*IBM pSeries Servers* *Microcode Update for Ultrastar 10K300 9/18/36/73/146/300 GB* *SCSI Hard Disk Drive* *Microcode Level RPQR* DATE: June 2, 2006 Revised: April 1, 2009 *Table of Contents* 1. General Information <#_Toc96833341> 1.1 Disk Drives Affected <#_Toc96833342> 1.2 Microcode Change History <#_Toc96833343> 2. AIX Operating System <#_Toc96833344> 2.1 Installation Time <#_Toc96833345> 2.2 Determine Drive Model, FRU&PN and Current Microcode Level <#_Toc96833346> 2.2.2 SCSI Drives attached to PCI SCSI RAID Controllers <#_Toc96833347> 2.3 Transferring and Unpacking the Microcode Update Package <#_Toc96833348> 2.3.1 Internet AIX self extracting file (.bin) <#_Toc96833349> 2.3.2 Internet RPM package <#_Toc96833350> 2.3.3 CD-ROM <#_Toc96833351> 2.4 Microcode Download Procedure <#_Toc96833352> 2.4.1 SCSI Drives Attached to SCSI Adapter <#_Toc96833353> 2.4.2 SCSI Drives Attached to PCI RAID Adapter <#_Toc96833354> 2.4.3 SP systems <#_Toc96833355> 3. Linux Operating System <#_Toc96833356> 3.1 Linux 2.6 kernel(such as SuSE SLES 9 or RHEL 4) <#_Toc96833357> 3.2 RHEL 3 <#_Toc96833358> 3.3 SLES 8 SP4 <#_Toc96833359> * * *===============================================================* 1. General Information The Microcode files provided in this package are *only* for use when installing disk drive microcode to a disk drive installed in a pSeries Server using the AIX or Linux Operating System.** 1.1 Disk Drives Affected Below is the list of microcode files in this package, these files are for use with the following pSeries SCSI hard disk drive ONLY: NOTE: To insure the integrity of microcode files, please check the checksum value of each file after extraction Capacity Drive Model FRU# P/N Microcode File Name Checksum 9GB-68 pin HUS103009FL3600 80P3148 26K5197 HUS1030.50503030.52505152 12242 640 18GB-68 pin HUS103018FL3600 80P3149 26K5198 36GB-68 pin HUS103036FL3600 80P3151 71P7439 73GB-68 pin HUS103073FL3600 80P3153 71P7443 300GB-68 pin HUS103030FL3600 03N4964 71P7479 18GB-80 pin HUS103018FL3800 80P3150 26K5187 36GB-80 pin HUS103036FL3800 80P3152 26K5190 73GB-80 pin HUS103073FL3800 80P3154 26K5193 146GB-80 pin HUS103014FL3800 18P9681 26K5169 9GB-80 pin HUS103009FL3800 09P3921 26K5183 HUS1030.50503031.52505152 18GB-80 pin HUS103018FL3800 00P3829 26K5185 36GB-80 pin HUS103036FL3800 00P3831 26K5188 73GB-80 pin HUS103073FL3800 00P3833 26K5191 146GB-80 pin HUS103014FL3800 00P3835 26K5194 300GB-80 pin HUS103030FL3800 80P3157 26K5196 18GB-80 pin HUS103018FL3800 09P3823 26K5186 HUS1030.50503032.52505152 36GB-80 pin HUS103036FL3800 09P3826 26K5189 73GB-80 pin HUS103073FL3800 09P3928 26K5192 146GB-80 pin HUS103014FL3800 00P3837 26K5195 300GB-80 pin HUS103030FL3800 97P1661 26K5139 36GB-80 pin HUS103036FL3800 97P1655 26K5136 HUS1030.50503033.52505152 73GB-80 pin HUS103073FL3800 97P1657 26K5137 146GB-80 pin HUS103014FL3800 97P1659 26K5138 300GB-80 pin HUS103030FL3800 80P6322 26K5163 36GB-80 pin HUS103036FL3800 80P6319 26K5159 HUS1030.50503034.52505152 73GB-80 pin HUS103073FL3800 80P6320 26K5161 146GB-80 pin HUS103014FL3800 80P6321 26K5162 9GB-80 pin HUS103009FL3800 55P4112 26K5131 HUS1030.50503035.52505152 18GB-80 pin HUS103018FL3800 55P4114 26K5132 36GB-80 pin HUS103036FL3800 55P4118 26K5133 73GB-80 pin HUS103073FL3800 55P4122 26K5134 146GB-80 pin HUS103014FL3800 55P4126 26K5135 73GB-68 pin HUS103073FL3600 03N5255 71P7539 HUS1030.50505230.52505152 73GB-80 pin HUS103073FL3800 03N5762 26K5563 03N5260 26K5533 03N5262 26K5573 146GB-68 pin HUS103014FL3600 03N5256 71P7516 146GB-80 pin HUS103014FL3800 03N5763 26K5564 03N5265 26K5534 03N5267 26K5574 300GB-68 pin HUS103030FL3600 03N5257 71P7517 300GB-80 pin HUS103030FL3800 03N5764 26K5565 93N5270 26K5535 03N5272 26K5575 * * 1.2 Microcode Change History Release date Code level Change Description June 2, 2006 RPQR Shortened SCSI bus idle after SCSI bus reset. With previous level of codes, SCSI host adapter waits about 7 seconds after SCSI bus reset to send command to the drive. This would cause performance degradation if there are many SCSI bus resets. This idle time is shortened to about 250msec. Sept. 9, 2005 RPQQ Error recovery enhancements to improve drive?s reliability. June, 14, 2005 RPQN Microcode release to add new part numbers, and some error recovery enhancements Feb. 17 2005 RPQF Initial Release =============================================================== 2. AIX Operating System 2.1 Installation Time /Approximately 20 minutes if drive is part of rootvg(using Diagnostics CD); Approximately 5 minutes/drive if drive is not part of rootvg(using concurrent diagnostics)./ 2.2 Determine Drive Model, FRU&PN and Current Microcode Level 2.2.1 SCSI Drives attached to SCSI Controllers and PCI-X RAID Adapters To see the drive type and current microcode level, Execute the following command: lscfg -vl hdisk* |pg ; For drives NOT configured for RAID lscfg ?vl pdisk* |pg ; For drives configured for RAID DEVICE LOCATION DESCRIPTION hdisk10 3S-08-00-9,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (146800MB) Manufacturer................IBM Machine Type and Model......HUS103014FL3800 FRU Number..................00P3835 ROS Level and ID............