Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2011 All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplicate or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ========================================================================= Readme file for IBM Systems Director Power Manager Version Manager Feature Software Installable: IBM Corp. March 2011 ========================================================================= CONTENTS 1.0 Overview 2.0 Prerequisites and co-requisites 3.0 Installation Information 3.1 Updating IBM Systems Director 3.2 Perform the necessary tasks after installation 3.3 Special instructions 4.0 Uninstalling 5.0 List of changes included 5.1 Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) 5.1.1 APARs incorporated into 6.2 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director Platform Agent version 6.2 5.1.2 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director 5.1.3 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director 6.2.1 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director Platform Agent version 6.2.1 5.1.4 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director 5.2 Product Enhancements 5.3 Troubleshooting and known issues 6.0 Copyright and trademark information 1.0 Overview This is an update for IBM Systems Director Power Manager. The Power Manager is a component of IBM Director that is installed on a managed system to provide hardware-specific function that supports power system. See section 5 for a list of items patched or updated. 2.0 Prerequisites and co-requisites None. 3.0 Installation information 3.1 Updating IBM Systems Director For information about updating IBM Systems Director, see the IBM Systems Director information center on the Web at: 3.2 Perform the necessary tasks after install Restart the management server or managed systems on which the update has been applied. 3.3 Special Instructions None. 4.0 Uninstalling Update Manager does not support uninstallation of Contact IBM Systems support if you need to uninstall this update: 5.0 List of changes included 5.1 Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) Below is a list of APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director versions 6.2. IBM Systems Director updates and patches are cumulative with respect to the APARs they contain. For example, 6.2.1 contains not only the patches listed under that section but all other APARs listed that were originally resolved in previous 6.2.x.x patches and updates. 5.1.1 APARs incorporated into 6.2 The following APARs are incorporated into IBM Systems Director 6.2 IC60210 Corrected an install problem if the install path contains parenthesis. IC60548 Improved cfgdbcmd script messages as well as infocenter documentation that describes the requirements for running the cfgdbcmd script. IC61519 Prevented spawning multiple biosinfo_linux threads. IC61637 Infocenter - Improved descriptions of how to modify the thresholds for disk space events. IC62481 Removal of agent tcdriver packages via the IBM Systems Director Web Interface is no longer available. IC62863 InfoCenter - Documented limitations with CIM and alerting on older systems with a LSI 1030 chipset. IC63241 Infocenter - Improved documentation about the TCP Command Mode access for acceessing the AMM from IBM Systems Director. IC63683 For systems with multiple host names, autorename using %HostName% substitution was changed to only use the first name in the list as the display name. IC63836 InfoCenter - Documented the required active directory configuration for the administrative group names automatically created by IBM Systems Director. IC64302 The IBM Systems Director Server crashes due to excessive memory usage when collecting inventory on a large number of resources. IC64321 InfoCenter - Documented as a limitation that OS objects are created by the discovery process for any device that supports the ssh protocol, such as a Bladecenter chassis. IC64409 Excessive reads of PowerMgmtService.idx from impacts performance. IC65054 The function of the ExecuteLocalCommand does not work for the root user on systems where the default shell for root is replaced with rootsh. IC65117 Removing CAS or 5.x agent can lead to discovery and request access issues when that agent is rediscovered. IC65137 A null pointer exception in SNMP results in blank Thresholds and Monitors. IC65401 Remote Agent installation to a Windows server without a C: drive fails. IC65514 Infocenter - Added a table at the beginning of the Events topic collection that maps the severity name to the associated severity number. IC65583 The IBM Systems Director Server fails to start when starting up when many snmp traps are directed to it. IC65631 Improved IBM Systems Director performance by adding support for the 64 bit JRE. IC65644 Corrected