IBM FileNet P8 Content Platform Engine Container Interim Fix Readme
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2021.

Readme file for: IBM® FileNet® P8 Content Platform Engine Container
Update name:
Fix ID:
Publication date: 16 July 2021
Last modified date: 16 July 2021


About this interim fix
New in this Interim Fix
Known problems, restrictions and solutions
Download location
Installing this Interim Fix
Fix list (APARs)
Document change history

About this Interim Fix

This Interim Fix deploys a new Content Platform Engine (CPE) 5.5.4 container or updates an existing container. It is a full release of the CPE container.
This Interim Fix can be deployed on IBM Cloud Public, Red Hat OpenShift, or a certified Kubernetes managed container environment. The interim fix supports the rolling upgrade feature in Kubernetes which enables you to keep your environment up and running while upgrading each of the CPE servers in your configuration.

New in Interim Fix

The following changes are introduced in this Interim Fix:

New in Interim Fix

The following changes are introduced in this Interim Fix:

New in Interim Fix

The following changes are introduced in this Interim Fix:

New in Interim Fix

The following changes are introduced in this Interim Fix:

Known problems, restrictions and solutions

Following are some known problems and restrictions that are related to this Interim Fix:

Download location

You can access the container images in the IBM Docker registry with your IBMid (Option 1), or you can download images from Fix Central (Option 2).

  1. If you will be accessing the IBM entitled registry, follow instructions given later in this readme.
  2. Fix Central
  3. Login to a Docker registry with your credentials
  4. Run the scripts/ script to load the images into your Docker registry.
    You can down the script from the ECM Github:
  5. Specify the two mandatory parameters in the command line.

    For other certified Kubernetes platforms, see the vendor information for how to upload into the registry.
    scripts/ -p -r $(oc registry info)/my-project
    Note: The project must have pull request privileges to the registry where the images are loaded. The project must also have pull request privileges to push the images into another namespace/project


Important: If you are using this Interim Fix as a part of a new deployment of the FileNet Content Manager containers, you must deploy the container as described in the Knowledge Center topic Deploying a new P8 domain by using containers. Additionally review the Interim Fix Update Readme file for other important information that may be required when installing the container deployment. Link to the Interim Fix Update Readme file provided below.

Important: If you are using this Interim Fix as a part of a upgrading an existing deployment, you must deploy the container as described in the Knowledge Center topic Upgrading container deployments. Additionally review the Interim Fix Update Readme file in the ibm-ecm/container-samples GitHub repository for other important information that may be required when upgrading the container deployment. Link to the Interim Fix Update Readme file provided below.

Update of a deployment to this Interim Fix consists of the following tasks:

  1. Installing this interim fix
    1. Server
    2. Client
    3. Tools


To use this Interim Fix to update a deployment of the Content Platform Engine container, follow the procedures in the Interim Fix Update Readme file appropriate to your cloud platform:

After the operator processing completes, verify the Content Platform Engine deployment.


Updates to the Content Platform Engine client files must be installed as needed on the Content Platform Engine clients. See the Readme for the Content Platform Engine interim fix for details.


Updates to the Content Platform Engine client tools must be installed as needed on the Content Platform Engine tools. See the Readme for the Content Platform Engine interim fix for details.

Fix list (APARs)