*52505152* Serial Number...............008010B1 EC Level....................00000Q1A10 Part Number.................26K5194 Device Specific.(Z0)........000004129F00013E Device Specific.(Z1)........*RPQR* Device Specific.(Z2)........0068 Device Specific.(Z3)........04047 Device Specific.(Z4)........0001 Device Specific.(Z5)........22 Device Specific.(Z6)........00000Q1A10 If the data returned in the ?Part Number?, ?FRU Number?, and ?Machine Type and Model? fields match the one listed in section 1.1 AND the "ROS Level and ID...." field of that data is below "*52505151*", this microcode applies. If this level is already installed then the "ROS Level and ID...." shows: "*52505151*" *Note*: Drive microcode level in ?ROS Level and ID ?? field is displayed in Hex value of ASCII characters in VPD data. Each alpha-numeric ASCII character converts to a 2-digit hex number. For example in VPD displayed above, 52 Hex= ASCII character "*R*"; 50 Hex= ASCII character "*P*"; 51 Hex=ASCII character "*Q*"; 52 Hex=ASCII character "*R*", microcode level is "*RPQR*". Also note that the microcode level "*RPQR*" is displayed in ?Z1? field. For SP systems with multiple nodes, you can use the following command to query all of the nodes at one time. Use of this command will also limit the amount of data returned, making it easier to audit. It returns only the pertinent information: node name, hdisk number, ROS Level and ID and part number. dsh -a lscfg -v |egrep 'hdisk|ROS|Part' pesp_n1: hdisk0 10-60-00-0,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (146800 MB) pesp_n1: ROS Level and ID............ 52505152 pesp_n1: Part Number................. 26K5194 pesp_n5: hdisk0 10-60-00-0,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (146800 MB) pesp_n5: ROS Level and ID............ 52505152 pesp_n5: Part Number................. 26K5194 pesp_n5: hdisk1 10-60-00-8,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (146800 MB) pesp_n5: ROS Level and ID............ 52505152 pesp_n5: Part Number................. 26K5194 2.2.2 SCSI Drives attached to PCI SCSI RAID Controllers At AIX command line, type: Diag Select "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu. Select "PCI RAID Physical Disk Identify" Select SCSI RAID Adapter (press enter, then F7 to Commit) This will display the Vital Product Data for Physical Disk drives attached to the RAID adapter. =============================================================== 2.3 Transferring and Unpacking the Microcode Update Package 2.3.1 Internet AIX self extracting file (.bin) a) Make a directory on an AIX system to receive the AIX format file. Enter: mkdir /tmp/fwupdate b) Transfer the AIX format file to /tmp/fwupdate directory (using "Save as ..."). You'll see the filename is 10k.300.bin c) Unpack the file by executing the instructions below. Enter the commands: cd /tmp/fwupdate chmod +x 10k300.bin ./10k.300.bin [Don't overlook the periods (.) in the above command.] The directory 10k.300 with microcode files listed in section 1.1 will be added to /tmp/fwupdate. d-Enter the following command to copy the microcode files to " /etc/microcode " directory : cp /tmp/fwupdate/10k300/HUS1030* /etc/microcode e- If transferring files to a different system using floppy diskettes, use the following procedure to copy files to diskette Note: Don't overlook the complete path of microcode files, AIX Diag microcode download _will not work if files are not copied with complete path onto the diskette_. Enter the following command to copy microcode file(s) onto a floppy diskette ls /etc/microcode/ microcodefilename | backup -ivf /dev/rfd0 where microcodefilename is microcode file that is needed, for example: ls /etc/microcode/ HUS1030.50503032.52505152 | backup -ivf /dev/rfd0 2.3.2 Internet RPM package *Note:* The instructions that follow are specific AIX commands. AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and */must/* be entered exactly as shown, including filenames. a) Make a directory on an AIX system to receive the RPM format file. Enter: mkdir /tmp/microcode b) Transfer the RPM format file to the /tmp/microcode directory (using "Save as ..."). You'll see the filename is *10k300-RPQR-AIX.rpm* c) Unpack the file by executing the instructions below: Enter the commands: *rpm -ihv ?ignoreos 10k300-RPQR-AIX.rpm* The file size and checksum will be verified. The microcode files will be added to /etc/microcode/ 2.3.3 CD-ROM Create microcode CD using instruction and tool available on IBM web site (CD-ROM Image): http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/server/mdownload2/cdimage.html Once CD is created, use concurrent or stand alone microcode download procedure in section 2.4, or copy files onto your local disk. Notes: 1. RPM packaged microcode files will be copied to "/tmp/microcode/RPM" 2. Microcode files will be copied to /usr/lib/microcode 3. "/etc/microcode" is a symbolic link to "/usr/lib/microcode". 