====================================================================== Readme file for IBM Systems Director Update Manager Version 6.1.1 Manager Feature Software Installable: com.ibm.director.updates_6.1.1.zip IBM Corp. 22 May 2009 ====================================================================== CONTENTS 1.0 Overview 2.0 Prerequisites and co-requisites 3.0 Installation Information 3.1 Prior to installation 3.2 Install 3.3 Perform the necessary tasks after installation 3.4 Special instructions 4.0 Uninstalling 5.0 List of changes included 5.1 Authorized Program Analysis Reports 5.2 Product Enhancements 5.3 Troubleshooting and known issues 6.0 Copyright and trademark information 1.0 Overview This is a maintenance update for IBM Systems Director Update Manager. Update manager is a component of IBM Systems Director that provides updates to IBM Systems Director and supported hardware platforms. 2.0 Prerequisites and co-requisites None. 3.0 Installation information 3.1 Prior to installation If you downloaded from ibm.com, you must import the update before you can install it using update manager. If you downloaded the files using update manager, the update has already been imported. To import the update from the command line, use the following command: smcli importupd -r To import the update from the IBM Systems Director Web interface, perform these steps: 1. In navigation area, expand Release Management and click Updates. The Update Summary page displays. 2. In the Common Tasks section, click Import updates. The Import Updates page is displayed. 3. Type the directory of the update files on the management server in the Path field. All updates in the specified directory will be copied to the update library. You cannot select specific updates from this directory. 4. Click OK. The scheduler is displayed. Choose to run the task now or schedule it to run in the future. 3.2 Install To install the update from the command line, use the following command: smcli installupd [-n | -N ] -u com.ibm.director.updates_6.1.1 To install the update from the IBM Systems Director Web interface, perform these steps: 1. In navigation area, expand Release Management and click Updates. The Update Summary page displays. 2. In the Common Tasks section, click Install updates. The Install Wizard is displayed. 3. Follow the steps in the Install Wizard to install the update. 3.3 Perform the necessary tasks after install Restart the management server or managed systems on which the update has been applied. 3.4 Special instructions None. 4.0 Uninstalling Update Manager does not support uninstallation of com.ibm.director.updates_6.1.1. Contact IBM Systems support if you need to uninstall this update: www.ibm.com/systems/support/ 5.0 List of changes included 5.1 Authorized Program Analysis Reports The following APARs are incorporated into IBM Systems Director 6.1.1. IC53525 – IBM Systems Director Server does not recognize French Keyboard layout during remote session. Certain keys such as $, &, @, |, }, ?, do not work. IC55593 – IBM Systems Director may crash with a JAVA out of memory error as a result of collecting inventory against Blade Center Chassis. IC56191 – Critical Memory Alert in Advance Management Module (AMM) shows as “Minor” in Systems Director Server’s event log. IC56622 – When an RSA or BMC is not connected to a network or does not have its own IP address, Director Server could not discover that card via in-band communication as a physical platform. IC57794 – Critical Voltage Alert in Advance Management Module (AMM) shows as “Minor” in Systems Director Server’s event log. IC57842 – Systems with LSI’s 10K, 10I, 10M and 8480 controllers report degraded array alert as Warning not Critical in Health Status. IC59135 - (Infocenter Update) URL of Infocenter for IBM Systems Director was incorrectly documented in DVD and Infocenter. IC59418 – Integrated version of MPCLI when launched via Director Server against a service processor card, fails to connect when password for that service processor contains special characters such as $. IC59459 – IBM Director Server runs very slowly and times out on many tasks after adding domain accounts to the local groups such as SMADMIN, SMUSER and SMMGR. IC59821 – Light Inventory on Blade Center Chassis runs full collection with each request taking at least 30 seconds to complete causing collection to back up. This results in slow performance, high CPU and memory growth leading to Server crash (with Active Energy Manager installed only). Secondly, When Advanced Management Modules (AMM) have been discovered in IBM Systems Director Server, their event logs may repeatedly get full by multiple login attempts made by Director Server. IC59866 – Under the discovery page, the numbers in the legends do not match the size of the corresponding slice of the pie chart. The pie chart on the discovery page will not update while the page is open, but the legend numbers do change as new systems are discovered. IC59869 – GUI for right clicking on a problem