* Please read this entire notice ********* This package is being provided to allow the update of older DAT320 160/320 GB SAS Tape Drive Microcode Tape Drives to the latest level of microcode that is currently shipping from IBM. * * *Users are responsible install the latest microcode level. The microcode and instructions are available at the IBM external web site: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating System levels supported: <#ToC_7> All levels of AIX that this product was announced on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation Time: <#ToC_8> The typical time to install this microcode is .2 hrs. The microcode becomes active when installed and does not require a system reboot to become active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can microcode be installed Concurrently? <#ToC_9> Yes, but the tape drive must be available with no tape in the drive, and no other processing running to the tape drive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is system reboot needed to activate the microcode <#ToC_10> A reboot is not needed as the microcode is active in the drive when the drive completes microcode download. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Microcode Download information: <#ToC_11> In order to complete the microcode download to the tape drive you will need to use the AIX diagnostics. The AIX diagnostic package will need the * microcode * and * dsdata * files in this package. This tape drive package will get you to step where you will need to use the AIX Diagnostics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional Cautions <#ToC_12> * * *Remove any tape cartridge from the drive prior to attempting the microcode download. Do not power off the tape drive during microcode download as this may damage the tape drive microcode requiring the tape drive to be replaced. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Machines Affected: <#ToC_13> All pSeries systems this product was announce on. In general if the tape drive configures and is available with the VPD showing the Machine Type and microcode level as described in this README the machine is one affected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Microcode History Feature Code 5661 <#ToC_14> The microcode update will bring the IBM DAT320 160 GB tape drive up to the current level of microcode which is: * VS12 * *Table 1. Microcode History* Tape Drive P/N Tape Drive FRU P/N Microcode Level Load ID Date Released What does this microcode change 46C1932 46C1933 VS07 A1700D72 Feb 15, 2010 * First Microcode level shipped. 46C1932 46C1933 VS11 A1700D72 August 24, 2010 * Pressing & holding the eject button for greater than 20 seconds will cause a Forced Reset. * A Reset will clear the cartridge fault LED. Previously only power off and loading a supported cartridge cleared the fault LED. 46C1932 46C1933 VS12 A1700D72 May 10, 2011 * Fix internal tape eject counter to count correctly(not an issue seen by customers). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Display Microcode Level <#ToC_15> *Note: *In some cases you may already have the most current level of microcode already installed. The following instructions show you how to check the tape drive microcode level. To display the level of microcode in the DAT320 160 GB tape drive do the following AIX command: * lscfg -vl rmt0 <--- change the drive number to reflect the actual rmt address of the 160GB DAT320 tape drive. * The output of the lscfg command will look like the following with the: * * "Device Specific.(Z1)" * showing the "Microcode Level": * rmt0 U789C.001.DQDA282-P2-D1 SAS 4mm Tape Drive (160000 MB) Manufacturer................IBM Machine Type and Model......DDS Gen7 Device Specific.(Z1)........VS12 Serial Number...............20963003 Load ID.....................A1700D72 Part Number.................46C1932 FRU Number..................46C1933 EC Level....................C70092 Device Specific.(Z0)........0180030283000000 Device Specific.(Z3)........L1 Hardware Location Code......U789C.001.DQDA282-P2-D1 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Putting the microcode on the system <#ToC_16> There are 2 ways a user can get the microcode files. Each of these will put the microcode on the user's system but the user may have to move the files to appropriate directory for system use. From the IBM WEB site via the user downloading the files. <#ToC_17> When the user downloads the microcode files from the IBM web site the packaged microcode files will be put into the * /tmp * directory. * If the user downloads the * DAT320.bin * file the user will put the downloaded file into the * /tmp * directory and then use the instructions in the section of this README titled * "AIX bin file". * * If the user downloads the * TapeDAT320-VS12-01.rpm * file the user will put the downloaded file into the * /tmp * directory and then use the instructions in the section of this README titled * "RPM file". * From a CD-ROM. <#ToC_18> * If the CD-ROM process is used to put the * DAT320.bin * file on the user system the microcode files will expanded into the * /tmp/DAT320_web * directory. The next step is to follow the instructions in this README titled * "AIX bin file" * and copy the files to the appropriate directory. The building and putting of the files into the * /tmp/DAT320_web * directory was done by the user when they used the CD-ROM build instructions. * If the CD-ROM process is used to put the * TapeDAT320-VS12-01.rpm * file on the user system the microcode files will be in the * tmp/microcode/RPM * directory. To put the microcode in the appropriate directory for the system the user executes the following AIX commands: * cd /tmp/microcode/RPM rpm -ihv --ignoreos TapeDAT320-VS12-01.rpm * This puts the following files in the /etc/microcode directory for system use: * o DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.dsdata o DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.VS12 * The next step is to follow the instructions in this README titled * "Verifying the Microcode". * *Note: * * AIX commands and file names are case sensitive. If the users AIX permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory or file then the user will be prompted for a new location. