Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009, 2012 All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplicate or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ========================================================================= Readme file for IBM Systems Director core manager Version 6.3.0 IBM Corp. ========================================================================= CONTENTS 1.0 Overview 2.0 Prerequisites and corequisites 3.0 Installation 3.1 Updating IBM Systems Director 3.2 Necessary tasks after installation 3.3 Special instructions 4.0 Uninstallation 5.0 List of changes included 5.1 Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) 5.1.1 APARs incorporated into 6.3.0 5.1.2 APARs incorporated into 6.3.0 via LAFix or iFix 5.2 Troubleshooting and known issues 6.0 Copyright and trademark information 1.0 Overview This is an update for IBM Systems Director Server core services. Core services is a component of IBM Director that is installed on a managed system to provide hardware-specific function that supports communication and administration of the managed system by IBM Director. See section 5 for a list of items patched or updated. 2.0 Prerequisites and corequisites None 3.0 Installation 3.1 Updating IBM Systems Director For information about updating IBM Systems Director, see the IBM Systems Director information center on the Web at: 3.2 Necessary tasks after installation Restart the management server or managed systems on which the update has been applied. 3.3 Special Instructions None. 4.0 Uninstallation Update Manager does not support the uninstallation of this update. Contact IBM Systems support at the following location if you need to uninstall this update: 5.0 List of changes included 5.1 Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) Below is a list of APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director versions 6.3.0 and later. IBM Systems Director updates and patches are cumulative with respect to the APARs they contain. 5.1.1 APARs incorporated into 6.3.0 The following APARs are incorporated into IBM Systems Director 6.3.0. IC69779 Agent Manager not Fully Configured on Windows Install IC70378 AEM 4.3 Uninstall causes Director Server to go into Inactive IC70381 Install errors during install of Director Server when password with Special characters is specified IC70610 Contextually incorrect instructions in console mode for WPAR Manager install and uninstall IC70762 IBM systems Director Server can restart even if user selects "NO" in the WPAR Manager Install Wizard IC71184 Director leaves lock file /var/run/lwi if not properly shut down IC71518 Director 6.2 install fails with "... unzip command not found" IC72145 IBM System Director (ISD) LWI Console showing excessive wasted file open attempts IC72282 IBM Systems Director indented view may not refresh correctly IC72292 Discovery of Windows systems may miss supported protocols in IBM Systems Director IC72399 CAS service NOT stopped when RHEL is shutdown/restarted IC72409 Targeting thresholds for a group causes an Unexpected Thread Termination IC72422 Migration from IBM Systems Director 6.1.x Server to 6.2 does not migrate the data IC72425 Linux RHEL OS non-root userId's for smadmin group, do not migrate with IBM Systems Director 6.2 IC72460 IBM Systems Director Server 6.2.x installation may remove groups from root profile IC72516 UpdateXpress System Pack (UXSP) update fails to update on a VMware ESXi 4.1 system IC72616 After installing a RAID Firmware driver it still shows as needed IC72743 Windows Common Agent Systems occasionally go offline due to Java crashes: Faulting Modules is J9JIT24.DLL IC73000 Only one IP address can be used for event action - "Send an SNMP trap to an IP host" IC73103 When applying an update to a remote AIX system using the install updates wizard, the following error is displayed: "ATKUPD094W - The advanced options could not be retrieved for ... " IC73153 Request access failure to IBM Systems Director Common Agent IC73225 IBM-SYSTEM-STORAGE-MIB has incorrect descriptions for OperationStatus objects IC73454 Pre-installation Utility Fails on Port 9510 Availability IC73465 New Windows NT Event Log Types not in Event Filter Builder IC73586 Pre-installation Utility Fails on promotion validity IC73694 SMI-S RSAP (Remote Service Access Point) access is not locked after removing the Credentials IC73695 After updating Adaptec ServeRAID 8k successfully and collecting inventory, compliance still shows updates needed IC73761 IBM Systems Director Console hangs if communication errors with HMC occur IC73884 The /etc/resolv.conf file is created on a new virtual server when the user's environment does not use DNS IC73889 twgmonit.exe leaks memory when monitoring cluster resources IC73922 Pre-installation Utility does not flag Oracle Enterprise Linux as unsupported IC74010 SQL maintenance