a timing condition that can prevent the proper installation of Common Agent features. IC65863 Insured that there is only one threshold defined for a group IC65909 The number of active users that are identified on the Manage tab of the Welcome page was increasing with each smcli command. IC65932 Operating System objects are randomly going offline and online. IC65976 The subject line and contents of an email alert are altered after a scheduled task completes. IC66061 Infocenter - Documented the storage requirements for agent deployment. IC66071 Thresholds cannot be applied to a group. IC66076 A warning message about a network component failure did not identify the the affected component or the type of error. IC66145 InfoCenter - Updated the Hardware Management Console (HMC) prerequisites. IC66178 InfoCenter - Documented, as a limitation, that the User Access Control (UAC) must be disabled on Windows 5.x and 6.x Platform Agents to avoid discovery and request access issues. IC66194 InfoCenter - Documented how to disable the broadcast/multicast traffic from CAS agents, as well as the resulting impact systems management functionality. IC66202 Errors encountered in removeRPM were not reported when running diruninstall on AIX/Linux agents. IC66205 An uncaught null pointer exception in an SLP thread results in the following error message: ATKSRV501E An error occurred in thread SLP User Agent <9 of 10>. The IBM Systems Director Server should be restarted. IC66242 The smreset command did not completely remove information regarding discovered resources. IC66245 InfoCenter - Documented the limitations of managing systems through a NAT firewall. IC66328 Provided a default for the SLP of source port of 14252 used by CAS agents to avoid discovery problems with CAS agents when a random port was used. IC66401 Corrected out of memory exceptions that occur during request access and light query tasks due to excessive thread creation. IC66435 Removed inconsistent data from the description column in the Virtual Server and Host view of inventory. IC66556 InfoCenter - Improved documentation relating the database configuration to the smsave and smrestore functions. IC66560 InfoCenter - Documented the authority required to run the smsave and smrestore commands. IC66621 Added rpm dependency checks for Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) during installation to insure users will be able to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web Interface. IC66625 Improved the performance of compliance checks. IC66701 Removed excessive delays when collecting inventory. IC66757 During the check for updates task, compliance should only run if the update inventory has changed. IC66762 CAS agents will no longer advertise IP addresses associated with Microsoft loopback adapters. IC66860 Infocenter - Documented the recommended database performance tuning configuration when configured to use a Microsoft SQL 2005 database server. IC66891 Infocenter - Documented the recommendation to stop the IBM Systems Director Server prior to taking a remote database server offline to avoid a possible hang. IC66925 Compliance checking for ServeRAID firmware did not work if the build number contained more than 4 digits. IC66928 Editing SNMP trap extended attributes on an event filter fails with a NullPointerException. IC66979 IC65644 Corrected installation of the IBM Systems Director CAS agent when existing CAS agents are already installed. IC67161 The Windows NT event log is not received for 12 hours following the reboot of a CAS agent. IC67193 Imported updates are missing after restarting IBM Systems Director. IC67232 Running many smcli commands for an extended period of time can lead to these commands not completing. IC67310 IBM Systems Director Server cannot unlock an already registered CAS agent. IC67349 InfoCenter - Improved documention about the attributes that can be listed for resources appearing in the Inventory details table. IC67429 Updates that have been applied are still shown as being needed. IC67616 Users are unable to view attributes in the Create monitors dialog after using the All Monitors view. IC67643 After restarting a Common Agent some monitors do not show data but display 'No Data Available'. IC67727 Added information to the agent deployment task log to to check the agent install log if the task completes with errors. IC67770 Inventory collection was not returning ServeRAID hard drive firmware information. IC67889 Corrected file permissions on some common agent files. IC68004 Corrected a discovery issue specific to Platform Agents. IC68022 Event actions fail with the status: "Launch Status=Successful; Completion Status=Failed. IC68193 All the monitors for a CAS agent show 'No Data Available'. IC68508 Exclusion event filters do not always exclude the selected