4. If permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory or file then the user will be prompted for a new location. *========================================================* 2.4 Microcode Download Procedure 2.4.1 SCSI Drives Attached to SCSI Adapter /Warning:/ Do not power off the system or the drive during microcode download as this may permanently damage the disk drive *NOTE:* Please save current and older versions of the microcode update files in case you need to restore your system. /Caution:/ The microcode download process is nondestructive to the hard disks; however, as a precaution, ensure that a backup operation has been performed on the affected systems PRIOR to the microcode installation. /Can microcode be installed Concurrently?/ AIX level 5.1 and above supports concurrent microcode download on all drives, including drives that are part of rootvg. AIX level 4.33 and below does not support concurrent microcode download if drive is part of rootvg, microcode download can ONLY be performed in service mode(stand alone) using diagnostics CD. If disk is not part of rootvg, microcode download can be performed cuncurrently as long as drive is not in use. /Is system reboot needed to activate the microcode: /Yes if stand alone diagnostics is used, NO if concurrent diagnostics is used. /Installation Time: /Approximately 20 minutes/drive if stand alone diagnostics is used(using Diagnostics CD); Approximately 5 minutes/drive if consurrent diagnostics is used. AIX level 5.1 and above Concurrent Download 1. Type diag at the prompt. 2. Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu. 3. Select "Microcode Download" from "Task Selection" menu. 4. Select resource that microcode will be applied to(hdisk? For physical disk, pdisk for RAID configured disks) and press ENTER, then press "F7" to commit.. 5- A small screen displays the message " *** NOTICE*** The microcode installation occurs while the attached drives are available for use..... " Press enter to continue 6. Select the source for microcode, use arrow key to go up/down, Enter to continue. /etc/microcode cd0 fd0 - Use /etc/microcode if "restore" command is used to copy files from diskette onto the disk - Use cd0 (if CD-ROM is used) or fd0 (if floppy diskette is used) NOTE: A prompt will ask you to insert the microcode diskette in diskette drive(if Diskette is selected above). Insert the diskette and press ENTER 7- Display shows a list of microcodes available for the selected drive, highlight option "M HUS1030xx...", the latest microcode for the drive and press ENTER. A message may warn you that current level of microcode is not available on the media, press ENTER to continue. 8. You will receive a msg. "Current Microcode is...." and "Download has completed successfully" (this may take a few minutes) 9. Return to the Tasks Selection menu and repeat this procedure for each hard disk that requires this microcode. 10. Exit diagnostic(and reboot if needed). AIX level 4.33: This procedure is for drives that are not part of rootvg or paging space: 1. This step is optional. Microcode download can be performed either from Diskette or from Disk. To copy files from the diskette to disk, place the diskette containing microcode files into diskette drive A, at AIX Prompt type restore 2- At AIX prompt, type diag 3. Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu. 4. Select "Microcode Download" from "Task Selection" menu. 5. Select resource that microcode will be applied to (hdisk?) and press ENTER. 6. Press "F7" to commit. (The current microcode level of the resource you selected earlier will be displayed at the top of the screen) 7. Make the following selections on the next screen: Select Input Device --------------------------------------- [ diskette] <---------- Disk can be used if "restore" command is used in step 1 Microcode level to download ----------------------------- [ latest] Download latest level even if ------------------------------ [ yes] current is missing NOTE: A prompt will ask you to insert the microcode diskette into the floppy drive(if Diskette is selected above). Insert the diskette which accompanies these instructions. If this level is already installed in the drive you've selected a message will let you know. A message also may come up to let you know that the Diskette(or Disk) does not have the previous level microcode file. This is true and is not required to complete the download. PRESS "F7" to commit 8. You will receive a msg. "Current Microcode is....and...Download has completed successfully" (this may take a few minutes) 9. Return to the Tasks Selection menu and repeat this procedure for each hard disk that requires this microcode. 