utilities cannot rebuild all ISD indices IC74017 Platform Agent not working, with side-by-side errors reported IC74077 Upgrade of CAS agent removes twgpmon.ini IC74095 twguser.ini has field length limitations IC74097 CAS Events including double byte characters can not be parsed by IBM Systems Director server IC74159 IBM Systems Director stays on the green triangle at startup IC74171 Servers lists under "Systems with Problems" Category after Ignoring the Problem for all resources IC74177 Mismatch between number of events on Status Manager and Scoreboard in IBM Systems Director IC74283 IBM Systems Director needs to be recycled to pick up HMC SSO Shared credentials IC74286 Security Credentials must be changed twice, in order for IBM Systems Director to recognize the change IC74299 Values in the file are ignored if they contain spaces IC74432 Port reverts to default on CAS agent version 6.2.1 when discovered IC74433 IBM Systems Director 6.2 documentation for 'Preparing the Oracle Database' needs clarifications IC74452 Deployment of appliances via VMControl may not be possible when HMC has multiple IP addresses IC74456 IBM Systems Director's nested group support documentation will be clarified IC74511 Event Filter Builder types are missing or not grouped properly IC74616 Getting an error ATKCOR031E while creating credentials for i-series management endpoint IC74686 Unable to log into the IBM Systems Director console for an AIX Director Server at 6.2.1 IC74699 LAN inventory can't be shown on console due to duplicate entries in MAC address IC74756 When compliance runs, the number of compliant systems increments and decrements in a confusing manner IC74780 Upgrade of CAS agents overwrites athresh.ini IC74886 The UID files can't be created for agentless systems after requesting access IC74889 IBM Systems Director SMSTOP/SMSTART script displays MegaRaid StorageManager stopping/starting if LSI MSM is installed IC74984 Agentless systems are removed from IBM Systems Director after request access completes IC74991 Special characters within the file must be double escaped IC75128 SMCLI mkresmonthresh improperly sets monitor values of thresholds IC75245 An error ATKCOR031E occurs on ISD (IBM Systems Director) Console when accessing event log IC75265 SMCLI DCONSOLE command fails to display the serial console IC75266 IBM-Director-Alert-MIB has Notifications with same Object Identifiers IC75283 Event Filters do not work properly when Event Type Component Category contains "." IC75319 Director Server console does not display Thresholds which are created using the smcli for the '/' file system for Groups IC75325 The process monitor task removal by rmpmtask is not persistent across Director restarts IC75352 Thread ServiceAccessPointQueryThread terminates unexpectedly IC75386 ThreadDeathMetricDescription - QuerySLPQE.includeQueryAddressInHintLists IC75392 The management server encountered a software exception. Event type DiscoveryMEPListenerUtility:saveJobHistory:2113:CRITICAL IC75459 Performance issue when displaying the Threshold page for the first time IC75471 ServeRAID M5015 not listed as supported controller in InfoCenter IC75479 Alerts fail to be forwarded to Tivoli EIF probe IC75513 Garbled characters in Event Automation Plan (EAP) email on a Japanese client IC75532 IBM Systems Director Server takes a long time to shut down to an"ERROR" state IC75558 Instructions are needed for binding IBM Systems Director Platform Agent CIM server to single IP address IC75626 ISD Server is slow to update agent status when large numbers of agent systems change their status at the same time IC75635 IBM Systems Director queries offline SAN fabrics through TPC resulting in an Exception IC75672 Service and Support Manager opening duplicate service requests for a given serviceable event IC75674 The LDAP configuration documentation is not clear about when to define custom filters IC75698 Systems Director is requiring specific plug-ins for Bladecenter management but the plug-ins are not found IC75703 Slot Inventory is incorrect on AIX VIOS Systems IC75705 twgescli.exe application error when restarting IBM Systems Director Common Agent service or rebooting system IC75718 Platform Agent V6.x Low Disk Condition monitors cease to function properly IC75753 Director Server console displays "Disk % Space Used" for '/' file system for Linux/AIX IC75757 ISD Server is slow to detect endpoints that go offline IC75773 Usage of SMSERVER script to start DB2 instance and Systems Director Server automatically when rebooting AIX server IC75782 Hardware event repeatedly written to system event log 14 times IC75903 Some columns under navigate resources groups do not get sorted properly IC75935 Qlogic firmware still shows as updated needed after updating ESX 4.1 agents IC75938 Attempting to install an Update Group fails with an ATKCOR031E error IC75964 Installing Common Agent on