events in the automation filter. IC68547 Inventory collected from 6.1 Platform Agents on servers with LSI adapters is incomplete. IC68554 Reinstalling and changing the IP address of IBM Systems Director can result in communication problems with previously discovered Common Agents. APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director Platform Agent version 6.2 IC63550 Sensor queries timeout on Windows Server 2008 Platform Agents. IC65962 SLP discovery of Platform Agents fails. IC66699 Upgrading the Platform Agent from 6.1.1 fails. IC66905 Need descriptions for SNMP V2 MIBs that were added. IC66905 Update the IBM-SYSTEM-HEALTH-MIB.mib descriptions. IC68049 Multiple duplicate events are received from Platform Agents installed on DBCS systems. IC68550 Platform Agent eventually becomes unresponsive due to a handle leak. 5.1.2 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director IC68294 UpdateXpress System Pack (UXSP) Updates do not alter Compliance Status or the Compliance Chart. IC69566 trapManagedObjectName field missing from SNMP traps. IC70005 Each CIM subscription event results in the creation of an IBM Systems Director event. IC70276 Sensitive user account information is displayed in an IBM Systems Director log file. IC70327 WPAR loses its relationship with its Operating System managed resource once the WPAR is restarted from the IBM Systems Director Web interface. IC70562 Exclusion event filters do not appear to work correctly. IC70865 UpdateXpress System Pack (UXSP) shows updates as needing to be applied even though the updates have already been applied. 5.1.3 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director 6.2.1 IC54946 IBM Systems Director wake on LAN function failing. IC66732 HMC OS type is incorrect: "LINUX" OR "OTHER". IC67468 diruninstall.platform is not NLS compliant. IC68220 Simple event filter "Windows NT Event Log" is not available for Windows 2008 platform. IC68340 I/O module text displays "required-not installed" for unavailable Cisco switch (3110G/3110X/3012). IC68342 Exit code '27' missing from the --help list for smcli lsauditlogs command. IC68347 Missing man page for smcli lsauditlogs command. IC68388 smcli lsaudit provides 0 exit value on usage error. IC68390 Missing man page for smcli lsaudit command. IC68502 Servers with service processors are not correctly identified in the Systems Director Web interface. IC68754 User has no access to Power Systems Resource Status items under Power Systems Management page. IC68763 BladeCenter TCP Command Mode RSAPs credentials from the IBM Systems Director UI not stored. IC68879 Infocenter - Troubleshooting topic: "Columns are empty in Navigate Resources" (Primary Owner Name and Primary Owner Contact shown as blank). IC68911 Certificate authentication of an IBM Systems Director Platform Agent fails. IC68912 Missing man pages for IBM Systems Director Agent on AIX. IC68961 The HMC Inventory panel incorrectly shows updates as installable. IC69036 InfoCenter - Troubleshooting topic: "IBM Director Agent version 5.20.x agents automatically change to offline state in IBM Systems Director 6.x". IC69091 Monitor View screen does not work for IBM Systems Director Common Agents. IC69121 InfoCenter - Information about proper exit codes missing in the help for lsauditlogs command. IC69122 InfoCenter - Information about proper exit codes missing in help for lsaudit command. IC69353 "IBM Power" missing from panel when "Live Relocation" checked. IC69392 Physical servers are discovered as virtual on non-English Windows operating systems. IC69487 Platform password length is limited to 16 characters. IC69503 An administrator may be able to access regular user's private data via logging. IC69661 InfoCenter - Automation plans created in IBM Systems Director Server 6.1.x cannot be imported in to version 6.2. IC69674 InfoCenter - Domain Administrator unable to connect to MS SQL 2008 database IC69914 Each event received by IBM Systems Director results in a processing thread that makes a database call. IC69942 User can not change the row Generic Systems in Server Preference. IC69952 The EAP task and wizard in IBM Systems Director server becomes very slow with a large number of endpoints. IC70066 Command automation fails if many systems are offline. IC70073 Update Manager shows ServeRAID 8s update as needed for a system with ServeRAID 8k controller. IC70148 Incorrect information about authentication in smcli man page. IC70229 Inventory of an IBM Systems Director Common Agent completes with errors. IC70251 Unable to request access to Common Agents (CAS) after changing the Agent Manager (AM) password. IC70315 The Auto Rename function in IBM Systems Director fails to resolve the %ChassisName% and %ChassisSlot% variables for blade servers. IC70317 When attempting to use "%HostName%" as a variable