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Packaged Microcode Files <#ToC_19> AIX bin file <#ToC_20> * Download the * DAT320.bin * file to the eServer pSeries to the * /tmp * directory. * Do the following AIX commands to make the file executable: * cd /tmp chmod +x DAT320.bin * * To expand the * DAT320.bin * file use the following command: * ./DAT320.bin * *Note: *The * ./ * before the command insures AIX paths thru the current directory to find the command. * This will put the following files in the * /tmp/DAT320_web * directory: * o DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.dsdata o DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.VS12 * RPM file <#ToC_21> * Download the * TapeDAT320-VS12-01.rpm * file to the eServer pSeries to the * /tmp * directory. * To expand the * TapeDAT320-VS12-01.rpm * file use the following commands: * cd /tmp rpm -ihv --ignoreos TapeDAT320-VS12-01.rpm * * This will put the following files in the * /etc/microcode * directory: * o DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.dsdata o DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.VS12 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verifying the Microcode <#ToC_22> To insure the file was downloaded without error do the following: * Change to the directory where you just put the microcode. * cd /tmp/DAT320_web or cd /etc/microcode * * Use the AIX command sum to verify the checksum of the microcode file: * sum DDS_Gen7* * * Compare the sum you got with the sum of the microcode files here, if they do not match recheck your steps in creating the file on the system: * 25041 1679 DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.VS12 29497 2 DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.dsdata * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updating the microcode in the drive <#ToC_23> You need to determine how you are going to download the microcode: * AIX diagnostics. AIX diagnostics naming and supported directory for the microcode and dsdata file. * AIX diagnostics requires the microcode file and the dsdata file to be in the * /etc/microcode * directory. Copy Dsdata and Microcode to appropriate directory <#ToC_24> Copy the Dsdata and Microcode files to appropriate directory for use by AIX diagnostics. *Note: *The copy command copies the file to the new directory with the same name when you use the period(.) after new directory name. For AIX Diagnostics If you downloaded the * RPM * file and executed it the microcode is in the correct directory with the correct name for AIX diagnostic use. If you downloaded the * .bin * file and executed it then you need to do the following AIX commands: * cd /tmp/DAT320_web cp DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.dsdata /etc/microcode/. cp DDS_Gen7.A1700D72.VS12 /etc/microcode/. * To use AIX Diagnostics <#ToC_26> There are 2 ways to do the microcode download using the AIX diagnostics. * Using the AIX Diagnostics menu * Using the AIX Diagnostics via command line input. Using the AIX Diagnostics menu To use the AIX Diagnostics menu for microcode download do the following: *Note: * There are differences between AIX levels of AIX Diagnostics. In some cases the step after Task selection is Microcode Tools, or Download Microcode. The following steps are general instructions to download microcode. * diag (enter) Task Selection (enter) Download Microcode (enter) * Select the drive you wish to download microcode to and follow the system instructions. *Note: * When the system asks where the microcode file is to be found select * /etc/microcode * Using the AIX Diagnostics via command line input. The command line to download microcode will use the highest level of microcode in the /etc/microcode directory for the device selected. To use the AIX Diagnostics command line input for microcode download do the following: *Note: *If the previous level of microcode is not in the /etc/microcode directory you will need to use the -f option(force) as the diagnostics expect the previous level to be present in the /etc/microcode directory. *Note: *If the microcode download fails install: * Insure the checksum is correct for the files that you have downloaded * If the download to the tape drive fails, use the eject button on the tape drive to reset the drive. Some microcode download failures leave the drive in way that the tape drive will not complete a download without the tape drive being reset. To reset the tape drive press the eject button and hold the eject button pressed in for 15 seconds, this will cause a drive reset. * diag -c -d rmt0 -T "download" (enter) * *or* *diag -c -d rmt0 -T "download -f" (enter) *