Contents The information in this Readme contains fix list and other package information about the Hardware Management Console. * Mandatory fix for HMC V7 R7.2.0 * Package information * List of fixes * Known issues * Additional information * Installation PTF MH01235 Mandatory fix for HMC Version 7 Release 7.2.0 This package includes fixes for HMC Version 7 Release 7.2.0. You can reference this package by APAR MB03367. You must install this fix on top of the following: * HMC V7.7.2.0 Recovery installation (PTF# MH01233) * HMC V7.7.2.0 Update installation (PTF# MH01234 Package information Package name Size Checksum APAR# PTF# MH01235.iso 872091648 32628 MB03367 MH01235 Splash panel information (lshmc -V output) After applying the PTF to HMC V7.7.2.0: "version= Version: 7 Release: 7.2.0 Service Pack: 0 HMC Build level 20100907.1 MH01235: Required fix for HMC V7R7.2.0 (09-07-2010) ","base_version=V7R7.2.0 " List of fixes for MH01235 This package includes the following fixes: General fixes * Fixed a problem where the HSCL350B error was incorrectly returned when a user with hmcsuperadmin task role ran "chhmcusr -i". * Fixed a problem where system plan deploy and create (mksysplan) may fail when VIOS partitions contain SAS disks. * Added subtree search option to CLI chhmcldap. The default search scope remains one level. * Added check and error logging to verify remote ldap user names are valid HMC users. * Fixed a problem where some server capabilities, that are enabled or disabled by entering a VET code, require a reboot of the HMC for the changes to take effect. * Added a framework to do additional checks of the machine type and model when performing an upgrade or update of licensed internal code. Repair and Verify fixes * Changed the installation instructions for 5803/5873 enclosure from online to using WCii instructions. * Corrected the HTML viewer display when a 5802 enclosure is added. * The service action on an IBM Power 795 now directs the user to the InfoCenter content for POWER7-based servers for isolate and symbolic procedures. * The BPC service action on an IBM Power 795 now directs the user to the InfoCenter content for POWER7-based servers for isolate and symbolic procedures. * Fixed a problem with the inability to perform RV Add/Remove/Exchange procedures on various I/O enclosures connected to a IBM Power 560 Express (8234-EMA) server. None of the FRUs contained within the I/O Enclosure could be seen or selected because the enclosure showed up as unsupported. Known issues in this package * Firmware Release AL720 is not on the following POWER7 processor-based servers: IBM Power 750 Express (8233-E8B) IBM Power 755 Express (8236-E8C) The HMC returns Error HSCF0219 if you attempt to upgrade either of these machines to the AL720 firmware release level. Workaround: None * During a migration to a remote HMC, the source HMC can display the error message, "There is no target system for migration." Workaround: Any one of the following methods o Use the Migration Wizard instead of the Validation Panel. o Connect both of the managed systems to a single HMC before attempting the migration. o Use the command-line interface (CLI) to perform the migration. Additional information Note: The HMC Install Corrective Service task has been modified to allow corrective service installation by using the .iso packaging of the corrective service files that you can download from IBM. There is no requirement to burn CD-R or DVD-r media in order to use these files to install the corrective service. * To install the updates over the network, select the .iso file in the Select Service Package panel of the Install Corrective Service utility. * To use USB flash media to install updates, copy the .iso file to the flash media, and then select the file when prompted. * The updhmc command line command has also been modified to use the .iso file for installing corrective service updates. To use the command, follow the syntax in this example: updhmc -t s -h -f -u -i In all cases, the HMC application extracts the files needed to install the corrective service. Back to top Installation Installation instructions for HMC V7 R.7.1.0 updates and fixes can be found here: Update corrective services instructions for HMC Version 7 Recovery media upgrade and installation instructions for HMC V7 R.7.1.0 can be found here: Recovery media upgrade and installation Back to top