system in Health Summary screen causes the right-click menu to show up below the area of the screen at 1280x800 resolution making it impossible to navigate to the menu items. IC59919 – The IP Default Gateway in now collected as part of inventory. This allows for creation of dynamic groups based on this property. IC59963 - (Infocenter Update) Topic on how Enhanced Security Configuration for Internet Explore can affect Scroll Bar on Windows Remote Command prompt function when launched via IBM Systems Director. IC59966 – Inventory collection was failing when collected on large number of object via single task. IC59977 - IBM Systems Director Common Agent on Windows did not support Windows NT Event Log events. The support for these event types back has been restored. IC60112 - (Infocenter Update) Added a step in the section on preparing firewall and proxies. IC60165 – IBM Systems Director incorrectly reports x64 bit system as x86 (32 bit) in the inventory. IC60205 - (Infocenter Update) Added a section indicating Storage Configuration Manager’s (SCM) support statement on Regional Language Support for Operating System. IC60338 – IBM Systems Director does not install “twguser.ini” file with Common Agent Services (CAS) agent. Hence users can not collect location information in the inventory for a given system. IC60340 – During installation of IBM Systems Director Server, when asked to configure database, if user tries to connect to a non default instance of MS SQL database, the installation will fail due to an inability to connect to given database instance name. IC60395 – Double Byte Character Systems (DBCS) running Common Agent Services (CAS) agents would not collect inventory initiated by Systems Director 6.1. IC60476 – Auto Discovery uses the wrong SNMP community name when verifying connection with the user’s SNMP objects causing request to time out. This behavior makes the Request Access task slow since it is queued behind those queries. IC60511 – Updates from UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSP) do not always show up in the install update page. IC60552 – SMSTATUS incorrectly reports Server in “error” state which users may interpret as “Server down” when it is not. IC60573 – Request Access fails for a non-root user account that has root privileges. IC60583 – Certain Inventory mappings such as SystemAssetSettings, CacheMemory and UserContact which existed in 5.20.x version are needed in Systems Director 6.1 release. This will allow users to edit twguser.ini file to collect inventory from additional resources. IC60630 – Exporting inventory table data with more than 1000 entries fails in Systems Director Server 6.1. IC60633 – Event Filter sub tree shows inconsistent information about event types. It displays repeated numeric and other data instead of correct types. IC60727 – Users may not be able to refresh inventory of an individual system. IBM Systems Director needed users to close the inventory page and re-open to refresh it. IC60748 - (Infocenter Update) Section added to the existing “monitors” page to show support for enabling Disk Monitors with steps on how to do it. IC60851 – When requesting access with an invalid password to an AIX agent-less system using SMCLI, Director may return “Access Completed” message right after it reports “Request Access Failed”. The message misleads users who may interpret this as access being granted after the attempted failed due to an invalid password. IC60885 - (Infocenter Update) Introduced a section that provides information on how to configure Advanced Management Module (AMM) for SNMP V1 and V3 settings to enable collection of SNMP based inventory in Systems Director. PK80904 – Common Agent Services (CAS) agents could not be installed using Agent Installation Wizard under Release Management on Systems Director console. Agent installation task may complete successfully without any errors but users will not see Director’s folder being created by the installation program. PK82871 – When running SMSTOP, IBM Systems Director Server does not always stop targeted services and may receive an error as “"SEVERE Error while stopping "com.ibm.usmi.kernel.USMIKernel_1.0.0" PK83676 – IBM Systems Director Server crashes with a NULL Pointer Exception in “TCMServiceAccessPoint”. 5.2 Product enhancements The following list provides information about new features and enhancements in IBM Systems Director 6.1.1: None. 5.3 Troubleshooting and known issues For information about troubleshooting problems you encounter with installation or other update activities, see the IBM Systems Director information center on the Web at: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/systems/topic/director.tbs_6.1/fqm0_r_tbs_solving_problems.html 6.0 Copyright and trademark information www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: IBM Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Notices INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. 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