IBM SATA DVD-RAM Drive (Slim) / RMBO0040532 ******* PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE NOTICE ********** * *DATE: May 25, 2011* *Table of Contents* IBM SATA DVD-RAM Drive (Slim) / RMBO0040532. 1 <#_Toc264039772> 1.0 Microcode and Document Revision History: 1 <#_Toc264039773> 2.0 General information. 1 <#_Toc264039774> 3.0 Installation time. 2 <#_Toc264039775> 4.0 Machine's Affected: 2 <#_Toc264039776> 5.0 AIX Requirements: 2 <#_Toc264039777> 6.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level for AIX: 2 <#_Toc264039778> 7.0 Downloading the RPM Format File to the Target Server for AIX.. 3 <#_Toc264039779> 8.0 Discovery Tool Microcode CD-ROM creation and download instructions. 3 <#_Toc264039780> 9.0 Verifying microcode before download and notes for AIX.. 4 <#_Toc264039781> 10.0 Microcode Download Procedure for AIX: 4 <#_Toc264039782> 10.1 Downloading Microcode to the Drive. 4 <#_Toc264039783> *=====================================================================================* 1.0 Microcode and Document Revision History: *Firmware Level* *Description* SA60 Pre-release Level SA61 Official Release Level of Microcode *Document Revision History* *Description* 6/10/2010 Original README file 5/20/2011 Updated with Readme file 5/25/2011 Updated URL link for Discovery CD 2.0 General information This Readme file is intended to give directions on how to update the microcode found on the IBM SATA DVD-RAM Drive / RMB0040532 3.0 Installation time Approximately 20 minutes. 4.0 Machine's Affected: 8202-E4B, 8203-E4A, 8204-E8A, 8205-E6B, 8231-E2B, 8233-E8B, 8234-EMA, 8236-E8C, 8261-E4S, 9117-MMA, 9117-MMB, 9119-FHB, 9179-MHB and any newer systems 5.0 AIX Requirements: For support: AIX 5.3 TL_6_SP04 and above AIX 5.3 TL_7_SP01 and above AIX 6.1 TL_0_SP02 and above 6.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level for AIX: Before you install the microcode, it is important to determine the microcode level of the Drive installed in the target system. Use the following instructions to read the ROM level from the Drive. 1) List the CD/DVD Drives installed in the system by typing: lsdev ?Cc cdrom 2) To check the current microcode level for the drive or controller enter the following command lscfg ?vl cdX Where ?X? is the instance of the drive. The command will produce output similar to this: # lscfg -vl cd1 cd1 U7214.TT2.8000002-P1-C1-D2 SATA DVD-RAM Drive Manufacturer................IBM Machine Type and Model......RMBO0040532 ROS Level and ID............SA61 Device Specific.(Z0)........058002028F000030 Part Number.................46K5365 EC Level....................N23249 FRU Number..................44V4220 Hardware Location Code......U7214.TT2.8000002-P1-C1-D2 If the *ROM Level* is less than *SA61* you should update the microcode. 7.0 Downloading the RPM Format File to the Target Server for AIX Use this method to download to an AIX system: *NOTE:* The instructions that follow are specific AIX commands. AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and */must/* be entered exactly as shown, including filenames. 1) Make two directories on your AIX system to receive the RPM format file. Enter: "mkdir /tmp/microcode" and then create this directory Enter: "mkdir /tmp/microcode/RPM" 2) Transfer the RPM format file to the /tmp/microcode/RPM directory (using "Save as ..."). Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM". You'll see the filename for the RPM file. "rpm -ihv ?-ignoreos ibm-sata-dvdram.rmbo0040532-SA61.rpm? 3) For AIX: The microcode files will be added to /usr/lib/microcode/. *NOTE:* - "/etc/microcode" is a symbolic link to "/usr/lib/microcode". - If permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory or file then the user will be prompted for a new location. 8.0 Discovery Tool Microcode CD-ROM creation and download instructions To obtain information how to burn a CD-ROM and run the Discovery Tool for an AIX or Linux System please go to: 1) After running the Discovery Tool successfully the "/tmp/microcode/RPM" directory was created and your rpm files are copied from the CD-ROM. 2) Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM". 3) Unpack the file by executing the instructions below: Enter the commands: rpm -ihv ?-ignoreos ibm-sata-dvdram.rmbo0040532-SA61.rpm? 4) Two microcode files will be copied to "/etc/microcode". The file size and checksum of the microcode image will be verified in Section 9.0. File Names: IBM-RMBO004053.SA61 *NOTE:* - "/etc/microcode" is a symbolic link to "/usr/lib/microcode". - If permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory or file then the user will be prompted for a new location. 9.0 Verifying microcode before download and notes for AIX Please verify the file size and checksum of the raw microcode files matches what is listed below. For AIX : "ls -l /etc/microcode/IBM-RMBO004053.SA61" to verify file size is 852897. "sum /etc/microcode/ IBM-RMBO004053.SA61" to verify Checksum is 61156. 10.0 Microcode Download Procedure for AIX: 10.1 Downloading Microcode to the Drive 1) At the command line type ?diag? 2) Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu. 3) Select "Download Microcode" or "Microcode Tasks? then select ?Download Microcode" from the menu. 4) Select all of the *SATA DVD-RAM Drive *that need to be updated from the list of devices by using the arrow keys to highlight the entry and pressing "Enter" to mark it. Press "F7" when you are done marking all the drives you want to flash. 5) Select "/usr/lib/microcode" or ?/etc/microcode?. 6) A dialogue box may be displayed on screen. It will state that the current microcode level on the drive could not be found on the selected source. This is acceptable because the drive will reject any incorrect code. Press "Enter" to continue. 7) At this time, please remove media from the drive. If there is media present after the next step, the microcode download process will stop and a Warning message will appear, telling you to remove the media. 8) Select *SA61* level and press "Enter" to flash the drive. 9) The following message will appear on the screen when download is completed: "Microcode download complete successfully. The current microcode level for the device cdX is ... Please run diagnostics on the drive to ensure that it is functioning properly." 10) If you selected more than one drive to update, then steps 6-10 will repeat until all drives are updated. 11) Exit diagnostics.