10. Exit diagnostic. Standalone (Service Mode) Download This procedure is used for all drives including rootvg or paging space drives 1. Properly shutdown the system. 2. Boot up the system in standalone diagnostics mode with the CDROM diagnostics(Use diagnostics level 4.21 or above; It is recommended to use the same level of Diagnostic CD as the AIX ). 3. Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu. 4. Select "Microcode Download" from "Task Selection" menu. 5. Select resource that microcode will be applied to(hdisk?) and PRESS ENTER. 6. Press "F7" to commit. (The current microcode level of the resource you selected earlier will be displayed at the top of the screen) 7. Make the following selections on the next screen: Select Input Device --------------------------------------- [ diskette] Microcode level to download -----------------------------[ latest] Download latest level even if -----------------------------[ yes] current is missing NOTE: A prompt will ask you to insert the microcode diskette into the floppy drive. Insert the diskette which accompanies these instructions. If this level is already installed in the drive you've selected a message will let you know. A message also may come up to let you know that the Diskette(or Disk) does not have the previous level microcode file. This is true and is not required to complete the download. PRESS "F7" to commit 8. You will receive a msg. "Current Microcode is...." and "Download has completed successfully" (this may take a few minutes) 9. Return to the Tasks Selection menu and repeat this procedure for each hard disk that requires this microcode. 10. Exit diagnostic and reboot system in normal mode. * * 2.4.2 SCSI Drives Attached to PCI RAID Adapter *NOTE:* Please save current and older versions of the microcode update files in case you need to restore your system. 1. At AIX Command line type: diag 2. Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu. 3. Select "Microcode Download" from "Task Selection" menu. 4. Select RAID controller from the list of resources, PRESS ENTER, then F7 to commit 5. Select "Physical Disks" and PRESS ENTER 6. A list of all Physical Disks will be displayed, select the disk that needs to be upgraded, PRESS ENTER and F7 to commit. 7. Select "Latest level" 8. Select "Disk" if files are copied to /etc/microcode directory. Select "Diskette" if microcode files are saved onto a diskette, PRESS ENTER (The current microcode level of the resource you selected earlier will be displayed at the top of the screen) 9. You will receive a message "Download has completed successfully" and "Current Microcode is" (this may take a few minutes). 10. Return to the Previous menu and repeat this procedure for each hard disk that requires this microcode. 11. Exit diagnostic and reboot system. 2.4.3 SP systems *This** procedure requires copying microcode files to the appropriate SPOT(s). Therefore, it is HIGHLY recommended that someone with an appropriate level of AIX experience and expertise should perform this task, preferably the System Administrator of person(s) designated as responsible for making software updates to the system.* ** /Warning:/ Do not power off the system or the drive during microcode download as this may permanently damage the disk drive *NOTE:* Please save current and older versions of the microcode update files in case you need to restore your system. /Caution:/ The microcode download process is nondestructive to the hard disks; however, as a precaution, ensure that a backup operation has been performed on the affected systems PRIOR to the microcode installation. /Can microcode be installed Concurrently?/ NO. If the disk is part of rootvg or used as a paging device, microcode download can ONLY be performed while node is "Network Booted" into "Diagnostic Standalone Mode". /Is system reboot needed to activate the microcode: /Yes /Installation Time: /Installation time will vary depending upon the system configuration /Procedure for SP System (Nodes):/ Note: Make sure that node on which work is to be performed has been "fenced" from the switch. 1. Obtain proper microcode diskette from your IBM Service Representative. 