Instructions for applying the patch AIX and Linux: cd /tmp mkdir dir-patch cd dir-patch unzip You should find the following files: 1) openjpa-1.2.2.jar 2) notices 3) notices.txt 4) notices.rtf cd /opt/ibm/director/lwi/runtime/database/eclipse/plugins/org.apache.openjpa_1.2.2/lib cp /tmp/dir-patch/openjpa-1.2.2.jar . cd /opt/ibm/director/license cp /tmp/dir-patch/notices . cp /tmp/dir-patch/notices.txt . Stop and Start Director Server: /opt/ibm/director/bin/smstop /opt/ibm/director/bin/smstart Windows: Extract the zip to a directory You should find the following files: 1) openjpa-1.2.2.jar 2) notices 3) notices.txt 4) notices.rtf Copy openjpa-1.2.2.jar to \lwi\runtime\database\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.openjpa_1.2.2\lib Copy notices.rtf to \license\server Stop and Start Director Server: net stop dirserver net start dirserver