for a server object in an Auto Rename task, it gets resolved as "ostName". IC70332 The shell script only runs successfully when run from bin directory. IC70353 IBM Systems Director groups are restored incorrectly. IC70362 Information on the health summary page is not refreshed automatically when a problem over threshold happens. IC70384 All logged in users may not show up in the Security Users pane. IC70413 InfoCenter - Information about undocumented SLP source ports for IBM Systems Director Server and Common Agents added to the "Ports for IBM Systems Director Server" topic. IC70479 An ATKSRV501E error message displays indicating that the Systems Director server should be restarted. IC70583 Event processing performance issue with a large number of endpoints. IC70609 Threading best practice violation in ConfigManager slows performance. IC70630 Updates to script to account for an inactive server state. IC70637 On Win2008, event texts are numeric instead of alphabetic. IC70811 IBM Systems Director smstart/stop/start commands can create 2 server threads. IC70818 An error message indicating that IBM Systems Director Server should be restarted is displayed when a restart is not needed. IC70873 Enhance the cfgdbcmd and smstart commands to automatically store and read DB2 environment variables from a file. IC70921 Deleting an operating system object causes termination of RemoveListenerThread. IC70943 IBM Systems Director Common Agent does not display CAS protocol after discovery. IC70975 The IBM Systems Director server will start and then crash a short time later. IC70976 InfoCenter - Platform Agt RPM fails because of undocumented dependency on IC71051 Thread BlueLightTaskQ terminated unexpectedly due to null. IC71054 Changing password on HMC causes inventory collection to fail with "Authentication Error". IC71057 User created dynamic updates group shows more updates than "All Updates" group in Update Manager. IC71205 Deleting a monitor target results in "Unexpected Thread Termination". IC71225 smcli listTCDrivers returns duplicate TCDriver records in IBM Systems Director server. IC71231 Authorizing users occasionally results in ATKCOR037E displayed on the welcome screen. IC71260 The word "BlueLightTaskQ" is misspelled as "BlueLightTaksQ" in some messages of IBM Systems Director Server. IC71270 Systems Director server encounters a null pointer exception at startup that prevents the server from starting. IC71292 Launch of HMC in Systems Director results in blank web page. IC71304 Missing man page for reset_diragent_keys. IC71373 Director randomly picks the primary IP address and SystemID on sytem with multiple NIC connections. IC71407 reset_diragent_keys uses relative paths for SRC manipulation. IC71421 OutOfMemoryError exception occurs when many SNMP traps are received in a short period of time. IC71430 reset_diragent_keys returns exit code of 101 with -h option. IC71467 Collect inventory failed after configuring access to agent with ssh key pair. IC71580 ATKCOR031E error received after editing a newly created user role. IC71595 InfoCenter - Information about pam-modules-32bit rpm being a required rpm for installing Agent 6.2 on SLES 10 is missing. IC71732 The usage text for reset_diragent_keys is incorrect. IC71779 Users within a SMAdministrator rolled group may not have rights to authorize additional groups. IC71821 reset_diragent_keys has excessive file permissions. IC71876 A blank keyphrase is incorrectly disallowed when configuring key-pair credentials. IC71905 Inventory completes but the inventory is not being updated with the device information. IC71949 File Input/Output processings causes poor performance during event processing. IC71958 Install of VMControl NIM subagent failed but error message gives no indication of the cause of the failure. IC72006 Online information incorrectly states that twgagent.uid is an executable command. IC72047 Garbled Japanese event messages on e-mails received from Systems Director Server on Windows. IC72182 IBM Systems Director users might encounter a message indicating that Java has failed following a restart. IC72344 InfoCenter - document changes for reading DB2 environment variables from a file for cfgdbcmd command. APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director Platform Agent version 6.2.1 IC68751 Inventory data does not show correct number of CPU cores. IC69380 IBM Systems Director Platform Agent fails to send SNMP traps. IC70946 Certain domain authentication environment configurations may cause inventory time-outs. IC71306 Linux Platform agent install fails with references to systemhost name. IC71618 IBM Systems Director Platform Agent reports false sensor events during startup. IC71903 IBM Systems Director Platform Agent functions abnormally after Windows Terminal Service Role is installed/enabled. IC71937 WMICPA crashes when teaming NICs on the Windows operating system. 