2. Copy microcode file from diskette onto CWS: restore -xvq (file will be copied into the "etc/microcode" directory) 3. Move microcode file from "etc/microcode" directory to the appropriate Spot(s) that are used by the customer for the node(s) to be updated. ie: /spdata/sys1/install/aix4??/spot/spot_aix4??/usr/lib/microcode (??= level of AIX on your system) 4. To set the Node(s) to boot from network, from CWS, run command: spbootins -r diag [frame#] [node#] [node count] (example - - spbootins -r diag 1 13 1) 5. From Perspectives, perform a "Shutdown" for the node(s) to be updated. 6. From perspectives screen for node to be updated, select "Network Boot" and wait for TTY to open to DIAG MENU. 7. Choose "Task Selection". 8. Choose your terminal type. 9. Select "Download Microcode" 10. Select resource that microcode will be applied to(hdisk?) and PRESS ENTER. 11. Press "F7" to commit. (The current microcode level of the resource you selected earlier will be displayed at the top of the screen) 12. In the "Select the input device" screen, make sure settings are as follows: Select Input Device --------------------------------------- [ disk] Microcode level to download ----------------------------- [ latest] Download latest level even if ------------------------------ [ yes] current is missing PRESS "F7" to commit 13. You will receive a msg. "Current Microcode is" and "Download has completed successfully" (this may take a few minutes) 14. On CWS run the following command: spbootins -r disk [frame# [node#] [node count] 15. On CWS, After spbootins finishes, run the following command: splstdata -b (check output to see that node in question was set back to disk) 16. On "TTY" screen for node, Press F10 to get to "Shutdown Screen" and close TTY screen. 17. On perspectives screen of affected node, do a power off of the node and a power on of the node. 18. After node boots, telnet to the node, run the following command and check that correct microcode level has been updated. lscfg -vl hdisk# (ie hdisk0,hdisk1 etc). *======================================================* 3. Linux Operating System 3.1 Linux 2.6 kernel(such as SuSE SLES 9 or RHEL 4) Microcode can be updated using the iprconfig utility. The iprconfig utility allows for multiple levels of adapter and device microcode to exist on the system at the same time. After the device to update microcode is selected, all available microcode levels are presented to choose to download. 1. a) If using SLES 9 base, install the package by typing: rpm -ivh --ignoreos 10k300-RPQR-AIX.rpm b) If using SLES 9 SP1 or better or RHEL 4 or better, install the package by typing: rpm -ivh 10k300-RPQR-LINUX.rpm 2. Update the microcode by typing: iprconfig Press Enter. 3. Select Download microcode and press Enter. 4. Select the device you wish to update by typing a 1 then pressing Enter. Multiple devices may be selected. 5. Select the microcode image to be downloaded to the device by typing a 1 then pressing Enter. 6. Press Enter _again_ to confirm the download (display shows ?Microcode Download in Progress? with elapsed time) 7. If multiple devices were selected, repeat from Step 5 for the next device. To check the microcode level: 1. Start iprconfig utility, 2. Select "Display hardware status" option. 3. Select disk to query by typing a 1 next to it and pressing "Enter" 4. Look at the "Firmware Version" field -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 RHEL 3*:* Microcode can be updated using the iprupdate utility. If iprupdate finds newer microcode on the system it will be downloaded to the disk. 1. Install the package by typing: rpm -ivh --ignoreos 10k300-RPQR-AIX.rpm Press Enter. 2. Update the microcode by typing: iprupdate Press Enter. To check the microcode level: 1. Start iprconfig utility, 2. Select "Display disk hardware status" option. 3. Find the disk you wish to query and note its serial number. 4. Type "d" to get to the "Display disk unit details" screen. 5. Select disk to query by typing a 5 next to it and pressing "Enter" 6. Look at the "Firmware Version" field ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 SLES 8 SP4 Microcode can be updated using the sisupdate utility. If sisupdate finds newer microcode on the system it will be downloaded to the disk. 1. Install the package by typing: rpm -ivh --ignoreos 10k300-RPQR-AIX.rpm Press Enter. 2. Update the microcode by typing: sisupdate Press Enter. To check the microcode level: 1. Start sisconfig utility, 2. Select "Display disk hardware status" option. 3. Find the disk you wish to query and note its serial number. 4. Type "d" to get to the "Display disk unit details" screen. 5. Select disk to query by typing a 5 next to it and pressing "Enter" 6. Look at the "Firmware Version" field *Revision History:* April 1, 2009: Added 300GB PN 26K5575, FRU# 03N5272