Windows using the InstallShield wizzard documentation needs correction IC75983 Network switch critical status caused by LinkDown SNMP trap is not automatically cleared when LinkUp SNMP trap is received. IC75992 smcli dsh -i command fails for systems with multiple hostnames IC76017 In Japanese locales, event action logs are encoded in UTF-16 IC76061 Discovery attempted while multiple endpoint deletes/removals in process fail to discover valid endpoint IC76070 Info Center topic "Viewing detailed light-path-diagnostics information" requires clarification IC76124 IBM Systems Director (ISD) Server unable to discover ISD Common Agent endpoint as CAS after install/upgrade IC76136 IBM Systems Director Bladecenter management plug-ins are not found IC76159 Resync is not working properly for thresholds after Common Agent Service Agent upgrade IC76233 smcli chcred command issues on IBM Systems Director IC76240 IBM Systems Director (ISD) Inventory collection on storage devices is slow IC76241 Unexpected thread termination during inventory task IC76268 IBM Systems Director (ISD) Inventory collection on storage devices hangs IC76277 Users assigned to a customer created role are unable to add servers to existing groups (ATKGRP015E error) IC76292 IBM Systems Director web interface allows non-super users to modify any credential mappings IC76297 IBM Systems Director Server dynamic groups using the Device criterion Sensor lose members IC76300 SMMonitor role allows editing in IBM Systems Director Console IC76328 "Send an alphanumeric page(using TAP)" action removed from Director v6.x IC76383 IBM Systems Director (ISD) install fails when Windows automatic short file name generation is disabled IC76389 Activation Engine in zVM environment fails to apply the network on deployed Virtual Server during boot time IC76396 Check for updates fails with DNZULX014E ERROR EXECUTING THE REMO COMMAND IC76446 ThreadDeath, NullPointerException in ThresholdCollection.addNode IC76471 All smcli commands fail with error message - DNZCLI0131E : SERVER MIGHT NOT BE RUNNING. COULD NOT READ THE KEY FILE. IC76473 The IBM Systems Director Platform Agent module wmicpa may crash when simultaneous requests for profile based classes are made IC76477 Unable to install IBM Systems Director Common or Platform Agent 6.2.1x on Windows running Remote Desktop Session Host IC76514 Scheduled jobs fail to start when scheduled to do so IC76551 Servers listed under "Systems with Problems" group after an ignored problem recurs IC76569 Unable to change user properties within ISD (IBM Systems Director) console IC76572 Smcli dsh -n/N command fails for system with multiple hostnames IC76573 Group thresholds are not visible in IBM Systems Director console due to performance issues IC76591 CAS Offline event severity can not be modified using Event Action Plan IC76624 VM Control zoning unable to recognize multiple zones within a single switch IC76635 IBM Ethernet 4-Port GB Ethernet Switch Module v1 shows as Required - Not Installed IC76650 IBM Systems Director (ISD) Inventory console fails to launch IC76653 Inventory failure on VIOS system with large disk config IC76657 IBM Systems Director consistently hangs during restart IC76662 Request Access takes over 10 minutes to complete and times out IC76733 False blade server inserted/removed events appear after IBM Systems Director is migrated to 6.2.1 or follow-on version IC76812 Updating Agents using IBM System's Director selected oprating system as target, job status displays server objects at endpoint IC76813 Unrecognizable strings of numbers are displayed when creating an event filter or running "smcli lsevttype" IC76834 The smsave command fails with a Tivoli GUID null error on Windows x64 Edition IC76886 The details of a scheduled job in IBM Systems Director (ISD) sometimes returns no information IC76894 Enhance Infocenter document "Limitations of large tables" IC76915 Online/Offline status of endpoint is slow to update in IBM Systems Director (ISD) IC77007 VMControl deployments fail when importing a virtual appliance an causes a JAXRPCException: NullPointerException IC77053 Security issue for IBM Systems Director IC77115 Security issue for IBM Systems Director SSL communications IC77135 INFOCENTER information on iSeries CAS agent is incorrect IC77157 User assigned custom role can not view or collect inventory IC77178 Security issue for IBM Systems Director IC77209 Source field for event in event log shows "-1" for Esxi 4.1u1 in IBM Systems Director IC77230 Security update for IBM Systems Director IC77242 Event Filter changes after saving IC77300 slpd.log grows without bounds IC77325 DB2 administrative password with special characters results in a failed connection during the install of IBM Systems Director IC77365 Event Filter changes after saving IC77373 ISD Server stop and startup issue for AIX IC77409 Icon for group may not display