5.1.4 APARs incorporated into IBM Systems Director IC72820 When a threshold is deactivated the status is not refreshed in IBM Systems Director Console IC73423 Message ATKSRV620I is displayed on IBM Systems Director V6.2.1 console with no description of what the event was IC73428 IBM Systems Director creates an excessive number of online and offline log entries for generic SNMP devices IC73453 Error ATKCOR031E appears on the console when you try to view event logs IC73520 An Event Action Plan to "Log to a log file" is generating a log file exactly half the size of the user-specified size IC73731 Update Manager completes with errors when downloading updates for components AIX, HMC, PSFW, and PIOFW IC73849 Event logging preferences are reset to defaults after upgrading IBM Systems Director Server to V6.2.1 IC71876 IBM Systems Director requires a passphrase to be specified when configuring credentials to use RSA key-pairs, and disallows a blank passphrase IC72934 When a Custom User is defined, that user has no access to IBM Systems Director monitor graphs IC73330 When an Agent system is a reimaged system with the same IP address, it can be inaccessible from the Director Server IC73865 Server auditing preferences are reset to defaults after upgrading IBM Systems Director Server to V6.2.1 IC74092 Deploying a virtual appliance will fail when using a dual VIOS (Virtual Input/Output Server) with LANG set to any non-English language IC74348 The IBM Systems Director log might show a thread termination error in thread IC74398 When updating firmware on multiple AMMs the update might fail to install with error "ATKUPD25E Unable to create file" IC74547 The IBM Systems Director server might show only "partial access" when accessing an IVM/VIOS agent system IC74500 After selecting more than one target in the Update Manager wizard, the wizard does not retain the target list IC74629 On the "BladeCenter and System x Management" window, the "Total" link for "System x servers have problems" and "Service processors have problems" does not include systems with x86_64 architecture type IC74122 When accessing the Properties menu from the Extended Management menu Director may launch the Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) task with an Invalid URL which displays an http error code IC74298 IBM Systems Director Console may display error "Thread TWGQueueTimer terminated unexpectedly" IC74690 Creating a New Group with the Group Editor Wizard produces a blue rectangle with no options IC74782 In the Monitor View on the console, the Threshold Status is not shown for thresholds created with the "smcli mkresmonthresh" command IC74833 After performing a query of an endpoint, the Console might show the state of all managed endpoints as offline, requiring a restart of Director Server IC74731 When requesting access the Problem panel on he IBM Systems Director console might show an unexpected thread termination for and indicate that the server should be restarted IC74812 The timeout for a Command Automation event cannot be set to a valure greater than 300 seconds IC74854 When using Update Manager to perform a check for updates the task might complete with the error ATKUPD411E An error occurred while inserting resources for update 5.2 Product enhancements The following list provides information about new features and enhancements in IBM Systems Director 6.2.1: featureID Version New Function --------- ------------ ------------------- 152511 6.2.1 VIOS VSP Director Server plug-in 156691 6.2.1 VIOS VSP Director Console plug-in 5.3 Troubleshooting and Known Issues For information about troubleshooting any problems that you encounter with installation or other update activities, see the IBM Systems Director information center on the Web at: The following specific known issues might occur when updating IBM Systems Director Server 6.2: 1. IBM Systems Director update fails to install because required update is not applicable to installation: 2. Install Needed Updates task fails with error message ATKUPD826E when updating IBM Systems Director Server: 6.0 Copyright and trademark information The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: IBM Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Notices INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. THIRD-PARTY LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, NOTICES AND INFORMATION The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions: * the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis * IBM DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE EXCLUDED COMPONENTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related to the Excluded Components * IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded Components.