PTF MH01146 CIM Object Manager fix for HMC V7R3.3.0 One must install HMC V7R3.3.0 SP2 (MH01119), MH01130 and MH01134 before installing this fix. This package may also be referenced by APAR MB02753. Package information Package name Size (bytes) Checksum APAR # PTF# MH01146.iso 13004800 11973064 47867 52623 MB02753 MH01146 Splash panel information (lshmc -V command output) MH01146: HMC performance, upgrade fix (10-21-2008) Fixes This package includes the following fixes: * This PTF corrects a performance problem that occurs when external management software connects to the HMC via the CIM interface. After installation, only one instance of external management software such as IBM Director 5.2 or IBM Systems Director 6.1 can be used to discover and manage an HMC. * Corrected a problem where applications which utilize CIM protocol to receive events from HMC, including IBM Director, can not identify the source of service event.