correctly in Resource Navigator IC77450 Smcli dsh -N/n/i command fails for systems with multiple IP addresses and CAS installed IC77483 Platform Agent cimserver accepts connections using weak SSL ciphers IC77568 IBM Systems Director Storage Control requires restart of DB2 Management Server before install IC77571 Security issue for IBM Systems Director IC77582 Inventory of agentless ESX 4.1 host is missing data when MEP is successfully unlocked with non-root account IC77583 AMM firmware update fails when using IBM Systems Director due to AMM not restarting IC77596 Enablement of server non-stop service leads to installation problem IC77602 Incorrect values for Available Processing Units and Configurable Processing Units in the Virtualization Monitors view IC77648 Smreset does not remove CAS agents from the console IC77652 NullPointerException in ResourceCriteriaSimplifier.replaceFiltersWithClauses IC77657 ATKUPD822E The ECC servers reported an error IC77661 Update HTTP port 7618 firewall requirements for IBM Systems Director Server IC77674 reports NullPointerException IC77675 ServiceAccessPointStatusListener.discoveryComplete Line 64 : NullPointerException IC77677 IBM Systems Director v6.2.0.1 with VMControl v2.3.0.1 results in a StackOverflow java exception IC77727 Sender name of blade server event is AMM IP Address instead of AMM name IC77750 Removing a Virtual Server MEP causes a null pointer exception when ISDNC is installed IC77783 Dynamic CIMListener is leaking handle/file descriptors if consumer load fails IC77798 Verifying connection to a Virtual Server MEP causes a null pointer exception IC77817 Performing a "revoke access" is deleting user imported private keys IC77820 Inventory of agentless ESX 4.1 host is missing data when MEP is unlocked with non-root account IC77822 Disk I/O errors with Platform Agent on VMware ESX cluster environments IC77823 The Common Agent install version 6.2.1 fails with an error that another install is running IC77835 The Threshold resend option creates a superfluous second Problems entry that is not cleared when the issue is resolved IC77862 Space allocation requirements to install IBM System Director are not documented IC77868 An excessive number of ATKSRV6211 events are logged in the ISD eventlog IC77897 IBM Systems Director can not display client storage mappings from a client LPAR to its underlying VIOS physical disk IC77903 Setting SSM as the default startup page cause issues rendering pages after server restart IC77933 Event Filter match fails when event should match IC77945 Unable to view current configuration for RSA2 IC77963 IBM Systems Director Pre-Install Utility incorrectly reports OS RHEL 5.6 is not supported IC77985 Performance Summary panel stalls on opening in IBM Systems Director with HMC IC78005 e-mail text characters(Internet SMTP) from IBM Systems Director Server on French Language incorrect IC78006 SDMC (Systems Director Management Console) fixes get applied but show up as needing to be installed IC78012 Undocumented SLP source ports for Common Agent managed systems IC78081 IBM Systems Director 6.3 is required in order to install the WPA v2.3 plug-in IC78088 Selecting "Actions" for an entry in the "Systems by VLAN and Subnet" view, results in errors IC78110 Event log of dynamic group failing with an Unknown Error message ATKCOR031E IC78142 Unknown critical event is logged when cooling module is removed from IBM Bladecenter IC78153 Error updating AIX using Update Manager in IBM Systems Director when AIX security is on IC78154 Show Monitors fails to show system monitor information IC78200 IBM Systems Director changes the method of getting HMC IP address when launching HMC console IC78277 VMControl creates /etc/resolv.conf file on NIM deploy when domain name and DNS are not provided IC78248 Request Access Status is not refreshed automatically IC78276 Monitor view of dynamic group failing with an Unknown Error messsage ATKCOR031E IC78355 Editing virtual server may cause disk mapping to disappear IC78366 Install of multiple HMC updates via a single Update Manager task may fail IC78393 A source of resent event is 0 (zero) when creating an event action with Type: Modify an event and send it IC78438 Can't create a new template with the same name IC78457 Thread death - NullPointerException when socket factory returns null IC78476 SMSTATUS command failes with Java errors IC78524 CIM protocol not present on managed endpoints IC78563 Endpoint disappears in IBM Systems Director after VMotion is used to move the virtual machine IC78578 Installing the Common Agent on to an existing ISD server causes the server to lose communication with the agent IC78598 Server Objects cannot be deleted after the associated Operating System object is deleted IC78662 Unrecognized I/O Plug-in Name of IC78663 Documentation changes made to clarify the confusion from one doc in Information Center