The following table lists the product fixes included in this interim fix. (includes,, and
Content Search Services (CSS) Indexing/Search PDF document issues due to added spaces during text extraction.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) does not allow a domain administrator to delete a read-only Object Store.
FileNet Deployment Manager (FDM) fails to reassign object store with error FNRCE0058E: E_REQUIRED_VALUE_ABSENT.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Custom Property "RetentionPeriod" showing unexpected behavior.
Enhancement: Content Engine (CE) .NET API must support mutual authentication.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Search results save as functionally does not work with all browsers.
PSIRT ADV0030051 (CVE-2021-20448): Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Cross Site Scripting (XSS) security vulnerability. See security bulletin 6438907.
Content Engine (CE) client API TRANSPORT_WSI_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR occurs in custom bulk import utility.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Localization issue with float property thousand separator when operating system language is not English.
Content Search Services (CSS) Linux x86 Oracle Outside In Technology (OIT) Open SSL dependency starting with the January 2021 OIT Search/Image Export patch. See technote 6439533
Intermittently Content Search Services (CSS) is failing to index documents with large number of content elements.
Content Engine Bulk Importer (CEBI) does not validate date values.
Content Search Services (CSS) Content Based Retrieval (CBR) search "divide by zero" error and failure to truncate Oracle CBR temp table.
Process Engine (PE) TCP connection is reset for each RPC calls with SSL. The connection expected to be reused instead.
Content Platform Engine (CPE) REST API: Create object store sets compression on for database tables and index even if the underlying database server does not support compression, causing object store creation failure.
Web Service GetContent by path call throws E_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION error.
PSIRT ADV0032469 (CVE-2021-20492): WebSphere Liberty XML External Entity (XXE) Injection security vulnerability. See security bulletin 6456319.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Search results export to file and multiple values in property. (includes, and
Three PDF files create invalid thumbnail images - text displayed in the image is invalid.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) folders not showing the 'Containment Name' value in the 'Containment Name' column.
Content Search Services (CSS) Content Base Retrieval (CBR) and Thumbnail generation: Some PDF documents have some areas inside that are missed by CBR extraction and Thumbnail generation.
Enhancement: Allow sensitive information to (optionally) be removed from Content Platform Engine (CPE) ping page.
Content Search Services (CSS) text extraction failed against Lotus 123 document with Oracle Outside In Technology (OIT) v8.5.5.
S3 Advanced Storage Device authentication issue for some S3 vendors when JDK is not in an English Locale.
Inefficient logic for looking up a GCD object by name.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) use of Marking Sets and Security Proxies prevent DISTINCT queries from working.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) issue with user created Component Queues.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) replaces white space with plus sign "+" when downloading content with accents.
FileNet Deployment Manager (FDM): Object Store reassign fails when reassigning a CPE 5.2.0 Object Store with an isolated region to a CPE 5.5.x p8 domain.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) unable to edit security template.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Object store search returns bad class id when class set to Documents and its Subclasses.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) issue with Saving Searches with Date/Time included in Search fields. (includes and
Loading of Case Analyzer process task manager user interface is slow with lots of user defined fields.
PSIRT ADV0026757 (CVE-2020-4759): Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) result in csv is incorrectly separated after importing to Excel. See security bulletin 6336917.
Content Engine (CE) Thumbnail ibmfnthb processes can be orphaned (not terminated) during CPE shutdown.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Document name with Chinese/Arabic characters gets corrupted when download document name.
FileNet Deployment Manager (FDM): E_ACCESS_DENIED error occurs when trying to import a document with the "Sharing Controller" property.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) search results issue when clicking column header to sort.
PSIRT ADV0027095 (CVE-2020-4590): WebSphere Liberty denial of service security vulnerability. See security bulletin 6333599. (includes
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) object store search now sets "Document" as the default class for new searches.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) error message when trying to import component operations.
Problem with Content Search Services (CSS) Content Based Retrieval (CBR) indexing dispatcher stats logging and locale (German) decimal parsing.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) annoyance check-in external URL.
PSIRT ADV0022946 (CVE-2020-4303, CVE-2020-4304): IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment in CPE Container. See security bulletin 6203516.
PSIRT Advisory ADV0023337 (CVE-2020-4447): Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Cross-site scripting security vulnerabilities. See security bulletin 6208453.
PSIRT ADV0023727 (CVE-2020-4329): WebSphere Application Server security vulnerability. See security bulletin 6209707.
Apache Commons FileUpload Resource Leak WS-2014-0034.
PSIRT ADV0023806 (CVE-2020-4329): IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment in CPE Container. See security bulletin 6209092.
Centera FCP FPPool close causes crash in customer environment.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) FileNet Rounding float decimals.
PSIRT ADV0023949 (CVE-2020-4421): IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment in CPE Container. See security bulletin 6209095.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) shows wrong queue sweep items.
Localization of Property templates in Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) not loading.
CONTENT_CA_SKIP_FAILED error occurs when retrieving files greater than 1 MB from an ICOS device using WSI.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Not able to create Master domain with option CPEDomainType.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) enhancement to improve display of choice items for choice lists.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Choice list Audit history without editing items, showing in update event Properties.
WebSphere LTPA SSO fails from traditional WebSphere Application Server (tWAS) Content Platform Engine (CPE) client to CPE server on Liberty.
A file handle and memory leak occurs when using Process Engine (PE) custom component queues in Apache Axix2.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Legacy Workflow System's Adapter's Configure User Interface (UI) displays incorrect Object Store potentially.
S3 Storage Configuration parameters are defined as static, might cause issues in certain situation.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) on WebSphere fails adding Property Template of type Object or integer into Document Class after upgrade.
Process Engine (PE) Web Services (PEWS) Client Authentication Issue when using bearer token instead of username - method does not exist wsiAuthenticator error.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) localization issue in string and integer Choicelists.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE): Content Platform Engine(CPE) Security Policy does not save configuration of Security Template when using Roles.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Choice lists have a null value added.
NullPointerException occurs if a property with null value is included in an arithmetic clause in a filter expression.
Apostrophe in the Process Engine (PE) in-basket filter search causes a syntax failure when configured for case insensitive Search.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) using greater than ">" or less than "<" in a sweep job filter expression throws syntax error "Bad filter expression".
ACCE hangs or errors out with creation/navigation to Choice Lists, Audit Definition Tab when the object names contain non-English (accented) characters.
Snaplock Fixed Content Device (FCD) update retention failure for NFS mount.
Stand-alone Process designer error "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.filenet.wcm.toolkit.client.ui.WcmDlgFactory". See technote 1171240.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Opening subclass Annotation doesn't display the annotation in a new tab.
External Share REST API: Allow user to enable share even if we cannot resolve email template resource bundle for a locale.
PISRT ADV0020631 (CVE-2019-4679): IBM FileNet Content Manager security vulnerabilities in Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) logon response header. See security bulletin 6251987.
On some Content Platform Engine (CPE) client applications intermittent FIPSRuntimeExceptions may occur.
FNRAM9018 exception returned creating Case History store after upgrading.
On Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) document properties page, the right panel is transparent.
FNRAC1005E error occurs when trying to add Choice Item to a Choice List with 951 choice items.
PISRT ADV0021947 (CVE-2019-4720), ADV0022013 (CVE-2020-4163): IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. See security bulletin 1581579.
Case History - Handle update events on case comments.
Content Engine Audit disposition code has a check against the bookmark which is inverted.
BACSoC NullPointerException from PE when any Process Engine (PE) RCP's are performed after 72 hours from initial logon.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) on WebSphere fails adding Property Template of type Object or integer into Document Class after upgrade.


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Document change history

16 July 2021
Initial interim fix release.