IC78678 Importing multiple UXSP updates at the same time may result in a ATKUPD231E error IC78697 SNMP traps for hardware events are sent out as generic events by Event Action Plan IC78758 Non IBM hardware showing up as IBM hardware in the IBM Systems Director server IC78865 Boot Option is missing from the boot sequence list in IBM System Director IC78882 Windows Installation for target systems without a C: drive may fail installation IC78909 Cimserver is generating segmentation fault while shutting down IC78991 Agent deploy fails after scheduled job edited IC78995 Fully qualified Director Server host name for EIF probe required IC79008 Agent install fails when pushed to Windows 2008 system IC79017 A Process Monitor task will not run, when the target is a group IC79018 The properties of a scheduled job in IBM Systems Director (ISD) cannot be edited IC79028 "Virtual Farm Events" are showing under "Relocation Manager Event" in director event log IC79032 Severity shows "Unknown" for relocation event in the event log IC79041 In Vmcontrol when columns adjusted 'VIOS Storage mapping view' and 'Client partition Storage mapping view' remain unchanged IC79044 Cannot properly inventory AIX Efixes IC79068 Concurrent firmware updates for Power systems IC79196 MS IPMI device driver and OSA mapping layer issue with Update Manager on Windows 2003 R2 PM30850 Service and Support Manager does not include telephone extension when generating service request 5.1.2 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director 6.3.0 via LAFix or iFix Updates to IC81175 The IBM Systems Director status bar does not display across the top of the screen IC82292 Performance Summary Page shows 'Error 500' IC82068 Performance issue with Health Summary page of IBM Systems Director. IC82984 Performance summary fails with Error 500 Updates to IC80781 Threshold problem status does not work properly when the monitor name contains a dot( . ). IC82987 ExecutionException during Clearing blade status from the chassis when a blade is removed. IC82569 Unable to set Minimum Duration, Resend Delay and Max Queued Events parameters while creating a threshold using 'mkresmonthresh' Updates to IC80246 Thread death - IncompatibleClassChangeError in UsmiCimClient.getIterator IC80598 The Auto Rename task in Director is missing the "Server" object IC79573 Systems Director console hangs while displaying navigator group IC81070 SEND AN EVENT TO A TIVOLI EIF PROBE MANAGED_OJECT_TYPE SHOULD BE MANAGED_OBJECT_TYPE IC81569_IC81925 IC81569: SMSAVE may not backup file paths that contain '(' and ')' IC81925: Smsave does not verify file copy actions IC81324 Users of smadmin group are not able to run smcli command. IC82034 Activating a Group Threshold causes an Unexpected Thread Death IC82071 Auto Rename task completes successfully, but target is not renamed IC81976 Director will not restart due to a thread deadlock IC82164 Group Threshold Does Not Work Against a Newly Added Endpoint IC82196 EAP (START A PROGRAM ON THE MANAGEMENT SERVER) INTERMITTENTLY SHOWS FAILED COMPLETION IC82494 Performance degrades when opening view which shows live metric data IC82068 Performance issue with Health Summary page of IBM Systems Director. IC82694 Agentreg registration process does not work with IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.0 IC82822 Group Thresholds disappear after a restart of IBM Systems Director Server 6.3 Updates to IC80150 INVENTORY CAUSES CORRUPTION OF KVM MANAGED ENDPOINTS IC82071 Auto Rename task completes successfully, but target is not renamed Updates to IC83009 CIM RSAP on ESXi disappearing on server mep inventory Update to IC80598 The Auto Rename task in Director is missing the "Server" object IC81812 Auto Discovery option is not saved after editing an Auto Rename profile Update to IC81827 Users may be unable to update ISD 6.3 IC81774 Upgrading the Platform Agent using Update Manager will fail when CAS is not on the C Drive Update to IC82069 ISD Automation Manager summary page is slow to open Update to IC81647 Hardware log for Integrated Management Module (IMM) is not clearing the cache. 5.2 Troubleshooting Search the support Knowledge Base for additional information about specific issues: 6.0 Copyright and trademark information The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: IBM Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Notices INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. THIRD-PARTY LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, NOTICES AND INFORMATION The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions: * the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis * IBM DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE EXCLUDED COMPONENTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related to the Excluded Components * IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded Components.